Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 26, 1903, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., Sept. 28,1903.
NEMOPHILA, per sack fl 25
Felt's Fancy, " 140
Pet Grove, " 1 40
Graham " tw
Rye " 64
Buckwheat, ".... 75
Patent Meal " 50
Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35
Chop Feed, •• 1 35
Middling*. Fancy " 1 54
Bran, 1 20
Corn, per bushel, 78
Whits Oats, per bushel B0
Choice Clover Heed, ")
SaSir^eeT 1 ' 112
Pancy Kentucky Blue Grasd, I
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.,
Telephone, 19-2.
Contribution* invited. That which you would
like to see in this department,let ui Ifnou by pos
tal card or letter, personally.
H. W. Martindale was in town yes
Chas. Cox, is visiting old friends in
Mr. Andrew Brady returned from
New York city yesterday.
W. G. Bair left this morning on a
business trip to Williamsport.
Rile Prosser came down from Keat
ing Summit to spend Thanksgiving.
Mrs. J. F. Parsons visited "Cold
Spring Farm" last Monday.
Mrs. Franklin Housler continues in a
very dangerous condition.
Henry Auchu, A. F. Vogt and W. G.
Bair are visiting at Williamsport.
Geo. H. Gross and wife are enjoying
a trip to Corning, N. Y., friends.
R. H. Hirsch went to Buffalo on Sun
day to purchase his goods for the holi
day trade.
Mrs. Mark Wright is considerably
better, her many friends will be pleased
to learn.
Lewis Rishell, of Austin, visited his
brother Chas. and family in town
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Josiah Howard returned yester
day from Atlantic City. Mr. Howard
accompanied her home.
Mrs. Frank Taylor and Mrs. H. S.
Lloyd visited the former's son, Harry
Derby, at Olean, last week.
Father 0 : Byrne, of Scranton, is
spending Thanksgiving with his friend,
Father Downey, at this place.
Ye editor and wife went to Eldred
this morning to eat Thanksgiving
turkey with A. D. Gould and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Owner and Mr. C.
Carr, of Buffalo, visited Mrs. P. E. Lewis
of East Sixth street, over Sunday.
Master Earl McDougall and Miss
Iva returned Sunday from St. Marys
where they were visiting Miss Eva and
Master Jouns Silman.
John Hicks, of First Fork, visited in
town on Monday and called at the
PRESS office, placing his name with
this old reliable journal.
Rev. Father Downey was a brief
business visitor at this office yesterday
—long enough to push the date on his
PRESS up fo 1905.
Miss Grace Walker was called to
Galeton yesterday afternoon and left
here on Flyer. All the children are at
the bedside of their mother, except J.
M., who resides at Scranton, Pa.
Jas. T. Gardner and wife, of Chicago,
Ills., visited in Emporium last Sunday,
guests of Mrs. M. B. Judd. Mr. and
Mrs. Gardner were enroute for Chi
cago from the east and stopped off one
train. Mr. Gardner, who formerly re
sided in Emporium, was greeted by a
host of old friends who were glad to
see him.
L. K. Huntington, who has recently
retired from business, was a PRESS
caller on Saturday last and, of course,
as all good citizens do, keeps square
with the printer. Mr. Huntington has
been very actively engaged in business
for 28 years and has been very success
ful to a marked degree. He has plenty
of private affairs to keep him out of
Hon. L. Taggarfc visited Rochester
| liiHt week.
j Mrs. A. N. Vodack, of Austin, was
guest of Mrs. M. A. Rockwell and
■ family last Friday.
Geo P. Jones camo up from Wil
liamsport to spend the Sabbath with
his wife and baby.
Casper Sipple and son departed on
Tuesday for California to enjoy the
change of climate.
Mr. M. C. Tulls, who has been on
the sick list for a week, came down to
his store on Monday to see now many
plate glass were broken.
E. T. Gardner, Esq , assistant Snpt.
of P. & E. R. R , transacted business in
Emporium on Tuesday and called on
many friends. Mr. Gardner is popular
with the public.
Mrs. J. C. Lynch and son Paul, left
yesterday for Renovo where they will
visit Mrs. Lynch's father and sisters
for several weeks before their depar
ture for Boston, Mass.
Sheriff Harry Hemphill leaves on
Flyer to-day for Philadelphia, Mrs.
Hemphill to enter Medo-Chi Hospital
for treatment.
Jos. J. Lingle and Hockley will
spend part of next week in Philadel
phia, attending a session of the Mason
ic Grand Lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bloom, of St.
I Marys, visited in town yesterdpy,
guests of William Hackenberg and wife.
They went to Austin to-day. Mrs. H.
H. Webber is also at Austin.
Edwin G. Clarke, who has been
spending some time in New York stop
ped in town yesterday. He was en
route for Philadelplia, where he expects
to accept a position with the National
Cash Register Co. Edwin is an ener
getic young man, of pleasing address.
The Pennsylvania State College.
With the completion of the two new
Babcock and Wilcox boilers the college
will be equipped for heat and power
purposes with a total boiler capacity of
950 H. P. of the following units: One
Heine Safety, 150 H. P., equipped with
Rooney stoker; three E Keeler & Co.,
boilers, 80 H. P. each one of which is
equipped with a Jones stoker; and the
two Babcock and Wilcox boilers, 290
H. P, just being completed, both of
which are to be equipped with Jones
stokes. A car of coal is consumed
every twenty-four hours.
J. J. Markle, one of last year's grad
uates in Agriculture, now Fellow in
Agriculture, is conducting exhaustive
experiments in the sanitary conditions
of milking.
J. R. Woodcock comes among us as
secretary of the local Y. M. C. A. This
is the first time in the history of the
Pennsylvania State College that aay
one has been employed in this capacity.
Mr. Woodcock is a graduate of Prince
ton 1899 and a graduate of Drew Theo
logical Seminary 1902. He is very
hopeful of putting local Y. M C. A.,
matters on the footing they deserve to
be in a college of this size. He pro
poses to do the committee work more
fully than it has ever been done before,
to more fully adjust Y. M. C. A. meth
ods to the conditions here, to make
the organization more of a help to de
serving students and to develop the
social side of student life. Both the
College and the student body may con
sider themselves fortunate in securing
the services of Mr. Woodcock, who ap
pears to be in every way fitted for the
position. The old book rooms are
being refitted for his offices. XX
Always sure to get a dollar's worth
of goods for a dollar at N. Soger's.
A little money will buy that boy a
comfortable suit of clothes at N. Soger's.
Bargains in winter clothing at N.
Seger's. Prices are right.
Smoke the "W. H. Mayer" five cent
Cigar. Union made. Sold by all deal
ers 24-tf.
F. P. Rantz and family now occupy
their handsome new home on West
Fourth street, having moved therein
this week.
Social at McCaslin's, given by Bessie
McUaslin's S. S. class, on Friday even
ing, Dev. 4th. Look for particulars in
next w®ek's paper.
W. C. Bowser, of Lock Haven, rap
resenting the Lock Haven Cigar Co.,
visited the PRESS offioa yesterday
while calling on his trade.
N. Seger, has quietly gone
along doing business in Emporium for
39 years and built up a large trade by
honest dealing. His clothing and furn
ishing goods are sure, always, to please
his customers, both as to quality and
Murray & Coppersmith have been
busy all week repairing windows, cut.
ting glass and repairing injuries caused
by the explosion. When a customer
steps into their store Mr. Coppersmith
greets the customer with "what size
glass, please."
The Treasury Department of the
United States is inquiring as to the
whereabouts of Steven Breese, who, on
March 17,1878, filed a claim for pay and
bounty alleged to be due him as private
in Co. I, 11th Pa. Cav. Vols. The De
partment can find no trace of Breese,
the only knowledge they have being
that the claim was sent in from West
field on the above date.
A Pew ."linuten L'»e ol Hyomei Four Times a Day
Cures Catarrh.
The plcasantcst, most convenient and
the only scientific method lor the treat
ment and cure of catarrh in Hvomei.
Simply put twenty drops of Hyoui'-i in
the inhaler that comes with every package
and breath it for a few minutes four times
a day.
It seems remarkable that so simple a
way of treating catarrh will effect a cure,
but the most important discoveries of
science have always heen the simplest.
By brrnthing Hvomei in this way every
partie.c of air that enters the air passages
of the throat and head and goes into the
lunge is charged with a healing balsam
that kills the gertns and bacilli of catarrh
and soothes and allays all irritation.
Thefir>t day's of Hyomei will
show a decided improvement and in a
short time there will be no further trouble
from catarrh. Its action is rapid an J
You take no risk in buying Hyomei
A eomplets outfit costs but 81.00, and if
after using you can sny that it has not
helped you L. Taggart will return your
money. What other treatment for cat
arrh is sold under a guarantee like this?
Over 80 turkeys were distributed to
the widows for Thanksgiving.
Reduced Rates t* Wllkesbarre.
For tin; benefit of those desiring to at
tend the meeting of the" Pennsylvania
State (jrange, Patrons of Husbandry, to
be held at Wilkesbarre, December 8 to
11, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell round-trip tickets to Wilkesbarre
from all Matinns on its lines in the State
of Pennsylvania, December 7 to 10, good
to return until December 12, inclusive, |
at rcducerd rates (minimum rate. 25 i
cents. 29f17-40-2t.
Bookkeping or Shorthand, fall course :
by mail, $12.50. The best there is, and 1
all it is worth anywhere. If more is
paid it goes to agents and for their ex
penses We have no "drummers."
School stands strictly on its merits.
Call or write, Westbrook Academy,
Olean, N. Y.
A Runaway Bicycle.
Terminated with an tigly cut on the
leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111.
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding
to doctors and remedies for four years.
Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured.
It's just as good for Hums, Scalds, Skin
Eruptions and Piles. 25c, at L. Tag
gart's Drug Store.
Subscribe for the Press; only 112 1.50 a
year i» advance.
Everybody reads the Prhbs.
Will make you an up-to-date SUIT of
CLOTHES or overooat and ais ° d ° ll
your REPAIRING- while you wait. IjS;
Over Express Office, Emporium, Pa. J. L. FOBERT, the TAILOR. H
I A Laughlin A li
I Eg Fountain M |
| • rn THK PCEft or ALL 11 111
|| Eg lOLI PEN m
j; I si °o I j
Eli B%W MAKES AT ft Br i|
IW The LAaghlla Fountain jHHH t
s?i HM Pen Holder is made efi»- BBMBWI ji
fl! MBI est quality hard rabber. is nHK|I|l 112
fc=J fitted with big heat trade, BK Si
1 large lite. 14k roll pea, J=!
J MH| of any desired flexibility, |f
l| . and hat the only perfect pa
K' I feeding device known. HSk
: Either style, richly (old S=
~sf 4 mounted, for presentation HI.«
11l I purpaaes, 11® extra. K|
t 'I Surely you will sat be *6
If , . i Able to secure Anything at £=
112 I tXnM three tiat* th* fHc* that will
E[ BM K'*e such continuous pq
pleasure and service. ( J
b co ll
I 5' s
1 <3 m
ii M it
u m m
mz si
I - B I
1 ~ I
1) A vs
Is thankful for the liberal pa
tronage during the past year. No
I effort is being spared to make its
i service better than in the past.
It's progressive and takesadvant
age of every opportunity to im
: prove. If you have not been
reaping the benefit of its super
iority, join its patrons now and
you will be sorry that you did
not do so long ago. You don't
know what you have missed.
Thanksgiving Good
30c Janiaca Oranges, doz. 25C
40c Florida Oranges, doz. 35C
45c Florida Oranges, doz. 40C
Malaga Grapes, lb. 18c.
New English Walnuts, lb. 20c.
Mixed Nuts, lb. 18c.
Thanksgiving Mince Meat, lb.
1 rc.
Full Cream Cheese, lb. 15.
Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, qt.
I 2C.
QC Lb.Bag Sugar CI Art
*3 Bent Granulated. vl»*tU
Lettuce, Radishes, Endive,
Parsley, Fresh Fruits and vege
Choicest Teas and Coffees.
Fancy Cheese,
Elgin Creamery Butter.
Try "Royal" Java and Mocha
Coffee. The brand that never
fails to please. 35c lb., 3 lbs. sl.
p.„.. J. H. DAY
Notice! - - -1
|l Examine the little red M
|lgj i 1 box in front window of M
If Old Reliable 8!
Drug Store.
lajj This box contains twenty |o|
[M silver dollars There are aMj
Ml thousand keys belonging to |V|
IP this box, three of which will
open the lock. Every person
(|w|| making a cash purchase of |ko
!® ONE DOLLAR is entitled to IIW
%'■' a key, first key presented that
llgjl will open the lock will get ten |Sjij
J!P dollars, second key six dollars !m|
and third key four dollars. W*
|® i It costs you nothing to get a m |
key. When keys are all out,
notice will be given; then pre-
I©], sent your keys and get money I®!
IjM as abovo stated. There is not I®'
'&< a living person knows which
||j|j key will open the lock. 'J||
1% Respectfully, w
! ;| L. TAGGART. g
Foley's I'ln nay and T. >
cures colds, pneumonia
No. :i%r>s.
NOV. 17, 1903.
Loans and Discounts $255,215 97 | „ ........ nn
. , ' „„„ Capital stock paid in $58,000 00
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.... 660 62 !! Surplus fund.7 37,500 00
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 50,000 00 | Undivided profits less expenses and
U.B. Bonds to secureU. S. Deposits... 100.000 00 ~ ,V lxe ?{! ai( \ ; V Jn'nnn n«
U.S. Bonds on hand . 1,000 00 ! National bank notes outstanding 50,000 0o
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 11,768 76 | i Due to Stat. Banks and Bankers, 9 00
Storks securities etc 53 714 85 1 Dividends unpaid 60 00
Baking house, fu'rnHure and fixtures. 7.&8 90 , Individual deposits subject to
Other real estate owned 6,530 49 ij check..... .. 5324,25121
Due from Nat'l Banks (not reserve agts) 9,0.55 32 ; "emand certiftcatesordeposit 1,470 00
Due from approved reserve agents 68,638 31 Certified checks ; V'??, ??
Checks and other cash items. 200 00 . { »?'* checks outstanding 4 606 00
Notes of other National Banks 640 00 | United States deposits 100,000 00 435,327 21
Fractional paper currency, nickels and j -
cents 119 72 j
Specie $21,008 37
Legal-tender notes 2,020.00 23,028 37 !
Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer,
5 per cent of circulation 2,500 00
Due from U 8. Treasurer, other than
5 per cent redemption fund 1,000 00 Jj
Total $591,821 31 ii $591,821 31
State of Pcnn&ylvania, County of Cameron, it: — I, T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank
do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
T. 11 UOVD, Can tiler.
Subscribed and sworn to before me > I „
this 21st day of Nov. 1903. / I CORRECT— Attest:
C. W. Smapphr, Notary Public. I JOsTa )WARD, J Directors.
Com'is'on expires at end ofnext Session ofSenate I N. BEOER, 5
Mrs. Rorer
••!!■»■ Ummi Bad Pssd fk«ypr IV*. 11. It yourdealer's,&o*
Bj »sl lor exprssi 7A«. Toor ION IT BACK If not aatlftfsctory.
EOLLMAII BIG. CO., 140 Nm At#„ | o ..t | 9y , p^.
112 i ■ ■ "■ . ■
ll■ 1 ■ 1
Anyone sending a sketch and description ma;
quickly ascertain our oplnlou free whether an
Inrentlon l» probably patentable. Communica
tion* atrlctly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelre
ipecial notice, without charge, In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest Cir
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, 13 a
year: four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 36,8 ' o » d -"- New York
Branch (mice. 625 F St„ Washington, D. C,
fiCodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.