Unprecedented Success. Having just completed our "annual accounting" we are indeed thankful to the generous public for the very flattering trade bestowed upon us during the past year. It is indeed gatifyiug to know that our trade has been much larger than any previous year. Thanks, friends. Although we have been kept as busy as bees ? shipping and delivering goods we are again stocked up, ready to supply the public with anything in the FURNITURE line. We have a large stock to se lect from and many choice articles that were belated holiday orders —goods suitable for any time. You get them at bargains. Again thanking you, one and all, for the continued confidence we invite you drop in and see us and buy if you will. We are glad always to chat with our friends. GEO. J. LaBAR. :zn . if ißalcom & Lloyd. | ij Prepared I I r° r S ; the Season jj jjj We have opened and are displaying a *1 Ij choice line of . . p I FANCY I i DRY GOODS I il" P A specially selected for the . . 01 I _ ®Winter p | Season. 1 fpj to. We have gathered such articles as M combine elegance with llj || and utility at || 1 Very Reasonable I | ~ Prices ~ | I ====== I |Balcom & Lloyd.J CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1904. What's in a Name. Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch llazel Salve. E. C. De- Witt & Co., of Chicago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch llazel that is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protrud ing l'ilea, scztuno, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases DeWitt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numer ous worthless counterfeits. A*k for De- Witt's—the genuine. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Love is the cement with which th. hearts of humanity are united. Cured Alter Suffering Ten Years. B. F. Hare, Sunt. Miami Cyclo A: Mfg. Co. Middletown, 0., suffered ten ten years with dyspepsia. He spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and with doctors without receiving any per maneot benefit. He savs, 'One nigh; while feeling exceptionally bad I was about to throw down the evening paper when I saw an item iu the paper regard ing the merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded to try it and while I had no faith in it I telt better after the second dose. Alter using two bottles I am stronger and belter # than I have been in years, and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and acquaintances suffering from stomach trouble." Sold by R. C, Dodson. If you would avoid temptation, busy yourself with your own affairs. Congratulations. Mr. John H. Cullom, Kditor of the Gerland, Texas, News has written a letter of congratulations to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as fol lows: "Sixteen years ago when our first child was a baby he was subject loeroupy spells and we would be very uneasy about him. Wc began using Chamber lain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and find ing it such a reliable remedy for colds and croup, we have never been without it in the house since that time. We have five children and have given it to all of them with good results. One good fea ture of this remedy is that it is not disa greeable to take and ourbabies really like it. Another is that it is not dangerous, and there is no risk from giving an over dose. I congratulate you upon the suc cess of your remedy." For sale by Jno. E. Smith, Sterling Run. Many men work overtime trying to fix up schemes to avoid work. A Vest-Pocket Doctor. Never in the way, no trouble to carry, easy to take,pleasant and never failing in results are DeWilt's Little Early Risers. A vial ol these little pills in the vest pocket is a certain guarantee against headache, biliousness, torpid liver and all of the ills resulting from constipation. They tonic and strengthen the liver. Sold by R. C. Dodson. The experience a man buys is seldom up to the sample submitted. Just one Minute. One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute because it kills the microbe which tickles the mucous membrane, causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inflam mation and heals and soothes the effect ive parts. One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneu monia and is a harmless and never fail iug cure in all curable cases of Coughs, Colds and Croup. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to fake, harmless and good alike for young and old. So.d by 11. (1 Dodson. It's a rough turkey that is able to hold over for another term. "The nicest and pleasantest medicine I have used for indigestion and constipation is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Meland F. Craig, of Mid dlegrove, N. Y. ''They work like a charm and do no gripe or have any un pleasant effect." For sale by Jno. E. Smith, Sterling Run. Misfortunes are no more than rough places in the streams of life. For a bad taste in the mouth take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents. War ranted to cure. For sale by L. Taggart. tW ROOK MAILED FREE. A. AJKKVEIIS, Coiiueßtlonft, lii(lamma- CURES ) ikoim. Lung Fever, Milk Fever. IK. HJKIMt-tllMfl, Lsmeßem, Injuries, C'URKS ) Rheumatism. ('.CMSORB Til 11 OAT, Quinsy. Epizootic, cuitus ) Distemper. Bota. Grub*. K. K. M'OI'GIIH, Colds, Influenza, Inflamed cuniH S Lunc». Pleuro-Pncuraonla. F. F. M'OLI(\ Bellyache Wlnd-Illown, CURBS I Diarrhea, Dysentery. U.U. Prevents M ISC Ait IU AUK. | KIDNEY de BLADDER DISORDERS. I. I. (SKIN DISEASES. Mange. Eruption*. CURBS 1 llccr*. Ureaae, Farcy. J. K. ( DAD CONDITION, Staring Coal. CURES I Indigestion, Stomach Stagger*. 80c. each; Stable CaM, Ten Specific*, Book, Ac., #7. At drugglata, or aent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphrey*' Medlolne Co., Cor. William A John Streets, New York. NEW CAMERON HOUSE, Cameron. Pa., Opposite P. & E. Depot, HARRY McGEK, Proprietor. Having taken possession of this house and thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am : well prepared lo meet the demands of the public. ! fluesis conveyed to any part of thu county. < inert I fishing and hunting in the immediate vicinity. Executrix Notice. {■' slate of PUOEBK SOU OUT EN, Decerned. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen tary upon the ( state of P HOI:BE HCIIOUTEN, of Emporium, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all claims must be presented and debts paid. 1.1 1.1.1E MARYCRUM. Emporium, Pa., Jan. 4th, 19U4. Notice of Meeting of Stockholders. fTMfE Annua! Meeting of the Stockholders of I the Emporium and Rich Valley K. R. Com pany. will be held at the Law Office of Green & Shatter, Tuesday, January 26th, 190-1, at one o'clock, p. m., for tlie election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may come before them. HENRY AUCHU, President. H. W. GREEN, Sec'y. Emporium, Pa., Jan. 9th, 1904. Notice of F.xccutrlx. Estate of K HOD A E. RUSSELL, Deceased. I ETTERB testamentary on theestateof Rhoda 1 J Russet, late of the borough of Emporium, Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Ilaltie I. Ru c sell, residing in M : d Borough, to whom ail persons indebted to said esiate are requested to make payment, and those having; claims or demands, will make known the same without delav. H ATT IE I. RITSSBLL, Executrix. GREEN AKHAPPKR. Holicitois. December 4th, 1903.—12-tit. District Court of the United States, Middle District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of ) Richard Pierce Bingeman,} In Bankruptcy, Bankrupt. ) No. 399. To the creditors of Richard Pierce Bingeman, of Emporium, in the county ofCameron and Dis trict aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of December, A. D., 1903, the said Richard Pierce Uingeman was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Emporium, Pa., iu the office of M. M. Larra bee, on the 22nd day of January, A. D„ 1904, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. ALONZO R. MOORE, Referee in Bankruptcy. Coudersport, Pa.. January 2nd, A. D., 1904. I G°°d I 1 Cedar { 1 Shingles j [}j WILL KEEP OUT THE ft [jj RAIN. WEHAVETHEM fjj | IN ALL GRADES. L.B.HOWARD CO. | 1 34tf j SHSHSHSH SHSHSHSB 5H 53 5^ | MEATS j i c ill It will pay you to call on fi W us before you buy your jf meats. We handle noth- [j m ing but the best steer n ft beef to be had. J{ | I jjj Our Groceries I Cj Our Groceries are also n first-class and up-to-date. U | jj n] Home-Made Sausage, In iu Hotne-Made Mince Meat, in ru Ground Bone. In ft GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, i Geo. H. Gross. 112 (■saasasasasasas asasa SB <= said skin, or any other kind cf hide or skin, and let us tan it with the hair on, soft, light, odorless and moth-proof, for robe, K'£jaS99|H rug, coat or gloves. But first get our Catalogue, 'slfjvk giving prices, and our shipping H9H , tags and instructions, so as to JeJot avoid mistakes. We also buy ' raw furs and ginseng. r THG CROSBY FRISIAN FUR COMPANY, 116 Mill Street, Rochester, N. Y. Foley's Honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates. jj} Rockwell's § § Drug Store, jj nJ The Cold Cream that we make is unsur- [}i Jj] passed for face and In bauds and will make a p] the skin soft and [Q Jj] white. We have J] In Nail, Tooth and Hair Brushes, Wise [s Brooms. Chamois ru In Skin and Sponges, [n No better goods 011 ™] [= the market. When Jj] [J you want your favo- In , rite recipes iilled j/ Bring them to us. nj u] Our stationery leads. ru ; Also our toilet cream, j{J; toilet water," toilet uj u soaps, perfumes and j{] sashet powder. All Oj jj] the latest. [j|' |[] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure [}j in is an exoellent tonic. A specific n] j]j lor all diseases of the kidneys. 11l S M. A. ROCKWELL. § isfSHSESaStSaSHSHSHS P SHi j Who is Your Clothier? If it's R. SEGER & CO,, you are getting the right kind of merchandise. There is 110 small or grand decep tion practiced in their store. Sustained success demon- B strates that there is 11 "growth in truth"in the I retailing of NEW AND UP-TO-uATE CLOTHING AT POPULAR PRICES. R. SEGER & CO. ■ --- Those whom neglected coughs I have killed were once as healthy jj and robust as you. Don't follow | in their paths of neglect. Take tSMlolh's | Cure TS* lc Lune right now. It is guaranteed to cure. It has cured many thous ands. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 8 asHsasas sHsasasa srasasHSH saSa&HSH siE 5S | Fall and Winter Woolens I |j Have Just Arrived. si |j{ I am now ready to please the public, having K] [Jj just moved my Tailor Shop over the Express »J ju office, in order to cut down expenses. I can - in n] now make clothes much cheaper than they can (Jj sj be made any where in this section. I employ jj }{J only first-class workmen and invite the public J}{ Dj to call and inspect my stock. nj REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. | J. L. FOBERT. | HSHSHSHb HSHSHSHS aSHSHSHSESHSHSHS H5 H5 H5 [BURPEE'S SEEDS JJH 5 WOWO 111 Mi ■■ If you want the choicest vegetables or most beautiful I flowers youshould read BURPEE'S FARM ANNUAL FOR 1904,— so well known las the"l. fading American Seed Cataloßue." It is mailed FREE to all. Better send your I address TO-DAY. W. ATLEE BURPEE tSi CO.. PHILADELPHIA. §WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They h»v«mod thetestofytwi, OTnnUfl _| , . iiitl Imvc cured thousands of AGAIN ' I " d nunill I th , circulatiea. make dlfestisa • perfect, and impart * healthy vigor M th« whole being. All drains and losses are checked ftrmnHtntly. Unless petWnta are properly cured, their coadition eften worries them Into Imaaity, Consuraplioa or Death. Mailed sealed. Price ft per box; t boxes, with Iroa-clad legal guarantee to cure or ntud