8 We Have What You Need! To brush up and make beauti ful your home. The season of the year for such work has arrived and we would call the attention of the public to our very large and reliable line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, the best in the world. In addition to the best paints, we have a first-class line of De Voe & Co.'s Brushes. Get a move on and be prepared to paint before the workmen are all en gaged. We can save you money. While you are painting your home or business place let us talk a little with you 011 Bath and Closets, Hot Water, Steam or anything in that line. Our increased facilities and expert workmen will do you good work. Don't deay until too late. Farmers should bear in mind that we handle Plows, Harrows, Rakes, etc. 111 fact our Hard ware, Stove and Plumbing De partments are up to the best. Write or wire us, when a com- j I petent agent will call on you. MMS C.B. lilir Howard ( #N| $ Co. We have had large sales in our SUMMER DRESS GOODS,but the best pieces are not all sold. We still have a large assortment left at very reasonable prices, and are constantly add w pieces. MSGALL/Kp\ MTTERNSW While in our store do not forget to look on our mark ed down counter. A few of the bargains are, Ladies and Children's Shoes, Ladies Belts, Ladies Fancy Hose, etc. Beat wearing quality at less than cost. ©MACAU'S MAGAZINE We are agents for the famous McCall Patterns, ic and 15c. None higher. I Hlflj C.B.HOWARD& CO. "STORE ON THE RIALTO." j Artistic 1 i Painting S $ n AND In lS PAPER HANGING! S I Will receive prompt || attention and all ft work intrusted tome [}! p] will be guaranteed (n n] satisfactory. lam [}{ n] prepared to furnish Gj m my customers with uj ru both Paints and jrj nJ Wall Papers, and £ [J save you big money. |{j [}J Estimates cheerfully [jj given 011 contract [j] [}j work. Apply to !{J SF. H. PEARSALL. | [•LSHHSHSHSHS ESHSHSHSHSSSSHSJ szsasasHsHsrasasa BIC; §} n3 m ißargains^ S i jjj THIS WEEK. UJ Ln Call and see what they are. [u HI When you want In jj] GRAPES, S Gj CELERY, W H PEARS, ft S SPANISH ft ONIONS, | | Our Meats jjj ru are always fresh and the lr W best grade obtainable. [jj GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, [j] Geo. H. Gross. [■SB CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1903. Snnamaltoning Items. Well still they Two more wed dings in this little town. Who next ? Fine weather for a lew days. Just wlrtit the farmer needs. W. -J. Mead is at home this week' laid up with two broken ribs. The B. &, S. It. R. Co., have commen ced erecting the iron work of their bridge. G. W. Hatehelder and family spent Saturday and Sunday at Huntley visit ing friends. J. 11. Drum and Lon Bailey, log scalers for Barclay Bros, went to Whar ton, Wednesday. Barclay Bro's. have commenced clear ing the timber from the face of the hill below Wykoff Run. The ladies of the P. 0. of A., will hold an ice cream, pie and fruit social in Brooks Hall, Saturday evening, 20th. Music by Citizens band. N. H. McCloskey came home from Williamsport hospital last Saturday even ing, where he has been under treatment for a bealing in the head. He speaks very highly of the institution and the care and treatment he received there. Mr. Herman Krebs and Miss Jennie Lupoid, both of Sinnnmahoning, were united in marriage at Lock Haven last Thursday evening, the 17th. They are both highly respected in this place and have the best wishes of all their friends. May their journey through life be pleasant and all their troubles be little ones. Fred Gie, of Portland Mills, and Miss May Oafferty of thia place, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at Huf falo last week. May joy and happiness go with them. DEIISE. For Sale. An ideal driving horse. One that will please you all day long. One light single and one light double harness, one pair light sleighs and one platform wagon. One yoke oxen, one two seated car riage with top, one road cart with top, and two open road carts. As I have no use for the above men tioned, I can and will give you the worth of your money. Terms: Cash, or approved paper, with reasonable time. 27-tf. FRANK SHIVES. SSOO IN PRIZES. "The Philadelphia Press" Makes an Interesting Offer. In connection with the thrilling mys tery story entitled ' A Transaction in Copper," which begins in"The Phila delphia Sunday Press" September 27, an opportunity is offered to win SSOO in cash prizes. All you have to do is to guess how the story turnß out. The last chapter will not be published until a period of a week elapses, in order that everybody may have a chance to guess. This chapter has been sealed in an envelope by the author and no one knows the solution of the mystery Get next Sunday's "Press" and read the first installment of the exciting story and the details of the prize offer. Tour to the Pacific Coast. On account of the meeting of the National Bankers' Association, to be held at San Francisco, Cal., October 20 to 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany offers a personally conducted tour to the Pacific Coast at remarkably low rates. This tour will leave New York, Phila delphia, Baltimore, Washington, and other points on the Pennsylvania Rail road east of Pittsburg, Wednesday, Oeto -14, by special train of the highest grade Pullman equipment. A quick run west ward to San Francisco will be made, via Chicago, Omaha, Cheyenne, and Ogden. Five days will ba devoted to San Francisco, allowing ample opportunity to visit the near-by coast resorts, lle tnrning, stops will be maid at Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs, Denver, and St. Louis. The pariv will reach New York ou the evening of October 31. Round trip rate, covering all expenses for eighten days, expect five days spent in San Francisco. SIOO. Rates from Pittsburg will be 85.00 less. For full information apply to Ticket Agents, or Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. 292G-29-3t. Reduced Kates to Pittsburg. On Wednesdays, September 9, 10. 23, and 30 and October 7,14 and 21, 1903, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from points on the Low Grade Division, including the Sligo Branch, to Pittsburg, at reduced rates, ncluding admission to the Exposition. These tickets will be good going on regular trains on day of issue, and will be valid for return passage within four days, including date of sale. DeWitt DeWltt Is the name to look for when ™ you goto buy Witch Hazel Salve. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is the I original and only genuine. In fact M DeWitt'sls the only Witch Hazel Salve I that Is made from the unadulterated ■ Witch-Hazel I All others are counterfeits—base Imi tations, cheap and worthless even dangerous. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles. Also Cuts, Bums, Bruise a. Sprains, Lacerations, Contusions, Boils, Carbuncles, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin Diseases. SALVE PKKPAIIED BT E. C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago Our Clothing W V7SL There may be Is selected with the MNw fiA False economy in buy greatest care, being E \ ing Clothingadvertised made of good material B- M as cheap. Better buy —material that wll MMX mmgm of a dealer who has a give good service and A k£7 reputation to maintain, at ti prices are We are offering some Is made for boys and it and if you would like looks as if it was made something handsome R. SEGER & SON. R. SEGER & SON. X L. TAGGART, the Popular Druggist Whose aim is always to serve the Public with only the best of everything in his line. Has been successful in securing THE SOLITAGENCY For a Remedy which they do not ask you to buy on the strength of Published Testimonials but will give it Free for 10 days to each per son who desires to try Tlie (.rcatcst Illood, Nerve and Stomach Remedy Ever Ottered to tlie Sullerinjf Public. Ask them for a free trial package of the Dr. Lyon Home Treatment for Catarrh, Blood, Nerve and Stomach Disease. IT IS GUARANTEED to cure all Stomach, Bowel and Liver Troubles, and the best medicines for pale, weak women. This medicine has stood the tests. It is rec ommended by physicians and all who use is. IT IS FREE TO TRY. It will cleanse, soothe and heal tl>e mucus mem brane of the whole system. Makes new blood and s-trong nerves. IT REMOVES THE CAUSE OP DISEASE. Nature will do the rest. It contains no stimulant, opiate, or other poison. It is a pure botanical product, which restores health to all who use it. Procure the free trial to-,lay at TAGGAIIT'S. All Smokers smoke the 'W. H 1 Mayer" hand made cigar, the best five cent cigar on the market. Be sure you ask for it. 24-tf. Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They cure the sick. !»0. CUBES. PEUCES. 1— Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. ,'ZS 'i —Worm*, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... ,'ZS 3—Teething. Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .'iS 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 83 T—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis S3 } H—Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceaciie S3 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .'23 10—Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach. '23 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods 23 j 12—Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 j 13—Croup. Laryngitis. Hoarseness 23 14—Salt Rlieuni, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .23 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Fains 23 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 23 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .23 SO—Whooping-Cough 25 i 2T—Kidney Diseases 25 ' 2S—Nervous Debility 1.00 j 30—Urinary Weakness. Wetting Bed.. .25 | 11— Grip, Hay Fover 25 | Sold by druggists, or sent on rocelpt of price. Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual J of all Diseases mailed free. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William anil John Sts.. New York. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE of Me. DHTIAT FJHJmxroH: H.BBuroTe' produce tithe above results In 30 days. It acta powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others falL Soung men will regain tbelr lost manhood,and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness. Lost Vitality, Impotencr, Nightly Emissions. Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of telf-abuno or cxcoeb and indiscretion, which unfits ono for study, business or marrisgo. It not only cures by starting at tho ecat of disease, but is a great nerve tonlo and blood bulldor, bring ing back tho pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing tho fire or youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, no other. It can bo carriod in vest pockot. By mail 81.00 per package, or six lor Q5.00, with a posl tlve written Ruarnute* tr> core or refund the money. Book and advise free. Address ttOYAI MEDICINE CC., Sold by R. C.Dodson, Emporium, Pa NEW CAMERON HOUSE. Cameron. Pa., Opposite P. & E. Depot, HARRY McGEE, Proprietor. Having taken possession of this house and thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am well prepared to meet the demands of the public. Guests conveyed to any part of the county. Good fishing and hunting in the immediate vicinity. EVERY WOMAN ® Sometimes needs a reliable } monthly regulating medicine. A DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL piLLS, Are prompt, safe and certain in result. Tho genu ine (Dr. Peal's) never disuppoint. 81.00 per box. Sold by R. C. Dodson, druggist I This is the House,l —————— TIB BM—M—————Ml———————W| I At which to purchase your Furniture of all kinds at the very lowest prices. / CARPETS, all new and up-to-date. The larg est line you ever saw in town. RUGS, both large and small. Carpet samples for rugs—all grades. LACE CURTAINS, a large line, Ifrom the cheapest to the best. WINDOW SHADES, all kinds. GO-CARTS, until the babies cannot rest with out one. No trouble to show goods. Glad to have you call, whether you purchase or not. Yours respectfully, GEO. J. LaBAR. j a PEARL WHITE j| | Massage jf : | Cream . | m CLEARS AWAY BLACK HEADS Uj | AND MAKES BEAUTIFUL SKIN, jjj (3 IT ISISOLD'AT - - - - |{] I Si Rockwell's 1 K ™ [}J DRUG STORE, jjj m 25c A BOTTLE. j}] | K In fjj - HSHSHSHSHS? 5 sH°] fniadarn Bean^i bS A safe, certain relief for Suppressed J_J IM Menstruation. Never known to full. Safe! - M Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed { , Hor money Refunded. Sent prepaid for { g] SI.OO per box. Will oend 1 hem on trial, to »H Bj be paid for when relieved. Samples Free, ft! |jj UNITED MtDICILCO.. lon T4. lUNCtITCH. ►«. Hold inEmporium by L. Taggart and R. b Dodson I Swell I Clothes Are the delight of all well dressed peo ple and a large ma jority of the well dressed gentlemen in Emporium, have their clothes made by the old reliable 4 tailors i R. Seger 1 & Co. The reason why so many wear clothes IB of onr make, is be cause we have an established reputa tion for good fits and fair dealing. 1 R. SEGER & CO. | IG!tp« a bread-winning Education -Educating roung men and wnmra to meet thifdeinana ut this prosperous commercial aee-For circulars aildri-s! P. DUFF * tONI, >th * Llbarty Ay., FltWbvrg.fa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers