Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 06, 1903, Image 4

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    Ron (uoun)l V
Eilitor and M itugrr.
PeryeAt fiOt
lf|Wid I# advance |1 SO
Advert! art published at the rate of oue
dollar Mr square for oue insertion and fiftyceats
yarßi|U!)ir« for each subsequent insertion.
Rates bythe yearor for six orthreeraonthsare
ow nn.i uniform. tnd will be furnished on appli
cation, and Official Advertising per square, thrne
Mine .or 00; each subsequent insertion')!)
cents pu/ square.
Local iioticeKtcncentsperlineforoncinstrHon.
Sv- cf-jjtS per line for eachsubfleiiuvntconsecutive
oblt'iary notices over five lines, ten cents per
tue. Simpleannou ucemcntsofbirtht.marriages
»■(!,, Will be inserted free.
Business Cards, live lines or less $5.00 peryear
•vecQvolicios, ftt the regular ratesof advertising
No]ocallnsertedforlessthan7s cts.per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
»»d ajVoMa facilities for doing the best class ot
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
ve pifi>,iis*€pt at tlis option ofthe publisher.
Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for
In a't vance.
<arNo advertisements will be accepted at less
Jfcan price for tifle«n words.
«3r Religious notices free.
- -
For Auditor General.
Chester County.
ForJState Treasurer,
Delaware County.
For Judge of the Superior Court,
Crawford County.
McKeau County.
"""'li#' 1 '" 1 ' ——— —an—a——
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, August, 3 1903.
JWifo/ Press:—
Deeply as tbey regret the discov
ery that corruption exists in the
executive departments in Wash
ington, republicans here, and pro
bably throughout the country, are
rejoiced that President Roosevelt
has had the courage to probe to
she bottom one govermcnt depart
ment and now contemplates the |
thorough investigation of another.
There is in some quarters an im
pression that the control of the
reins of government by the great
parties, beyond a limited time, in
evitably results in dishonest ad
ministration and the time is not
remote when the democrats gained
a national victory with the slogan
"Turn the rascals out." That
they might have done so again had ;
there been any lack of earnestness i
on the part of the President in in- j
vestigating the Postoffice Depart- |
merit is admitted by the wiser re- j
publican politicians, but it is ap- j
predated now even by the demo- ;
erats, that Mr. Roosevelt has ef- j
Actually spiked any democratic j
guns which may have been leaded i
with charges of corruption by in- I
auguratiug a thorough investiga- j
ton of the Postoffice Department
and by preparing for a top to bot
tom inspection of the Government
Printing Office.
It was not with the expectation
of finding dishonest methods that
President R >osevelt determined to
institute an investigation of the
methods in vogue in the Printing
Office, but with a view to ascer
taining why it was that the cost of
printing and binding performed by j
the Public Printer should so great- !
ly exceed the cost of the same work ■
performed by private institutions. ;
Since, however, an investigation |
has been determined upon, there '
have been a number of charges
that there are serious leaks in the
administrative methods. A rule
of tho bookbinder's uuion which
limited the daily task of all its j
members first called the attention !
of the President, to the extravagant !
conduct of the government print
ing establishment and it is pro
bable that to that rule he charged
much of the increased cost of the i
federal printing and binding but,
to the surprise of many, the officers
of the bookbinders' union an- I
nounce that they will welcome an
investigation as it will reveal the
real leak and relieve their union j
from the odium of an unjust suspi
cion. While there will doubtless
be many rumors of corruption in
the Printing office from now on,
no one who has witne «ed the'
thorough methods and the cour- 1
•igeous spirit which have character- |
j i/ed lln' inve iif,.tlion of the I'osf
nffictt Department will be satisfied
with any "superficial investiga
tion" and the general public will
j rest assure that, when Secretary
J Cortelyou, who by his high probity
and business like methods has al
ready won the respect of the public
and to whom the conduct of the
investigation will be confided, has
completed his examination of the
Government Printing Office, he
will have left unturned no stone
nor permitted to escape bis atten
tion any improper transaction.
In the words of a prominent demo
cratic member of Congress, now in
Washington, "President Roose
velt is stealing our thunder. lie
is turning his own rascals out."
Taken With Cramps.
Wiu. Kirmse, a member of the bridge
gang working near Littleport was taken
suddenly il! Thursday night with cramps
and a kind of cholera. Ilis case was so
severe that lie had to have the members
of the crew wait upon him and Mr. Gif
ford was called and consulted. He told
them lie had a medicine in the form of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aid Diarr
hoea Rcmody that lie thought would help
him out and accordingly several doses
were administered with the result that
the fellow was able to be around next
day. The incident speaks quite highly
of .Mr. Gifford's medicines.—Elkader,
lowa, Argus.
This remedy nc\er fails. Keep it in
your home, it may save life. For sale by
L Taggart.
A woman without love is like a flower
without perfume.
S Violent (Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Bemedy and Perhaps a
Life Saved.
" \ short time ago I was taken with a
violent attack of diarrhoea and believe 1
would have died it I had not gotten re
lief,'' says John J. Patton a leading citi
zen of Patton, Ala. ''A friend reeoui
mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought a
twenty-five cent bottle and after taking
| three doses of it was entirely cured. I
| consider it the best remedy in the world
j foi bowel complaints. For sale by L.
It is wrong, but lots of satisfaction to
hate some people.
Cholera Infantum.
This disease has lost its terrors since
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy came into general use.
The uniform success which attends the
use of this remedy, in all cases of bowel
complaints in children lias made it a
favorite wherever its value has become
known. For sale by Jno. E. Smith,
Sterling Run.
Don't think a man is a fool because
he doesn't think as you do.
End of Bitter Fight.
| "Two physicians had a long and stub
born fight with an abcess on my right
i lung" writes J. 1". Ilughes of DuFont,
j Ga., "and gave me up. Everybody
: thought my time had come. As a last
j resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery
| for Consumption. The benefit I received
j was striking and I was on my feet in a
I few days. Now I've entirely regained
jmy health. "It conquers all Coughs,
j Colds and Throat and Lung troubles.
| Guaranteed at L. Taggart's drug store,
j Price s()c, and 91.00. Trial bottles free.
A grain of sand in a man's make up is
worth two in the sugar.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discover
ed will interest many. A run dowu sys
tem, or despondency invariably precede
suicide and something has been found
that will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take Electric
; Bitters. It being a great tonic and
j nervine will strengthen the nerves and
I build up the system. It is also a great
j Stomach, Liver and Kidney regulator
i (July 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
j L. Taggart Druggist.
Wise is the man who profits by the
costly experience of others.
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results in
death. Thus a mere scratch, insignifi
| cant cuts or puny boils have paid the
j death penalty. It is wise to have Buck
leu's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's tha
| best Salve on earth and will prevent
fatality, when Burns, Sores, Ulcers and
Files threaten. Only 25c, at L. Tag
gart's Drug Store.
That uneasily lies the head that is
butted into last year's panama.
Puts an End to It All.
A grievous wail oftimus comes as a
I result of unbearable pain from over taxed
organs. Dizziness, Backache, Liver
I complaint and Constipation. But thanks
to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put
jan end to it all. They are gentle but
thorough. Try them. Only 25c.
Guaranteed at L. Taggart'a Drug Stor.t.
(iirl Wanted.
A good girl for gf nnrnl house work
1 wanted at once.
Apply to I'. (J. DKMINII,
21-tf, Cameron, Pa.
You Need!
To brush up and make beauti
ful your home. The season of the
year for such work has arrived
and we would call the attention
of the public to our very large
and reliable Hue of Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, the best in the world.
In addition to the best paints,
we have a first-class line of De
Voe & Co.'s Brushes. Get a
move 011 and be prepared to paint
before the workmen are all en
gaged. We can save you money.
While you are painting your
home or business place let us
talk a little with you on Bath
and Closets, Hot Water, Steam
or anything in that line. Our
increased facilities and expert
workmen will do you good work.
Don't deay until too late.
Farmers should bear in mind
that we handle Plows, Harrows,
Rakes, etc. In fact our Hard
ware, Stove and Plumbing De
partments are up to the best.
Write or wire us, when a com
petent agent will call 011 you.
For Piles.
Sample mailed free.
One application gives relief.
The continued use of Hum
phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per
manently cures Piles or Hem
orrhoids—External or Internal,
Blind or Bleeding, Itching or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate—cure certain.
Thr«»« Size*. 25c., 30c. and SI.OO. Hold by
DriifficiMtH, or xent prepaid 011 receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and
John Bm., !\'ew York.
Vital Weakness and Prostra
tion from overwork and other
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in use
over 40 years, the only success
ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec
ial package for serious cases, $3.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receiptor prlco.
Humphrey*' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y.
DeWitt Is the name to look (or when
r you to to buy Witch Hazel Salve. ™
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is the
original and only genuine. In fact
DeWltt'ilsthe only WKch Hazel Salve
that Is made from the unadulterated
Witch Hazel
All others are counterfeits—base Imi
tations, cheap and worthless even
dangerous. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding,
Itching and Protruding Piles. Also Cuts,
Bums, Bruises. Sprains, Lacerations,
Contusions, Boils. Carbuncles, Eczema,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin
E. C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago
restores VITALITY
THE of (Vie.
rnnnc3B[ ninviiaiDT
produces the above results In 30 dajl. It actt
powerfully and quickly. Cnrea when all others fall.
Voting men will regain their lost manhood, aud old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervjjj
nets. Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions.
Loat power. Falling Momory, Wasting Diseases,anil
all effects of self abuse or excess and Indiscretion,
which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It
not only cures by stsrtlng at the fat of disease, but
lnigrcnt nnrvctonlo and blood 'milder, bring
ing back the plnU flow to pnle cheeks and re
storing the Are of yontb. It wards off Insanity
and Consumption. Insist on bsvlng ItEVIVO, no
ctb.r. It can be carried In vest rocket. By mall
•1.00 perpacka*!-, or L.I for V 3.00. with al' ll
live written guarantee to rare or refund
the money. Ilook and artvlso froo. Address
Hold by K. (J. liodson, Emporium, Pa
Sold l>y L.. YAGOAKT haw no
Fourteen yearn ago I painted my
house with these paint* and am now,
for the firnt time ninee, repainting it.
11. L. Smith, the painter, nayß he never
knew of a house in better condition
for painting after having stood HO long.
A gentleman, whose name I will not
mention, living in our town, painted
his house thirteen years ago, with
these paints and he has engaged some
paints to repaint, saying that he would
have no other.
Dr. Ileilman will also testify as to
the merits of these paints. County jail
painted four years ago. John Lind's
[ two houses painted two years ago and
many others, all speak for the virtue
and staying qualities of these paints,
and is better evidence than any man's
word. Look at them; then buy the
Champion paints and paint your house
and be happy.
Also paper your house with the ele
gant wall paper at Taggart's and he
doubly happy.
State Normal School,
J. U. FLICKINGER, Principal.
The Fall Term Opens September 7, I9OJ.
Free Tuition to Prospective Teachers
c. !%
Tliis liigli grade training school for teachers
was never in better condition than now. The
enrollment last year exceeded six hundred.
Uiological and Chemical laboratories have re
cently been added. Fine gymnasium and athletic
field. Sanitary conditions are unexcelled. A
large faculty of trained specialists. The school
also contains a college preparatory department,
business department and departments of elocu
tion and music. The expenses are lower than
those of any other institution of equal rank. Ad
dress for catalogue the Principal. 21-2 m.
Cheney's Collecting
or Towaiicta. Pa,
We shall from time to time offer for sale un
paid claims against delinquent debtors.
Watoli tbifs S))aep.
Bottling Works
Is prepared to make
your summer season
one of good cheer.
Finest Domestic
Wines and Beers,
Embracing all the pop
ular brands. Fine line
of light wines, guaran
teed absolutely pure.
Celebrated Erie Beer
Send your orders by
letter or 'phone early.
44-ly |
I I Summer Suits |
The old summey I
teste than anything the average tailor can make to your
Measure. If yon would like to know more about the
finest line of
Clothing |
in this county we invite you to come and see us. We H
will be pleased to meet you. Now, young man, if you
wßtit a good suit of clothes don't miss this opportunity.
We also have a full line of gents furnishing goods.
We carry a full line I
Jasper Harris, g
The People's Clothier.
ssr: [r—i |gy fa gl£i fa isHJsi —■; cs j^i
ffiP %
IBalcom & Lloyd. 1
I- ——— 1
| prepared 112
I For 1
1 the Se&sot? I
' Iffll
[§j We have opened and are displaying a p
| choice line of . . jl
If Pj
ji specially selected for the . .
i . Summers
| ® Season. |
We have gathered such articles as j ■
combine elegance with
1 and utility at
it i»i
I Very Reasonable |
[| Prices |
I ?
ißalcoin & Lloyd, II