Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 17, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Sarpeiwr) Scully ]f i*ess. I
Editor and Manager.
Sfcryear ("2 00
If paid is advance J1 50
publish edat the rate of one
tol lar per square for one insertion and fifty cents
square for each subseutient insertion.
Rate** by the year or for Six or three monthsare
!w i\nu uaiiorm. and will he furnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising persquare.three
tfcnesor less, $2 00; each subsequent insertionSO
oeut» per square.
Local noticestencentsper line for oneinsertion
s euts per line for eachsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
ltao. Simpleannouncements of births, marriages
and leaths will be inserted free.
Has..less Cards, live lines or less $5.00 per year
orer five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
Ho local inserted for less than 76 cts. per issue.
The Job department of the PRBSS is complete,
and allorda facilities for doing the best claas o<
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
aBO paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out of the county must be paid for
in advance.
t#-No advertisements will be accepted at less
than the price for fifteen words.
Religious notices free.
I a:n directed by the Republican State Com
mitteo to announce that the Republicans of
Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representa
tives, will meet in convention at the Opera
House in the city of Harrisbnrg, on Wednesday,
April 6, 1901. at ten thirty o'clock a. m., for the
purpose of nominating candidates for the follow
ing offices, to-.vit:
Oue person for the office of Judge of the Su
preme Court.
Thirty-f our persons, at lame, for presiden
t ial electors, and,
To elect tour delegates and four alternates at
large to the Republican National Convention
to be held iu Chicago, on June 21, 1901, also
For the transaction of such othter business as
may be presented.
In accordance with the rules governing the
organization, the representation in the State
Convention will be based on the vote polled at
the last presidential election: Under tbe rules
aaoh legislative district is entitled toonedele
%ne from every two thousand votes cast for
{{residential electors in 190 i, and additional dele-
Site lor every fraction of two thousand votes
(polled in excess of one thousand.
By order of Republican State Committee.
W. R. ANDREWS, Secretary.
Australians are using Kentucky
methods in welcoming John Alex
ander Dowie.
Betting on Cleveland's nomina
tion has already begun in New
York, —$200 to §I,OOO.
Three thousand cowboys are or
ganizing in Denver to bring the
western breezes to the Chicago con
George Fred Williams says he
believes the Democrats will carry
Massachusetts. George's believery
is always full of queer things.
All the Christian nations iu the
world are sweeping out and fur
nishing their cabinets to receive
anon rare pieces of old China.
The prosecution of Senator Siuoot
insists that every Mormon holds
that obedience to law is subord
inate to obedience to God. Very
well; but does not every Christian
hold that same doctrine.
A New York physician has in
vented a curious aud delicate
machine which will distinctly
illuminate the internal organs.
Perhaps we can find out now what's
the matter with Mr. Bryan's liver.
The Mormon president, Joseph
F. Smith, tells the Congressional
Committee that he has forty-two
children, most of thein girls, lie
adds very earnestly that Reed
Smoot should not be held respon
sible for that fact as he does not
furnish the Caster bonnets. This
complicates matters terribly.
The Panama Canal Commission
ers will nut sail for tin; Isthmus
this month as announced, but will
wait till title is obtained. It is
then purposed to keep at least one
on the ground all the time. Sen
ator Cullom says "There will soon
be a vacancy on the board." The
climate is too deadly for a long
spell of good health.
A member of the Congressional
Committee on Foreign Commerce
says that the Panama Canal Com
pany "positively cannot deliver
the canal to the United States. If
we should pay it the §40,000,000
we should only be buying the right
to build the canal and to retain 40
per cent of the profits after paying
all expenses." This accords with
Senator Piatt's view. But Crom
well, counsel of the Panama Canal
Campany, says there is no hitch
whatever, that everything is love
ly, and that the transfer can be
m;t<le before the first of May. We
shall see.
Letter to Gmporlum riachlne Co.
Emporium, Pa.
Dear Sirs: Lead-atid-oil, in not good
paint; don't wear; tbe rule is, as every
one knows, repaint in three years.
Devoe lasts sis, in the«auie way—
allow wido margin in all sach statements.
What does it mean, to last? It means
the same with both.
As to covering, that's another. Here's
an instance.
Mr. J. J. Hall, Sheffield, Pa., painted
two houses, lead-ami-oil; took 40 gallons.
Last summer bought 40 gallons Devoe
for the same two houses; returned 10
The paint, that covers, lasts, it's all
paint, true paint, and full-measure, Lead
and-oil is all paint but not good paint;
the lead wants zinc. Better paint Devoe.
Yours truly,
F. W. DEVOE & Co.
P. S. Murry and Coppersmith sell
our paint. 15.
An argument is used to promote un
necessary conversation.
THF churches at Con
stantinople, Turkey, and Yokahoma,
Japan, have long used the Longman <fe
Martinez Paints for painting their
Liberal contributions of L. & M. Paint
will be given for such purpose wherever
a church be located.
F. M. Scofield, Harris Springs, S. C.,
writes: "I painted our old homestead
with L. & M. twenty-six years ago.
Not painted since, looks better than
houses painted in the last four years."
W. B. liarr, Charleston, W. Va., writes,
"Painted Frankenburg Block with L. &
M., shows better than any buildings here
have ever done; stands out as though
varnished, and actual cost of paint was
less than §1.20 per gallon. Wears and
covers like gold."
These Celebrated Paints are sold by
H. S. Lloyd.
It is wonderful how brave the average
man is after the battle.
Inflammatory Hheumatism Cured.
William Shaffer, a brakeman, of
Dennis m, Ohio, was confined to his bed
for several weeks with inflammatory
rheumatism. "I used many remedies,"
lie says."Finally I sent to McCaw's
drug store for a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, at which lime I was unable
to use baud or foot, and in one week's
time was able togo to work as happy as
a clam." For sale by L. Taggait.
The best religion to have in hand is
the kind we give away.
A favorite Remedy for Babies.
Its pleasant taste and prompt cures
have made Chamberlain's Cough Iteniedy
a favorite with the mothers of small child
ren It quickly cures their coughs and
colds and prevents aoy danger of pneu
monia or other serious consequences. It
not only cures croup, but when given as
soon as the croupy cough appears will
prevent the attack. For sale by L. Tag
Better a dozen thorns on the bush than
one in the flesh.
Lockjaw Prevented by San-Cura.
My wife stepped on a rusty nail and
rati it into her foot. The foot swelled
and pained her so that she could not put
ft to the floor. San-Cura Ointment
drew out a poisonous brown pus and she
is now perfectly well. Kugene McKenzie,
Plum, Pa. Druggist 25cand 50c For
sale by K. C. Dodson.
When a donkey gets a diploma he
hangs it on his ears.
Dizzy Spells.
Edward Happ, of fitusville, Pa., had
such pain in the back that he could not
do any kind of work and had such dizzy
spells that he would have to hold onto
something to keep from failing. It
seeuidd as if he would never stop urinat
ing. He had been out of health for 15
years and could hardly sleep from pain in
his stomach. He says Thompson's Bar
osuia cured me, purified my blood, and
made tue fee! many years younger. For
sale by It. C. Dodson.
Tour to the Pacific Coast anil Orand Canyon.
On account of the General Conference
of the Methodist Episcopal Church to
be held at Los Angeles, Cal., beginning
May 3, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany will run a personally-conducted
tour to Los Angeles, visiting the Grand
Canyon of Arizona en route, at unusally
low rates. A special train of the highest
grade Pullman equipment will leave New
York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg on
Wednesday, April 27, running via C'hi
cage and the Santa Fc Route to the
Grand Canyon. Sunday will be spent
at this wonderful place, and Los Angeles
will be reached on the evening of May 2.
Round-trip tickets including transnorta.
tion, one double berth, and meals on
special train going; and transportation
only returning on regular trains via direct
roules or via San Francisco, will be sold
at rate of $lO6 from New York, $lO5
lrom Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wash
ington,and 8100 from Pittsburg. Tickets
will be good to return at any time before
June 30. Tourists returning via St.
Louis may stop off for ten days to visit
the World's Fair, by depositing ticket
and paying 81.00 fee. A descriptive
itinerary will be sent on application to
Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent.
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa.
For Sale.
One bay work horse. Weight 1300.
It Bared His Lett.
I'. A. Danforth of'LaGrange, Ga., suf
fered for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg; but writes that
Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it
in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles
it's the best salve in the world. Cure
guaranteed. Only 25cts. Sold by L.
Taggart druggist.
It is a good deal easier to drop into a
rut than to rise out of it.
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by those
tireless, little workers—Dr. King's New
Life Pill. Millions are always at work,
night and day, curing Indigestion, Bili
ousness, Constipation, Sick Headache
and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troub
les. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure, Only
25c at L. Taggart's drug store.
The man with a face that would sour
milk will not save men.
Tragedy Averted.
"Just in the nick of time our little
boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watkins
of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had
played sad havoc with him and a terri
ble cough set in besides. Doctors treat
ed him, but he gyew worse every day.
at length we tried jr. King's New Dis
covery tor Consumption,': and our -darl
ing was saved.- He's 'now sound, and
well." Everybody ought to know, it's
the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds
and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by L.
Taggart Druggist. Price 50cand 81.00.
Trial bottles free.
False love will fatten a foe as surely
as true love will finish him.
More Riots.
Disturbance of strikers are not [nearly
a* grave as an individual disorder of the
system. Overwork, loss of sleep,
nervous tension will be followed by utter
collapse, unless a reliable remedy is im
mediately employed. There's nothing so
efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or
Kidveys as Electric Bitters. It's a
wonderlul tonic, and effective nervine
and the greatest all around medicine for
run down systems. It dispels Nervous
ness, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and ex
pels Malaria germs. Only 50c, and satis
faction guaranteed by L. Taggart, drug
gist- _
Any wise wife knows it is policy to let
hubby think he is boss.
Peculiarity About Insurance.
When insurance companies grant in
surance on life, they are particular to
have the person examined by a doctor to
ascertain if he is in sound health. They
are most particular about the analysis of
the urine for the diseases of the kidneys
are the most fatal and so many people
have diseased kidneys without knowing
it. If there are any symptons they are
usually (even by doctors) attributed to
some other cause. Thompson's Barosma
is the safest remedy to take for it will do
good whether you have kidney trouble or
not. Thompson's Barosma gives rest to
the nerves. For sale by R. C. Dodson.
Charactor is the one thing without
limit iu its development.
A Great Discovery.
Judging from the number of perman
ent cures that it has made Thompson s
Barosma, Kidney and Liver cure is the
greatest discovery in medical science.
Thompson s Barosma has made remark
able cures in kidney, liver, bladder, stom
ach and blood diseases, also palpitation of
the heart and nervousness. It is purely
vegetable and perfectly harmless. Just
the remedy for young and old. Drug
gists, gl per buttle, six for 85. For sale
by It. C. Dodsun.
We need to look forward, for we must
some day look back.
Proper Treatment For Pneumonia.
Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease
for anyone to attempt to doctor himself,
although he may have the proper remed
ies at hand. A physician should always
be called. It should be bore in mind,
however, that pneumonia always results
from a cold or from an attack of the grip,
and that by giving Chamberlain's Cough
licmedy the threatened attack of pneu
monia may be warded off. This remedy
is also used by physicians in the treat
ment of pneumonia with the best results
Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., who
is also a diuirgist, says of it,"l have
been selling Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and-prescribed it in my practice
for the past six years. I use it in cases
of pneumania and have always gotten the
best results." Sold by Jno. E. Smith.
Sterling Run.
Money is the greatest trouble a man
has when he hasn't any.
Wakeful Children. 4
For a long time the two year old child
of Mr. P. L. McPhereon, 59 N. Tenth
St., Ilarrisburg, Pa., would sleep but
two our three hours in the early part of
the night, which made it very hard for
her parents. Her mother concluded
that the child had stomach trouble, and
gave her halt of one of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, which quiet
ed her stomach and she slept the whole
night through. Two boxes of these
Tablets have effected a permanent cure
and she is now well and strong. For
sale by L. Taggart.
Real Estate for Sale.
The Board of Trustees of the Presby
terian Church will sell the old church
site and parsonage property at a bar
gain. Apply to I. K. HOCKLEY, Chair
man of the Board or J. H. DAY, Sec
etary. 37tf
Slnnamahofiinß I tenia.
Winter weather still continues.
Prof. J. H. C. Logue is handling the
U. S. Mail this week.
Nate Peasley is still after the ground
hog. He caught two last week.
A. D. Gore k Co., are turning out
some big orders for blacksmith work this
A. E. Murray, the new supervisor, is
around looking up the bad places in the
Bad weather for colds and lagrippe.
A good many are suffering with the
dread disease.
The new milk route was started this
week by J. L. Logue. Success go with
The townsnip auditors of Grove audit
ed the accounts of the retiring township
officers, this week.
The Banquet given by W. C. No. 130,
was first-class and all present enjoyed
themselves very much.
Barclay Bros' have a force ot carpent
ers repairing their mill—getting ready,
for the summer's cutting.
The Arabian Degree held a special
session, Saturday night to initiate some
new members in the mysteries of that
Mrs. Mary Ann Drum, wife of late
Henry Drum, passed quieily away last
Friday afternoon, after a long and severe
illness and terrible suffering. She only
lived a short time after the death ot her
husband. Funeral was held in Brooks'
hall on Sunday, Rev. Foss delivering an
appropriate sermon to a large gathering
of friends and neighbors.
Jacob Shafer, after a long and severe
sickness died on Thursday last at his
home at this place. He leaves a wife and
three children—two sons and a daughter
—to mourn his death. Deceased was 77
years old. He was born and raised in
his native town, was an honest and up
right citizen, a successful farmer and was
highly respected by all who knew him.
No services in the church owing to
the furnace and cellar being blooded and
frozen up.
North Creek Items.
Mr. Frank Moon is quite sick.
They say—what has become of Lilah?
Mrs. Lizzie Chandler is still quite sick.
Hazel Chandler has started to school
We have a new pupil—Beatrice
A number of men went out of the
woods this week.
We welcome Leon Brundage and
family in our midst.
Walter Brundage who has been f|uite
sick, is convalescent.
Humphrey Lewis is confined to the
house with a sore arm.
Mrs. Laura Taylor is among us again
We are glad to see her.
Winter is not over yet. Did the
wood-chuch see his shadow twice?
Rumor says there is to be a box sojial
in the near future. We hope it is true.
Charley Chadwick and Beverly
Houslcr, who have been in Southern
Pennsylvania during the latter part of the
winter, have returned. Welcome back
again, boys.
Resolutions of Condolence.
WHKREAS, Death has again entered our Tent
and removed from among us our brother, Rich
ard M, Panting,
Therefore, be it Resolved by Oood Will Tent
No. 16, K. O. T. M., that weextend to hisstricken
wife and children our warmest sympathy in
this their hour of deepest anguish.
That our Charter be draped for thirty days.
That lluse resolutions be published in the
local papers, spread upon the minutes and a
copy furnished to the family of our deceased
WHEREAS, Death has claimed for his own our
brother, LAWRENCE MAY.
Therefore, be it Resolved by Good Will Tent
No. 46, K. O. T. M., that while we submissively
bow to thedecree our heartfelt sympathy goes
out to the sorrowing and stricken family and
That our Charter be draped for thirty days
Tnat these resolutions be published in the
local papers, spread upon the minuUsand a copy
furnished to the family.
Cameron, Pa.,
Opposite P. & E. Depot,
IIARRY McGEE, Proprietor.
Having taken possession of this house and
thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building
by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am
well prepared to meet the demands of the public.
Guests conveyed to any aart of the county. Good
tishing and hunting in the immediate vicinity.
Dr. Humphreys.
After fifty years Dr. Humphreys'
Specifies enjoy the greatest popularity
and largest sale in their history, due to
intrinsic merit. They cure the sick.
1— Ferers, Congestions, Inflammations. .35
'■t—Worm*. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .35
3—Teething. Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .33
4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 35
7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 35
B— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceaohe 35
9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .35
10 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.3s
11—|Suppressed or Painful Periods 35
I®—Whites, Too Profuse Periods 35
13—Cronp. Laryngitis, Hoarseness 35
1-I—Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .35
19—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains 35
16—Malaria, Chills, Ferer and Ague 35
19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in the Head .35
XO— Whooplng-Cough 35
37—Kidney Diseases 35
3H—Nervous Debility 1.09
30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .35
77—Crip. Hay Fever 35
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual
of all Diseases mailed free.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William an"
John Sts.. New York.
Colds Cause Pneumonia.
One of the most remarkable cases of a
cold, deep-seated on the lungs, causing
pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E.
Fenner, Marion, Ind., who was entirely
cured by the use of One Minute Cough
Cure. She says:"The coughing and
straining so weakened mo that Iran
down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. 1
tried a number of remedies to no avail !
until I used One Minute Cough Cure.
Four bottles of this wonderful
remedy cured uie entirely ot the
cough, strengthened my lunes and re
stored me to my normal weight, health
and strength." Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Hitch your wagon to a star, but don't
sell your mule.
Do You Want Strength?
If you want to increase your strength
you must add to and not take from the
physical. In other words, the food that
you eat must be digested, a&similated and
appropriated by the uerves, blood and
tissues before being expelled from the in
testines. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure adds to
the physical. It gives strength to and
builds up strength in the human system.
It is pleasant to the taste and palatable,
and the only combination of digestants
that will digest the food and enable the
system to appropriate all of its health and
strength-giving qualities. Sold by R. C.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903.
[Do you catch cold easily ?
Does the cold hang on ? Try
Oare Sn ic Lung
It cures tlia most stubborn kind
of coughs and colds. If it
doesn't cure you, your mojiey
will be refunded.
' Prie»s: S. C. WELLS & Co. 3
25c. 50c. J1 Leßoy, N. Y., Taront®, Can.
£ The Place to Buy Cheap S
£ J. F. PARSONS' <
$33 to the Pacific
From Chicago, every day in March and April,
1904. Only $33 Chicago to San Francisco, Los
P* Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma,and many
other points 011 the Pacific Coast. Low rates
to hundreds of other points. Choice of routes if
yon select the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St,
Paul Railway.
Tickets good in tourist sleeping cars. Rate
for double berth, Chicago to California, only
$7. Write to-day for complete information.
johnr. poit, Room D, Park Building,
District Passenger Agent. PITTSBURG, PA.
| Spring Goods §
| = 9
u nj
a ja
}j Have Just Arrived. nj
In Ln
fIJ in
1 i
jj I am now ready to please the public, having ju
n jnst moved my Tailor Shop over the Express m
n office, in order to cnt down expenses. I can n]
}! now make clothes much cheaper than they can !{]
JJ be made any where in this section. I employ J{]
J only first-class workmen and invite the public
2 to call and inspect my stock. [n
3 in
3 B
s 1
1 J. L. FOBERT. |
We are now entering another
I year. We wish to thank our
j friends for their patronage in the
! past and-wish to say, we are now
better prepared than ever to
serve their wants. We have the
only complete line of Hardware
of all kinds in the county, and a
large force of competent plumb
ers, who are busy all the time
but never too busy to give
prompt service when you are in
need of such.
to Til i
, Is much better equipped than
ever, having secured the services
of a very competent tinner, who
j has charge of this department,
j Busy man though, he is ever
i ready to advise you in this line.
: A look inro this department will
j convince you that the above is
j correct. -
All work done with dispatch
And Positively Guaranteed