Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 12, 1903, Page 8, Image 8
8 Diustrious Wrook. Carelessness is responsible for uiany a railway wreck and the same causes arc making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. But since the advent of Dr. Kind's New l>is eovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and even the worst cases be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer nec essary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by l)r. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by L. Taggart, Druggist. Price 50c, and 81.00. Trial bottles free L. Taggart. Not a Sick Day Since. '•I was taken severly sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. One day I saw an ad. of your Electric Hitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon there after was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Neuraigia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Debility," This is what 15. F. Bass, of Fremont. N.C. writes. Only 50c, at L. Taggart Druggist. rSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSBS<y GOOD | Cedar jjj | Shingles jj] WILL KEEP OUT THE RAIN. ft WE HAVE THEM IN. ALL [j] [U GRADES. f{] C. B. HOWARD CO. I I S You Need a 1 It? S ft DON'T YOU WANT A LOAD j{] [n OR TWO OF GOOD HARD n] WOOD? I SELL IT. nj K m [jj ROBT. CLARK. 34 tf J <as ESHSBSHHHSaSS c raSHSH5a^ I Adam, * Meldrum & S Anderson Co. i HUB'FALO.N. Y. > 396-408 Main Street, 3 Stylish CoatS and Suits j At a Bargain. ) < Just a story of bad man- } * agement. Here it is in the j ) rough. A leading manu- j j facturer bought more cloth \ 3 than necessary to complete s \ his orders. He made up x \ the goods. We took them S i at less than cost'.to make. c > Black and Castor cloth coats, i > made of extra good quality of J f cloth, good durable lining and \ \ very well made, in the latest i s style. The real value of these f coats is 6.50. Your QQQ < > choice $O. JO > \ Ladies' tailor made suits, latest S f style of skirt coats with deep ) ? cape. Perfect hanging skirt. > i Made of all wool pebble chev- * J iot, in black, blue and brown. } J The same styles and suits are i \ selling elsewhere at C 1 fl \ < $15.00. For this lot J>IU. t | Fine Furs j 3 Ladies' electric seal coats, 22 J > and 24 inches long; are guaran- \ S teed for one year and kept in c r good repair for that time by the j s manufacturer, prices ranging \ f from $25.00 to §75.00. £ \ Choice small fur neekwear and > c scarfs; the latest furs of the sea- ) J son, such as black martin, elec- > X trie seal, squirrel, mink, sable > c fox and Isabella fox. Prices } j §2.75 to §75.00. > > Adam. j ( Meldrum & \ | Anderson Co. < P The American Block, J \ BUFFALO, N. Y. | Hirst Fork. Fred Williams came back from Cali fornia last of October, and apparently thinks old Penna., is not altogether too bad. after all. Hrooks Lorshbaugh came with him as far as St. Louis, and "switch ed off', to visit his brother and sister in W. Va. They were in Arkansas a few days on their way back. Chancey Logue and family left last Wednesday for Catuby, Cal., to hold down his homestead, seven miles from that place. "Vea.jverily, one cometh and an other goeth for such is the way of man kind." Mrs. Jacob Bcrfield returned one day last week after an extended visit in New York State. Sheriff Hemphill was up the last of the week on official business. Currier's mill broke down again on Saturday but they were running the planer s-ince. Wm. Swank has a job of skidding logs for Tanner Bros, t'n Mill Bun. NUFF SED. A Good Name. From personal experience I testify hat DeWitt's Little Early Bisers are un equalled as a liver pill. They are rightly named because they give strength and en ergy and do their work with ease.—W. T. East on, lioerne, Tex. Thousands of people arc using these tiny little pills in preference to all others, because they are so pleasant and effectual. They cure bil iousness, torpid liver, jaundice, sick head ache, constipation, etc. They do not purge and weaken, but cleanse and strengthen. Sold by B. C. Dodson. L. TAGGART, the Popular Druggist Whose aim is always to serve the Public with only the best of everything in his line. Has been successful in securing THE SOLE AGENCY For a Remedy which they do not ask you to buy on the strength of Published Testimonials but will give it Free for 10 days to each per son who desires to try Tlie Greatest Blood, Nerve and Stomacli Remedy Ever Oirered to tlie Suffering Public. Ask them for a free trial package of the Dr. Lyon Home Treatment for Catarrh, Blood, Nerve and Stomach Disease. IT IS GUARANTEED to cure all Stomach, Bowel and Liver Troubles, and the best medicines for pale, weak women. This medicine has stood the tests. It is rec ommended by physicians and all who use is. IT IS FREE TO TRY. It will cleanse, soothe and heal the mucus mem brane of the whole system. Makes new blood and ttrong nerves. IT REMOVES THE CAUSE OF DISEASE. Nature will do the rest. It contains no stimulant, opiate, or other poison. It is a pure botanical product, which restores health to all who use it. Procure the free trial to-day at TAGGART'S. THE CHAMPION MIXED PAINT Sold by I*. TAGGART has nr superior. Fourteen years ago I painted my house with these paints and am now, for the first time since, repainting it. H. L. Smith, the painter, says he never knew of a house in better condition for painting after having stood so long. A gentleman, whose name I will not mention, living in our town, painted his house thirteen years ago, with these paints and he has engaged some paints to repaint, saying that he would have no other. Dr. Heilman will also testify as to the merits of these paints. County jail painted four years ago. John Lind's two houses painted two years ago and many others, all speak for the virtue and staying qualities of these mints, and is better evidence than any man's word. Look at them; then buv the Champion PAINTS and paint your house and be happy. Also paper your house with the ele gant wall paper at Taggart's and be doubly happy. £, VI IT TT A cure guaranteed If you u*e g PILES RU «" Supposltorgi \2 Matt Thompson. Supt. E W C.ralnl .Schools, State«vlll* ( N. ('.. writes - I can say E t 4 they do nil you claim fur them." I»r. S. M. Devon;, L Li lUtcq Koek.W. Va., writes : •'They give universal saili- I y factiou." Dr. K. I>. McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn.. writes ft equal jours." l'fticic, W ('KNTS. Samples Free. Hold H b ? I'nimUU. M AWTIN RUDY, LANCASTER. P«. Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C. Dodsou. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 12, 1903. A STIRRING ADVENTURE. Thrilling Rescue of White Maiden fram Marauding Indians. fCopyrisht 1303 >jy American Fre»s Afpoclatlon.l Tho volume of adventure along the West Virginia and Ohio border con tains some of the most thrilling chap ters one could possibly imagine. In deed, they are more interesting tha-i the writings of even the most fervH makers of the fiction of adventure. Famous among the names immor talized along the old frontier is th:it of Lewis Wetzel. His life was fillei 1 with most dangerous and startling events, which today read as if th<-; were less probable than the greater part of the Action which is so popular. Here is one of the chapters of his ca reer, which serves to show that the strenuous life is no modern invention On one occasion Wetzel set out from his home togo on an extensive hunt ing expedition. While passing through the forests he fell in with a young friend, who invited him togo home with him to his cabin. Wetzel ac cepted the Invitation and they started. On coming to the site of the young man's home they were horrified to find the cabin in ashes and the family all murdered and scalped except one girl, who had been reared with the children of the home, and with whom the young man was deeply in love Examination of the trail showed that she had been carried off captive. It also revealed the fact that the maraud ers were three Indians and a white renegade. The two sorrowful but deeply an gered hunters set out on the trail, and in course of time caught up with the fugitives. They found them at their ease on the bank of a creek, the girl uninjured but crushed with grief over the loss of her friends and ap prehensive as to her own fate. With a lover's impetuosity the young man was for Immediately rushing in and trying to rescue her, but Wetzel's cooler judgment restrained him and they wafted till daylight should comr In the morning they marked a man each and at the first fire the renegad* and one of the Indians were killed. The other two Indians sprang into the woods. Wetzel turned his attention to them, while the young man. with drawn knife, leaped into loose the bonds of hfs sweetheart. Wetzel fired his rifle as a trick, and the two red skins fell into the trap and gave chas« to him. But he was a master hand at loading as he ran.and at a most un expected moment he suddenly turned and killed his foremost pursuer. Sure of his prey the other Indian redouble - ! his energy of pursuit, but before ha could get close enough Wetzel played him tho same trick and killed him also. Then taking the scalps of all four of the villains who had devastat ed the pioneer's home, the two aven gers took the lad's sweetheart and re turned to the settlement, where a shelter was found for her. It is to be hoped that this tragic ro mance ended with wedding bolls. C. L. SMITH. GENERAL MORGAN'S LASHES. Retaliates In Revolution for Whipping Received in Braddock'a Army. [Copyright IJXW by American Aatoojullon.j One of the most famous and effec tive orf the American commanders of the Revolutionary days was General Daniel Morgan, whose corps of Border Riflemen, dressed in the picturesque uniform of the frontiersman and scout, were able to make a fine record for service. The idea of organizing such a body of troopers came to General Morgan as the result of his forme service during the French and Indian war on the frontier. Morgan was a man of splendid physique. He was of no especial promise in his younger days, being only one of the groat num ber of possible great men who wer<3 scattered along the colonial borders waiting for the favorable opportunity which was to bring them out and de velop their genius. Morgan was employed as a team ster in Braddock's army, but where he was at the climax of that sorrowful march does not appear. During hi-? early life, and probably while engaged in this service, he had an experience which he remembered as long as he lived. The story has been told In sev eral forms and with a variety of em bellishments, but there is no doubt as to its essential correctness. It Is to the effect that for some real or fan cied offense Morgan came under the rigorous discipline of the army and was punished with a great number of lashes with the cat across his bare back. According to one version he fainted under the severity of the pun ishment. Whatever may be the cor rect account, it is certain that during the Revolution General Morgan more than got even with the British army in the matter of lashing, for ho used his rifle corps as a merciless scourge. An interesting remeniscence was left by tho Rev. William Hill, of Win chester, Va., wbo was General Mor gan's pastor in his later years. He says: "Upon one occasion, while assisting in changing his linen, I discovered his back to be covered with scars and ridges from shoulders to the waist. 'General,' said I. 'what has been the matter with your back?' 'Oh,' replied he, 'that has been the doing of old King George. When I was in his ser vice upon a certain occasion he prom ised to give me 500 lashes. But he failed in his promise and gave mo but 499, so he has been owing me one lash ever since. While the drummer was laying them on my back I heard him miscount. I was counting after him at the time. I did not think it worth while to tell him of his mistake, anl let it go.' " The probability is that this is the correct story, BO far as it goes. a L. SMITH WHAT ST. MARYS, Pa., Sept. 26, 'O3 MR. H. M. MCHENRY, Dußois, Pa. Dear Sir:—About five years ago I took a course in the I. C. S. of Scran ton. Although I did not finish the course the investment was the best I ever made, taking another course with you last winter proves that. A course in the Scranton schools is something every person should take that wishes to keep abreast of the times and advance himself. Yours respectfully, J. NORBERT MEYER. The business of the INMERNATIONAI, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS is to help people advance. We've doubled the salaries of hundreds; we may be able to double yours. If you are dissatisfied with your present position or want to prepare yourself for promotion, write us telling us your ambition, and we will send you a catalog and terms, free of charge. Be sure to mention the subject in which you are interested. International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa. | CBal I | Stoves and Ranges, g WE WANT TO MAKE IT HOT FOR YOU. Every indication points ci to a cold winter; there is no excuse for you not having a warm j —5 house, when you can secure a Peninsular heater on such easy *3 terms as we offer. j ONE DOLLAR A WEEK. 3 P- CT3 g Buy of a Hardware House that knows the stove business _ | from Ato Z. We do not often blow our horn, but we think it j ss j is to your interest to buy of a good reliable firm. This re- ® is: minds us that we have the exclusive sale of the Peninsular cs I Heaters for Cameron county and our line this year is more ™ j— j complete than ever. as? We wish to call your attention to our lin« of Gas Heaters, Srj at prices ranging from $1.25 to $20.00. j We also have a complete line of Wool Lap Robes and the sn | celebrated "5-A" Horse Blankets. * jffl "J* I-. CLEAN ree Jj¥%_ Trial Write fur mok bunk by ■*■'" Mrs. Rorer Hnlluinn ft rat nnd I'liod Chii|M><T >'•». 11. U > our tl'-alrr'n, 50e, BY luiti lur CX|ir«'KH TIE. Your i»A'"K IT i»<>t sutUfuctorj. I'OLI.iIA.N' 312 («. CO., I ! 0 I'CUR Alt'., Ktmnl Joy, I'a. °fflo' s Eao*ly ffitscs's The famous iittto pills. ST. MARYS, Pa., April 0, 'O3. INTER. CORRES. SCHOOLS REP., Dußois, Pa. I cannot say too much regarding the benefits derived from my course in Steam Engineering with the Schools. It has been of great benefit to me and I have the satisfaction of knowing not only "how" but also the "why" of my work. Yours truly, A. J. KINO, , Engineer Stave Mill, j Low Rates West andJ i Northwest. Kvery day until November 30, the Chicago, Milwaukee <fc St. Paul Railway ; will sell one-way tickets Chicago to many j points on the Pacific Coast for §33. Never before have there been such op portunities for success as are presented in the West today. It is worth your while to write for folders giving complete infor mation. John It. Pott, District Passenger Ag<-nt, Room I>. Park Ruilding, Pittsburg, Pa. 38-2t. BROCKWAYVILLE, Pa., July 13, 'O3. INT. CORK. SCHOOLS, Scranton, Pa. Gentlemen:—l take pleasure in pre senting to you the name of J. P. Mc- Kay as a prospective student for your Schools. Your Schools need no further recom mendation to him than to refer him to the progress I have made in my line since enrolling with you; my salary has been increased 100 per cent, and from a coal miner to the position of engineer for one of the largest coal companies of Pa. With best wishes, I am Yours very truly, R. F. MCCAY. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE of Me. — EmjSjXTOXX H.331V1U13"2r produces tho abovo result:) in 30 days. It iftl powerfully and quickly. CUTCB when all others fall, toung men will regain their lost manhood, aud old men will recover their youthful vigor by uuinj REVIVO. It oulckly and Burely restores Hervous- DCBS. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, Cost Power, Failing Memory, VTastlnit Diseases, and all offecta «112 sclf-abuso or cxcosauud Indiscretion, : which unfltaono for study, business or marrlogo. It aot only cares by starting at tho seat of disoaso. but isagreat nerve tonlo and blood balldcr, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the Ore of yonth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having KEVIVO. no other. It can bo carried in vest pocket. By moil 81.00 per package, or six for 85.00. with a post tlve -written gnarantoe to core or refund the money. Book and advlso free. Address IOYAI MEDICINE CO., Sold by R. C.Dodson, Emporinm, Pa. DeWitt flh DeWltt Is the name to look for when * you goto buy Witch Hazel Salve. ™ DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is tho original and only genuine. In fact DeWitt'sis tho only Witch Hazel Salve that Is made from tho unadulterated Witch-Hazel All others are counterfeits—base Imi tations. cheap and worthless —even dangerous. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding, Itchlngand Protruding Piles. Also Cuts, ■ Burns, Bruises. Sprains. Lacerations, H Contusions, Boils, Carbuncles, Eczema, H Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin ■ H Diseases, 9 SALVE ■ FKEPAItKD BIT 1 E. C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago B EVERY WOMAN Sometimes needs a reliable M&qa "J monthly regulating medicine. DR. PEAL'S % PENNYROYAL piLLS, Are prompt, safe and certain in result. Tho jrenu ino (Dr. l'eal's) nover disappoint. 81.00 per box. Sold by R. C. Dodson, druggist