j A Jam, \ | Meldrum ik * j Anderson Co. i | HUHKAI.O.N. V. j > 596-408 Main Street. 3 ! Silks | I Sacrificed! { MUST be quit of c > * * soma ten thousand \ \ dollars' worth of fine silks c t belore Angtist ist. They s are all this seasons goods— J < re-ordere ol some of our best j r sellers—and cannot be \ } equaled anywhere for these \ > little prices. \ ( FOUKARDS ) \ Good assortment of Silk and Satin Koul- c P ards, splendid pattt rug and C A,-, } X colore, formerly sold for JI.OOOV-'V-' c \ Best French and Domestic Silk and Satin £ P foulards, iu all the leading styles s \ and colors, former prices s j $1.00,11.25 usul $1.50 / fc/O \ < G-lace Taffeta ) \ 27-inch wide Hair I.ine Striped Olace £ 112 Taffeta Silks, in nine staple oC/> > v colors, regular $1.25, at Oub s \ REMNANTS < J Remnants of »11 our fine Silks in Ito M \ \ yard length* lor Waists, Skirts and J dresses, all marked > HALF PRICE AND LESS ) I The Restaurant < \ Onr patrous will find our Cafe on the 1 J 4th floor aa excellent place to rest and % 1 enjoy a fuil iw*u! or a light lunch at a S 2 moderate s > Adam. 1 < Meldrum & \ $ Anderson Co. | The American Block, 112 } BUFFALO, N. Y. 112 C. B. X Howard 1 , fife $ Co. We have had large sales in our SUMMER DRESS I I GOODS,but the best pieces are not all sold. We still have i a large assortment left at very reasonable prices, and are | constantly adding new pieces. NSCALLtfoh ■PATTERNS W While in our stoie do not forget to look on our mark- I I ed down counter. A few of the bargains are, Ladies and § Children's Shoes, Ladies Belts, Ladies Fancy Hose, etc. I Heat wearing quality at less than cost. ©M 5 CALLS MAGAZINE We are agents for the famous McCall Patterns, ioc I and igv. None higher. C.EIioWARD & CO.J twrroitic ON Tin: itiAi/ro." I jpasesssrasß U\ A A • J • : Artistic Painting a B! I PAPER HANGING! $ ■u Ul S H {] Will receive prompt (}! 3 attention and all {] work intrusted tome [* {] will be guaranteed (n {] satisfactory. lam {] prepared to ftirnisli G| u my customers with uj Ifl both Paints and ui I 3 V/all Papers, and jjj |jj save you big money. "j j jj{ Estimates cheerfully jjj !ft given on contract | [jj work. Apply to !{] nJ ' Ln ui ru IF. H. PEARSALL. { i | ißargainsf "S I this wi:i:k. uj | [J! Call and nee what they are. t[] i When you want Hi II Cookies f5 I J|] don't forget that we have jjj ■ a fine line. They are }{] first-class and up-to-date. U| S Our Meats i In ru , S are always fresh and the best grade obtainable. (u I In nJ (U Ln f{] GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. ft Geo. H. Gross. [«SHHS&SHSHS2SHSSSHSBSF C SHJ»] CAMERON COLNTYiPRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1903 As a l : rcncli liditor Sees lis. We have received a copy of l,e Petit Dauphinois of July J»th, published in Grenoble, France. Inn leading article, thi! drift of which i.t to show that we may i xpoct rin occasional rcerudcscnce of tho primitive animal ferocity in hu man nature ere it Anally disappears before advancing civilization, tho edi tor gives uw his version of American doings in the Philippines. He must have been reading some back numbers of the Emporium Independent. "The American who introduced him self into the Philippines for the pur pose of driving out the ferocious and bigoted Spaniard, the exploiter and oppressor, merely substituted himself in place of the Spaniard, and retained in subjection a spirited race whose struggle has proved that it is worthy of political freedom and national inde pendence. And since the Filipinos are unwilling to come into subjection to their pretended liberators, the pack of adventurers who constitute the Ameri can volunteers, have treated the Fili pinos in such a manner as to make them sigh even for Spanish tyranny itself." Speaking of the remonstrance to the Czar on behalf of the Jews of Kishen eff, the same writsr says:"The Russian government has been able to reply to President Roosevelt that his own government is not absolutely innocent of the lynchings of the blacks under the star-spangled banner, nor of the re establishment of slavery in the State of Georgia with tho complicity of the magistrates and police." For Sale. A desirable residence property. The Baptist parsonage, fifth street, opposite Court House, will be sold at a bargain. Apply to 18-tf. C. H. FELT. Potent Pill Plensure. The pills that are potout in their act ion and pleasant in effect are DeWitt's Little Marly Risers. W. 8. Philpot of Albany, Ga., says "During a bilious at tack I took one. Siuall as it was it did me more good than calotne,l blue-mass or any other pills I ever took and at the same time it effected me pleasantly Little Early Risers are certainly au ideal pill." Sold by R. C. Dodson. That some people don't even get badly hurt in falling from grace. Eat Ail You Want. Persons troubled with indigestion or Dyspepsia can cat all they want if they will take Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure. This remedy prepares the stomach for the re ception, retention, digestion and assimila tion oi all of the wholesome food that may be eaten, and enables the digestive organs to transform the same into the kind of blood that gives health and strength. Sold by R. C. Dodson. That tiic grass widow seldom has oc casion to turn green with envy. DeWitt is the Name. When you goto buy Witch liazel Salve look for the name DeWitt on every box. The unadulerated Witch Hazel is used in making DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which is the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, ec zema and piles. The popularity of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve; due to its many cures, has caused many worthless counterfeits to be placed on the market. The geneuine bears the name of E. O DeWitt it Co, Chicago. Sold by R. C. Dodson. That some people are always late and others too previous. Save the Children. Ninety-nine of every one hundred dis eases that children have are due to dis orders ol (he stomach and these disorders are all caused by indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is just as good for child ren as it is for adults. Children thrive on it. It keeps their little stomaches sweet and encourages their growth and development. Mrs. Henry Carter, 705 Central St., Nashville, Tcnn.. says: -My little boy is now three years old and has been suffering from indigestion ever since he was boru. L have had the best doctors in Nashville but failed to do him any good. After using one bottle of Kodol he is a well baby. 1 rec ommend it to all sufferers. "Kodol di gests what you eat and makes the stom ach sweet. Sold by R. C. Dodsou. SPECIAL RATES. Tho MISSOURI PACIFIC IIY., will sell tickets to the following points at greatly reduced rates during the coming summer. DENVER,COLORADO SPRINGS or PUEBLO, Colo., and Salt Lake City or Ogden, Utah, and return, until Sept., 30th at one fare, plus 50 cents, from St. Louis. Various points in tho WEST and SOUTHWEST at about half fare. SAM FRANCISCO and return, from August sth to 14th, account NATIONA L KN'CAMPMFNT (!. A. R., at rate of $47.50 from ST. LOUIS. HOM ESE E Kl2 RS' EXC U RS I O N TICKRTS to almost all points in the WBSTand 80UTHWE3T attha cat* ~i ONE FARE, plus two dollars FOR ROUND TRIP from ST. LOUIS. For full information, schedule of trainu, ami illustrated literature, ad dress Jno. R. James, Central Passenger Agent, Room Park Bldg., Pitta burg, Pa. J Our Clothing Y/% There may be Is selected with the £ f\ V AA \ False economy in buy greatest care, being \ y • ing Clothingadvertised made of good material W> A A as cheap, hotter buy —material that will of a dealer who has a give good service and A A/:// pfPljr reputation to maintain, at prices that are w We are offering some OUR BOYS CLOTHINGB M Is made for boys and it Smßm and if you would like looks as if it was made something handsome for boys—not father's j n this line, call and CUt doW "* see our goods. R. SEGER & SON. SEGER & SON. EXCURSION NOTICES. Niagara Falls. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has se eded the following dates for its popular ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Washington and Baltimore; July 24, August 7 and 21, Septem ber 4 and 18, and October 2 and 16. On these dates the special train will leave Washington at 8:00 a. m., Baltimore 9:0o a. m„ York 10:45 a. m,. Uarrisburg 11:10 a. m„ Miliersbnrg 12:20 p. ill., Sunbury 12:58 p. m., Williamsport 2:30 p. m., Lock Haven 3:08 p. m., Renovo 3:55 p. ni., Em porium Junction 5:05 p. in.; arriving Niagara Kalis at 9:45 p. ni. Excursion tickets, good for return passage on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days,will be sold at SIO.OO from Washington and Baltimore; $9.35 from York; SIO.OO from Littlestown; SIO.OO from Oxford, Pa.; $9.35 from Columbia; $8.50 from Harrisburg; ?10.00 from Winchester, Va.; $7.80 from Altoona. $7.40 from Tyrone; $G.45 from Bellefonts; $."..10 from Ridgway; $6 90 from Sunbury and Wilkes- Barre; $5.76 from Williamsport; $4.15 from Em porium and at proportionate rates from prin cipal points. A stopover will be allowed at Buf falo within limit of ticket returning. The special trains of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with each excursion run ning through to Niagara Falls. An extra charge will be made for parlor car seats. An experienced tourist agent and chaperon will accompany each excursion. For descriptive pamphlet, time of connecting trains, and further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel phia. 2798-21-flt. Portage Falls. On July 20, August 9 and 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany'w ii 1 run special excursions to Portage Falls by special train on the schedule indicated below. Round-trip tickets valid for passage only on date of issue on special train in each direction, will be sold at the rate indicated. Train leaves. Rate. Emporium P. 00 A. M. ?1 00 Emporium Junction 803 " 100 Shippen 813 " 100 Keating Summit 833 " 1 00 Port Allegany 850 " tOO Turtle Point 900 " 90 Larabee 90S " 80 Eldred 914 " 75 BullisMiil 922 " 70 Portvillc 929 " 65 Olean 9 4.-1 " 60 Portage Falls Park Ar. 11 30 " Returning special train will leave Portage Falls Park 5:15 p. m., arriving Olean 6:57, Em porium, 8:45. 2790-21-6t. Summer Tour to the North, The Pennsylvania Railroad personally-con. ducted tour to Northern New York and Canada, leaving August 12, covers many prominent points of interest to the summer tourist—Niagara Fails, Thousand Islands, Rapids of the St. Lawrence, Quebec, The Saguenay, Montreal, An Sable Chasm, Lake Champlain and George and Sara toga. The tour covers a period of fifteeu days; round-trip rate, $125. The party will be in charge of one of the Com pany's tourist agents, assisted by an experienced lady as chaperon, whose especial charge will be unescorted ladies. The "-ate covers railway and boat fare for the entire round trip, parlor-car seats, meals en route hotel entertainment, transfer charges and car riage hire. For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any addition al information, apply to Ticket Agents, Tourist Agent, 263 Filth Avenue, New York; or address Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. 2822-23-2t. San Francisco and Los Angeles, On account of tho National Encampment. G. A. R., at San Francisco, Cal., August 17 to 22, 1903, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to San Francisco or Los Angeles from all stations on its lines, from July 31 to August 14, inclusive, at greatly reduced rates. I'l'liese tickets will be good for return passage to reach original starting point not later than October 15, inclusive, when executed by Joint Agent at Los Angeles or San Francisco and payment of 50 cents made for this service. For specific information regarding rates and routes, apply to Ticket Agents. 2825-23-21. The One Package Dye. In red printed wrappers, colors cot ton, wool or silk in same bath. Sample 10c, any color. New Peerless, Elmira, N. Y. _ 50 26t. For Sale Cheap. A quantity of second-hand window susk, casing and blinds complete. A number of doors and casings, all in good order. Also a counter, drawers, shelving, show case, store front, etc Five barrels of mortar ready for use. Any one needing anything in this line will find it greatly to their interest to call on me. FRANK SIIIVES. tatr WANTED s Hardwood Timber Lands. APPLY TO W. A. PUKSKY, Purchasing Agent. JOHNSONBTHO, PA. 2Mt ■■mm J This is the House, I I! At wlikk Ina urcli.isc your J Furniture | g of all kinds at the very lowest prices, g CARPETS, all new and up-to-date. The larg est line you ever saw in town. B RUGS, both large and small. Carpet samples for rugs—all grades. LACE CURTAINS, a large line, from the cheapest to the best. WINDOW SHADES, all kinds. GO-CARTS, until the babies cannot rest with out one. INo trouble to show goods. Glad to have you call, whether you purchase or not. Yours respectfully, GEO. J. La BAR, j b'iS2SH52 a2SHSHHHEJSSHS^ jjj PEARL WHITE a | Massage I | Cream jjj ru CLEARS AWAY BLACK HEADS jri | AND MAKES BEAUTIFUL SKIN. jO M IT IS SOLD AT - ■ • • H | k jjj Rockwell's | a • g TJ it&iS STORE, § i ! ui 2S» A 80TTLE. I I | ni j sesissassearssaEj^HasPESHS ti.X-A.iy v-. i.Wv4iff.J'- Dean's | ■ A r*.'•>, ankik mtuf for Nlip|>r> v«'(l H M WmUnmUm. ■ »»•♦ known to rail, .-'nfr 1 ■ gaSur!*' BkUMKt'Rnn ■ Bur nuin.'y pf.pm.l for H ■ J!.OM i:N» m»I«H 4m.. •«< 14. L»WCI>»TII». >« |g- Kolii ut l*»p«atop* A T^ liliaslp Will pay liiKlunt pn»« lor ncceu iba<»a« Hoots. For particslitrs nl#-*. W. A. BATES, ('Ub«, K. Y