EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Sept. 23,1903. NEMOPHILA, per sack #1 25 Felt's Fancy, " ' 4U Pet Grove, " 1 40 Graham, " Bye " 65 Buckwheat " Patent Meal., " (>0 Coarse Meal, per 100, J 35 Chop Feed, " J Middlings, Fancy "..* J J® Bran, 1 3jo Corn, per bushel, J 5 White Oats, p«?r bushel su Choice Clover Seed, 1 ChoiceTimothySeed, ( At Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed, I Fancy Kentucky BlueOrass, I R.C. DODSON, THE Druggist, EMORItIH. PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. K. C. HUDSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL (JOSSIP. Contributions invited. Thai which you toould like to see in this department,let us know by po§• talcard or letter. remonalljj. Mrs. J. D. Logan visited at Sunbury over Sunday. ~ Orion Barnes is now with the Key stone Powder company. Miss May McCarthy and brother Edward visited at Buffaio last week. fars. L. Taggart and Mrs. R. P. Heil man visited at Sterling Run last Thurs day. Harry Mutthersbough came up from Driftwood on Monday to view the wreck. Mrs. Heilman goes to Williamsport to-morrow to visit her daughter, Miss Lillian. William Haley, Jos. Fisher's right bower, visited relatives at Olean last Sunday. Misses Mary Bird and Ellen Lyman, of Colesburg, are guests ofE J. Rogers, and family. Miss Elizabeth Ludlam visited Buf falo last Thursday, looking up new fads and styles. Miss Anna Swartzfisher, of Cleve land, 0., is guest of her sister, Mrs. A. F. Vogt and family. Mrs. Gilmore and Miss M. E. Young, of Philadelphia, are guests of Mr. W. H. Howard and family. Miss Mary Davison, of Johnsonburg returns to Chambersburg this week to resume her studies at Wilson College. Mi sb S. E. Taylor, of Cleveland, has returned to Emporium and will have charge of B. & E. Ludlam's trimming department. Secretary A. C. Blum, of Keystone Powder Company left on Sunday on another tour of inspection for this rapidly growing company's agencies. Miss Ethel Winward, of Boston, who has been guest of Geo. Metzger, Sr., and wife, for several weeks, left Satur day to resume her studies in Harvard University. E. D. Armstrong; who has been em ployed by Climax Powder Company at this place goes to Indiana to assume the position of Supt. of powder works. He is a very competent gentleman. Mrs. Rogers and daughter, of Bing hamton, N. Y., who have been visiting her brother, M. T. Hogan and family, at this place, for several weeks, returned to their home on Saturday. Henry O. Smith, Esq., and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Smith, who have been visit, ing for several weeks is Mass., and Conn., their old home, returned to Emporium on Tuesday, having had a delightful visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb returned from Emporium Monday evening. Mr. Lamb has not been feeling well since his return and is confined more or less to his room, but under the efficient care of Dr. Steele it is earnestly hoped that he will be about in a few days as well as ever.—Galeton Dispatch. W. S. Walker, of Austin, is a very busy man, yet he does not forget the PRESS and sends us a check with the remark, "We are always glad to re ceive your paper; it gives us the news from home." That's what our old friends are saying all over the country, friend Walker, and the old PRESS plows ahead surely. Roy Beattie has gone to Keating to j visit relatives a few clays. Mrs. John Kellev is expected home from the Binghamton Sanitarium oil .Saturday. Harry S. Lloyd went to New York last Sunday to select hisholiday goods and see the sights. Mrs. Josiah Howard is in New York City, where she went to attend the funeral of S. Q. Mingle. Mr. Homer Knox and bride of Al toona, Pa., were guests of Rev. R. J, Knox and wife the past week. Mr. J. A. Rhodes' came down from Johnsonburg on Monday and resumed work with Emporium Machine Co. Mrs. Stoddard went to Olean yester day to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Douglas and attend Oenesse M. E. Conference. Stephen E. Lunger, assistant track foreman at Round Island, was struck by a freight last Thursday and killed. Michael Sexton, of Clermont, who has been visiting friends at this place is now spending several days with Re novo relatives. Miss Maude Pearsall, a recent grad uate of the High School here, is teach ing the Four Mile school in Cameron county.—Coudersport Journal. Mrs. Wm. Swartz and daughters May and Laura and sister Miss Murial are visiting in Buffalo this week guest of George Miller and family. John Powell and wife, of Buffalo, visited relatives in Emporium yester day. They were on their way to at tend the funeral of a relative. Robert House and wife rdturned to their home in Pittsburg on Monday, after a week's visit with Mrs. House's mother, Mrs. Morrisey, at this place. Rev. J. M. Robertson, Rector of Em manuel Church, left last Sunday even ing to visit his family who have been spending the summer at Montlcelli, N. Y. F. B. Housler who has been visiting at this place for several weeks return ed to Ligonier this morning where he is engaged as cook for Thomas & Whiting. Fred Zimemers, of G&rdeau, was a social and business caller at the PRESS office on Tuesday and, like all good citizens, made good his PRESS for an other year. George Hockley,who is employed at Galeton, came over to pass Sunday with his father, Mr. Alfred Hockley, and see the boys. Geo. is a good steady boy. Misses May and Jennie Gould, who have been visiting at Atlantic City for three weeks, returned home yesterday, accompanied by their friend Mrs. Van Meter, of Philadelphia. Hubert Brady and Burton Olmsted have entered State College, the former to take a course in chemisty while the latter will take up civil enginering. Both are bright young men. Our citizens will be pained to learn that Mrs. Thos Gallagher, who lias been in poor health for some time, is in a very serious condition. Her brother, Dr. W. H. DeLong is attend, ing her. G. J. Smutz, of Tidioute, has re - turned to Emporium and entered the employ of Mr. Andrew Brady as book keeper at the coke works. His many, friends are glad he has returned to our mountain city. R. Seger & Son now have a very handsome store room and since their new goods have arrived for fall trade the store looks as beautiful as a sweet graduate, with the up-to-date line. Take a look. W. H. Van Wert may have been seen by many citizens riding up town Tues day morning all covered with smiles. It's a great big girl and William is tickled as much as a small boy in his first red-top boots. Miss May Agnes Kelley the celebrat ed elocutionist who has been repre senting the viavi work in this section, has left our little mountain town for her home in Washington, D. C. Miss Kelley, by her genial, generous and energetic ways has won a host of friends during her stay with us. Harry McGee, of Cameron, proprie tor of Cameron House has been seri ously ill for several weeks with gastric fever. Dr. Bardwell is attending him, while Miss Sterling, a professional nurse, is caring for him. Dr. Mc- Granor, of Port Allegany, his old family physician, came over this morn ing to see Mr. McGee and accompani ed Dr. Bardwell to Cameron. The man who does not get sick of his own cooking is as scarce as the man who enjoys to be daily roasted by his wife. Low Kates West and Northwest. Via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, every day until November 30, 11)03. 833, Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and many other Pacific Coast points. S3O, Chicago to Salt Lake City, Ogden, Grand Junction and many other points in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. Low rates to hundreds of other points. Through train service, Chicago to San Francisco. Only $0 for a double berth, tourist sleeper, all the way. To the Northwest via St. Paul or via Omaha. Write today for folder John It. Pottt, Room D. Park Bidg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 30-st. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEBEMR 24, 1903. How to C00K! Your ought to loam by all means, and you can if you will read this notice and hoed its directions. (Jo to rhc old Pres byterian church on Thursday afternoon Oct. Ist, at two o'clock and get the first free lesson of a cooking school to be held there for six afternoons at two hours length. There will be no lesson on Sat urday. Each one is asked to bring along a desert dish and spoon to test the cook ing of the instructors. If, alter the first free, lesson you desire to take the other five lessons, you can buy a ticket for one dollar which will admit you to all lessons. The instructors arc Mr. and Mrs. Detlefs ot Ourwcnsville. They are most highly recommended by the best people of Al toona, Ronovo, Dußois, Brook ville, Kidway, Johnsonhurg, Franklin and other towns. The school will be held under the auspices of the ladies of the Presbyterian church. UNBOUNDED FAITH IN MI-O-NA. L. Taggart Will Refund Muney If It Palls to Increase Flesh and Cure Dyspepsia. ''l have been in the drug business long enough to know that there are very few remedies that can be sold on a guar antee to refund the money if they do-not give satisfaction." •'I have sold so much Mi-o-an and seen such remarkable results following its use that I welcome the chance to convince my doubter of its merit, by offering to give with each package of Mi-o-na a written guarantee to refund the money if it does not <;ive an increase in weight, regulate the digestion and re store health. "If you cannot call at my store, send nic the price of Mi-o-na, 50c by mail, and I will forward you a regular size box, postage paid, with the same agree ment to refund the money if it does not give perfect satisfaction." Anyone who has been losing flesh, or who has always been too thin, should use Mi-o-na. Thinness and scrawniness ara signs that the food is not properly as similiated and that you do not get the nourishment from it that you should. Mi-o-na mingles with the food you cat, aids its assimilation, cones up and serengthens the digestive organs and puts the whole system in a proper physical condition. Remember that you risk nothing in buying Miono. If if fails to give you the desired effect, the cost is trifling. If it fails, L. Taggart will pay for the rem edy himself. The Pleasure of Eating. Pfrsons suffering from indigestion, dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will find that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. This remedy is a never failing cure for indigestion and Dyspepsia and all complaints affecting the glands or mem branes of the stomach or digestive tract, When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure everything you eat tastes good, and every bit of the nutriment that your food con tains is assimiliated and appropriated by the blood and tissues. Sold by R. C. Dodson. The fool takes things as they come but the wise guy lets a good many of them pass on. The Oenuine vs. Counterfeits. The genuine is always better than a counterfeit, but the truth of this state ment is never more forcibly realisied or more thoroughly appreciated than when you compare the genuine DeWitt's Witch Salve with the many counterfeits and worthless counterfeits that are on the market. W. S. Ledbetter, of Shreve port, La., says.""After using numer ous other remedies without benefit one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me." For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles no remedy is equal to DeWitt's Witch Ilazel Salve. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Ten Thousand Churches In the United States have used the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints. Every Church will be given a liberal quantity whenever they paint. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. 8 & 6 make 14, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of L. & M., and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it. You need only four gallons of L. & M. Paint, and three gallons of Oil mixed therewith to paint a good sized house. Houses painted with these paints never grow shabby, even after 18 years. These celebrated paints are sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, Pa. 26-2 m. Housekeeper Wanted. Experienced woman in small family. Wages $3.00. Enquire at PRESS office. 29 tf, |A Uughlin A 1 ! pj g Fountain |g| j! IH Pen IB |1 Til ■« l« THE PICA OF ALL OfS ~j] I hi PENS AND HAS NO Mggj , 'ri ?%»H EQUAL ANYWHERE. SjMfcil UJ' | m HI FINEST 68ADE ,4L II ! !, -M gold pen Ip! 3 fl &«§ YOUR CHOICE OF THESE D 1)}1 )} m EBB TWO POPULAR STYLES FOR Ik| : I si .00 m SI I »l p ai flfi ii Sf SUPERIOR TO OTHER MM II || |B| MAKES AT 18 [KB H 0 m The ttughlln Fountain j|H[ J ■ HaSa Pen Holder ia made of in- If 112 I, est quality hard rebber. is ■NBtfll J=H (f=! fitted with highest grade, IKll iSp 1 large »ixe. 14k. sold pen. 1 - J * of any desired flexibility, lit and has the only perfect J=J 1 J feeding device known. « Either style, richly fold ' , : J mounted, forjpresentatioa Ww w F 1 1 3 purposes, 11.60 extra. ■^MMf t | Surely you will not be 11 J able to secure anything at t , ---'-'I tbr« flats tks fries that will IC I' "*Js fs' ve such continuous J=3 mm.M pleasure and tcnrice. >1! 1J H if 1 =c ma 1 II iH i I 1 z m l a e" I lii mm jp- B S m i "S 1 I . i i I I ? jf STRONGEST EVIDENCE OF FAITH L. Taggart Guarantees That Hyomei Will Cure the Worst Case of Catarrh In Emporium. When one of the most reputable con cerns in Emporium guarantees that a medicine will effect a cure or he will re fund the money, it speaks volumes as to the merits of that remedy. It is in this way that L. Taggart is selling Hyomei, the treatment that has made so many re markable cures of both acute and chronic catarrh in Emporium and vicinity. Hyomei is not a pill nor is it a liquid that has to b'* taken with a tablespoon or wineglass. Just breathe it by the aid of an inhaler that comes in every outfit and benefit will be seen from the first treat ment. It destroys all germ life in the air pass ages of lungs and enriches and purifies the blood with additional ozone. It cures catarrh of the head and throat, or of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Wherever mucous membrane contains catarrhal germs, there Ilyouiei will do its work of healing. When using this treatment, the air you breath will be found like that on the mountains high above the sea level, where grow balsamic trees and plants which make the air pure by giving off volatile to the respiratory organs. A complete Hyomei outfit costs but §I.OO, and includes an inhaler, dropper and sufficient Ilyomei for several weeks treatment. Remember that if Ilyomei does not cure you, L. Taggart will refund your money. This is a good time to cure ca tarrh by this natural method and prevent catarrhal colds that are so common at this season. Distress After Eating Cured. Judge W. T. Holland of Greensburg, La., who is well and favorably krowu, says, "Two years ago I suffered greatly from indigestion. After eating, great distress would invariably result, lasting an hour or so and my nights were restless. I concluded to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it cured me entirely. Now my sleep is refreshing and digestion perfect." Sold by It. C. Dodson. PURE SPICES. PICKLING VINEGAR DAY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. The pickling season is now at its height and we are prepared to furnish you with everything need ful in this line, from fresh stock. Strictly pure goods of high grade. Also Cauliflower, Pep pers, etc. Remember we guarantee all our spices and vinegar to be ab solutely pure and wholesome and of high grade. There's the choicest fresh fruits and vegetables too. Gro ceries; yes, and at prices—con sidering quality—that defy com petition. Here are a few items SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 25th and 26th. Fancy Salmon, flat cans IOP each I Aw Pearl Tapioca, lb /p 7 lbs. 25c. California Ham lb., QP (Trimmed Shoulder. OEP Package Gold Dust OOP ZUu Washing Powder. aUw ISC Package Matches, I2C or Lb.Bag Sugar <M /ft Zu Befit Granulated. m)l«*tU DO YOU KNOW that you can increase the production of eggs by the judicious use of "Pratt's" Food and Crushed Oyster Shell? Get them here, then bring us the eggs; we'll pay you a good price for them. I Phoneß. J. H. DAY I BANK by mail lAnd get the 4 per cent annual interest and absolute protection of this strong bank. Assets over $7,700,000. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSBURG. PA J v v y Agent for E R. THOMAS MQJQR CYCLES. E. J. SMITH, Agent, Emporium, Pa. G.SCHMIDT'S,^ FOR - rOt) il 1S 112 FANCY CAK£S H4 r ICE CREAM, >1 n NUTS * CO N F ECTIO NE RY Daily All orders given promptand skilll'ulattention. asasasassasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasa 5^ | Fall and Winter Woolens j | Have Just Arrived. | il lam now ready to please the public, having [Jj just moved my Tailor Shop to the Odd Fellows nJ jjj Block, in order to cut down expenses. I can }fl q| now make clothes much cheaper than they can j{] nj be made any where in this section. I employ only first-class workmen and invite the public W bi to call and inspect my stock. ™ jjj REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. I 1 112 1 J. L. FOBERT. 1 asasasas asasasas asasasas asasasas as as as asasasas yflßw WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They ha»e stood the test of yean, ft OTDflftlD Inn cured thousands of 1 ulnUHu Lv / /«A '//AMet •<Ntmoui Dis«»*i, tuch iWf M JtrfVw Debility, Diuiness. Sleepless f AGAIN! V*/ the circulation, make digestion " /a. , . .... perfect, and impart at healthy ° r 1 Waj. All drains and losses are cheeked/ trmnnently . Unless patients are properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death. sealed. Price $1 per box; 6 boxes* with Iron-dad legal enaraatee to cure or refundtl# -OMjr.lj.oo. Send for free book. Address. PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland, 0. For sale by R. C. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium, Pa. 1 lUMlilMWßa——■ nn Tin A cin (MrkntMd If y«i u« I PILES Suppository I D. Matt. Thompaan, fhipt. I Graded Sohoola, StateaTllla, N. C., vrltaa : " I oaa aaj H thej do all yon claim for tham." Dr. 8. M. Dcvora, H Karen Koak. Vf. Va., wrllta : •• Thejr fire unlreraal aatla- ■ faction." Dr. 11. I>. MuGlll, Clarkabarf, Tenn., writaa: I '-In a practice af S3 yeara, I hava found no ranaadv to H *qual joara." Faica, 60 Cairo. Sawiplea Fre«. Bald H t>j Druffian, martin nuoy. Lancaster, pa. fl Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C Dodson. Call for free sample. The Place to liny Cheap S )J^VPARS^^ y We promptly obtain U. 8. and foreign ( > j S Send model, sketch or photo of invention for 1 ' 112 free report on patentability. For free book, <' ? How to SecureTß ■nP |iin|/A wrlt«(' /PatenUMj^NlAUt-MAfm^to SOI*. CALDWELL'S >1 YRUP PEPSIN CURES CONSTIPATION. I * 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers