Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 28, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., Jan. 25,190-1.
NBMOPKIILA, per sack $1 30
Felt's Fancy, •• 150
Pet Grove, " 150
• truhuin, 44 65
Rye ... " J5
Buckwheat 44 75
Patent Meal., 4 ' 50
Ooarse Meal, per 100, 1 35
Chop b'eetl, 4 ' 1 35
Middlings. Fancy 44 1 ,r, °
Bran, . 125
Corn, per bushel, 75
White Oa'K, prr bushel 55
Choice Clover Seed, 1
Ohojco Timothy Seed, I A t Market Prices.
Choice Millet Seed,
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, j
3f ucjcj Ist,
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
\v' '■' \//
H- !:f
Telephone, 19-2.
Contributions invited. That which you would
tike to see in thin department,let us know by pos
tal card or letter, personally.
Much news is unavoidably crowded
R. B. B. Crura, of Sinnamahoning,
visited in Emporium on Tuesday.
Miss Agnes Wade, of Sterling Run,
was calling on friends in town on Tues
The Misses Nettie and Nellie Kissell,
of Sterling Run were in town on Satur
Chas. A. Van Lew expects to make a
business trip to the far west within a
few days.
Mrs. R. C. Potter, of Cameron, was
a welcome business caller at the PRESS
office yesterday.
Mrs. A. Mclncws, Sr , of Corry, Pa.,
arrived in Emporium yesterday to visit
friends, guest of Mrs. and Mrs. Thos.
H. A. Cox, Esq., of Philadelphia,
one of our most %'alued subscribers,
was in town Tuesday and Wednesday,
transacting business with C. B. How
ard Company, for whom he is sales
ngent at Phil'a.
Our sedate friend Chas. L. Butler met
with a painful accident on Tuesday.
While working in his wagon shop he
dropped a large piece of a wagon frame
on his left foot, smashing the great toe.
The report that McCabe walked in
from Emporium Monday morning is
all bosh. Frank knows a good thing
when he sees it, and can sieep on an
easy couch just as well as in bed—
Austin Autograph.
"The Gang," composed of the female
portion of the silent (?) members, call
ed upon Mrs. Lizzie Hinkle, last Friday
afternoon and surprised that pleasant
lady friend. We understand they did
manage to thaw out and speak a few
Mrs. Lizzie Easterbrooks has return
ed from a pleasant visit to Bradford
relatives. She informs the PRESS that
her uncle made her a present of a
monster watch dog for her store. The
dog weighs about three ounces.
Mr. Fred Julian was elected Lay
Delegate and Mr. F. P. Rentz, alter
nate, of the First Methodist Episcopal
Church of Emporium, to attend the M.
E Conference at Harrisburg, March
23rd. Mr. Julian expects to be in Eng
land hence Mr. Rentz will act as Lay
W. H. Smith, Sterling Run, while in
town on Tuesday transacting business
did not fail to call on the Pke3S and
gare us a boost into 1905, or rather
pushed his date ahead another year.
Mr. Smith haß for many years been one
of our most respected citizens. We
value the friendship of this good
R Seger & Co., merchant tailors op
posite M. E. Church, have added a new
attraction to their establish ment. In
order to properly suit their customers
they have placed a nice line of Douglas
shoes on their shelves. These are the
most popular $2.50, $3.00 and $3 50 shoes
manufactured. They fit too.
William McDonald, of Beechwood,
was brought to Ridgway Friday even
ing, in a caboose of a freight train, and
taken to the hospital, accompanied by
his two Bons. lie had been struck by
a locomotive and seriously injured
about the head. His condition con'
tinnes to improve, and it it thoaght h«
will recover.—Ridgway Democrat.
Chicken Supper.
The ladies of the First Methodist
Episcopal church will serve a Chicken
and Biscuit Supper in the vacant room,
second floor, of the Metzger block,
Tuesday evening, Feb. 2d, beginning
at 5:30 o'clock and continuing until all
are served. A substantial and elegant
spread and prompt service is tcuaraiv
teed. Maple syrup will be provided
for those preferring it to the chicken
dressing. Tickets will be 25c and will
be for Bale by the ladies. All invited
Up-to-date goods at N. Sager's and
flrst class tits guaranteed.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Divison, of John
sonburg, visited in town yesterday-
A number of our Masonic friends aro
at Wiiiiamsport to-day, attending the
Scottish Rite Lodge.
The lumberman will present a bill to
Congress this session "to compel and
regulate the carriage of inter-state
frieght on all railroads "
The Bowling Team Banqueted at
Mine Host Murphy's last week. One
who was there tells that the spread was
the finest he ever sat down to in Em
N. Seger is not duing a think but
Riving the public some big bargains.
He has the goods and will not carry
i>ver a dollar's worth of goods, if lie has
to sell at cost.
Chas. Robinson, who shot himself
on the 14th, and taken to his home at
Punxsutawney is in a critic il condi
tion. One bail has been extracted, but
the other is in his brain. Poor fellow.
Mr. A. C. Blum, Secretary of Key
stone Powder Co., met with a painfui
fall last Friday morning, while coming
lip Fourth stroet from his residence,
striking the back of his head onto the
flag waik. He has suffered severely
Bver since the fall and can tell you
how it seems to see stars.
League Entertainment.
Next Monday evening, Feb. Ist, the
Kpworth League of the First M. E.
Church will hold a literary and musi
cal entertainment in the church audi
torium, to which they cordially invite
the public.
A Pleasant Dance.
Mr. T. L. Wheaton report the dance
[it Cameron last Friday evening well
attended and an enjoyable occasion.
The New Cameron House served an
excellent supper to the dancers Mr.
Harry McGee keeps a first class house.
New Cameron house.
Mr. Harry McGee, the genial pro
prietor of the New Cameron House, at
Cameron, was a PHESS caller. His
license has been granted and now he
is happy once more. Be sure you call
on Mr. McGee—he will treat you well.
Licenses Granted.
Two of the license applications held
up at the last term of court, Jas. B.
Hayes and Harry McGee, at Cameron,
have been granted this week, the form
er last Friday and the latter on Tues
day. Cameron is no longer "dry" and
it will not be necessary for the thirsty
to walk to Sterling or Emporium to
"whet their whistles."
ROOMS TO LET.— Two good furnished
rooms, without board, to let. Apply
to Wtn. Hackenberg.
Buy your clothes of N. Seger. He
sells cheaper than others. Call and see
A school for those wishing to pre
pare to teach and others desiring in
struction in higher branches will be
jonducted at Emporium for six weeks,
seginning about May 15th, if suffl
lient patronage be insured. Those in
:erested please call on or address E. S.
Ling, Principal. 49-3.
Local Institute.
The following is the program for
Teachers' Institute, to be held in
Mitchell's Opera House, Driftwood,
Saturday, Jan. 30, 1904:
9:30 A. M.
Devotional exercises.
Ringing by the Institute.
"Composition in Its Relation to Other Subjects,"
W. J. Leavitt
Recitation, Claude Smith
"How Can Civil Government be Made to Pre
pare the Cnilp lor GooJ Citizenship,"
R. T. Booda
Vo::al Solo Miss Irene Corbett
"What the Teacher May Learn from the An
cients," ... Miss Martha Sneddon
"Thinking and Learning to Think,"
Miss Mattie M. Collins
Alternoon Session—l:3o o'clock.
Music by Institute.
"Character Building," Prof. E.S. Ling
Song by Primary Children.
"Health Culture in Our Public Schools,"
Col. J. O. Brookbank
Vocal Solo, Mrs. F. E. Richardson
"English in Our Public Schools,"
l'rof. B. W. Urillith, of Lock Haven Normal
fie-Excell's song book will be used.
All teachers and friends of education are cor
dially invited to be present.
H. M. STEELE, Chairman.
Beech wood.
Revival meetings have closed.
Mrs. Armstrong is on the sick list.
Claton Toner spent Sunday at home.
The dance at Toner's was a success.
Miss Rebecca Reed attended the dance
at Toner's.
Rert Morrison has been on the sick
list all winter.
We were glad to see Thos. Geschwin
der on our streets Saturday.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Lucy
is not impoving very rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley of Clearfield,
have been visiting relatives here the past
John Lawson holds the record for
raising veal. The calf was four months
old and weighed .'lO lbs.
Farmer Hopkins' veal had grown so
large when he came to butcher he killed
a cow by mistake.
On Thursday evening about 7:30
o'clock the fire alarm was sounded and
on investigating it was found the Reech
wood school house was on fire. Ry the
prompt action of Winifred Andrews
aud Mrs. Armstrong, they succeeded in
getting the fire under control.
North Creek Itema.
Every one knows we have had lots ol
rain, snow and quite a flood.
Miss Hazel Chandler is on the sick
The Rich Valley school is closed on
accouut of diphtheria.
Mr. Walter Smith visited North
Creek school on Monday.
Miss Olive Ervin, of Rich Valley at
tended church Sunday at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Rrundage are re
joicing over the arrival of a daughter.
Mrs. Milda Morton, of this place, if
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rrundage, ol
Sinnamahonlnic Items.
There was quite a heavy fall of snow
here on Tuesday of this week —about
eight inches.
The ice went out of the streams, with
but slight dtmagc.
A. J. Barclay, with a crew of men, are
busy repairing the damages to the 11. It.
bridge ot Barclay Bro's log road.
Jacob Shafer, who has been very sick
for a lons time, is no better at present
Edward Snyder is laid up with a severe
attack of neuralgia and lagrippe.
Stewart Chase, boarding boss for Bar
blay Bros, is very bad with rheumatism.
The I>. S. & S., gravel train lias gone
to Driftwood to haul gravel this week.
Iv 51. C. Peasley e.imuhome from the
William,sport Hospital, last week, wli'-re
he has been undergoing an operation,
lie speaks very highly of the institution
and the excellent treatment while there.
W. C., No. 136, P. o. S. ot A., are
making arrangements to have the Battle
ofOettysburg, with a lecture, accompanied
with Stereopticon Views, given ln*re in
the near future. Tt will be something
worth going to see. XX.
Sterling Run.
Mr. S. L. Bunee had business in Em
porium Tuesday.
Schools were closed on Friday on ac
count of high water,
Miss Nellie Ivissell visited in Empori
um a lew days last week
Mrs. Thos. Quinn, of Emporium is
visiting her parents this week.
Mrs. Wm. Sprung, of Emporium, vis
ited her parents oue day last week.
Messrs. Jay Nangle, Francis Quinn,
Thos. Quinn and Harry Berry of Em
porium took in the dancing school Satur
day evening.
Freda, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Sumuierson, who has
been suffering with sore throat, is some
better at this writing.
.Mr. Eddie Parker, who has been in
W. Va., for the past year returned home
Monday evening.
Mr. Wilson Berry made a business
trip to Emporium Saturday,
Hirst Fork.
Editor Press:—
The heavy rains caused the ice togo
out of the creek but no damage was done
along here. It took the supports from
under the bridge at Lorshbough and left
it hanging in the air. It has played that
game before. No mail left this office
Friday as the ice between here and
Whaton rendered the B. & S. impassable.
Tt has stopped the log train for a few
days, but we shall probably have lots of
winter yet, between this and the first of
Mrs. D. D. Colcord has been under the
weather for a few days but is gradually
A variation of 75 degrees in the mer
cury in the two or three days is some
thing a little out of common, but it was
that way last week.
Ed Snyder, Barclay Bro's. foreman in
Rattlesnake Run was home during the
thaw, enjoying an attack of neuralgia
A good many of the jobbers in Potter
county "hung up" their jobs on account
of the deep snow and may now go back
since the snow has fettled.
Our thaw has "caught a cold" again
aud the mercury has returned to its old
stand, below zero.
Mrs. Paul Dahlgren and child are
visiting her parents in Jersey Shore.
Stock is being put on the bank for the
Currier mill on Goss Bros, place.
3 r o. !iVr>s.
JAN. 22, 1903.
Loans and Discounts $289,326 43 , paid ,50.000 00
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured— 2,071 16 : plus fund 37,500 00
U.S. Bonds to secure circulation 50,000 00 diviaed pro ats less expenses and
U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits... 100.000 00 | taxes paid 22,653 15
U. 8. Bonds on hand 1,000 00 National Bank notes outstanding 46,450 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 11,768 76 | Due to other National Banks 1,07199
Stocks, secureties, etc 53,714 85 (ic P OS " 3 911 Jec .*5326,839 66
Banking house, furniture and fixtures. 7,898 90 Demand certilieatesofdeposit 1,470 00
Other real estate owned 6,530 49 Certified checks
Due from Nat'l Banks (notreserve agts) 2,107 49 j
Due from approved reserve agents 40,565 86
Notes of other National Banks 1,350 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels and
cents 155 91
Specie $22,434 90
Legal-tender notes 4,500 00 26,934 90
Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer,
5 per cent of circulation 2,500 00
Total $.595,924 75 i 1595,921 75
State of Pennsylvania, County of Cameron. s«.—l, T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank
do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
T.H U.OVD, Caslilcr.
Subscribed and sworn to before rue I I _ ~ .
this 28th day of Jan. 1904. / CORRBCT -Attest:
C. W. SHAFFER, Notary Public, J N. BEGER, > Directors.
Com'is'on expires at end of next Session ofSenate | B. W. GREEN, J
I A . Laughlin iX p
| j| oun * a ' n B jj
:"||| Sf. ; l!■ THI PIER OF ALL SIM fa
K"{ jagstl PENS AND MAS NO Wgg IjT
ill EQUAL ANVWMIHt. Eplßi| J
|j 111 FINEST GRADE ML ®j|j ]|
[1 mEb YOUR eHOICE OF THM %Sgjl [il
lip If
m The LavghUa FonntAla JHfiA
sWrsf Pen Holder U nude off» MBWMB jj
112} 1 ABU HI quality hard rahMr, U MMHs'JB Si
t J Mgl fitted with highest rrada, |R*L *>f
71 Wi large aire. Hi. roll pea. HWpjl '
6 A of aoy deaired flexibility, HI j')
A and bat the only perfect =],
' feeding device kn*wn. HSS: 1|
Either style, richly (aid jWHE'iW ; :
tSA mounted, for presentation 9RSj| Jl
Ft. ' purposea, SI ® extra. ■HBSf r J
Ff Surely you will sol be ■s>
. able to secure anything at 9»ME'aB
-J , ; three (lata tha frit* that will !!»»■« Jl
ti l * - il B ,ve »uch continuous 9QHKIB r'i
BS FOf S * U br
100 ' si
I 5* i
t "s. i
ir m (u.
p B [et
ffi 11
1 5- I
if i
B m
fa p 3 u
| Good |
| Cedar j
! Shingles I
l m
i -' 4tf J
Bargains !
Having recently purchased
and assumed the management
of the old and well established
business conducted by Mr. Slo
cum, located on West Fifth
street, I desire to inform the
public that I shall strive honestly
to merit a share of their patron*
Bargaies in Soaps.
All the Standard makes.
Fresh and Salt Meats Con
stantly in Stock.
SEND us m
h osWj Jill
Steer, Bull or Horse rfjpffija
hide, Calf skin, Dog |Egj|PV|s
skin, cr any other kind
< 112 hide or skin, and let
US tan it with the hair P'ajjrajflK
and moth-proof, for robe, 0.
riir, coat or gloves. E*>.i
r.Ht first pet our Catalogue,
giving prices, and our shipping •"*
i ig.iund instructions, so as to
avoid mistakes. We also buy
raw furs and ginseng. r
116 Mill 3treet, Rochester. N. Y.
Special close prices for prompt
payers 0:1 goods, the quality of
which cannot be gainsayed, are
offerer! here from week to week
and ought to interest every house
hold provider who aims at econo
my. Quality is not sacrificed.
That's the primary consideration
and upon it this store has con-!
tinned to grow in popularity.
This week.
Elm wood Creamery Butter 27c.
California Hams lb., 9'JC.
Trimmed Shoulder.
Hamberg Champion of England
Peas, can, 12c.
Qnee Olives, 16 o/. bottle, 2or.
Regular 25c value.
Enameline Stove Polish, box Bc.
Regular 10c size.
QC Lb. Bag Sugar <£] /f|
Aw Best Granulated.
Choicest Fruits and Vegetables.
|ph„e« J. H. DAY
Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company.
Official Condensed Time Titblo in Effect June 23, 1902.
day Week Days. Duilv i Week Days.
P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. STATIONS. A.M. P.M. M - P.M. P.M.
610 510 11 10 715 Lv Addison Ar 10 13 4 43 !
541 541 11 41 801 Elklaud 941 411
540 546 11 46 8 Ofi Osceola 936 406
555 555 11 55 822 Knoxville 926 356
611 611 12 11 8 4(1 West Held 913 343
647 617 12 47 925 Gaines Junction 836 306
7°o 5M 700 io 20 Lv. \ Galeton,. }Jj; 253 535
740 5 40! P. M.j p. M. 10 58 Ar Cross Fork Junction Lv 739 209 423
545 , 210 11 00 Lv. \ „ «» Fork Junction lAr'1 Ar ' 715 200 3
635 : 300 11 50 Ar.} L 881 ork Junctlon 112 Lv. 615 100 305
821 624 P. M. A. M. 11 39 Ar Wharton Lv. 656 126 310
8 (is 11 40 Lv Wharton Ar, 10 53 I 3 00
A.M.' 858 100 Ar Binnamahoning Lvi 9 551 | 140
845 643 800 A.M. 11 58 Lv Austin Ar! 635 105 ; 950 800
710 8 45; 12 25 Ar Keating Summit Lv 12 40; 9 101 7 30;
P.M.! P.U. A.M. ! P. M.J ! A. M. P. M.I A. M.j P.M.;
P. M. A. M.j
A. M. P. M.
820 935 Lv Ansonia Ar 9 2 l 700
835 949 Manhatten 911 641
839 953 South Gaines 907 640
842 955 Gaines Junction 859 03s
855 10 09 Ar Galeton Lv 81 5 6 25
| P. M.j A. M.j | A. M. P. M.
P. M. A. M. , ' P. M.
1 105 6 3()LV Galeton Ar 10 10 455
124 647 Walton 951 139
150 713 Newfield Junction ! 927 115
1 206 730 West Bingham, i 909 401
; 218 7 41! Genesee ; 858 3 52.
: 221 746 ■ w ßl ,', 0 "?,? Vi 853 347
! 246 806 Ar Wellsville Lv ! 8 30 330
| I IP. M.l A. M.l I IA. M.I P. M.l I
At Keating Summit with B. & A, V. Div. of Pennsylvania R. R.
At Ansonia with N.Y.C.& IIR. R. for all points north and south.
At Newfield Junction with C. & P. A. Ry., Union Station.
At Genesee with N. Y & Pa., Ry. Union Station.
At Addison with Erie R. R., Union Station.
At Wellsville with Erie R. R. for points east and west.
At Sinnamahoning with P. R. R.—P. &E. Div.
11. H. GARDINER, Gen'l Pass'r Agt. Buffalo. N.Y. W. C. PARK. Gen'l Supt., Galeton, Pa.
M. J. MCMAHON, DIV. Pass Ag't.,Galeton,Pa.
} Adam, |
j Meldrum & \
Anderson Co. I
} HUFFAI.O.X. Y. \
I 396-408 Main Street, 3
| Three |
| Great j 1
£ January Sales of Under- >
? muslins of Linens and Cot- *
> tons follow the great Blank- \
\ et Sale. <
\ Linens <
) We particularly call the >
j attention of our out-of-town \
> patrons to the extraordinory x
i \ money saving chance? which s
, x the linen sale offers. <
j ? The tablecloths and nap- ?
| 112 kins are the finest we have }
If ever imported and the piece I
1 J goods are fit for any table. >
1 Just to show you how t
, 1 prices are we give you one x
! \ special. s
' \ John vS Brown &. Son's c
112 $4.00 Napkins $2.15
2 Towels & Toweling )
X The i2j/c towels are a c
£ special purchase lot of 1,000 )
\ dozen, made to sell at 20c. s
P < )ur January sale price 12 jc; $1.50 3
S a dozen. \
\ The 19c buck towels, a bargain \
s we picked up; sold everywhere as <
< a <rood 25c towel. January sale J
P price 1!) cents. >
112 Special Bargains in 3
) Crash. 3
j Brown Linen Crash sc, 7c t Bc, >
\ 9e. Hie, 11c, 121 c. X
X White Linen Crash 10c, 11c, >
< 121 c 14c, 15c, lGc. *
£ Adam, *
< Meldrum & >
Anderson Co. <
112 The American Block, 112
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.