STRONGEST EVIDENCE OF FA-TH L.Taggart Guarantees That Hyomei Will Cure the Worst Case of Catarrh in Emporium. When one of the most reputable con cerns in Emporium guarantees that a medicine will effect a cure or he will re fund the monej, it speaks volumes as to the merits of that remedy. It is in this way that L. Taggart is selling Ilyomei, the treatment that has made so many re markable cures of both acute and chronic catarrh in Emporium and vicinity. Ilyomei is not a pill nor is it a liquid that has to b'> taken with a tablespoon or wineglass. Just breathe it by the aid of an inhaler that comes in every outfit and beuefit will be seen from the first treat ment. It destroys all germ life in the air pass ages of lungs and enriches and purifies (he blood with additional ozone. It cures catarrh of the head and throat, or of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Wherever mucous membrane contains catarrhal gerui«, there Ilyomei will do its work of healing. When using this treatment, the air you breath will be found like that on the mountains high above the sea level, where grow balsamic trees and plants which make the air pure by giving off volatile to the respiratory organs. A complete Ilyomei outfit costs but SI.OO, and includes an inhaler, dropper and sufficient Ilyomei for several weeks treatment. Remember that if Ilyomei does not cure you, L. Taggart will refund your money. This is a good time to cure ca tarrh by this natural method and prevent catarrhal colds that are so common at this season. For a pleasant physic take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale by Jno. E. Smith, Sterling Run. Pa. Tour to the Pacific Coast. On account of the meeting of the Nat ional Bankers' Association to be held at San Francisco, Cal., October 20 to 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company offers a personally conducted tour to the Pacific Coast at remarkably low rates. This tour will leave New York, Phil adelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and other points on the Pennsylvania Rail road east of Pittsburg, Wednesday Octo ber 14, by special train of the highest grade Pullman equipment. A quick run westward to San Francisco will be made, via Chicago, Omaha, Cheyenne, and Ogden. Fve days will be devoted to San Fran cisco. Returning, the special train will run to Los Angeles, where two days will be spent among the resorts of Southern California. Santa Barbara, Del Monte, Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs, Denver, and St. Louis will be visited on the journey eastward, the party will reach New York on the evening of Nov ember 4. Round-trip rate, covering all expenses for eighteen days, except five days spent in San Francisco, SI9O. Rates from Pittsburg wil. oe §5 less. For full information apply to Ticket Agents, or Geo. W. Boyd, General Pas senger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. 2959-33-iit. THE CHAMPION MIXED PAINT Sold by L,. TAGGART has nr superior. Fourteen years ago I painted my house with these paints and am now, for the first time since, repainting it. H. L. Smith, the painter, says he never knew of a house in better condition for painting after having stood so long. A gentleman, whose name I will not mention, living in our town, painted his house thirteen years ago, with these paints and he has engaged some paints to repaint, saying that he would have no other. Dr. Heilman will also testify as to the merits of these paints. County jail painted four years ago. John Lind's two houses painted two years ago and many others, all speak for the virtue and staying qualities of these paints, and is better evidence than any man's word. Look at them; then buy the Champion paints and paint your house and be happy. Also paper your house with the ele gant wall paper at Taggart's and be doubly happy. DeWitt SSv DeWitt Is tho name to look for when /A jfi you goto buy Witch Hazel Salve. |T^ ■ DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is the I B original and only genuine. In fact ■ ■ DeWitt'sis the only Witch Hazel Salve B ■ that Is made from the unadulterated M S Witch-Eszel 3 All others are counterfeits—base iml- S N tations, cheap and worthless —even B I dangerous. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve M 0 is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding, H ■ Itching and Protruding Piles. Also Cuts, m Bums, Bruises. Sprains, Lacerations, H Contusions, Boils, Carbuncles. Eczema, (§ Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin ■ Diseases. SALVE 1 PKEPAIIED Bf E.C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago GOES FOR CARNEGIE. Labor And Capital in a Deadly Clutch. Unless there is a radical change in .social conditions, Rev. Dr. .lames M. Buckley, the fearless Methodist preacher of New York, sees gloomy times ahead. In a sermon, Sunday, in Montclair, N. J., lie said: "I don't fancy Carnegie's way of distributing his millions. His wealth has been amassed in direct contradiction to the Golden Rule and the preaching of Christ. Why did he not go into profit sharing with his employes instead of giving his money to libraries? While 1 believe in making knowledge free to all, the cities of America had provided for this advantage. Car negie's temples, with his name blazoned conspicuously thereon, are superfluities. There was no need for them, especially as there are so many deserving institutions to be assisted. Why has he not given to the hospitals, the homes, the sheltering arms which reach out for the young abandoned to the streets and who w ill perish unless Christanity comes to the rescue? In a dozen directions this man could have accomplished infinitely more than by the erection of libra ries and imposing increased bur dens upon the taxpayers to main tain senseless splendor. "Lately r I have been looking into the unionizing of labor, which has been a party to business dis turbance and to the impairing of public confidence. I believe in the principles of workingmen com bining to wring their rights from conscienceless employers, but the methods of applying the corrective employed frequently this summer lam strenuously opposed to. To day capital and labor are in a death clutch. It does not require a pro phet to tell us that within three years—yes, two years—this country will pass through a terrible crisis if there is not an immediate change in the relations of labor and capital. It seems as if both have thrown Christian conduct and common sense to the winds, Things have been going from bad to worse, and labor unions have now assumed so arrogant an atti tude that a great crash is almost inevitable. You have only to read the history of Rome changing names and dates, to see what this country is coming to. "Instead of trying to settle the vexed questions of capital and labor along Christian lines, you have great organized selfishness opposed to great organized selfish ness. The most arrogant trust is the Labor Trust. It is officered by irresponsible walking delegates who pursue a policy of rule or ruin. Conditions in great centers of population are only growing worse, the number of poor is on the increase and we are getting in immigrants, not as formerly, from northern but from southern and eastern Europe. I look upon this change of supply as one of great and unmixed evil. The Italians and the Hungarians and the Poles and the Russians bring with them the frowsy Anarchist and the red handed murderer and the sneaking brigand. Our papers are filled every day with their cowardly and bloodthirsty crimes. I tremble over the future of my country wlieu I see these Latin races tak ing the place of the hardy folks who come from the north to fill the waste places. These fire eaters join whatever union will let them in and their un-American senti ments are imbibed all too freely by those wdiose ancestry is on a much higher plane. "It is a time for thoughtful men to face the future with earn est prayer, for it is a time to try men's souls. A great crash is coming and many rich women who have horses and carriages and are leaders of fashion will be brought to want. History repeats itself and we counot sow the wind and hope to escape from reaping the whirlwind. "The only solution of these labor problems is inthe practical applica tion of Christian principles. The rich man must regard the poor man as his brother and the latter must serve the rich with faithful ness, diligence and sincerity. Un less we apply the simple truths of Christanity to the differences be tween labor and capital and act on them iinmediateiy the horrors of the French revolution will be up on us. "The crisis is very near and the suffering will be terrible." The Salve That Heals. Without leaving a scar is DeWitt's. The name Witch Hazel is applied to many salves, but DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the only Witch Hazel Salve made that contains the pure unadulterated witch hazel. If any other Witch Hazel Salve it, is a counterfeit. E. C. DeWitt invented Witch Hazel Salva and De- Witt's Witch Haze! Salve is the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching and pro. truding piles. Sold by R. C. Dodson. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1903. L. TAG6ART, the Popular Druggist Whose aim is always to serve the Public with only the best of everything in his line. Has been successful in securing THE SOLlf AGENCY For a Remedy which they do not ask you to buy on the strength of Published Testimonials but will give it Free for 10 days to each per son who desires to try Tlie