Gour)fy (I i»ess. I ESTABLISHED BYC.B.OOULD. HENRY 11. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY j TERMS O F SUBSCRIPTION: Per year $2 00 lEfcaid is advance I' ; ADVERTISING RATES. Advurlis-mem are |>ulilishui.at th« niteofouu dollar per *<|iutre fur on«inaertU>u aril llfty cents J person ire lor -acli subsi'tiut-nl in . rtion. Rat's b) the year or foi six or Ihreeiuouilisare law aii- .iiiform.au I willbi'fur;r!;;bedon appli »«ion Legal.i'Hi ■ ».!>• a! ut lllK per "mar. .three ttifsoi let- -t'i 0"; !«• i sub-i-quent insertion 50 JOB; - uer square. fjO'-ai notiivsteni untspcrlineforoneinsertipn tlve >»nts perlineforeaelisubsequentconaecutive insertion. Obituary notices over live lines. Veil cents per I in.. Sim pleannoiinoementKofbiriht,marriages anil leatlis will be inserted free. Business Cards, live lilies or less t-j. 00 per year over live line-., at the regular rates of advertising Molocalinserted for less than 76 els. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, and atl'ords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printine- No paper wilibe discontinued until arrearages ir«p.ud, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out ofthecounty must be paid for in advance. aWNo advertisements will be accepted at less tkan the price for fifteen words. a®-Religiousnotices free. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. TO THE REPUBLICAN ELECrORSOE PENN: BYLVANIA: Ia n directed by the Republi an State Com mittee to announce that the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representa tives, will meet in convention at the Opera EBnue in tSie city of Harrisbtirg, on Wednesday, Ap-il 6, 1904. at ten thirty o'clock a. m., for the u«rpo«e of noin nating candidates for the follow lUFF ofßces, to- A it: O ie person for the office of Judge of the Su preme Court. Thirl v-f mr persons, t vo at large, for presiden tial electors, and. To elect tour delegates anil four alternates at large to the Republican Na'ional Convention to be held in Chicago, on June 21, 1901, also For the transaction of such othter business as my be presented. In accord ince with the rules governing the organization, tiie representation in the state Omvantinn will be based on the vote polled at Itoalast presidential election: Under the rules •*>h legislative district i< entitle ! to one dete nte fr jin every two thousand votes cast for pr d ntial electors in 193 ), and additional dele- every 112: act lon of two thousand votes Silled in excess of one thousand. 9y order of the Renublican State C mmittee. BOIES PENROSE, Chairrcan. W. ft. ANDREWS, Secretary. EDITORIAL JIENTION. Real estate cannot be transferred (deeded) on Sunday. The better the day the worse the deed. J idling from reports, the South ern Democrats have had enough ot Bryan. But Bryan has not had enough of the Southern Democrats. The action of Secretary Hay in trying to protect the territorial in tegrity of China and to limit the area of hostilities in the East meets with the universal approval of all parties. It is not believed that the most accomplished cartoonists can make as horrible cartoons of any living man during the coming campaign as were made of Senator llanna eight" years ago. The disoti sion of statehood for " >.u - t"i ritiorie-i seems to <• MIS • gen eral effervescence. New York City now wants to lie sawed off and made into a state all by itself. No, she will have to endure her "servi tude" a little longer. If is oroposed to add .'{,ooo to t'le total force of the navy. This will bring the number up to .'54,000. Thus our navy alone is to be larg er than our entire military force before the Spanish War. Aren't we growing at a tremendous rate? The Democrats seem to have started a movement to abolish the Geological Survey, on the ground that it has spent twenty million dollars ami has nothing to show for it. The reason for this effort to destroy one of our most import ant scientific bureaus is, of course, Chit very few Democrats know anything whatever about geology. In Congress on Monday there was an exciting scene when Con gressman Shafroth, Dem., of Colo rado, took the extraordinary step of peremptorily resigning his seat because on careful inspection of the returns he had concluded that fcnere was dishonesty by which he he had unconsciously profited. Both parties eagerly applauded his magnanimity and honesty. A Oure lor Eczema. My baby had Eczema so bad that its bead was a solid mass of scabs, and its hair all came out. I tried many remedies but none farmed to do any permanent go<»d until I used l)o'Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The Eczema is cured, the scabs are gone and the ltttle one's scalp is per fectly clean and healthy, and its hair is growing bcautilully a<:ain, I cannot give too much praise to DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.— Frank Farmer, Bluff City, Ky. fn buying Witch Hazel Salve look out for counterfeits. DeWitt's in the original and the only one containing pure Witch Hazel. The uame E. 0. DeWitt & Co., is on every box. Sold by K. 0. Dodson. Letter to R. Seger A Son. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: The way to reckon the cost of paint is to put both costs together, the cost of the paint and the cost of put ting it on. It would save this country hundreds of 1 millions of dollars a year; it would save , you alone (if you happen to be a victim) ! several dollars a year. See how it works-: It costs as much j to put on one paint as another, don't it? 1 Yes if you use the simc number of j gallons. Well, don't It? No, you'll use twice as many gallons adulterated paint as ot Devoe; and you've gut to pry twice as much for putting it on. Mr N. Avery, Delhi, .\. Y., has two houses alike and in same condition. Painted one house with Devoc; 8 gal lons. Painted the other house with a paint that was half adulteration; 12 gal lons, Same painter Geo. Gilbert, did both jobs. One cost §27; the other 024. Better go by the name. Yours truly, F. W. DEVOB CS: C. P. S. Murry and Coppersmith sell our paint. 11. World's Pair at St. Loul*. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition will open at St. Louis. April 30, and will be in perfect conditien on that date. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run the fitst low-rate coach excur- j sion from the East to the World's Fair on May 10, affording residents of the Eastern section an opportunity to see the great Exposition in all the glory of the pristiute freshness. Tiokets will be sold from all principal stations on the Pennsyl vania Railroad System. The fare from New York will be S2O; from Philadel phia. 813.50; with proportionate rates, approximating one cent per mile, from other points. These tickets will be good going only on special coach trains to be run on May 10, and returning in coaches ot regular train leaving St. Louis not later than May ID. 3057-1-lt. The work of this life writes the lease lor the next. When jou feel blue and that evcry | thing goes wrong, take a dose of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse and invigorate your stomach, regulate your bowels, give you a relish for your food and make you Icel that in this old world is a good place to live. For sale by Jno.E. Smith, Sterling Run. Never meddle with people who don't meddle with you. Hellelin One Minute. One Mirute Cotigh Cure gives relief in one minute, because it kills the microbe which tickles the raucous membrane, causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phiegh, draws out the inflam mation and heals and soothes the affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneu monia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of | Coughs. Colds and Croup. One Minute i Cough Cure is pleasant to take, harmless j aid good alike for young and old. Sold j by R. C. Dodson. ' 1 I'ncover the cause of sin and you dis ! cover its cure. IU Ul A Wonderful Saving. The largest Methodist Church in Georgia, calculated to use over one hundred gallons of the usual kind of mixed paint in painting their church. They used only 32 gallons of the Long man & Martinez Paint with 21 gallons of linseed oil. Actual cost of paint made was less than 81.2(1 per gallon. Saved over ty (880.00) dollars in paint, and got a big donation besides. EVERY CHURCH will be given a liberal quantity whenever they paint. Many houses are well painted with four gallons of L. & M., and three gal lons of linseed oil mixed therewith. Wears and covers like gold. These Celebrated Paints are solu by Harry S. Lloyd. Ciood Spirits. Good spirits dou't all come from Ken tucky. Their main source is the liver— and all the fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred-and- one ill effects it produces. You can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver must be in line condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of step, vigorous and successful in jour pursuits. You can put your liver in fine condition by using Green's August Flower—the greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indi gestion. It has been a favorite household remedy for over thirty-five years. Aug ust Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus insure you a liberal supply of "good spirits." Trial si*e, 25c; regular bottles, 75c. At all druggists. 48-ly. Tour to all Mexico. Via the Iron Mountain Route, Spec ial train of finest Pullman Care to leave Chicago and St. Louis, January 20th, 1904. Thirty days in Republic of Mex ico, including the three Circle Tours and a trip to the Ruined City of Mitla. All points of interest visited. Tickets include all expenses. Tour arranged and operated by the American Tourist Association. For fnll information ae to Route, points of interest visited, rates, etc., address Jno. R. James, Central Passenger Agent, 905 Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1904. SlzarvilU Item*. Mr Stooley is working for E. L. Co., at this place. Mr. F. 11. Maher is on the sick list. His face looks very much like the mumps. Mr. .J. E. Flynu (the Irish comedian) is doing the Mineral Spring at this place. We wonder what the attraction is at Shippen? Our young folks visit there quite frequently. Our Section Foreman, Ed. McNarney. and.l, 11. Kvatis were on the sick list the latter part oi'last week. The dance at Gardeau, Wednesday cveninsr passed off very quietly. Some ol our folks indulged quite freely. There were rumors of a night-cap social to bo given Feb. 27, 1901, but is now postponed on account of a certain person being sick. We hear there is a wedding booked for the near future, Mr. W. I). Spague being one of the principal parties. We will all be there for a piece of the cake. Mr. Silas Farrell and Mr. Martin Decoursey have returned from a trip up Rich Valley. They report having a delightful trip. Our folks, down by the way, made some flying trips to the city Saturday. Mr. W. b. Farrell is about to leave for ltenovo, to take up a position as brakeman. What will be the subject then? Ole Oi.ekon. First Fork. The soft weather has again up"' the log haulers. Mrs. Paul Dahlgren, returned the last of the week, from visiting her parents in New Jersey. Farmers in this section are losing some potatoes by freezing, both in cellars and pits. M. J. Colcord, of the Potter Journal, called on his father, Dr. Colcord. between trains on Friday. If Washington had been as changeable as the weather, bis birthday would hard ly have been worth remembering. Wm. Moore, jobbing for Fee Bro's, in Rattlesnake Run. had the misfortune to get mixed up with a trail of logs on Saturday and got a leg badly broken. He was injured otherwise. He was at tended by Dr. Reese, of Costello on Sun day morning. Nuff SED. Feb y 22, 1904. Sterling Run.) Mr. Frank Wade went to Renovo Sat urday on business. Mr Ewen Marshall has been on the sick list the past week. Mr. S. L. Bunce and son transacted business in Emporium on Saturday. Mr. Harry Berry of Emporium, was seen on our streets one day last week. Quite a number of people of this place were witnesses on the Pennington case. Miss Lulu Lewis and Miss Jennie Stiver visited at the county seat on Sat urday. Mr. Wm. Satnmerson went to Empo rium on Wednesday last with the elec tion returns. Miss Edith Berry must be gettina j quite popular. Ask Floy how she liked 1 her Valentines. Mr. Vernon I ptegrove, of Emporium, j was seen it) our town Saturday, looking I after his insurance busim s. Harry Smith was called to Clear Creek one day last week on account of the illness of his brother. Mr. Eddie Parker left ou Tuesday evening for Austin, where he will visit his sister, Mrs. («eo. Shaffer. Mrs. W. R. Sprung and Miss Jennie Berry, of Emporium, spent Sunday with their parents at this place. DINO BAT. Slnnatnahonlng Items. Mr. L. Sumuiersi.n lost a valuable cow Monday night. Quite a large number of our towns men attended court this week. The log train is nearly done hauling logs to the pool from off the First Fork. John Logue was playing with a large snake a few days ago. The cold weather still holds out and bids fair to continue the regular six weeks. The cry ot fire was raised one night ! last week, and it turned out to be the coboose on the B. & S. work train. Rev. Faus commence a series of pict ure lesson readings in the M E. Church, to continue two weeks. All ara cordi ally invited to be present and mike the meetings a success. A. L. Losey, who lost a pocketbook a few weeks ago, located the thief last Saturday and and got about all the money back, but the book and papers in it were destroyed. The severe cold weather is causing a good deal of trouble with the water sup ply. (}. B. Barclay's water supply is frozen up and fifteen families are out of water on account of same. The entertainment given by the Citi zens Band, assisted by several of our es teemed young ladies, which was rendered Saturday evening, in Brooks' hall, was 6ne and well attended. It was a drama in three acts and was well rendered by home talent. as have another of the same sort soon. The hunters who were arrested last week for hounding deer on Karthaus last fall, gave bail for appearanco at court March 10th, at Clearfieid. It looks rather blue lor them, for they arc ar rested tor pursuing deer with dogs and killing deer in the water, which makes them liable to a fine of two hundred dollars and costs. Escaped an Awful Pate. Mr. 11. Iliggins, of Me.bourne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told ine I had Con sumption and nothing could be done for me. I was iriven up to die. The offer of a trial bottle of Dr Kind's New Dis covery for Consumption, induced me to try it. Results were startling, I am now on the rood to recovery and owe all to Hr. King's New Discovery. It surely saved my life." This great cure is guar anteed for all throat and lung diseases liy \J. Taggart, Druggist. Price 50c and SI .(10, Trial Unities free. Divorce cards are now quite popular in society circles in the large cities. Better Ttiuri Gold. "I was troubled lor several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility," writes P. J. Green, of Lancaster. N. 11. "No remedy helped trie until I began using Klectric Bitters, which did more good than all the medicines 1 ever used. They have also kept my wife in excel lent health for years. She says Electric Hitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorate tor weak run down woman No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by L. Taggart. He lights DO lives v. " e light of love. When You Have a Cold. The first action when you have a cold should be to relieve the lungs. This is best accomplished by the free use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This Remedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from the air cells (if the lungs, produces a free expectoration, and opens' the secretions. A complete cure soon follows. This remedy will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment and it leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. It counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia. For sale by L. Taggart. When a boy looks saintly send for a doctor. Parfect Confidence. Where there used to be a feeling of uneasiness and worry in the household when a child showed symptons of croup, there is now perfect confidence. This is owing to the uniform success of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in the treatment of that disease. Mrs. M. I. Hastord, of Poolesville, Md., in speaking of her ex perience in the use oi' that remedy says: ''l havea word of confidence in Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for 1 have used it with perfect success. My child Garland is subject to severe attacks of croup and it always gives him prompt relief." For sale by Jno. K.Smith, Sterling Run. The serious life expresses itself in simplicity. Discovery Concerning Rheumatism. It is now known positively that rheu matism is caused by uric acid in the ' blood. The only possibly way to get this ' poison out of the blood is to treat the kidneys, so when they are diseased or not acting properly, the uric acid passes from the kidney* into the blood. Thoiup-oii's iiarosina or Kidney Cure acts quickly, taking up theurie acid, curing the kid neys and restoring them in their normal functions. Thompson's Rarosma is pleasant to take. For sale by R. C. Dodson. Many a man lives poorly in order lo die rich. How a Doctor was Cured. "For two years I was troubled with with lumbago, or pain across my kidneys, the pain shooting down my thigh (espec ially on taking cold the pain would be terrible), a continual ginding, aching pain. One bottle of Thompson's Bar ostna, Backache, Liver and Kidney Cure gave uie immediate relief. I am now taking Hirosma with great benefit as it reduces all inflamation of the stomach, liver and bladder, the great organs that regulate the whole system and purify the blood.'"—Dr. A. S. Hubbard, 94 Brook St., Titusville, l'a. SHSBSESH SHSHSHSH 55525^ [MEATS I nJ K !{] It will pay you to call on us before you buy your n] fU meats. We handle noth- lij ing but the best steer |n beef to be had. (n J I ji In [U ui Our Groceries jjj uj Our Groceries are also fll [}, first class and up-to-date. j{] uj Home-Made Sausage, ioc lb m In until further notice, u] Home-Made Mince Meat, H m Ground Bone. H GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, nj | G. H. Gross Novelty voile for coats, skirts 1 \ and suits, a very popular fab- < ( ric in all colors, hand- ITP J i some styles at I/1» } \ Fil de soie, as pretty as silk and 1 t more serviceable for shirt c S waist suits, neat styles in grey, 1 marine, navy and black 250 | 112 Nab and etamine. in a great va- J i riety of colorings and waves \ ( r y .. n '. odi . Bh 2sCa,„i4oC ; ? French sateens, highly mercer- < sized in neat dots and figures on 1 112 S re J'i navy and black, . 35C i i Linen Suitings, plain and fancy * weaves, solid color and knick- < er effects, at 39c 59C i 1 1 1 iAdam, i Meldrum & j Anderson Co. « The American Block, ] BUFFALO, N. Y. { JPTHE LIVE AND LET LIVE STORE i THE NEW FIRM, I if i- CHAS. OIEHL. Proprietor. | I SPECIAL BARGAINS I i I | Soups! I v ! l Well I guess So! To unload M ° Ur ' stoc My Imperial, 8 bars for 25c Ml M Marseilles,white soap 7 for 25c !j«j Goose Soap, white, 7 f0r..25c (Ml A Cyclone, large bars 7 for 25c Mi) Bessemer Soap, 7 bars for 25c t'M And others at proportion- M ately low prices. ass 112 MEATS! MEATS! g MEATS! | m , iiii W> They are here and they jl! are fresh, the best that j® Ml can be bought and our w |H prices are as low as pos- ifjjfj sible. ffl M FRESH FISH EVERY THURSDAY [||| M AND FRIDAY. M || JACOB DOLD'S I SKINNED HAMS, || B ACON, ffl BOLOGNA, M WIENERS, Ji SAUSAGE, ffl We handle Dold's Meats. pass A choice line of Cigars |®| and Tobaccos. 25 lbs. granulated Sugar, j||j iCome in and examine our M Candies. \M A complete line of M GROCERIES. |||| CHAS. DIEHL, iff Fifth Street, Emporlnm,