Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 10, 1904, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., March 1,1901.
NEMOPIIILA, per sack #1 50
Kelt's Fancy, " 1 flu
Pet Grove, " 100
Wraham, " 75
Rye " So
Buckwheat. " 75
Patent Meal., " 50
Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35
Chop f''eeet, " l 35
Middlings. Fancy " 1 50
Bran, 1 26
Corn, per bushel, 75
White Oals, per bushel 60
Choice Clover Seed, "1
CbojceTirnothySeed, I AtMarW etPrices.
Choice Millet Seed, I
(fancy Kentucky BlueOrass. |
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
Telephone, 19-2.
Republican County Convention.
The Republican Voters of Cameron County
will meet in Convention at the Court House, in
Emporium, on Tuesday, March 29th, 1904, at 1:30
o'clock, p. m„ for the purpose of electing one
person for Delegate to the Republican State Con
vention, the nomination of candidates to be voted
for at the fall election as iollows:
Member of the General Assembly,
County Treasurer,
And for the transaction of such other business
as may properly come before said Convention.
A. C. BLUM, Chairman.
J. P. MCNARNKY, Bec'y.
Republican Primary Election.
The Republican Primary Elections for Camer
on county will be held on
SATURDAY, MARCH 26th, 1904.
Emporium Boroi^h—West Ward, at City
Hall, 3 delegates; Middle Council Room,
3 delegates East Ward, at Red Store, 3 dele
Shippen Township, at Court House, —1 dele
Portage Township, at Sizerville Bath House,
—2 delegates.
Lumber township, at McConnell's Store, Cam
eron,—2 delegates.
Gibson Township, at Curtin House, Drift
wood, —2 delegates.
Driftwood Borough, at Hose House, Drift
wood,—3 delegates.
Grove Township, at Shaffer's Hotel,—2 dele
To elect one County Committeeman from each
Polls must be open and remain open from 3:00
to 7:00 p. in.
Attention is called to the following paragraphs
of the new rules adopted last fall, governing the
naming of delegates to the County Convention:
SECTION 10—Candidates for delegates to the
County Convention shall furnish their names to
the Chairman of the County Committee at least
five days before the Primary Election. No
person, who is not a qualified Republican vcter
in his district under these rules shall be a dele
The attention of candidates is called to the fol
lowing rules:
SECTION 7.— A1l persons desiring to be voted
'or at at the Primary Elections for any office
whether State, District or County, shall register
their names with the Chairman, and shall pay
him a registration fee at the same time; this reg
istration to be made not less than FIFTEEN
days preceding the Primary Election. The
Chairman shall publish and furnish to the Chair
man of the Vigilance Committees with the elec
tion blanks and tickets a certified list of candi
dates, who have complied with the rules, *.nd no
candidate shall be voted far at the primary elec
tions unless he has complied with the rules regu
lating registration. The tickets shall be as near
ly as may be in the same form as the tickets fur
general elections and to be voted for in the same
SECTION 8.-Registration fees shall be as fol
Congress j2 O qq
President Judge, Associate Judge, State
Senator, Member of Assembly, Prothono
tary. Sheriff, County Treasurer, County
Commissioner, Delegate to State Oonven
tion and all State officers 10 00
District Attorney 5 00
Coroner, County Surveyor, Auditor and
Jury Commissioner 2 00
Monday, March 21st is the last day for filing
names for Delegates with the County Chairman,
And Friday, March 11th the last day for the
registration of candidates.
By order of County Committee,
A. C. BLUM, Chairman.
J. P. MCNABNBY, Sec'y.
Political Announcements.
Alt Announcements under this head must be
signed by the candidate and paid in advant* to
in lure publication.
Kditor Press:—
Please announce that I am a candidate for
Representative in the 58th Congress from the
21st Congressional District, subject to the rules
of the Republican party.
Very truly yours,
Bradford, Pa., Feb. 2,1904.
Kditor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
County Treasurer, subject to the rules of the Re
publican party.
Emporium, Pa , Feb. I#, 1904.
Bditor Preii:—
Please announce my name a« a candidate for
County Treasurer, subject to the rules of the
Republican party.
Shippen, Pa., Feb. 22,1904.
For Sale.
One bay work horse. Weight 1300.
A.Q.Scammon's Co.
In the great ];ui£?h provoking
Illustrating tlie comio side
of life on the rail.
A Comedy with Tli rilling Situations!
Startling Sensational Effects!
And Special Scenic Accessories
Including a company of Clever Specialty Per
formers, presenting the latest catchy Music
Songs, Duets, Trios, Medleys, Dances and extra
features, creating fun fast and furious from start
to finish.
Seats on sale at Lloyd's Book Store,
Prices, 25, 35, 50 and 76 cents.
CoutritnitionH invited. That which youwoult
like to tee in this department,let us know by pot
talcard or letter, rertonally.
N. Seger left Sunday eveniDg foi
New York city to purchase new goodß.
Editor Jos. S Johnston,of Driftwood,
was in town between trains last Friday.
Mrs. L. T. Peabody ha 9 been quite
seriously ill with pneumonia the past
001. J. O. Brookbank, of Driftwood,
transacted business in town Tuesday
Dr. Heilman is at Ridgway to-day
attending the Elk County Medical So
ciety meting.
B. W. Qrean and family left Monday
morning for Emporia, Fla., to be ab
sent about four weeks.
Mrs. Thos. Gallagher and Miss Mazie
Gallagher, lefc last Thursday for Utica,
N. Y., to visit relatives.
Messrs. Ed. O'Locklin, Ray W. Ney
bart and M. A. Healey, of Renovo,
spent Sunday in town.
Miss Margaret Fullmer, of Trout
Run, Pa., is visiting friends in town,
?uest of her chums, Misses Maud
Thomas and Maud Steok.
Surveyor A. H. Shafer has been vis
ting his family at this place for aever
il days and attending to some work
;hat required his attention.
Mrs. Grace Harmon, of Bradford,
who has been visiting at the residence
jf Judge Walker daring the past
nonth, returned to her home last Fri
W. J. Leavitt came up from Sterling
Run on Sunday and spent Monday
with friends in town. Mr. Leavitt will
jlose a very succssful term of school at
:hat place in April.
Miss Mabel Wylie, one of oar excel
lent borough school teachers, visited
aver Sunday at her home in Sterling
Run, Cameron county—Ridgway Ad
Miss Jettie Wiley returned home
last Saturday from Philadelphia, wher
•he enjoyed a pleasant visit with Mr.
Don M. Larrabee and wife, and other
'particular" friends.
Jos. J. Lingle went to Williamsport
last Saturday, returning home on Sun
3ay, accompanied by his daughter,
Miss Nellie, who had been visiting
;here for two weeks.
Mr. Albert Johnson, of Emporium.
Pa., was the guest of his brother-in-law
A. E Staley several days this week....
Vlrs. John McDonald, of Driftwood,
Pa., was a Renovo visitor on Tuesday.
-Renovo Record.
Miss Laura Sheror, of Berlia, Ont.,
who has for some months been the
juest of her sister, Mrs. F. C. Reick
ind family, at this place, left on Mon
iay for Jersey City, to visit another
sister, Mrs. Loder.
Miss Ximena Brooks, of Driftwood,
was in Emporium last Saturday, guest
of Miss Mattie M. Collins, Supt. of In
struction. Miss Brooks has for five
terms been one of the teachers in the
Driftwood schools. She is one of the
most popular teachers in the county.
Hon. S. R. Dresser, M. C , represent
ing this district, accompanied by his
private Secretary, Fred A Miller, visit
ed in town between trains, Tuesday
evening, while enroute to their home
at Bradford. They met a number of
our citizens, while waiting for Buffalo
David S. Logue came up from Gib
son on Monday to see his son Daniel
W., off for the state of Washington,
where he will join his brother Irvin on
a large cattle ranch, one of the best in
that state. Mr. Logue was a PRESS
visitor on Tuesday and in addition to
renewing his own PRESS for 1905, sent
a year's copy to his sons in Washing
Ross Overturf and wife will occupy
the Jos. Barner residence, when the
latter moves to Kane, which will be in
a few days.
Miss Collins, our very popular Coun
ty Supt. as well as excellent lady, is
teaching one of the Driftwood schools
this week.
Roy W. Gleason, of Driftwood, was
in town yesterday transacting busi
Mothers' Club.
Meets at the High School rooms on
Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Sub
ject of discussion will be "Home
We hope for a good attendance as
our last meeting was necessarily drop
ped. By order of
Death of A. W. Georgia.
Albert W. Georgia died :it his homo
on North Barry street. Sunday after
noon at 1 o'clock, aged 72 years For
i two yearn he bad been in poor health
from a bronchial trouble. Ilis cundi
i tion did not cause alarm until a day
| or two beforo his death, when his heart
! actions became weak. Deceased was
engaged in tho lumbering business,
having mills at Endeavor, Pa. He had
been a resident of Olean, for tho past
20 yesrs and WHB well known. Mr.
Georgia is survived by his wife, two
daughters, Mrs. J. P. Aylesworth, of
Endeavor, Pa., and Miss AlicoGeorgia,
who lives at home,and one son, E. W
Georgia, of Chicago. Deceased was
identified with all the 1 cnl Masonic
lodges, the Odd Fellows and the
National Protective Legion. St. John'a
Oommandarv of whach he was a mem
ber, had charge of the funeral service,
which was held on Wednesday after
noon at 2 o'clock from the First Meth
odist Episcopal church. A brief prayer
service was held at the home before
the serland officiated.—Olean Times,
Feb. 28th.
L. Taagart the enterprising druggist,
ie advertising today for fifty men and
women to take advantage of the
special half-price offer he is making
on Dr Howard's celebrated specific for
the cure of constipation and dyspepsia,
and get a fifty cent package at half-price
25 cents.
So positive is he of the remarkable
power of this specific to cure these dis
eases as well as sick headaches and liver
troubles, that he agrees to refund the
money to any customer whom this medi
cine does not quickly relieve and cure.
If you cannot call at L. Taggart's store
to-day, send him 25 cents by mail, and he
will send your a package promptly,
charges paid. 2-1 m.
If it's a bilious attack, take Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a
quick recovery is certain. For sale by
Jno. E. Smith, Sterling Hun.
Happy, Healthy Caildren.
Auy child can take Little Early Itisers
with perfect safety. They are harmless,
never gripe 01 sicken, and yet they are so
certain in results that robust constitutions
requiring drastic means are never disap
pointed. They cannot fail to perform
their mission and every one who uses De-
Witt's Little Early Itisers prefer them to
all other pills. They cure biliousness.
Sold by R. C. Dodson.
The Name Witch Hazel.
The name Witch Ilazel is much
abused. E. C. DeWitt & Company, Chi
cago, are the inventors of the original
and only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. A
certain cure for Cuts, Burns, Bruises,
Eczema, Tetter, Piles, etc. There are
many counterfeits of this salve, some of
which are dangerous, while they are all
worthless. In buying Witch Hazel Salve
see that the name E. C. DeWitt & Co.,
Chicago, is on the box and a cure is cer
tain. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Cameron. Pa.,
Opposite P. 4 E. Depot,
HARRY McQEE, Proprietor.
Having taken possession of this house and
thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building
by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, 1 am
well prepared to meet the demands of the public.
Quests conveyed to any part of the county. Good
fishing and hunting in the immediate vicinity.
rThe harder you cough, the worse
the cough gets.
Cure TS° ic Lun <=
is guaranteed to cure. If it
doesn't benefit you, the druggist
will give you your money back.
Prices: S. C. WEILS & Co. 2
25c. 50c. $1 Leßoy.N. Y., Toronto, Can.
Easy and Quick I
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner" Lye in cold
water, melt 5 lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set
Pull Direction* on Every Package
Banner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "Uses of Banner
Lye '' —free.
The Pun Chemical Worfca, Philadelphia
| A.Laughlin A I
| j| Fountain M |
® PCN« *N» HAS H. j J
i |f§ FINEST GRADE I4L jK§ §
60LB PEN Hi jf{
ll s|.oo ||
k: B SUPERIOR T» •THH filf H
afjjjj MAKES AT St ®
ill fiHfl The LaaghUa Praauia H H
?S faSßgj pen Holder U mdc af tn- fIHBkB ft
t|. «■ trt quality hardnbkir, is T
£=/ HI fitted with hifbest grade, HB£H| ffjjj
Cr iRI large sis*. 14k. cold pea,
; | of any desired flexibility] }§]
ft ' " and h*j the oaly perfect ; J
M feeding device kaowa. HBA
y| v Either atyle, richly mid ■■■ K
rfl • mounted, for presentatioa HHI ]l
ff. ' purposes, >1.60 extra. i
t < Surely yon will not fe« HKji
.4 able to secure anything at t;
t?, ~J three timstfcsprits that wUI Btfc .I
ft I give such eontinuoaa iHRgB £4
h=j mH pleaiure and service. ?Mk jj;
«I FOr S " J * Mi M|
i! "©I i
I s '
pi M
1 wP jjjjl
[i S m
p ® a
3. ffi
1 - i
I 7 §
Folks who know, say there's
nothing like as fine a collection
of foods classed as delicatessen
to be found in any other grocery
store in Emporium.
Many countries from many
quarters of the globe contribute
articles to make the stock com
Surprising how much can be
saved the cook—one can set a
full meal and not go near the
Olives, ioc to 90c a bottle.
Pancy cakes, crackers and
wafers, 5c to 15c a package.
Pure prepaed mustard 10c jar.
Saratoga Chips, 30c lb.
Plumb Pudding, ioc to 25c.
Olives stuffed with Pimentos
ioc to 25c.
Boiled Ham, lb. 35c.
Chipped beef, lb. 30.
Wiener worst, lb. i2}4c.
Mustard sardines tins, ioc;
Soused Mackerel, 17c can; Kip
pered Herring, 18c can; Smoked
Bloaters, two for sc; Sweet
Florida Oranges, 20c to 40c doz.
California Lemons, 25c dozen.
Edam Cheese, each $1.00; Pine
apple cheese, each 65c; Philadel
phia cream cheese, each 12c
Finest Creamery Butter 28c lb;
Greenhouse goods, fresh fruits
and vegetables.
Special this week,
Fancy California Lemons Ofif 4
dozen, ZUU
Finest Creamery Butter Ib'OTP
lib bricks. JL (u
Laundry Starch in bulk, lb 5C
Banner Lye, can IOC
Enameline Stove Polish QP
ioc box Ou
QC Lb.Bag Sugar I /ft
Best Granulated. )li4U
PhoneS. J. H. DAY
MONTY 1 cl ° nothing
IVIUIitI but loan money
on real estate
T ft no matterwhere
I U located. Do you
desire a loan.
LOAN S™" par
F. Armington Peavy,
Mortgage Broker, Dept. M.. 1090
Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
| 0. B. Barnes' j
> Family Grocery \
112 and Meat Market J
\ 'Phone 81.
C Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly. J
£ The public are always interested in J
5 matters that will benefit their pockets. J
c While we are not entirely in business for J
s our health, yet we strive to merit at least J
> a share of the public patronage by deal- J
S ing strictly on the square with allcusto- 5
C mers. Our goods are all marked in plain J
S figures—one price to all—and invite the J
c careful inspection of our line of goods as t
S well as prices. We shall aim to make 1
S keeping only absolutely the purest and ?
best. J
I fresh and shall take p,idc in giving our c
S patrons the full value for their money. 1
i NED GOODS, something seldom 5
I brought to Emporium. See them. <
\ Give us a Call. <
{ Try Our Fresh Meats. <
5 Opposite 8. D. McDonald's Hotel. ,
ffl <3/lavej/orxytecelaai aa-mp&s
§| jf|
W wag.aytru* (If
1 (jjf
I W*
m c y ats 'te&i^/ L ykrz, 4,
M &£& anump //fe yforu/retff zec&v&fg
Wm i/?i/i7Li
rSi cis&zXftcmrt. Wh&
W iZfbzt>
Y t /lar^ W Edtfin# anch Special W I
i lOT '^l n,s l
Values per dozen yards up to £sv Jl
1| Da'nty narrow Valenciennes Laces A Special S
m Cdgmgs and Insertions in a large IperdozenvertKf
of ehoiee patterns -feehoosrf' « M&M
Wrrom. Values per dozen -yards up to 5o ./ J| 7 VPa
| Valenciennes laee Insertion* Special <f
fand just the widths for /per dozen yards A
{trimming summer Fabries. Widths l K |L
jj range from to 354 inehes, , [ <> M
(Rvalues per dozen yanfe up to 75*" J k* ZP JSk
Fi~ enc h^ n d Ert«rfi'sF» A Special flpS
villi ne,ennes Laces, Edgings and J per ||ij
jgg suitable for fine under-l r do*en Wm
jEw garments and wash dresses. Wrdtos [ -yards W
W rf?$ e From J I A *0 I inch. . /112 AM
J Values per dozen yards up to T]£S y
® ~ Get on the list. Jfi
* y®w u . 6 y° u .r "ame and address!!!!/
K®i/ lif postal and mention this papers w©
K^U 1 S° n6 monthly store news of K
W P'^ r gain oalea and important \s£y
(| U 1 y axJl about the REMOVAL Ik
v% that are now in Full swinrf For/Sm
| JS 1
F CO. 1
Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company.
Official Condensed Time Table in Effect June 23, 1902.
I Sun- j
i Only Week DByS ' n,,il> Week DaJ ' B '
P ■ M ■'■»• F. M.|A.M. A. M. STATIONS. 77M. P. M.| r. M.| P. M.I P.M.
510 510 11 10, 7 lft Lv Addison Ar 10 13 4 43! | i - "
541 541 11 41 801 Elkland 941 4 11!
546 546 11 48 808 Osceola 936 406
5 55 555 11 55 822 Knoxvillp 926 3 56'
6 " ; 811i12 11 8 40, Westfield 913 3 43!
6 47 8 47; 12 47 925 Gaines Junction 836 3 06 !
700 700 100 949 Ar. t „, . Ir v
500 10 20; Lv. I Qaleton,. |J*v 823 253 535
740 5 40, P.M. I p. M. 10 58 Ar Cross Fork Junction Lv 739 209 423
ilSOArl C " Fork Junction [ft ?j* 'gg 355
82 4 624 P.M. A.M. 11 39 Ar Wharton Lv. 6 56 ; 126; 31110 1
i J 8 05 11 40 Lv Wharton Ar ( 10 53 I 3 00
A. M. | 858 100 Ar Sinnamahoning Lvi 9 66j | 1 40j
845 5?? 11 58 Lv Austin Ar 6 35! 105 950 i 8 00!
1 7 10 8 45t i 12 25|Ar Keating Summit Lv j 12 40 j 9 10! 7 So|
P. M. p. it.jA. M. | I P. M -| A.M. P.M.I A. M.I r.M.I
| P. M.I A. M.
1 820 9 35! Lv Ansonia Ar *9° jfij P 7 "0
I 8 35; 9 49! Manhatten I 9 05 | 64 ,
8 421 955 Gaines Junction j BSQ fi9l
855 10 09 Ar Galeton Lv «
I I ! i
_____ >. M.I A. M.I j A. M.I P.M.
! P. M. A. M. P M
1 05, 630 Lv Galeton Ar i 0 ti, 455
124 647 Walton 9 SVI 439
! 150 7 13! Newfleld Junction 9071 4IK
! 206 730 West Bingham, I 9 OT 4 0
2 18! 7 411 Genesee ] B rL , s ,
! 224 7 46; ; Shongo g r o| 347
1 246 8 06j Ar Wellsville— Lv 030; 3 30
' ' I P.M.I A. M.I L._MJ P. M.I _J J
At Keating Summit with B. & A. V. Div. of Pennsylvania R. R.
At Ansonia with N.Y.C.& H R. R. for all points north and south.
At Newheld Junction with C. & P. A. Ry„ Union Station.
At Genesee with N. Y & Pa., Ry. Union Station.
At Addison with Erie R. R., Union Station.
At Wellsville with Erie R. R. for points east and west.
At Sinnamahoning with P. R. R.—P. &E. Div.
n. H. GARDINER, Gen'J Pasa'r Afft. Buffalo, N.Y. W. C. PARK. Gen'l Supt., Galeton, Pa.
MCMAHON, Div. Paaa Ag't., Galeton, Pa.
YRUp AL °PEF>SIN Dyspepsia Cure
CURES CONSTIPATION. I > I DijMti what yo*a Mt>