Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 11, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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* *
sj< *
I Big Risks I
* *
2? Loss of Time, Loss cI Money.
Loss of Place, Loss of Ccmfort. ;£
5 all follow in the train of not using :js
|St.Jacobs Oill
* *
| For- Rheumatism, |
:U Neuralgia, Lumbago, |
% Sciatica, Sprains sk
25 %
5 It has cured thousands. Will rfc
cure ycu. Price 25c. and 50c. s|c
# $
i *
llnil Sigm.
Mr. Citydweller (to suburban real es
tate apent)—l find only one fault with
your district. Mr. Boomerup, but that
makes me decline to buy a residence
Mr. Boomerup—Why, what is the mat
"I noticed to-day, as we have been driv
ing about, that all your finest houses are
owned by physicians."—Stray Stories.
Knitiila in Watch Cases.
According to an article in the Cincin
nati Commercial, a lifty-one pound stone
was recently found in that city secreted
in a bale of hay of eighty pounds.
This is not as bad as finding a lump of
lead of nearly one-half the weight <>f the
solid gold watch case secreted iu the cen
ter of the case.
Gold watch cases are sold by weight,
and no one can see where this lead is
secreted until the springs of the case are
taken out and the lead will be found se
creted behind them.
These cases are made by companies who
profess to be honest but furnish the
means to the dishonest to rob the pub
lic. it is not pleasant for anyone to find
that he has lugged a lump of lead in his
watch case.
Another trick the makers of spurious
solid gold watch cases is to stamp the
case "l". S. Assay." The United States
does not stamp any article made out of
cold and silver except coin, and the fakir,
by using this stamp, wants to make the
public believe that the government had
something to do with the stamping or
guaranteeing the fineness of watch cases.
Another trick of the watch fakir is to
advertise a watch described as a solid
gold filled watch with a twenty or twenty
five-year guarantee. These watches are
generally sent (.'. O. I)., and if the pur
chaser has paid for the watch, he finds
that the Company which guaranteed tlie
watch to wear is not in existence.
The Dueber Hampden Watch Company
of Canton, Ohio, who are constantly ex
posing these frauds, will furnish the
names of the manufacturers who are m
this questionable business.
She—"And you don't think there is a
chance 111 the world of our living through
our lives without a quarrel?" He —"There
is always a fighting chance, deur."—Cin
cinnati Commercial Tribune.
10,000 Plants for 10c.
This is a remarkable offer the John A
Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., makes
They will send you their big plant and
seed catalog, together with enough seed tc
1,000 fine, solid Cabbages,
2,000 delicious Carrots,
2,000 blanching, nutty Celery,
2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce,
1,000 splendid Onions,
1,000 rare, luscious Radishes,
1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
This great oiler is made in order to in
duce you to try theic warranted seeds—
for when you once plant them you will
grow no others, and
providing you will return this notice, and
if you will send them 20c in postage, they
will add to the above a package of the fa
mous Berliner Cauliflower. [K. L.J
T'snally tlie.Cn»e,
"A man's enemies seldom kick him when
lie's down," remarked the moralizer.
"That's right," rejoined the demoral
izer. "They stand aside and give his
frier da a chance."—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Are Yon Goliir to Florida?
Winter Tourist Tickets are now on gale
via Queen & ( rescent Route, Southern
Railway, and connecting lines to points,
South, Southeast and Southwest, good re
turning until May 31, 1%'4.
* Tickets can be purchased going to Flor
ida via Lookout Mountain and Atlanta,and
returning via A.-hevillc and the Land of the
1 ky, giving a variable route. For informa
tion addnSs-?, \V, (J Rincaison, G. P. A.,
Cincinnati, 0.
r •
TV.<! the Uonl They Conlri,
She- I wonder why they hung that pic
ture? • ■■■' -
f*'-Perhaps they couldn't catch the
b. Ast. — Stray Stories.
I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption
paved niv life three years ago. —Mrs. Thos.
Robbins, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1900.
Nell—"So he really Raid he considered
tne very witty?" sellv-*'Not exactly,
lear. He said ho had to laugh e/ery time
he saw you."—Philadelphia Ledger.
Back aches all the time. Spoils your
appetite; wearies
cause it all and
Doan's Kidney
Pills relieve and
cure it.
11. 15. McCarver, •, AgMSfflßk
of 201 Cherry St., §3^
Portland, Oregon,
inspector of freight
for the Trans-Con- j
tineutal Co., says: fka
"1 used Doan's V|
Kidney Pills for jrfegjj/ 11
backache and other
symptoms of kid- - «
ney trouble which had annoyed me for
months. I think a cold was responsi
ble for the whole trouble. It seemed
to settle in my kidneys. Doan's Kidney
Pills rooted it out. It is several months
since I used them, and up to date there
has been no recurrence of the trouble."
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all
dealers. Price, 50 cents per boji
Foster-Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Gen. Vlncouut Kutnurii In Untied as
tie Gcotkc Wiinliliik ton of the
ImluiiU Km pi re.
Gen. Viscount Katsura, who has often
been spoken of as "the Washington of
Japan," is considered the bravest and
greatest of all tbe fighting men of the
Flowery Kingdom. Two years ago he
became prime minister. He began his
fighting career in 1867, during the civil
war which resulted in the overthrow of
the old order of things in the land of
the rising sun and the adoption of west
ern civilization. Though only a lieu
tenant then, he became known for ex
traordinary courage. He was always
in the thickest of the light, always the
flrst to volunteer to lead a forlorn
After the war his government sent
Katsura to Germany to study military
matters On his return he took a lead
ing part In reorganizing the Japanese
(Premier of Japan and the Idol of tha
People at Largs)
soldiery on Abe European model and was
practically creator or the modern Jap
anese army. In IS7C, when a colonel, ho
was again sent to Germany, In company
of the late Grn. Kawakami, to inspect
the German military system. The two
officers were at that time regarded a 9
the most promising men in the entire
Japanese army. Katsura became a
major general on his return home and
was vice minister of the war office un
der Oyama. In 1891 he was made lieu
tenant gc-r.eral. In the Chino-Japanese
war he led his army through Corea to
Manchuria, and later, under Gen. Nod
zu. won many victories. His name be
came a terror throughout the invaded
country. ,
Katsura was born In 184!) in the west
ern part of the main island of Japan.
This province has given birth to many
illustrious statesmen and generals,
among them Marquis Ito. Field Marshal
Yamagata and Count Inouye. The vis
count believes the Japanese are the best
soldiers in the world and says he would
not fear the result if he had to lead them
against any white troops.
Nothing in Japan is too good for Kat
sura. He is the idol cf the people.
! Preclon* Historical Hello Which Is
Owned ami Zealously (luarileU
1»> Prince of \V ulch,
For the last two weeks Americans in
London have been flocking to the ship
ping exhibition In Whitechapel to see a
relic of United States history which will
be interesting likewise to their country
men at home. This Is nothing less than
the pipe smoked by Sir Walter Raleigh,
which is also, of course, the first ever
smoked in England the famous
courtier of Queen Elizabeth having In
troduced the "fragrant weed" into Eng
land on his return from America. Ths
pipe belongs to the prince of Wales, who
if lir
tr j &. ||g
I i fflT*
i i. —— .I-
(Unique Relic Now on Exhibition in White
chapel, London.)
always has seen to its being guarded
most carefully, and never before allowed
It to be placed on exhibition.
It is probable that Raleigh used this
»pipe when he demonstrated to Queen
Elizabeth the weight of a given amount
of smoie by weighing some tobacco,
smoking it and weighing the ashes.
Even more interesting than these,
however, are the associations of the
pipe with the latter part of the court
favorite's life. It was his constant com
panion when he paced the battlement
outside the prison at the tower of Lon
don, while composing his history of the
t world. To this day the window in the
| White Tower is pointed out where Sir
Walter smoked his pipe as he watched
his rival, the earl of Essex, walk to the
scaffold erected on the green just below,
and there is equally trustworthy sub
stantiation for the tradition that this
was the pipe that the knight carried
with him to the block when it came his
turn to take "the sharp medicine, but a
cure for all diseases."
Monopolies in i'nnnnin.
Cigars, cigarettes, salt and ice, at r gov
ernment monopolies in Panama
Poor Judgment.
She —I think Mr. Wiggs has very
poor judgment.
Her Husband —Why, he's got twice
as gocd judgment as I have.
She —But look at the woman he mar
Her Husband —Yes, that's the line of
Judgment 1 was thinking of, too. —Cin-
cinnati Commercial Tribune.
1 >i« iifteroiaN KeitrninK.
Yeast—l see a school has been start
ed in Washington where scholars are
taught, to be ambidextrous.
Crimsonbeak —Taught to use both
"Weil, I hope they'll manage to keep
the graduates out of the treasury."—
Yonkers Statesman.
Too Clone to Touch,
I/mg—Are you acquainted with Grass
Short —Sure. He's one of my closest
Short—Yes. Why. he's fo close that I
can't even borrow a dollar of him.—Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
Another ('linnet* I'noouii t«*r.
Left rich (formerly Say mold Storey,
acknowledging introduction at club) —
Seems to me we met once before, in a
Pullman sleeper.
Fellaire (formerly Rusty Rufus) —
Quite likely. One meets all sorts of
people in one's travels. —Chicago Tri
llfipplly AdJ unfed.
"Let's arrive at a mutual understand
ing," said the Englishman,after the heat
of the argument had subsided. "I don't
want you to think I'm a thief."
"Av coorse not," replied thelrisliman,
"an' Oi don't want ye to t'ink Oi t'ink
ye're a thafe. But ye are."—N. Y. Trib
One Sort.
"Thero goes Roxhatn. Every time I
think of that man's financial embarress
ment, it makes me yearn to help him."
"Financial embarrassment?"
"Yes; he's got so much money he
doesn't know what to do with it." —
Catholic Standard and Times.
The <tn«»Ntion Annwered.
"The question is this: Would you ad
vise me to marry a beautiful or a sen-
Bible girl?"
"What a foolish question! A beauti
ful girl would do better, and a sensible
girl would know better." —Puck.
Tin* IteKulatlon FOCDN.
Fritilla—Papa, what is a society
Papa—Well, meet your guests with
stylish cordiality beaming out of one
eye and critical inspection glaring out
of the other. —Brooklyn Life.
Wonder fu 11 y Fert lie.
"Johnny," asked the teacher of a
small pupil, "what are the principal
agricultural products of Cape Cod?"
"Cod liver oil and codfish balls,"
promptly answered the youthful stu
dent. —Cincinnati Enquirer.
Not on lli<> .In w.
Mrs. Kolly—lt sez here thot if -wim'-
men svor prize-foighters ye wouldn't
be able to knock thim out.
Kelly —No; there's no use thryin' to
put a woman to shiape be liittin' her on
the jaw.—Judge.
riinnieeN In Style,
The poet once put on a wreath
That decked htm out full fair;
But now he wears a funny hat
And doesn't cut his hair.
—Washington Star.
Fond Mamma—Yes, my darling, those
little boys next door have no father or
mother, and no kind Aunt Jane.
Wpul/.'n't you like to give them some
Archie (with great enthusiasm)—Oh,
yes, mamma. Let's give them Aunt
Jane!— The King.
next in the World.
EsthcrviHe, la., Feb. Ist.—Mr. George
J. Barber, of this place, says:—
''Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best
medicine in the world. There is noth
ing as good. I had been sick for over
15 years with Kidney Disease, which
finally turned into Blight's Disease. 1
was treated by Doctors in Chicago, but
they didn't do me any good. The best
Doctor m Estherville treated me lor five
vears with no better success. 1 heard of
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and made up ray
mind to give them a trial.
"I am very thankful to Vie able to say
that they cured me completely, and I
think they are the best medicine in the
The honest, earnest, straightforward
experiences of real living men and
women are the only material used in
advertising Dodd's Kidney Pills. One
such testimony is worth more than a
thousand unsupported claims. The peo
ple who have used Dodd's Kidney Pills
are those whose evidence is worth con
sideration, and surely nothing can be
more convincing than a statement like
Mr. Barber's. There are thousands of
others just as strong.
Proof Positive.
Husband (reading)—l'm surprised to
learn that a married man writes the
fashion notes for the woman's page in this
Wife Hut. dear, how do you know that
sueh is the ease?
''Listen to this item: 'There will be no
change in pooketbooks this season. Now,
only a married man could have penned
that." —Cincinnati Enquirer.
' Any one can dye with Putnam Fadeless
Dye, no experience required.
Colds Invariably Result in Catarrh, Which Sets Up a
Host of Distressing Diseases.
PE-RU-NA Both Protects and Cures a Cold—Read Proof.
Miss Rose Gordon, 2.103 Oakland
iv., Oakland Heights, Madison, Wis.,
"A few year* oko 1 rnmclit n noreri?
oold, which resulted In chronic liron
cllll ih anil catarrh. Our family pliysi
einn prescribed medicine* which (tnvc
temporary relief only. I beitnn tnk
lui; I'erunn nad improved at once.
Two bottle* cured inc. I recommend
l'ernna to nil iiulTererii, and am moot
Krutel'ul to yon for your valuable
niodlclne."—Mix* Itose Gordon.
AV a nli In at on, D. C., 000 II afreet, N. W.
Dear l»r. Hartmani—"l used to think
that the doctors knew all übout our
nclien and painn and were the proper
one* to consult w hen Mick, hut since
1 have been sick niyHelf I certainly
lind kiioil reason to cliiinisr my mind.
DariiiK the winter I ouuitht ti heavy
cold, which developed into catarrh of
the hronchinl tubes and an Inflamed
condition of the respiratory orumm.
The doctor* were afraid that pneu
monia would Net In and prescribed
pills, powders find packs until 1 sick
ened of the whole thliiic. as 1 did not
I ill prove. One oft lie Indies in the home
had a bottle of Perunn anil she ad
vised me to try tlint. Shortly after I
hi'uan usl n k it I felt that I had found
the rijglit medicine. I used two bottles
>■ nil t hey restored me easily nnd pleas
antly to perfect health. While my
I Most people think too lightly of a
cough. It is a serious matter and Wk- CT?U?T| TJSf&'P/VTffcT? t
needs prompt attention. SEXDf ril IAI UE/3 'M
| 500,000 BUSHELS 1
COHHSXiainniptlOll ST Laritsl iff J potato srotvtrsln the Irrr/Jf JBh
~ . Kl Elegant stock. Tremendous yields. K.%N
In© Lung Hgnl From 400 to 1000 buahela per aero. Jygl
Tonic I m FOR 10 CENTS i
when the first sign of a cough or H and this notice we send you lots of farm R
nnlH onnpirs It ~.ill n ,™ \-r>n »eed samples and big catalogue, telling (ss®
cola it Will cure you hRm allaboutTeoslnte, Bpeltz, Peao*t, Aerld (K9
easily and quickly then —later It wm I*nd Barley, Macaroni Wheat, Bromus, ■■
Will be harder to cure. . ■ Earliest Cano. etc. bend for same today.
Prices, 25c., 50c., and SI.OO. 11
EA ABB #% W 11.1, increase ofrw^arf* W§l
M Ola 19 YOl It KECEIFTI CiJlLik, •ffii lilifcißl
0* 19 »nilCl'
-ON YOUR — CatalOKUeanlll,ricol ' lst - Pi!
» Bfi 0. ELIAS & BRO., | | ffcl•"«
C J1 Kr HA BUFFALO, N. Y. une building, JSew York.
■ SH If! AGENTS Wuntod. CALIFORNIA C. il. Woostcr (Jo.. S;tii Francfscu
by a''strong, 'conser I vatr v k '^frSWo'^OoS^ANYf^workfifg
LARGE PRODUCIWC MINES. irnrnV o ''&^r/i , e a';uV;ff l ; , l ,ir^:
vestment Offer which makes It CERTAIN OF YIEI,DINQ 100 PER CENT overand above the aimiunt
Invested, in addition to the regular Interest on the bonds. Write fordetalled Information about the above.
lon tho Btomach. foul motith, indigestion. pimpleß, pain* after eating, liver trouble,
■ snllow complexion and diczinenß. When your bowels don't move regularly yon aro sick, v Con-
R Htipation kills more pecplothan all other diseases together. You wfll never get well and stay well
■ until voa put your bowela right. Start with CASOAKETS today under absolute guarantee to euro
Ntoniach UIIN very dellent*'. Pernnn <1 id '
not nmmeute me in the Ichkl, hut jjavo
me n KOOII nppetite, mid I wish to ex
preMN lU y Krutit u«le to you for rentored
health."—Miss lloNnlie Von St ruenuiu^
Is the Beginning of Most Winter
Ailments' —Pe-ru-na Protects
Against and Cures Colds.
There is no fact of medical science
better established than that a teaspoon
ful of Peruna before each meal during
the winter season will absolutely pro
tect a person from catching cold. Now,
if this is true (and there is no doubt of j
it), thousands of lives would be saved, j
and tens of thousands of cases of j
i chronic catarrh prevented, by this I
simple precaution within reach of j
every one.
After a cold has been contracted a '
tcaspoonful of Peruna every hour will ]
■ shortly cure it, leaving no trace of it
behind. After chronic catarrh has be
come established, or the first stages of
J chronic bronchitis or consumption have
i been reached, it will take much longer
to effect a cure.
It seems strange that as well known
and well established as these facts are
j any one should neglect to profit, by
! them, and yet no doubt there are many
who pay little or no attention to them
and goon catching cold, acquiring
chronic catarrh, bronchitis and con
Catarrh May Permeate the Whole
Mrs. Mary E. Sampson, West Derry,
Rockingham county, rJ. If., writes:—
"I had terrible headaches, both ears
run and I was nervous all the time, alsa
had trouble each month; was deaf in
one ear for thirty years. I took six
bottles of Peruna and one of Matialin
and am happy to say that it is the best
j medicine that I ever used. lam not so
j nervous, my appetite is good, every
j thing I eat agrees with me, and I am
j feeling better in every way. I think
j Peruna is a Godsend to women and a
blessing to suffering humanity."-
! Mary E. Sampson.
j If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory resultsfrom tlieuseof Peruna
write at once to Dr. Hartman. giving a
full statement of your case, and' lie will
be pleased to give you his valuable
advice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Qolumbus,
A Boston physician's dis-'"?B?j^ : 4^ : '-"
covery which cleanses and «3KS'
heals all inflammation of the mucous
membrane wherever located.
In local treatment of female ills Pax
tine is invaluable. Used as a douche it
is a revelation in cleansing and healing
power; it kills all disease germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
Thousands of letters from women
prove that itis the greatest cure for
leucorrhoca ever discovered.
Paxtine never fails to cure pelvic
catarrh, nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore
mouth and sore eyes, because these
diseases are all caused by inflammation
of the mucous membrane.
For cleansing, whitening and pre
serving tho teeth we challenge the
world to produce its equal.
Physicians and specialists everywhere
prescribe and endorse Paxtine, andthou
sandsof testimonialletters prove its value.
At druggists, or sent postpaid 50 cts.
A large trial package and book of
instructions absolutely free. Write
The R. Paxton Co., Dept. 4, Boston, Mass.
Looking for a Home?
Then why not keep in view the
fact that the farming lands of
Hggy Western
~ are sufficient to support a population of
\ fi0.000,000 or over 112 The Immiin Atlon fot
J —the vast hi* years has been pUcuoinenaL
|w, FREE Government Lands
i/tv easilv accessible, while other lands may
1,,. J.IP 11 I :. 1 l i\s ay und IJIIIS
K.A ± Companies. The main and iri azinirlanda
( A\ /• of Wvulcrn C'UIKMIu are the best on t
t 1,1 Continent, producing thehestgrnin,
liF- V, and cattle (fed on grass alone) ready
for market.
M MnrketiM Rehnolt* Ilallwnya
v'lJ nml nil other cAiulitonN nutke
' /f\.) We* lerti ( imiKlii nn enTlublo
•>- A|»«t lor the •ettler.
Write to the Si'PERIKTKN'PKVT 1M limn*.
TloN, Ottawa, for a descriptive Atlas,
and otherlnforniation; or to the author*
lzed Canadian Government Agent—
-11. H. WII.M ASIB, Law Itulldlng, Toledo, Ohio.
World's Fair?
Send for Booklet telling how to
secure accommodation at
The only Hotel within the grounds. Kates: tl.f*)
toifi.fiO Ehiropeun; R!.(*)to 17.00 American, which
Include daily admission. Address Hoom 110,
Administration Htiilding CAIIIT I fIIIIC
Worlds Fair Grounds. OAlll I LUUIO
A. N. K.-C 2007
nCKIICCC absolutely relieved at nmnll eoat.
l/kAilVkOv Semi tor circular or call. Micro#
Audlyhouc to , UUV W. UOlfe Hew lerfc#