Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 24, 1903, Image 13

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    R.C. DODSON,
At Fanrth and Chestnut St*..
it, c. UUDMIKN.
Telephone, 19-2.
' r ~~
Trial (tinner) J
Mrs. Rorer
Rollmnn Heat and Knod Chopper No. 11. At voardealer'v, £o*.
Bj mail or express 7«e. Your MONEY lIACE if not ••tUfaoMt*
UOLLBA.N HKU. CO., 140 lVna Ati., flout Joy, Pa.
SEND us m
A cow, m
Steer, Bull or Horse
hide, Calf skin, Dog jjSraM^a
skin, or any other kind HhJH
of hide or skin, and let
us tan it with the hair
on, soft, light, odorless
and iuoth-proof,for robe,
rug, coat or gloves.
But first get our Catalogue, jjflßß
giving prices, and our shipping fl&fjl *
tags aud instructions, so as to
•void mistakes. We also buy
raw furs and ginaeng. r
116 Mill Street, Rochester, N. Y.
I madam "ssSft. Dean's |
B A safe, certain relief for Suppressed M
■ Menstruation. Netfer known to fall. Safe! I
■ Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction (Guaranteed B
■or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for B
■ SI.OO per box. Will send them on trial, to B
■ be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. B
J usnt»maic»L CO.. io« 74, l»nc«»ti., pa. B
Sold inEraporium by L. Taggait and R. C
™ fill j . I L/B
ll■ v ■ 1
trade Marks
r rTTf~ Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable. Communica
tion* utrictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent#
eent free. Oldest agency forsecurlnffpatents.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. reeelY#
tpedal notice, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. liarffeit cir
dilation of any scientific journal. Termi, $3 ft
year; four months, sl. Sold by all newsdealer*.
MUNN & Co. New Yorli
Branch Office, 625 F Washington, D. C.
rhotofrapht4 REVIVO
produces the nbovo results In 30 day*. It act*
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all falL
Young men will regain tholr lost manhood,and old
men will recover tbclr youthful vigor by using
REVIVO. It quickly and aurely restores Nervous
ness. Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions.
Lost Power. Falling Memory, Wsstlnc Diseases, and
all effects of self-abuse or excess and Indiscretion,
which unfits ono for ctudy, business or marriage. It
Dot only cures by starting at the Beat of disease, but
isagreat nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring
ing back the pink glow to pale checks and re
storing the Ore of yonth. It wards off Insanity
and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, no
other. It can bo oarrlod in vest pocket. By mail.
•1.00 per package, or six for 55.00, with a post
tire written guarantee to care or refund
the money. Book and advise froo. Address
Sold by R. C.Dodson, Emporium, Pa
s' V^c'prompUy"obtauTurs V andfFo^
I Send model, sketch or photo of invention for <
free report on patentability. For free book, ('
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
Three Gateways to the West.
Since The Southwest Limited, the new
electric-lighted train uf the Chicago, Mil
waukee A St. l'aul Railway, has been
placed in service Chicago to Kansas City,
this company offers the best of train ser
vice to the West through three important
gateways —Kansas City, Omaha and St.
The Pioneer Limited, Chicago to St.
Paul and Minneapolis, for years h«s been
the most popular train between these
cities. The Overland Limited, Chicago
to Omaha and San Francisco, is the most
fomous of transcontinental trains through
The Southwest Limited, Chicago to
Kansas City, with its utardard compart
ment sleepers, library observation cars
and other excellent equipment, offers
travelers to the Southwest better service
than they have heretofore enjoyed, and
in consequence has proved a success from
its initial trip.
John It. Pott, D. P. A., Room "D"
Park Bldg.. Pittsburg, Pa. 43-2t.
Genius gets the lime light, but hustle
gathers in the dollars.
Good For Children.
Tbc pleasant to take and harmless One
Minute Cough Cure gives immediate re
lief in all cases of Cough, Croug and La-
Grippe because it does not pass immed
iately into the stomach, but takes effect,
right at the seat of the trouble. It draws
out the inflammation, heals and soothes
and cures permanently by enabling the
lungs to contribute pure life-giving and
life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and
tissues. Dr. Armstrong of Delia, Tex.,
prescribes it daily and says there is no
better cough remedy made. Sold by R.
C. Dodson.
Borrowed trouble commands the high
est rate of interest.
Ashburn, Ontario, Testifies to tha Good
Qualties of Chamberlain's Cough
ASHBURN HAM, Ont, April 18, 190.'}
I think it is ouly right that I should tell
you what a wonderful effect Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy has produced. The
day before Easter I was so distressed
with a cold and cough that 1 did not
thiuk to be able to take any duties the
next day, as my voice was almost choked
by the cough, The same day I received
an order from you for a bottle of your
Cough Remedy. lat once procured a
sample bottle, aud took about three doses
of the medicine. To my great relief the
cough and cold had completely disappear
ed and I was able to preach three times
on Easter Day.l know that this iapid
and effective cure was due to your Cough
Remedy. I make this testimonial without
solicitation, being thankful to have found
such aGodsent remedy.
Respectfully yours,
Rector of St. Luke's Church.
To Chamberlain Medicine Co.
This remedy is for sale by L. Taggart
Learn to laugh. A good laugh is bet
ter than medicine.
Cameron, Pa.,
Opposite P. A E. Depot.
HARRY McGEE, Proprietor.
Haying taken possession of this house and
thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building
by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am
well prepared to meet the demands of the public.
Guests conveyed to any part of the couaty. Good
Bulling and hunting in the immediate vicinity.
/Emporium, Pa., Dec. 10th, l»OS.
annual meeting of the stock-holders for
I the election of a Board of Directore and the
transaction of such other business tw« may be laid
before them, will be held at the Bank on Tues
day, January 12, 1904, between the hours of one
and three in the afternoon.
T. B. LLOYD, Cashier.
Notice of Kxecutrlx.
Estate of RBODA E. RUSSELL, Deceated.
I ETTERS testamentary on the estate of Rhoda
\ J Russel, late of the borough of Emporium,
Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have
been granted to Hattie I. Russell, residing in
said Borough, to whom all persons indebted to
•aid estate are requested to make payment, and
those having claims or demands, will make
known the same without delay.
Grgbn & Shaffer, Solicitors.
December 4th, 1903.—12-fit.
LUDLAM'S Millinery Store
Special Sale of
Trimmed Hatß
You can save to *4 on all
trimmed hats purchased
of us this month.
Women's Dress Hats
and Street Hats
All shapes and colors; these
hats are the newest, most
attractive of this season's
styles; some are for women,
girls and children. Don't
miss this splendid opportu
nity to save money.
All birds wings and ar
gretts at price.
All Ostrich goods, ]A, off
of price.
Everything in the millin
ery line reduced.
A fine display of handker
chiefs, hosiery and silks for
the Holiday trade.
I Near Bank, Emporium, Pa. B
WITH Polly I chanced to be hanging
the holly,
With Polly the roguish, with Polly
the sly;
With Polly, who's brimming with frolic
and folly,
A quip on her lip and a Jest In her aye.
The wind it was grieving, and shadows
were weaving
Their dark web without o'er the face of
the sky.
Within It was merry with green leaf and
And Polly, close by, with a gleam to her
"This holly, I know, sir, you wish mlstle»
toe, sir!"
Cried Polly aa o'er us a wreath we hung
I looked at her, laughing, to see were shs
And, oh, what a glint there shone oui
from her eye!
How like the rose petals on which the bee
Her cheeks were! Her lips were the
holly fruit's dye.
"Be it mistletoe, dear, a minute or so,
"A minute?" breathed Polly, with mirth
In her eye.
So It's, oh, to be handling the holly with
With Polly the mischievous, Polly the
With Polly, the genius of all that is Jolly,
A lure on her lip and with love In her
—Clinton Scollard 111 Smart Set.
they Were I'sed at Chrlstmsntlde
Five Ceutnrlca A go.
The use of evergreens nt Christmas!
time is older than the Christmas tree,
the Christians seeming to have copied
It from their pagun ancestors. In 11
very old book we find this reference to
the use of evergreens at Christinas
time: "Against the feast of Christmas
•very man's house, as also their parish
churches, were decked with holme,
lvle, bayes and whatsoever the season
of the year afforded to be green. The
conduits and standards of the street*
were likewise garnished, among the
which I read that in the year 1414. by
tempest of thunder and lightning, to
ward the morning of Candlemas day,
at the Leadenliall, in Cornlilll, a stand
ard of tree, being set up in the midst
of the pavement, fast in the ground,
nailed full of holme and ivle, for dis
port of Christmas to the people, was
torn up and cast down by the malig
nant spirit, as was thought, and the
6tones of the pavement all about were
cast in the streets and into divers
houses, so that the people were sore
aghast at the great tempest."—Leslie's
On the ChrUtniai Trees
The old fashioned stockings and
hearts and crosses and animals cut out
of tarlatan outlined with worsted and
then tilled with tlat candies and tied
on the tree are always popular orna
ments. Sugar figures bought in the
confectionery store will serve to break
the monotony. The baker at Christmas
time usually has his windows filled
with horses, dogs, cats and men and
women made of delectable cake dough
and artistically ornamented with color
ed sugar curlycues. These are tooth
some and attractive to the small boy
and girl.
Candles in small candle holders are
always scattered well over the tree. It
is a wise precaution to keep a pan of
water In which is a wet sponge in ease
of accidents. When a spark falls upor
a bough, the sponge quickly applied to
the spot will check the spread of the
Are.—Washington Star.
Chrln<niaM In thr Went.
Deadshot Dick Any fuu In B'a»
Creek 011 Christmas, Bill?
Grizzly Bill—Waal, we had a purty
big Christmas tree.
Deadshot Dick—Anything of much
account hangln' on it?
Grizzly Bill—Three hoss thieves and
two Chlneymen.
Sulfnble (itfln For Women.
Sliver or silver and glass toilet arti
cles are always acceptable to women.
Some of them are brush, comb, powder
box, eold cream Jar. buttonhook, curl
ing Iron, glove stretcher, atomizer, per
fume Jar vaseline holder and hairpin
A professor in college faid that slang
adds vivility to language.
Fight Will be Bitter.
Those who will persist in closing their
ears against the continual recommenda
tions of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, will have a long and bitter
fight with their troubles, if not ended
earlier by fatal termination. Read what
T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., has to saj:
"Last fall my wife had cverj symp
tom of consumption. She took Dr.
King's New Discovery after everything
else bad failed. Improvement came at
ooce and four bottles entirely cured her."
Guaranteed by L. Taggart, Druggist.
Price 50c, and SI.OO. Trial bottles free.
Ignorance yf the law excuses no one
except the judge on the bench.
Uevolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious troub.e in your system is nervous
ness, sleeplessness or stomach upsets.
Electric Bitters will quickly dismember
the troublesome causes. It never fails to
tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys
and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and
clarify the blood. Bun down systems
benefit particularly and all the usual at
tending aches vanish under its searching
and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bit
ters is only 50c, and that is returned if it
don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaran
teed by L. Taggart, Druggist.
Money makes the mare go and the
automobile makes the money go.
A Frightened Horse.
Running like mad down the street,
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
other accidents, are every day occur
rences. It behooves every body to have a
reliable salve handy and there's none as
good as Bueklcn's Arnica Salve. Burns,
(Juts, Sores, Eciema and Piles, disappear
quickly under its soothing efiect. 25c,
at L. Tasgart's Drug Store.
A lawyer's interest in a case depends
upon the worth of hi 3 client.
ACostlj Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very expen
sive. Occasionally life itself is the price
of a mistake but you'll never be wrong
if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills
for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver
of Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet
Borough, 25c. at L. Taggart's Drug
Wnen a man is his own worst enemy
he is apt to love his enemies.
The lione Star state.
Down in Texag at Yoakum, is a big
dry goods firm of which J. M. llaller is
the he. r1 Mr. llaller on one of his trips
East toy goods said to a friend who
was with .am in the palace car, "Here,
take one of these Little Early Risers up
on retiring and you will be up early in
the morning feeling good." For the
li dark brown" taste, headache and that
logy feeling DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are the best pills to use. Sold by R. C.
God does not cease to be because He
stands behiod the scenes.
To improve the appetite and strengthen
the digestion, try a few doses of Chamber
lain's stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr.
J. 11. Seitz, of Detroit Mich., says,"They
restored ray appetite when impaired, re
lieved rae of bloated feeling and caused a
pleasant and satisfactory movement of
the bowels." There are people in this
commnnity who need just such a medi
cine. For sale by Jno. E. Smith, Sterl
ing Run. Every box warranted.
Pome men seem to have the horseless
brand of horse sense.
A glass or two of water taken half an
hour before breckfast will usually keep
the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics
should be avoided. When a purgative is
needed, take Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They are mild and gentle
in their action. For sale by L. Taggart.
At thejage of sixteen a girl stops cry
inn and begins to weep.
Kodoi Dyspapsia Care.
Digests all classes of food, tones and
strengthens the stomach and digeativc
organs. Cureß Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
stomach Troubles, and makes rich red
blood, health and strength. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure rebuilds wornout tissues,
purifies, strengthens and sweetens the
stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkinsou, of W.
Va., says:"l have used a number of
bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and
have found it to be a very effective and,
indeed a powerful remedy for stomach
ailments. I recommend it to my friends."
Sold by li. C. Dodson.
Clothes do not make a man, but some
times break him.
Be Quick.
Not a minute should be loat when a
child shows symptoms of croup. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or ever after
the croupy cough appears will prevent the
attack. It never fails, and is pleasant
and safe to take. For sale by Jno. E.
Smith, Sterling Run.
The Eureka Mfg. Co., of East St
Louis, 111., want a man with rig to in
troduce Poultry Mixture in this coun
ty. They guarantee |3.50a day to a
good worker and they furnish bank
reference of their reliability. Send
stamp for particulars. Eureka Mfg.
Co., Box 99, East St. Louis, 111.
\M • 111 i+Tr
I ■ I I I w
A FREE game inside -I
each package of
Lion Coffee
60 different games.
~ you ro to buy Witch Hazel Salve. j
DeWitt'i Witch Hazel Salve Is the 1 |
original and only genuine. In fact Jf ;
DeWitt'slsthe only Witch HazelSaive ft
that is made from tha unadulterated ■
Witcii-Kazel I
All others are counterfeits—base Iml- I
tatiofis, cheap and worthless even B
dangerous. DeWitt's Witch HazelSaive ■
Is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleedlne, I
■ Itching and Protruding Piles. Also Cuts, M
m Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Lacerations, B
■ Contusions, Boils. Carbuncles. Eczema, B
I Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin I
j Diseases.
1 E.C. DeWitt 3 Co., Chicago I
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure i
Digests what you eat:,
Thousands say that
is the best published at any price. Yet
it is only 10 cents a copy. SI.OO a year.
In every number of McClure's tlaere are
Articles of intense interest Six good short stories
011 subjects of the greatest humorous stories, stories of
national importance. life and action—always good.
In 1904
McClure's will be more interesting,
important and entertaining than ever
"Every year better than the last or it
would not be McClure's."
pijrr Subscribe now for McClure's for 1904 and get the November
RHTT and December numbers of 1903, free.
I Fall and Winter Woolens {
m if
ffl Have Just Arrived.
ru ii
jn rj
g I am now ready to please the public, having
[}J just moved my Tailor Shop over the Express u
rQ office, in order to cut clown expenses. I can u
p] HOW make clothes much cheaper than they can [J
{{] be made any where in this section. I employ J
u] only first-class workmen and invite the public [j
uj to call and inspect my stock. ri
Ln n
nj in
s s
C' 4 FR E s H BREAD,
Dpular p '" ncv s„,
Daily D©liverv All orders given prompt and
skillful attention.
- -1
CXAMINE the little red M
box in front window of wj
iOId Reliable
Drug Store.
This box contains twenty |gj
silver dollars. There are a SSsj
thousand keys belonging to SI
this box, three of which will
open the lock. Every person
iffijtj making a cash purchase of (ffll
||J! ONE DOLLAR is entitled to W)
Jpv a key, first key presented that
|®| will open the lock will get ten |jglj
Ml dollars, second key six dollars
and third key four dollars. 'JZk
|jM It costs you nothing to get a
IMp key. When keys are all out, "JgJi
notice will be given; then pre
1® sent your keys and get money ![jo;|
as above stated. There is not i®
a living person knows which
j plj key will open the lock, j jflji
| Respectfully, |
j: L. Tag-g-art. i
Sonr fimea a reliable
monthly regulating uitdiciao.
Are prompt, safe and certain in result. The penu
, ine (Dr. real's) never disappoint. SI.OO per box.
Sold by R. C. Dodson, druggist
Foley's L ■ y ana Tsr
cjrss cc '. ~ pneumcin '.: