4 2ifnr)er s r) Jf 1 ress, ESTABLISHED BY C. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TRRM 8 OFSU BSCRIPTION: P«»year |2 00 is advance fl 50 ADVERTISING RATES. Advert! e merits are published at the rate of one l»Uur per square for one insertion and fifty cents j«rs<|iiare for each subset!urn! insertion. Rates by the yearor for six orthreemonthsare aw HUH -. aiform, and will be furnished on appli "*Leg'itand Official Advertising persquare, three Humivor less,s2 OO; each subsequent insertions!) cei**» per square. Loca I notices ten cents per line for onei nsertion Ssrc cents per line for eaehsiibsequenteonsecutive Insertion. Ohitnary notices over five lines, ten cents per lue. Si inpleannouncements of births, marriages sod leaths will beinserted free. Hu tin «s 'arils, five lines or less $5.00 per year lines, at the regular rates of advertising No localiuserted for less than 75 cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, uvi iffords facilities for doing the best class of PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law BY4 tiling. No paper will he discontinued until arrearages »r« p.iid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out oftb« county must be paid for t a advance. iff So advertisements will be accepted at less tban the price for fifteen words. «»-Religious notices free. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. TO Til 13 REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OK PENN: BYLVANIA: lam directe 1 by the Republican State Com mitUc to announce tlmt the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representa tires, will meet in convention at the Opera Souse ill the city of Harrisbnrg, on Wednesday, April <>, 1901, at ten thirty o'clock a. m., for the narpose of noru nating candidates for the follow ing offices, to-.vit: One person for the office of Judge of the Su p»emc Court. Thirty-four pc-rsons, two at large, for presiden tial electors, and. To elect lour delegates and four alternates at targf to the Republican National Convention t#» £■ li"ld in Chicago, on June 21, 1901, also For the transaction of such othter business as may be presenter!. to accordance with the rules governing the organization, the representation in the State Convention will bo based on the vote polled at the last presidential election: Under tiie rules each legislative district is entitled to one dele- Site from every two thousand votes cast for pivs dential electors ill 190.1. and additional dele gate fir every fraction of two thousand votes polled iii excess of one thousand. By order ofthe Republican State Committee. BOIES PENROSE, Chairman. W. R. ANDREWS, Secretaiy. First Fork. Editor Prrw— The funeral of Seth Briggs was held last Tuesday and burial made in the family plot on the old homestead in Wharton, where he has resided many years, lie was one of the old settlers, ami had been sick a long lime. He had been lo the hospital at Buffalo a number of times but failed to receive much bene fit. lie leaves a wife and family of four children. An older sister, Mrs. Miller, still survives bim. Thos. Logue, living at the mouth of Darrin Run, had a leg so badly smashed one day last week, that the bones pro truded through the flesh. Have not heard the full particulars. Mr.-. Abratn orton of this place was taken to the hospital at Austin on Thurs day for an operation for strangulated hrrnia. She is reported t'oiug well. J.css.>c Logue killed a lynx one day last week, quite a la rue one. He now has two lynx pelts, oue brought from California by C. K. Loa'ie. Henry Jordan killed two bear., on Sat uid.iy, t up li.i'ioy Run— n old "his innings" or rath r liisuuting tu-morrow aud then we shall see if he knows as much about the weather as the rest of the weather prophets. Dr. C'olcord lost a valuable yearling last week. Feb. 4, 1904. Nl kk Bet>. North Creek Items. Vote for J. F.Lewis for Supervisor. Mr. A. Bliss is cutting wood for Mr. Moon. Mrs. Lowells Moon was on the sick list last week. (Jhas. Clt idwiek went to Ligonier to cook in a lumber camp. Miss Alice Lewis, of Emporium, spent Sunday with her parents. Ex-Sheriff Hamilton and son were see on our street ou Sunday. Mr. Eiihu Chadwiek, of Rich Valley, was visiting his son last week. Mrs. Win. Lewis was visiting her sister in Emporium over Sunday. Mr. Kveral I lousier goes to Cameron with his team to work for A. Hamilton. T. F Rritton came near loosing his dwelling house by fire oue day last week. The little folks and some big folks too are enjoying the slidiug and snow tumb ling. Couuty Commissioner, A. F. Vogtand Mr. Buchanan were calling on J. W. Lewis, Friday. Sam Lewis' cook "went out", sick on Friday. Mark Taylor was cookee until the new cook came. Wo venture the cooking was (). K. Two STARS. Feb. 1, 1904. [The PRESS was compelled,at the last moment, to cut out a large amount of interesting nows la.st.week, in order to make room for Agricultur al matter.]—EDlTOß. Bookkeping or Shorthand, full course by mail, $12.50. The best there is, and ail it is worth anywhere. If more is paid it goes to agents and for their ex penses. We have no "drummers." School stands strictly on its merit*. Call or write, Westbrook Academy, Olean, N. Y. Millionaires' Poor Stomach. The worn-out stomach of the over- I fed millionaire is often paraded ill the public prints as a horrible example of the evilß attendant on the possession of great wealth But millionaires are not t>he only ones who are afflicted with bad stomachs. The proportion is far greater among the toilers. I)ys pepsia and indigestion are rampant among these people,and they suffer far worse tortures than the millionaire un less they avail themselves of a stand ard medicine like Green's August Flower, which has been a favorite household remedy for all stomach troubles for over thirty five years. Au gust Flower rouses the torpid liver, thus creating appetite and insuring perfect digestion. It tones and vital izes the entiro system and makes life worth living, no matter what your sta tion. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size 75c, at L. Taggart. 3S-ly-l. Shirt waist suits have a dressy look which the separate waist can never at tain. J2sctiped an Awful Fate. Mr. H. Higgius, of Me.bourne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told me I had Con sumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a trial bottle of Dr King's New Dis covery for Consumption, induced lue to try it. Results were startling. I atn cow on the rood to recovery and owe all to Dr. King's New Discovery. It surely saved my life." This great cure is guar anteed for all throat and lung diseases by L. Taggart, Druggist. Price 50c and 81.00. Trial Bottles free. Economy is learning to do without those things you don't want and can't possibly need. Better Than Gold. "I was troubled lor several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster. N. 11. "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excel lent health for years. She says Electric Hitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorate ior weak run down woman No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by L. Taggart. Arc unhappy married people more numerous than formerly, or are they talking more about it? Mysterious Circumstance. One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and head off consti pation. Try them. Only 25c, at L. Taggart Druggist. About half the troubles of which we all make plaint never hit us at all but went skimming by. When You Have a Cold. The first action when you have.i cold should be to relieve the lungs. This is best accomplished by the free tue of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This Remedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs, produces a free expectoration, and opens the secretions. A complete cure soon follows. This remedy will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment and it leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. It counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia. For sale by L. Taggart. Knitting is prelty work. It shows off white fingures to advantage and handsome rings, it is also useful. Another Case of .Rheumatism Cured by Chamberlain's Fain Balm. The efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Halm in the relief of rheumatism is being demonstrated daily. Parker Tiiplett, of Grigsby, Va, says that Chamberlain's Pain Halm gave him permanent relief from rheumatism in the back when every thing else failed, and he would not be without it. For sale by L. Taggart. Once I thought it wise to believe everything; now 1 am wise enough to doubt it all and demand proof. Discovery Concerning Rheumatism. It is now known positively that rheu matism is caused by uric acid in the blood. The only possibly way to get this poison out of the blood is to treat the kidneys, so when they are diseased or not acting properly, the uric acid passes from the kidneys into the blood. Thompson's Barosma or Kidney Cure acts quickly, taking up the uric acid, curing the kid neys and restoring them in their normal functions. Thompson's Barosma is pleasant to take. For sale by R. C. Dodson. The io-called "spiritual man" is often dizzy from bad digestion, and you'll fiDd more gas than soul in him. Quick Helief. The soreness begins togo and the pain to stop from the moment you take the first dose of Thompson's Barosma or Kidney Cnre. No opiate of any form used in its manufacture. Thompson's Barosma is absolutely harmless an I i guarantee to cure all diseases of the kid- ' neys, liver and bladder also palpitation of < the heart, nervous debility and female weakness. Druggist, $1 per bottle. Six for $5. For sale by H. C. Dodson. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1904. 1 Commissioners' Report. Receipts. Expenditures, Liabilities and Assets of Cameron County for the Year Ending Jan. 4, 1904. RECEIPTS. Balance in treasury Jan. s,l9o3,Couiity $4,987 28 Balance in treasury Jan S, 1903, Special Balance in treasury Jan. 5,1903, Special Court House 2,912 10 Balance in treasury Jan. 5, 1903, Dog Fund 181 03 Kec'd from collectors of 1899 20 03 Bec'd from collectors of 19Qtl 581 85 Kec'd from collectors of 1901 1,030 10 Kec'd from collectors of 1902 1,388 79 Rec'd from collectors of 1903 7,459 61 Rec'd from unseated tax of 1902 211 06 Rec'd from unseuted tax of 1903 3,465 77 Rec'd from redemption of county lands 182 56 Rec'd from sale of county bond 3,325 00 Rec'd from interest of unseated tax.B 75 Kec'd from liquor license 495 00 Rec'd from Commonwealth costs re turned 148 03 Rec'd from fire wardens' bills returned by state ... 165 31 Rec'd Iroin vehicle license 12 00 Rec'd one half hunters' license 5 00 $»,317 29 EXPENDITURES. A. F. Vogt, Commissioner, 97 days 339 50 A. F. Vogt, expenses 2100 A. W. Mason, Commissioner, 92 days . 322 00 A. W. Mason, expenses 16 50 J. W. Lewis, Commissioner, 92 days . 322 00 J. W. Lewis, expenses 19 00 Commissioners' Clerk 800 00 Commissioners' Counsel 100 00 Sheriff 80 50 I'rothonotary 261 70 County Auditors 136 80 Jury Commissioners 34 84 Janitor 480 00 Constables' Returns 21 50 District Attorney 65 00 Ollicial Reporter 90 00 Court Crier and Tipstaffs 20 00 Commonwealth, Sheriff and Constables 152 66 Bridge repairs 472 92 Commonwealth, Justices and witnesses 57 42 Sheep damage 170 36 Traverse Juror 4 16 Assessors for assessing 284 00 Assessors for registering 122 00 Election expenses 1,092 51 Jail expenses 942 84 State Prison and Hospital 1,183 65 Printing and advertising 250 50 Road views and damages 56 50 Stationery and postage 175 85 Kounty on noxious animals 120 00 Fuel and lights 304 20 Repairs to public buildings 759 62 Inquests 61 22 Burial of indigent soldiers 210 00 «lank books 103 35 ounty bridges 3,352 00 Water 100 00 Fire wardens 998 38 Telephone 48 00 Insurance 130 00 Agricultural Association 100 Oil Typewriting machines 252 50 Pest house 21 85 Refunding taxes 16 54 Burial of pauper 31 56 Teachers' Institute 2UO 00 Commission in Lunacy 15 00 Emporium School District 76 38 County Treasurer, deeds and adver tising county lands 106 60 Mullin-Blumle contest 49 40 Miscellaneous 76 25 Paid outstanding orders previous yrs.. 1,241 05 Paid bonds Nos. 40,42. 43, 9,41 5,325 00 Interest on Court House bonds 800 00 State Tax on Court House bondß 80 00 Interest on Bridge bonds 737 50 Five per cent, commission on 114954,17 747 71 Two and one-hall' per cent. Com. on 93,325.00 83 12 One per cent. Com. on $819.72 8 50 Paid balance due on State personal tax 563 83 *24,918 27 Cash in Treasury $10,038.82 Less outstanding orders 1,639.80 8,399 <>2 #31,317 29 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. ASSETS. Cash in Treasury Jan. 4, 1904 $111,038 82 Due from unseated tax. 1902 1,191 51 Due from unseated tax, 1903 2,505 47 Due from collectors, 1894, 29 57 Due from collectors, 1896 276 82 Due from collectors, 1897 329 79 Due from collectors, 1898 150 35 Due from collectors, 1899 291 47 Due from collectors, 1900 764 41 Due from collectors, 19ul 983 42 Due from collectors, 1902 2,138 51 Due from collectors, 1903 3,U18 16 Due from State Fire Wardens' bills... 199 19 Taxes levied for 1901 15,020 00 $37,270 52 LIABILITIES. Outstanding orders previous years $273 30 Outstanding orders, 1903 l.ttlil 8u Outstanding bridge bonds li.uoo oo Outstanding courthouse b0nd5........ 20,u00 uo $35,913 10 Assets over Liabilities 1,357 4^ $37,270 52 Recapitulation of Tax Collectors. 1894. Name | District [ tartKep I | Due L. Lucore,.. | Portage | $29 57 i | $29 57 1896. A. K. Berlield | Grove | $276 82 | | $276 82 1897. A. s. Bailey.. | Gibson 1 $329 79 | | $329 79 1898. L. Lockwood | Shippen | $l5O 35 | | $l5O 35 1.. Lockwood Shippen ($236 94 | | $236 91 W. H. Logue 1 Gibson. | 78 59 | $24 06 | *54 53 g |BSE2iS S gSi 533 rsssTss « S-SSg 2 S3S ?.SsS§i! C . , S SZ 285 | I , s S2 S3S m w * _ 2$ SS2 0 S <=o> "'SJce U £ m-r •*• «> n,- £ 2 - isss; sits, x zSsaalig *|«j~ ;os Ss- fa r< j_! !» (ot. !g « _ :: ; : =' : : :: "5 :i : : : C - 'i ' : : §: t '•' 3' '• ®'•' 'V ' a £ 8.2 6 u • .2 a C .2 o«,a-2 ci :2 • Z G s S-.s-Sa ® Sxios 02 o 2 *z »W Wcfid. WcflJcQO t ~ TTTT7 TiTT TTTi TTiTT 1 linNMMi Hi ihlji rt :: • • •: •! ti •:i ® • ! i llsss pis II! I dfu£l da-'ddoSSi Thii is to certify that the foregoing i« a true and correct statement of the receipts and expen ditures, liabilities and assets of the county of Cameron, State of Pennsylvania, for the year endingjan. 4, 1904. A. F. VOGT, A. W. MASON, J. W. LEWIS, County Commissioners. ATTEST: I. K. HOCKLBY, Clerk. We hereby certify that we have examined the i books and accounts of the County Commission- | ers of Cameron county. Pa., for (lie year 1903 ] and lind the übove a correct statement of the J same. C. L. BUTLER, GEO. E. WYLIH, Comity Auditors. ATTEST: W. L. THOMAS, Clerk. Bargain In Books. A complete set of Brittanica Ency clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key. Are all new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, Apply at PRESS office. 36tf Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. 24-tf. Tour to all Mexico. Via the Iron Mountain Route, Spec ial train of finest Pullman Cars to leave Chicago and St. Louis, January 26th, 1904. Thirty days in Republic of Mex ico, including the three Circle Tours and a trip to the Ruined City of Mitla. All points of interest visited. Tickets include all expenses. Tour arranged and operated by the American Tourist Association. For fnllinformation as to Route, points of interest visited, rates, etc., address Jno. R. James, Central Passenger Agent, 905 Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. ! NOTICE! 1 m CXAMINE the little red ' j box in front window of fflj Old Reliable Drug Store. |J| Mi This box contains twenty jjj|| silver dollars. There are a jst| 'ss| thousand keys belonging to |®|| 1 this box, three of which will |!p :?• open the lock. Every person mx «m making a cash purchase of \M\ OT, ONE DOLLAR is entitled to ffi! ||| a key, first key presented that JsK will open the lock will get ten W. | • dollars, second key six dollars ®) and third key four dollars, p/' fikll, It costs you nothing to get a jS'ij 1 <:« key. When keys are all out, |§j|i notice will be given; then pre jji sent your keys and get money ||®j ijM as abovo stated. There is not 'Mf a living person knows which W © j key will open the lock. ;§§; Respectfully, L. Taggart. j To be Comfortable You must be Warm. 112 ■ * '' | We have the largest line of HEATING and COOKING STOVES, both for wood or coal. Remember our great induce ments still continues. The popular "PENINSULAR" Is just what you want. iiiynnii; fiCodol Dyspepsia Cure DigMti what you Mt. | Clearing Sale 1 I Men's and Boys' Cloth- I I ing and Furnishings. I F^ 1 Everything goes at p wonderfully reduced L prices, in order to make room for our SPRINGa- II- 1 and SUMMER Goods I Opposite Post - Office. I Jasper Harris, I The People's Clothier. M , .._ H >Jj H | ——- . -a II C.B.Howard & Co. »S M E N | "STORE OX THE RIALTO." H ** ££} Our goods are always up-to-date and we keep nothing but the best. £ * y This month we will receive about twelve £5 £5 hundred yards of Bates' Seersuckers; they will sell at the same price as last year, 12c per yard. These goods were bought early last fall. If we were to buy them now, we could hardly get them at the price we sell them for, as the H price of raw cotton has been steadily advancing fcg for the last six months. ?? Si \ II We are also expecting a large assortment of Embroideries this month. Those who will Ml have use for the above will do well by looking M over our stock before going elsewhere. M H The Bates' Seersuckers and the Embroi n deries will constitute the leading bargains for the winter and spring sewing. £2 M The McCall patterns are always tip-to date. Fashion sheets free. M |Of jj N LADIES COLLARS. We have a full line of M EK: Ladies white linen Collars, including those new £5 hemstitched linen collars. M LADIES AND GENTS UMBRELLAS. A large M 14 assortment with Tafteta Silk covers and large |t£ variety of handles. |ig GENTS FURNISHINGS. Such as Neck Ties, II a large assortment of fancy Shirts, silk padded §j Mufflers, Wright's Health Underwear, Rich's lu| IJf([ Flannel goods, etc. Every day is bargain day. £* if C. B. HOWARD Sl COMPANY, It ticncral Merchandise. || at* JJ