Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 05, 1903, Page 8, Image 8
8 Diastrlous Wreck. Carelessness is responsible for many a j railway wreck and the sitne causes | are making human- wrecks of suft'eivrs ' from Throat and Lun<: troubles. !Jul since the advent of Or. New l>is covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and even the worst eases be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer nec essary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by l)r. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by L. Taggart, Druggist. Price . r )l)e, and 81 00. Trial bottles free L. Taggart. Not a Sick Day Since. '•I was taken sevcrly sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. ()ne day ] saw an ad. of your Electric Hitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon there after was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Neuraigia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Debility," This is what B. F. Bass, of Fremont, N.O. wiiten. Only 50c, at L. Taggart Druggist. GOOD | Cedar | | Shingles jjj Jj] WILL KEEP OUT THE RAIN. $ K WE HAVE THEM IN; ALL ™ ft GRADES. ft C. K. HOWARD CO. 1 Do I 1 You Need $ | |t? 1 ft DON'T YOU WANT A LOAD [j] ft OR TWO OF GOOD HARD ft WOOD? I SELL IT. nj K S ft ROBT. CLARK. g 34 tf J ■QS aSHHHS2Sa.Sasa c^aSHSSS3^ I j Adam, i j Meldrum & \ j Anderson Co. i iHUFFALO.N. Y. \ 396-408 Main Street, 3 Auction ) SILKS. | \ Splendid Silks \ £ G-o Under the } \ Hammer. \ < Ashley & Bailey, among 3 ) the largest silk manufactur- \ 5 ers in America, sold at Auc- \ > tion in New York, Oct. 7th, \ 5 10,000 pieces of their fa- 4 t motis silks. We purchased * ? the best in the lot at less e < than cost to manufacture. 3 iThey are all worth from 3 $1.20 to $1.50 a yard. \ They are yours for \ 60C YARD. The lot includes J Plaid Taffetas, \ > Black Taffetas, \ i Pin Dot Taffetas, 112 i Swivel Taffetas, ? ( Black Peau de Soie. s 112 Many handsome evening \ > shades in popular weaves at s > equally low prices. \ Send, for Samples. j * YOU CAN SHOP BY MAIL. \ ) It's just as easy to get 3 ) what you want by Mail as to \ } come in person. It's a good \ > habit, wise and economical, s > Adam. j } Meldrum & { ) Anderson Go. | i The American Block, ? BUFFALO, N. Y. £ M'CLELLAN'S ELECTION Elected Over Mayor Low by a PJura'ity of 63,617. GROUT AND FORNES ALSO WIN Colonel McClellan Invites Co-Opera tion of Every Citizen For Advance ment of the City's Good—Will At tend Extra Session of Congress. Devery's Insignificant Vote. New York, Nov. 4. —After a remark able campaign in which there were united against him nearly all of the newspapers and practically every min liter of religion in the city, George 13. McClellan, son of the civil war gen eral, was elected third mayor of Great er New York over Seth Low, Fusion let, the present mayor, by the largo plurality of G3.G17. Edward M. Grout was elected comptroller ami Charles V. Fornes, president of the board of aldermen. These two men were originally on the fusion ticket and were endorsed by Tammany, wnereupon the fusionists took thcit names from the Low ballots and nom inated other candidates. Ir was the nomination of Grout and Fornes by Tammany that caused Hugh McLaughlin, the veteran leader of the Kings county Democracy, to bolt ami d> clare Uiat he would not support m- i: who were not Democrats. In spite ol hip defection, however, McClellan Grout and Fornes carried Kings county The management of their there were taken over by State Senatoi Pt' trick H. McCarren when McLaugli lin refused "his aid. A surprise was the little voting loi William S. Devery, former chief of po lice, who ran on the independent ticket, which was given praotically nc support. Colonel McClellan, who is at present a member of congress, made the fol lowing statement: "I am deepiy g.'atefui to my fellow citizens for their coniidence in me. I renew the prom ises which I made before election I have no bitterness of feeling for anyone. I shall go at once to Wash ington to prepare for the extra ses sion and as soon as the question ol Cuban reciprocity is disposed of I shall turn my attention to the affairs of the city. "I invite the co-operation of every citizen whether he supported me 01 not and regardless of his politics ir. the advancement of the city's goal "I cannot promise much in the way of public improvements for a year, be cause of the financial condition of the City and lack of appropriations, but I shall urge the speedy and economi cal completion of the work now under way. I shall make every effort to pro vide ample school accommodation for every child. "This victory should encourage all Democrats for the presidential contest In 1904." Charles F. Murphy, the leader .if Tammany Hall, said: "The figures spoak for themselves and the people have spoken. Of course we are pleas ed at the result. It bears out the figures we gave. If the election had been a week further ofT, the chances are that Devery would have polled a larger vote than Low." The campaign was one of the most interesting in the history of New York city. From the day Mayor Low was renominated his supporters urged his re-election on the ground that no par tisan question was involved but that every man should vote to uphold the existing administration because it had given the city a business-like conduct of affairs and because it had done much to stamp out the "red light" evil 011 the Fast side. It was argued by fusionist orators that the return of Tammany men to office would mean a "wide open town." Mr. McClellan was attacked by the speakers for the fusionists because, they alleged, he had sold the name his father honored to cloak the designs of evil men. To these statements the Democrats responded with the charge that Low's non-partisan claims masked an at tempt to secure control of the city in the interest of Governor Odell, that all of the credit for good business admin istration under Low belonged to Grout, who was on the Democratic ticket, and that every Democrat should cast his ballot for McClellan in view of the im portant bearing this city's vote would have on the presidential election next year. Roth candidates made nightly Bpeeches. Low's principal supporting orator was District Attorney Jerome, v. ho bitterly opposed the mayor's re nomination on the ground that he was unpopular, but who after the nominat ing convention made frequent speeches for the fusion ticket. For McClellan Bourke Cockran returnee to political activity and made several speeches. Scarcely second in interest to thrf defeat of Low is the effect of the re sult. of the vote on the fortunes of the octogenarian Hugh McLaughlin, whe for more than a quarter of a century had been the undisputed leader of ♦H# Kings county Democracy and who now finds that his former lieutenant. Mr- C&rren. was able to so manage Me- Clellan's canvass that a Democratic plurality resulted in spite of McLaugli lin's spirited opposition Of the five borough presidents vot ed for, the Democratic candidates were successful in the Bronx, where Haffen was re-elected; in Manhattan where Ahearn had a big plurality; CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 5, 1903 in Queens, where Cassldy won for th« second fimo, and In Brooklyn, when Martin \V. Littleton had a largo: plurality than McClellan. ERIE COUNTY REPUBLICAN. Only One Democrat Elected on Citj or County Ticket. Buffalo, Nov, 4. —The following citj officials have been elected: F. G. Ward Rep., commissioner of public work? H. P. Emerson, Hop., superintendeu of education; Louis J. Kenngott, Ke publican, overseer of the poor; Clar! EL Hammond, Republican, judge o: municipal court; Thomas Murphy, Re publican, police justice; Thomas II Rochford, Republican, justice. County officers, John H. Price, Re publican, county clerk; Frederick O Murray, Republican, county treasurer Charles F. Sturm, Republican, auditor L. L. Long, Republican, superintended of the poor. Of the six members of the boarr of councilmen, J. N. Adam was th. only Democrat elected. Republican Success In the State. New York, Nov. 4. —Returns fron the state show the election of th( Republican mayors in Syracuse, El mira, Plattsburg, Rochester, Albanj Blnghamton, Watertown and Oneida W. T. Coleman defeating Mayor Shee han for re-election in Elmira. In O.; wego, Schenectady and Troy Demo cratic mayors were elected. The Republicans gained eight BS seinblymen in the state, making th at-sembly of 1904 stand 97 Republican; to 52 Democrats. A special electioi was held in the 22nd senatorial dis trict to fill the place of Senator Mc Clelland, Dem., resigned. Francis M Carpenter, Rep., was elected. Piatt Interviewed. New York, Nov. 4. —Senator T. C Piatt said last night of the municipa election: "It is the fortune of wa and I have no complaint to make. Thi: is* especially so because the assembi; is safe and because I know Mr. Mc CJellan very well and believe he wil make a good mayor. He is an excel lent young man, and if we are de feated I am glad the victory falls or such a pleasant personality. "I do not regard municipal cam pclgns as having any bearing upoi state and national issues. There i! no possible way of connecting it witl the partisan issues that will affect thi contest of 1904." Mr. Piatt added that he had n< doubt that the full Republican vor< vas polled for the fusion candidate. Governor Bates Re-Elected. Boston, Mass., Nov. 4. —Althougl somewhat pushed by the exertions o their opponents, the Republicans re elected John L. Bates and the Repu') liean state ticket by practically sam< plurality as last year. The legislature is also strongly Republican. Gaston'i plurality of twenty thousand in Bos tor is seven thousand greater thai Inst year. With returns complete from ever.' town and city in the state the tot.i vote for governor was Bates, Republi can. 199,393; Gaston, Democrat, 103. 644 Republican County Officers. Ballston, Nov. 5. Official return: from all precincts of Saratoga count) show that Assemblyman George H Whitney, Rep., is re-elected by 34 plurality, a gain of 1,438 over 1902. A 1 tbe Republican county offices wert chosen by the following plurality Kfvanaugh, sheriff, 3,399; Grippen treasurer, 3,089; Pearse, county super intendent, 3,192. The county majority against the barge canal was 2,556 witl four precincts not reported, which wil slightly increase it. Democrats Gain In lowa, t Des Moines, la., Nov. s.—Return: keep coming in very slowly but frou those at hand Governor Cummins plurality will be reduced from 83,00' two years ago to 59,000. The Demo crats have made decided gains in th« legislative districts and for the firs' time in many years, the number .;! Democrats in the legislature will b( over 20 and possibly 30. Garvin Re-Elected Governor. Providence, R. 1., Nov. 5. —Dr. L. F "C. Garvin, Democratic candidate fo: governor, has been re-elected by i plurality of 1,587. The senate, in eluding Lieutenant Governor-elect I'r ter, will stand 28 to 11 In favor of th< Republicans, while the lower houst wil! consist of 39 Republicans and Democrats. Republican Plurality In Nebraska. Omaha, Neb., Nov. s.—Judge Barne* Rep., is elected supreme court judge over Judge Sullivan, the present in cumbent, by a plurality that may reac.. 8.000. The rest of the Republlcat slate ticket is elected by 10,000. Justice Campbell Re-Elected. Denver, Col., Nov. 5. —Unofficial r» turns from all the counties in thi sta.te indicate that Chief Justice Johr Campbell, Rep., has been re-elected i> the supreme court by a plurality ap pvoximating 8,000. Republicans Retain Legislature. Newark, N. J., Nov. 4. —Republicans retain control of the legislature as i result of the election. All other con tests were for city tickets, in wh:-jl considerable local interest was felt. No Legislation on Canal. Colon. Nov. 5. —A dispatch has beer received from Bogota dated Nov. ' saying that congress has closed with out initiating legislation on the cana projoct Brains are Trwiiip 1 ATA Jm In . « an «» of cards, trumps win. In the great game ol life, brains iL. I Wl < W,n ' Wc can lrain y° ur brains lor high-grade and well-paid v «■','M T-v % "•'WW -fTffll work in your chosen profession. The positions filled and the Ijf C .Jif H salaries earned by thousands of our students prove the efficiency mi' -L* SB \ • Ko mattfr your vn'Cfnt w<-i k - • ,JB V «tfk'rniay i<oHtn>ti \ •»!! usj.jf.we Kmß '.y. ' run li« ntpully nw\ I «.r full ul;tn». iMMM -w- ~y •< letters of students, eto., cut out, fill in«ami riraSWltOr*\ / • M mull the coupon below; or write us on n i>oatal V *•' I for what line of work you wish to be truitu*il. ; ; WffS^Wm International Corrripomloncc KchooU, I I rirawu fxj.Ulu how 1 can qualify for ponition I marked X bti»w. IP ✓ v H*cb*nlf'l Koftlnrrr _ I>tl||<- (Iftlfner I ( | ■*efca« , l _ Textile 91 ill bupt. ! B \ W T,' K,rrtr,r>l Kogliietr 31 eUllurgUt ' ST^^SSI^HE' ' - Klectrirlta ( henUt ' TtUphonf KnftlDrrr Oroamrotal Urii|{iirr ' — s»r«« Koßiurer ... s««ir«t«r I ■•rlat Knirlnerr ll.nikkttper | ■ ' ;fl Cltll Engineer _ Monographer Kfi 1 ■j 111 '■[*| j 1 JL 11 | Surtejor _ Teneber I H Slninir Kn»li»eer . To Npenlt Preneh H I Nnnliarj Lnglorrr _To hprtk (irrmtn I H fS " - " AR<>H '"' FT TO MP ** K H P* NUH ■ —— ! State WHAT THEY HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS THEY CAN DO FOR YOU. ST. MARYS, Pa., Sept. 26, 'O3 MR. H, M. MCHENRY, Dußois, Pa. Dear Sir:—About five years ago I took a course in the I. C. S. of Scran ton. Although I did not finish the course the investment was the best I ever made, taking another course with you last winter proves that. A course in the Scranton schools is something every person should take that wishes to keep abreast ofthe times and advance himself. Yours respectfully, 4 J. NORBKRT MEYER. The business of the INMERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS is to help people advance. We've doubled the salaries of hundreds; we may be able to double yours. If you are dissatisfied with your present position or want to prepare yourself for promotion, writ© us telling us your ambition, and we will send you a catalog and terms, free of charge. Be sure to mention the subject in which you are interested. International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa. THE CHAMPION MIXED PAINT Sold by L. TAGGART has nr superior. Fourteen years ago I painted my house with these paints and am now, for the first time since, repainting it. H. L. Smith, the painter, says he never knew of a house in better condition for painting after having stood so long. A gentleman, whose name I will not mention, living in our town, painted his house thirteen years ago, with these paints and he has engaged some paints to repaint, saying that he would have no other. Dr. Ileilman will also testify as to the merita of these paints County jail painted four years ago. John Lind's two houses painted two years ago and many others, all speak for the virtue 1 and staying qualities of these paints, and is better evidence than any man's word. Look at them; then buv the , Champion paints and paint your house and be happy. Also paper your house with the ele- 1 gant wall paper at Taggart's and be doubly happy. ; WE NEED 25 YOUNG MEN NOW to quali fy for good office positions this year. Graduates of past 21 years for refer ence. Send for booklet and rates. Students begin any time. WESTBROOK ACADEMY, Olean, N. Y. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Early Risers^ The famous little pills. ST. MARYS, Pa., April 6, 'O3. INTER. CORRES. SCHOOLS REP., Dußois, Pa. I cannot say too much regarding the benefits derived from my course in Steam Engineering with the Schools. It has been of great benefit to me and I have the satisfaction of knowing not only "how" but also the "why" of my work. Yours truly, A. J. KINO, Engineer Stave Mill, j . L. TAGGART, the Popular Druggist Whose aim is always to serve j the Public with only the best of everything in his line. Has been successful in securing THE SOLE AGENCY For a Remedy which they do not ask you to buy on the strength of Published Testimonials but will give it Free for 10 days to each per son who desires to try Tlie Greatest Rloort, Nerve and Stomaeli Remedy Ever Offered to tlie Suflc-ring K*ublie. I Ask them for a free trial package ofthe j j I)r. Lyon Home Treatment for Catarrh, j ; Blood, Nerve and Stomach Disease. IT j , is GUARANTEED to cure all Stomach, i ! Bowel and Liver Troubles, and the best i medicines for pale, weak women. This I medicine has stood the tests. It is rec onitncndcd by physicians and all who use is. IT IS FREE TO TRY. It will , cleanse, soothe and heal the mucus mem brane of the whole system. Makes new blood and ftrong nerves. IT KKMOVES THE CAUSE OF DISEASE. Nature will do the rest. It contains no stimulant, opiate, or other poison. It is a pure I botanical product, which restores health to all who use it. Procure the free trial TO-DCIY <IF TAGGALLT S. I'niadani'-v.rlh. Dean's | A safe, certain relief for Suppressed B Menstruation. Never known to full. Safe! H Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed ■ ' or money Refunded. Bent prepaid for B ! 81.00 per f>ox. Will send them on trial, ton be paid for whon relieved. Samples Free. ■ 1 UNITED MCDICALCO.. Hon 74, UHCAITtw. I»». Sold inEmporium by L. Taggart and K. C Dodson BROCKWAYVILLE, Pa., July 13, 'O3. INT. CORK. SCHOOLS, Scranton, Pa. Gentlemen:—l take pleasure in pre senting to you the name of J. P. Mc- Kay as a prospective student for your Schools. Your Schools need no further recom mendation to him than to refer him to the progress I have made in my line since enrolling with you; my salary has been increased 100 per cent, and from a coal miner to the position of engineer for one of the largest coal companies of Pa. With best wishes, I am Yours very truly, R. F. MCCAY. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE of Me. CHiTiAT Vf — pmn\roii mnaomv produces the above results In 30 days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cureo when all othorj foil. ¥oungm< n will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover thoir youthful visor by using ttEVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous nees. Lost Vitality, Impotcncy, Nightly Emissions, Lost Powor, Falling Memory, Wastlna Diseases, ctd all effects of self-abuso or excepsand indiscretion, Which unfits ono for study, business or marriage. It ootonly cares by starting at tho seat of disease, but lsagroat nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and r«- itoring tho fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, no ether. It can bo oarrlod in vest pocket. By mail •1.00 per package, or six for 86.00, with e post tlve written guarantee to cure or reload the money. Hook and advise free. Address HOYAI MEDICINE CO., '«af,SGSW* Sold by R. C.Dodson, Emporium, Pa. DeWitt DeWitt Is the name to look for when Mk ™ you goto buy Witch Hazel Salve. ■" DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the I original and only genuine. In fact ■ DeWitt'sis the only Witch Hazel Salve ■ | that is made from the unadulterated ■ Witch fiazel | All others are counterfeits—base Imi tations. cheap and worthless —even dangerous. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is a specific for Piles: Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles. Also Cuts, Bums, Bruises. Sprains, Lacerations, Contusions, Bolls, Carbuncles, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin B Diseases. SALVE ■ PREPARED BV i E. C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago awCa EVERY WOMAN wK* <>?3 Sometimes needs a reliable j fflPys "J monthly regulating medicine. A DR. PEAL'S pEMNYROYAL piLLS, i Are prompt, safe and certain in result. The prenu j ine (Dr. real's) never disappoint, 112 1.00 per box, j Sold by R. C. Dodson, druggist