Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 17, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    Complete External
end Internal
Consisting of
to cleanse the skin of crusts
and scales, and soften the
thickened cuticle; CUTI
CURA Ointment to in
stantly allay itching, irrita
tion, and inflammation, and
soothe and heal ; and CUTI
CURA Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood and expel
humor germs. A SINGLE
SET, costing but ONE
DOLLAR, is often suffi
cient to cure the most tor
turing, disfiguring skin,
scalp and blood humors, ec
zemas, rashes, itchings, and
irritations, with loss of hiir,
from infancy to age, when
the best physicians and all
other remedies fail.
Sold throughout Iho world. Cntl. ura
Tent, M»e. (In form of Chocolate Coated Tills,
I»«'r \i*l of (50). Ointment, 5(K\. Soap 2uc.
I>p[k<ik: London. 27 Charterhouse S.j.: i'urls,
r Rue (!e la Pnlx; r.o«tvp, 131 ('«»!'""'mm Are.
Totter I»rug nn«l Chem. Corp., Koie
IT?"Send for ••How to Cure Torturing, DlM
figuring Humors from Infancy to Age."
A Large Trial Box ar»d book of ill*
etructions absolutely Free and Post
paid, enough to prove the value ol
PaxtineToilet Antiseptic
Paxtine is In powder
■ form to dissolve In
water non-poisonous
ond far superior to Hqu id
Antiseptics containing
L alcohol which Irritates
j lpf!a**":d suriuccs, and
a have co cleansing prop
s crtle-. Tlie con ten
Jot every box ruaUes
a tr.oro Antiseptic Solu-
I tion lasts longer—
' i goes further— he.9"more
mj uses in tiie family and
$ doesinorcgoodthanany
antiseptic preparation
5 011 can buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with great success as a Vagina!
Wash, for Lcucori hoca, Pelvic Catarrh, Na a!
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of female ills Paxtineis
invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash wo
challenge the world to produce its equal for
thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing
and healing power; it kills all germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
All leading druggists keep Paxtine; price, COe.
• I'*'*; if yoursdoesnot,send to usfor it. Don't
t.'iUe a subs tit uto—thore is nothing like Pax tin©.
> Write for the Free Box of Paxtine to-day.
R. PAXTONCO., 4 Pope Eldg., Boston, Mass.
When you think you have cured a
cough or cold, but find a dry,
hacking cough remains, there is
danger. Take
Cure T^ ic Luns
at once. It will strengthen the
lungs and atop the cough.
Trices: S. C. Wblls & Co. 5
253.50 c. sl. Lcßoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can.
A" to H V/ 112 r.Y iNrnEASB
OJ® ffl Bl YOUR u KtKim
K B 0 0 iiiidCITIIOWX your
Is ® &J5 KXPBKBFJ. Womako
c VBV th( . K K vr. Bend for freo
wia bka mBR o. ELIAS & BRO.,
P ft SI M lur,:ALO ~ N
0 llil Ifl AGENTS Wanted.
tts Grain Fields, Ranching Lands,
Dairying Resources.
The Editor o£ the Wisconsin Agri
culturist, who was one of a party of
;ditors of agricultural papers, took a
:rip through Canada during the past
spring, writes to his paper in the fol
owing strain:
The reason of his visiting Canada
was to satisfy himself that the reports
:oming to his paper regarding the
wonderful resources of that country
were accurate. In view of the won
derful settlement that was going on
•.here, many from this country crossing
the line in search of permanent homes,
and in view of what he had heard in
regard to conditions of soil, water, cli
mate, topography, fuel, grasses, rain
fall, markets, etc., and also the influ
ence which these have had OK the pres
ent and future agriculture, he deemed
it necessary to make an extended trip
through all of the above ten itory.
L In speaking of the Province of Mani
toba, he says:—
"The Province of Manitoba com
'prises within its limits the far-famed
'grain-growing valleys of thi Assini
'boino and Red Rivers. Although
'called tho Prairie Province of Can
'ada, Manitoba has large areas of for
'ests, numerous rivers and vast water
"The soil is a rich, deep, mould, or
"loam, resting on a deep clay sub soil.
'lt is well adapted to wheat growing,
'giving a bountiful yield of the finest
'quality, known the world over as
'No. 1 hard wheat. During the past
'ten years the growth of wheat and
'other grains has steadily increased,
'until now the production, by 35,000
"farmers, reaches 100,000,000 bushels.
'Of the 23,000,000 arable acres in Mani
toba, probably not one-half of it is
"occupied. Cultivated glasses yield
"about two tons per acre, and native
"grasses a ton and a half.
"There can be no question but. thai
"dairying will become a great indus
try throughout the north-west, an?
"especially cheese making, as the cli
"mate is favorable and similar to that
"of Ontario.
"Crops grown are wheat, barley,
"oats, flax, rye, peas, corn, for fodder,
"brome, potatoes, roots, etc. The soil
"is very fertile, and moisture ample.
"The climate is good, and the growing
"season, while not quite so long as in
"Wisconsin, matures crops as the sun
"shines much longer, rising about four
"o'clock and shines until about nine
"at night. One can easily read a news
"paper at 10 p. m. The long days make
"growth fast, and push crops to ma
turity ahead of frost.
"The ranching, the wheat growing,
"and the mixed farming belts all cross
"over Assiniboia. The yield and th?
"quality of wheat raised along the main
"line of the Canada Pacific Railway, at
"such places as Indian Head and its
"allied districts, have become famous.
"Its possibilities are shown by the
"average of tests made at the expnri
"mental farm in 1902, when eleven va
rieties of the most suitable wheat,
"sown on April the 19th, were cut in
"130 days; and yielded 4,314 pounds
"of straw, and 43 bushels and 2 pounds
"of grain per acre. Its mixed farming
"area is excellent, its range cattle,
"horses and sheep are the equals of any
"seen in the north-west, and its tree
"less portion is underlaid with coal.
"The town of Medicine Hat is heated
"and illuminated with natural gas.
"There are'abundant deposits of brick,
"pottery and fire clays."
Agents of the Canadian Government
will be pleased to mail an Atlas to any
one interested, and also all other in
formation regarding railway rates,
Cannery in Kuu»u«.
It is said that a rabbit cannery will
be established in Kansas City in the
near future. Rabbits are canned in
such a manner that when put on the
market they are sold as chicken, lob
ster, etc. The establishment of this
factory will be welcomed by farmers
on the sliortgvass country, us it
would ulYord a good market for the
sale of an animal that is now looked
upon more in tlie light of a pest than
anything else.
A Physician's Advice.
Yorktown, Ark., March 7th.—Dodd'e
Kidney Pills must not be confounded with
the ordinary patent medicine. They are a
new discovery, a specific for ail diseases
of the Kidneys and have been accepted by
physicians only after careful tests in cx
Heme cases. Dr. Leland Williamson, ol
this place, heartily endorses Dodd's Kid
ney Pills "as a remedy for the various
forms of tin: diseases of the Kidneys, pains
in the back, soreness in the region of the
Kidneys, foul-smelling urine anil cloudy oi
thickened condition of tlie mine, dis
charges of pus or corruption, Gout, Rheu
matism, Inflammation and Congestion ol
the Kidneys and all kindred complaints."
Continuing, he says:
"1 could mention many cases in which
I have prescribed Dodd's Kidney Pills
with success. For instance, Mr. Robert
! Weeks, farmer, malaria haematuria oi
swamp fever three times, kidneys weak
| ened, continual pain and soreness in back
j which made him very nervous, had a little
fever and sometimes chilly. Urine change
able, but generally very high-colored, an
j old chronic case who had taken much
j medicine with little effect. After taking
i Dodd's Kidney Pills about six weeks, ht
| was entirely cured and had gained fifteen
; pounds in weight. The last time 1 saw
; him, he was the picture of perfect man
i hood."
If you can convince a man who thinks
he is a martyr that he is only a chump,
not much more is necessary.—Punch.
Shake Into Your Shoe 3
Allen's Foot-Ease. 11cures painful, swollen,
| smarting, sweating foot. Makes new shoes
| easy. Hold by all Druggists and Khoe Stores
j Don'taceept anv substitute. Sample FREE.
Address A. 8. Olmsted, Lc Roy ,S. Y.
They who live on fashion die of folly.—
I Chicago Tribune.
Hoxsie's Croup Cure,
A positive cure for ('roup. Whooping Cough.
Pneumonia and Diphtheria. No opiates. No
| nausea. 50 cts. A. P. Hoxsie, Buffalo, N. Y,
1 It takes less sense to iind fault with all
tiian to be fair with all.—Kama ilvrxi.
New York Financier, It Ts Reported,
Will Hereafter Be a Social
Light iu London.
Like most London houses there is
nothing in the exterior of 13, Princes
Gate, just off Hyde Park, to indicate
that it is not a most ordinary and
stuffy dwelling. It is one of a solid
block, all exactly alike, ana separated
only by the party walls.
But appearances are deceptive, /or
the house is the London home of Pier
pont Morgan, and contains most of
those wonderful old masters for whica
Mr. Morgan has been paying unknown
hundreds of thousands of dollars in the
last few years, with the expectation of
taking the pictures over to the United
States eventually when he can come to
terms with the uistoms authorities.
Although the house is always ready
for use at a moment's notice it has
been little occupied. Such dinner par
ties as the financier has given there
ypiii m 1
(It Contains Snnii of rlie Kartiit Art Works
in Existence. J
were not strictly society functions, the
guests being less interested in bridge
than in larger forms of gambling. Bui
now Mr. Morgan is to blossom forth
following the example of the Bradley- 1
Martins in buying the house adjoininj
his own and knocking the two in'k.
one. This move is especially interest- !
ing, for Mr. Morgan's next door neigh
bor at 14, Prince's Gate, was Mrs. i
Schenley, of Pittsburg, whose death re- .
cently resulted in the dispersion of a \
huge property among her relatives
here and in America.
Rumor credits Mr. Morgan with the
intention of spending more time over
in England in the future and going in
for society on a larger scale than lie
has ever dreamed of doing before, lie j
was present at the dinner given by Mr. |
Choate to the king and queen through '
a personal expression of the king's ap
proval, and with this and other royal
recognitions on the one hand, and with
his financial connection with so many
of the British aristocracy on the other
hand. Mr. Morgan could fill his house
with the social elect without having ;o
stop the gaps with any nonentities, it
seems to be the understanding that he j
has lately acquired rather a taste for '
this sort of thing.
Selected by Czar to Take Command of
the Russian Fleet in Far
Eastern Waters.
The early reverses in its war with Ja
pan have suggested to the St. Peters- [
burg government the necessity of cliang- j
ing its commanders in the far east. .Ad- !
miral Stark, who allowed his fleet to J
be surprised in the harbor of Port '
Arthur, is the first to be displaced, and \
indications point to the appointment :
of Admiral Skrydloff as chief r.aval com- |
mander in Asiatic waters. Viceroy J
Alexieff has already been relieved of (
the supreme command of tlie lar.d and j
naval forces in Manchuria and Gen. Ku- j
(Placed in Command of Russian Fleet hi
Asiatic Waters.)
ropatkin, former head of the Russian
war office, has assumed command of the
land forces in the field. Admiral Skry
dlolf is reputed to be an excellent of
ficer and administrator and earned
many laurels while commander of the
Black sea fleet. He was a close observer
of events at the time of the Ohino-Japa- '
nese war and is supposed to be ac
quainted with the fighting tactics of the
mikado's navy. Admiral Skrydloff is
in the prime of life, being only 45 years
of age.
Hint for Servian Bachelors.
Dolls are often displayed in the cot
tage windows of Servia. They are put
up as a sign to announce to wayfarers
that a marriageable daughter dwells in
the house.
Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty*
Pe-ru-na Women Healthy and Beautiful*
M Miss Amanda Johnson. !
| Miss Flora llauser, 1033
< Jersey street, Indianapolis, Ind., {
£ writes: >
' '»/ think / must have been \
A troubled with catarrh ever since / ;
> was very young, aggravated each
' time I caught a cold. This did not
'■ prove sufficiently serious to be oh
•j noxious until last winter. Then
' my head and nose were so stopped ,
/ up that / felt I must do something. <j
) Peruna was recommended to me by ''
(j a friend. / used it for four weeks, /
' and found to my relief that it cured
'/ me. I have not had a bit of trouble (
I since. My head is dear, and / can
( safely affirm that Peruna cured
j me. "—Miss Flora liauser.
Hundreds of Women Cured byPe-ru-na
of Annoying Catarrh.
DR. IIAUTMAN lias probably done
more thau any other physician
toward popularizing' a means of
eseiipe from the facial deformities, such
iis watery eyes, twisted nose, offensive
breath, dry cracked lips, due to the
ravaging effects of catarrh.
lie has made chronic catarrh a life
long study. His remedy, popularly
known as Peruna, is the most famous
remedy for catarrh in existence.
Probably there is not a man or womau,
boy or girl, within the bownds of the
United States that has not heard o 112 Pe
runa. Isy far the largest majority have
used Peruna.
The multitude of people that have
been cured of chronic catarrh by using
Peruna can never be known.
I Western Department
Chicago, 111.
Chainlets bicycles equipped
with two-speed t lar a!, d
coaster brake.
i Pope
The acme of bicycle con
struction, giving the maxi- V
inuincomfort and durability. I
Lastern SBepairinriertS |
Hartford, Cenri. £
The FREE Kasmteaj
laaacls of
star attractions
for 1904
.vision hi of Vi"?/: Vi"?/:
ssfer The Great Attractions
Mwf OoinlCropji. dfllzhlful tllmalo,
a|»lvixliil MCIKMII i.v Mcm, perfect
' y »<>< Inl conditions, <» xct pl ional
frullw:ty advantage*, ;■ n<l wealth
tuui iilUot'iu e acquired eualJy.
The porMl&tion of WFSTEUN
«' \ S A !>.% incieand IW.OOO by iniini
trl At ion clurini? t he | aft year, over 60 ,UOC
Viointf Aineilcaiif.
Write to the »iraic»-t authorized
<'nna>ilan Go\ ci nine-lit for ('una.
- diau At la* nmi filer inl«r n.Mh.n: ct
1L U. VTII,LEAKS, Lair JUiHolug, Toll do, this.
A Cnrtaixi Ouro for Fcverlfr buews*
( oiiNlipatiout II cad urli e t
\ Stomacb Troubled, Toefliiiifl
pUordern, and Destroy
Mother Gray, Worm*. TheyßrrnU
Nurse in Child- iti 34 hours. At all I>rup«iftf», Cncts.
ren'e Home Kamtile mailed FliKlL ArtdreßP.
New York. City. A. S. OLMSTED, Loßcy, N Y.
If) OFR PFKT vi n AKWUM what our
•" ► Uil»l preferred stock pay*; iiM»re with
dividend*. For particular*address rROSI'ECTdtS
HI.MNG CO., £J 5 Eflio Avenue, Spokane, Wash.
Miss Amanda Johnson, Fuirchild, Wis., writes:
" I write to tell you how much l'eruna benefited me.
For a number of years J had p:iin in my head aroui.d my
"•yes, and 1 thought it was because my eves needed treat
ment, so I went to an oculist, and had glasses fitted to my
eyes and wore them for some time, but felt no relief
whatever. In fact., I felt worse than before, andenmeto
the conclusion that the U'ouble was not wit ii my ey « . but
with my head and that it must be catarrh. As so many
of my friends had used l'eruna with benefit l\»r this
trouble, 1 thought I would try it. I was not sorry that
I did so, for in a short time I began to improve, and in
four weeks my eyes were in splendid condition, my
general health was much improved and all the catarrh
of the head was gone. 1 was glad to fret, rid of this
trouble and am glad to endorse such a good medicine as
l'eruna."—Miss Amanda Johnson.
I / —|
i dJllfe; j :
1#» *4 =
2 W"'*- ' P
j/ ; W ' -: ' '- \v- , - ;
M/ 11111111 B§f
I V: ; v , j;
£j { Woman | i§tr 1
I > *&£** | I; y \
I j Beautiful J
L Miss Flora Hauser. J]
tx z .112 y x z x TTirmTTTTrrTY ittiv
I Many a girl lias regained her faded '
| beauty, many a matron has lengthened i
the days of iier comely appearance by j
using Peruna.
| Peruna produces clean mucous mem- !
j branes. the basis of facial symmetry j
| and a perfect complexion,
j The women have not been slow to (lis- I
! cover that a course of Peruna. will do
j nurts toward restoring you I hfnl beauty I
j than all the devices known to science. !
While it is true that Peruna euros ca- j
I tar i'h wherever located, yet it is ad visa- j
i ble for everyone to use Peruna as :i !
I preventive and not wait until cntnrrli
:: Feel bad today? I
(» I
j| | Over-eating', working and drinking may have caused it, or yon £
may have caught cold. Makes you feel mean bad taste and
! ( > a headache. Go upon our advice just once and take 9
11 CANDY J j
® No mercurial or pill poison in CASCARETS, but an absolutely 53
X harmless, purely vegetable compound. Pleasant, palatable, gj
112 potent. Tlicy taste good and do good. (Jet the genuine C.C.C. g
tAny druggist, 10c, 25c, 50c. Take one now and ©
I Feel well tomorrow 112
i 412 *
March Ist ar.d 15th.
From Chicago, $25; From Oas Moines, $19.75
From Cincinnati,s29 40: From Indianapolis, $26.35
The one way ticket* arc •»■' «>? 1 olns>, but proo I in
Tuurht tli? round tiif. tii*lof** u:c iii-r
--class and n-rmit stop-overn on i rip. »outh of
Windsor, fll".. within irnn.*t limit of l-">»l.i*h; i'n.l
limit,2l day;«from datu •>! t> !«• Never before t .*•.-*
there been Mich »i elm nee to >»*e the South me>t in .1' I
it* iiro.'|tc:iry. ():K'-W:IV *ecnnd-ela>>- ticket* will 1 O
»ola same duysat a reaured rate. Nevei nuain v. ill
the rate* be so low. UO NOW. For
A • Kaiv nu '"-'
' has fastened itself in some part of tho
| Feruna aets quieltly and beneficially
1011 tlie inflamed miieous membranes
! lining 1 tlie differentorpansof the body,
j Tims it will cure catarrh wherever
j located.
' If you do not,derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Pertinn,
1 write at once to I)r. Hart 111:111. giving'a
full statement of your ease and lie will
, be pleased to {five you his valuable ad
vice "Tiltis.
i Address Dr. ITartman. President <•?
Tl'e Hartmnr- Snnit:..?. M-V r. i • . <•.
'\ ej'o - S-^AO-as I tip Ji
i3y our ry «tem of innll d<*|M.«<t* Send for our book S^~
It JJ'®ANKINC 1-1 MAIL" &••
of <our nam 1. ■•. nnuy 1 ich 111 ■ i:ih KU.I draw WT;
51- Annua! Interest
VT \ 'M««f OwfiinlHir.i KBTlrc* // -—A ~
> ftP Y\ U;,, ' UA; | // v.
| 112 *"-T.- T T ii-iiAii iiIY7TTTT'_ i ~ ''J
. to moot with r.n nceidont and hecom© broken ft: «1
cometirvo viro nonrost tho cronnd vrlll r»«t.
i Fee how emilr r.r.d cheaply oun is repaired. Fr< *
s«mi»le aml oircnl.wp. . _
I Tlio T.-u»* .V Cbt!«) l'<sro Co.t Q2O Coyftkogft
I b'ITZGMiI ALD &Co..lS«ac Ift. Washington. I>. I .
Y'ftine nla(c ttiut you BUW iiio AdT«iLUe«
RJi'Ut t.l tij 8 ptll»Ci'*
A. N. Iv.—C 2012
■ S ' « hyrup. Tasirs (;<.<*!. U§B
r\ in uruo. Sold by druuKlsta.