KM I'OIIIUM MILLING COM 112 ANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., June 9,190:?. NBMOPHILA, per sack *J Kelt's Fancy, " » Pet Orove, " * Oraham, " ™J Bye " Buckwheat, J~ Patent Meal " J® Coarse Meal, per J fr' ChopKeerf " J 112? Middlings, Fancy " J ™ Bran, 1 29 Corn, per bushel, 'JJ White Oats, per bushel Choice Clover Seed, 1 Choice Timothy Seed, ! At Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed, I Fancy Kentucky BlueUrass, I R.C. DODSON, THE Eril^ist, KHPORIIin. PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. K. C. UOItitON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL. DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to sec in this department,iet us know by pos• 4al card or letter, personally. Miss S. Elizabeth Smith, of Ithaca, N. Y., is guest of Miss Grace Walker. Edgar Henry, who resides on Sixth street is now engaged at Keystone Powder works. William Littlefleld, who recently re. turned from Williamsport Hospital, is again very ill. F. B. Housler, of Shippen, has gone to Evansville, Pa., to cook in the woods for G. W. Jury. Miss Beatrice Miller, of Buffalo, has been guest of Mrs. Campher and family during the past week. Mrs. Elizabeth Howard and Miss Encie have been visiting in Williams port the past few days. William A. Auchu and Edward Hill yard left on Monday for Seattle, Wash. They go from there to Oregon. Mrs. W. H. Howard is attending the commencement exercises of University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. Miss Maud Thomas, accompanied by her sister Nellie and brother Clyde, visited at Wellsville over Sunday. Howard Shoup, who has been clerk in the Climax Powder Co., office for fome time, left on Tuesday for Pitts burg. Miss Gertrude Laumer of Emporium was the guests of Miss Mary Dunnigan the fore part of the week.—Port Alle gany Argus. Miss Nellie Lingle returned on Tues day from an extended visit to eastern points, including Philadelphia and Camden, N. J. Chas. M. Spangler, one of West Creek's best farmers, was a pleasant PRESS visitor, both socially and on business, last Tuesday. W. L. McCaslin, came home from Cleveland, where he is engaged by the Central Trust Co., to spend a few days with his parents and visit with friends. Rev. C. A. Sears. D. D., of Philadel phia, and Rev. J. Booth, of Reynolds ville, and Mr. John Dick, of Port Alle ghany, were guests of the Rev. Pugsley on Monday and Tuesday. E. C. Davidson has purchased the Horton property on Fifth avenue, and has moved his goods up from Empor ium in order to begin housekeeping— Johnsonburg Press. Rev. J. M. Robertson, Rector of Em manuel Church, attended Commence ment exercises at WestWinster College, New Wilmington, where he delivered the class history, having graduated from that college. The Kev. Knox, pastor of Cameron Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church, graduates this week in the classical course at the Williainsport Dickinson Seminary. He ia the Presi dent of hia class. Mrs. Flora Ryan, of Emporium, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Annie Burt, the past two months, has gone to Machias where she ex pect* to remain for sometime for medi cal treatment. Coudarsport Demo crat. Mr. and Mrs Harry Mctlee. of Oam croii, tin acted htmlitoss in Emporium lunt Saturday . Mr. McGee is proprie tor of New Cameron ifottou, and keep; a good house, lie is building up a nici pat roil age. ' Miss Carrie NCSH is visiting at Buffa- I lo this week. Miss Bowman, of Kalamazoo, Mich., ; was guest at the J. P. Felt home this j week. Miss Maggie Hill, of Barbersville, Fla., is guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Felt and family. Sheriff Hemphill has a continued story of three weeks' duration in this issue of the PRESS. Mrs. A. F. Andrews and son Harry, are visiting fViends at Elmira N. Y., for several weeks. W. H. Howard left last Monday on a month's business visit to several of the extreme western States. Harry Mitchell, of Driftwood, had important business in town on Tues day and remaingd for the circus. Mrs. J. L. Acomb and Miss Harriet Smutz, of Tidioute, Pa., are guests of Mrs. Sarah Coleman of this place. Roy Qleason was iu town Tuesday evening and actually said he was not aware that we had a circus attraction. Bertram H. Olmsted, one of our ex cellent young men has been promoted to a clerkship in the office of the Cli max Powder Co., at this place. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wheeler, of Rural Valley, visited in Emporium one day last week, guests of Mrs. W's mother, Mrs. E. M. Hurteau, on West Fourth street. We notice the Misses Grace and Eva Leet, two of our excellent and hand some yonng ladies, have returned from Chambersburg, Pa., where they have been attending Wilson College. Daniel Downey and wife leave on Saturday on an extended visit with their son Frank and wife at Harris burg. Frank is general manager for Gatelay & Co., at Harrisburg and is a hustler. Mrs. Emma V. Ellicott, of Chicago, 111., was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gallagher over Sunday. Mrs. Elliott was formerly a resident of Emporium, when her brother, Rev. F. W. White, was Rector of Emmanuel Church. Mrs. Chan. P. Fisher, and son James, accompanied by Mrs. John P. Ullrich, and son Selburn, left Wednesday noon on Buffalo Flyer, to visit relatives and friends at Jersey Shore, Williamsport, and Philadelphia for six weeks. New Cameron House. The New Cameron House, at Cam eron, the adv., appearing in this issue ot the PRESS, is now fully remodeled and in a good condition —first-class in every particular. The proprietor, Harry McGee, is a hustling landlord and popular with the public. Be sure yon call at New Cameron, where you will get a good clean meal and bed. BRIEF*"IENTION. Fewer gallons; wears longer; Devoe. Goodpasture to let. Inquire of J. H. Day. Byron W. King's School at Corry. See the announcement. 15-3t. Gents furnishings in large variety at N. Soger's. A rear end collision at Wilcox Mon day night delayed all trains several hours. No injuries to men. All smartly dressed men wear cloth ing purchased at the old reliable cloth ing house of N. Seger. Call and see him. All Smokers smoke the 'W. H. Mayer" hand made cigar, the best five cent cigar on the market. Be sure you ask for it. 24-tf. The clothes we Bell are made by ex pert craftsmen, nnd fulfill every cloth ing requirement of the most critical men. N.SEGER. The Pennsylvania Editorial Associa tion, accompanied by their wives will take their annual outing at Atlantio City, June i!2d. N. Seger is offering some big bar gains in clothing and young men •hould avail themselves of this oppor tunity to secure and up-to-date suit of clothes. The smal'.-pox patient, who is isolated in a tent south of Emporium, in Shippen, is improving and able to be out of bed and walk around He view ed the circus parade from the mountain side. WANTED.—First class flour packers. Wageß sls to 112 16.50 per week. Steady employment. None but experienced men need apply. Address New York City Milling Co., Produce Exchange, New York City. When you buy your shoes and hats you buy them ready to wear. Wheu you buy your next suit of clothes come to our store and try on and examine our clothes. N. Hkuku. An observing advertiser says "there is a certain comulative value in adver tising which is constantly increasing as advertising continues." To cease advertising is to lose the greater part of the beneQt of previous expenditures. Philadelphia Kecord. An Arizona newspaper editor made npnlicatiou for transportation over a I railroad line, and wiien requested to i give a statement of his paper's clrcu Tatlon, wrote: "Two hundred copies of i iy nuper circulate in Arizona, forty go t-> New Mexico, and thirty-five goto (. aiifornia. It goes almost every where, ill fact, I have to rustle pretty nard to kt*p the paper troin going to hell." CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1903. Mrs. William Howard Honorary President. The Ladies' Auxiliary to Baldwin II Commandery, No. 22, Knights Templar, last night held their annual election in the quarters of the Auxil iary, in the William Howard Temple Club House. The election resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Walter C. Gilmore; First Vice President, Mrs. Mary Van Dyke; Second Vice President, Mrs. William O. Ellis; Secretary, Miss Ella Stevenson; Treasurer, Mrs. Mazie Baker. Mra. William Haward, widow of the donor of the splendid Howard Me morial Cathedral, who has been the President of the Auxiliary since it was organized three years ago, but who declined a re-election, has been elected Honorary President for life. This is a deserved honor and distinction, fur Mrs. Howard has made a most efflcien t and painstaking Presiding officer, always looking ont for the best inter ests of the Auxiliary, and, when she made it known that she felt she could not longer give the office the time and attention it required, the members decided to honor her with the honorary presidency for life. After the election of the Auxiliary enjoyed a fine luncheon. This was the "last meeting until September.— Williamsport Bulletin. Thehonorcon ferred upon this excellent lady is very gratifying to her Emporium friends, who know and fully appreciate her ex cellent qualities. Letter to J. C. Johnson. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: You can afford the best, and your business experience bas shown you that it is also the cheapest. If all men would learn this, they'd save a lot of money. Devoe Lead and Zinc costs a little more per gallon than mixed paints, but it takes fewer goal lons to paint a house, and it wears longer. It is the cheapest paint in the world. Mr. Frank A.Morse, druggist of West Rutland, Vt,writes: I ordered 15 gallons of your paiut, thinking, from experience with mixed paints, that it would require that amount to cover my house. I used only 8 gallon. Mr. M. Austin Becher, of Winthrop, Mass., bought eleven gallons, he only used six. Our agent at Morrisville, N. Y., Mr. J N. Dexter, writes: On every job I have sold, Devoe Lead ; and Zinc has given good satisfaction j and has taken a less quantity than ex- | pec ted. i We could make this letter a hundred times as long with such examples. Yours truly, F.- W. DEVOK & Co., New York. P. S. Murry & Coppersmith sell onr paint. t "I had been troubled for some time with indigestion and sonr stomach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, ot Lee, Mass., "and have been taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets which have helped me very much so that now I can cat many things that before I could not." If you have any trouble with your stom ach why not take these Tablets and get well? For sale by L. Taggart. Many of the so-called gems ot thought are nothing but paste. Wortt of all Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Such was the experience of Mrs. S. H. Newson, Decatur. Ala. "For three years." she writes, "I endured insufferable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I'm completely recover ed." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaran teed by L. Taggart, Druggist. Orthodoxy on one side of the fence ia heresy on the other side. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food. For sale by L. Taggart i NEW CAMERON HOUSE. Cameron, Pa., Opposite P. & K. Depot, HARRY McGEE, Proprietor. HaTing taken possession of thin house and thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am well prepared to meet the demands of the public. Guests conveyed to any part of the county. Good ashing and huuting in the immediate vicinity. Jpi ign=ll=ngK=np=ngllliiMß^l!iP£isrisiflisnsjjia S £T3 Longman and Martinez PAINTS i I 1 6AL. L. 4. M. PAINT AT • • $1.65 A „ m ill ! Y>. < • sr\w \ satisfac only painted will be repainted at our ex- (j, MAKE S M eALL°NS F °R •• . $2.16 F nw ' *7 yet" of sale. Sole Agent. I MiS®' HARRY S. LLOYD. I Startling Evidence, l'rc.-li testimony in great ijuantity is constantly t*oo»ii»tr in. dct.-laring Dr. Kind's New l>iwovcry 1 <>r Consumption. Coughs and Colds to be uiwjualed. A recent expression from T.J. McFarland. Uentorville, Va., servesaw example, lie writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without beins benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally effec tive in curing all Lung and Throut troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by L. Taggart, Drug gist. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c, and SI.OO SPECIAL RATES. The MISSOURI PACIFIC RY., will sell tickets to the following points at greatly reduced rates during the coming summer. CALIFORNIA and THE NORTH PACIFIC COAST every day until JUNE 15th, at $30.00 from ST. LOUIS. Various points in the WEST and SOUTHWEST at about half fare. DENVER,COLORADO SPRINGS or PUEBLO and return, from July Ist to 10th at $21.00 from ST. LOUIS. Also to CALIFORNIA points at proportion ately low rates on same dates. SAN FRANCISCO and return, from August sth to 14th, account NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT G. A. R., at rate of $47.50 from ST. LOUIS. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS to almost all points in the WEST and SOUTHWEST at the rate of ONE FARE, plus two dollars FOR ROUND TRIP from ST. LOUIS. For full information, schedule of trains, and illustrated literature, ad dress Jno. R. James, Central Passenger Agent, Room 905, Park Bldg., Pitts burg, Pa. WHY. Why is there in Emporium a store like DAY'S Because Etnporiumites want their interests well taken care of. They Don't want to pay too much for anything, but they want everything well looked after. THAT'S WHY. Are you taking advantage of our FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Offer this week, Imported MACARONI (OP 15c pkg <*o N. Y. STATE CREAM OP CORN, can Ob NEW BRAZIL NUTS lb CALIFORNIA PRUNES CP Good size, bright stock. Ou BAKERS CHOCOLATE (OP cake. The genuine. IOU QC Lb. Bag Sugar frl lf\ am Best Granulated, vI«"U Fine flavored Teas and Coffees. High grade Butter. THE SATISFACTORY STORE. Phoneß. J, H, DAY jFM SAvmga i checking /H accounts counts iS? BAN K V r#o/ 0 jrevy mai i Write for literature explaining how easy it Is. 112 A««*ta Ov*r 9 7,300,000.00 1 I GERMAN 1 A SAVINGS BANK I V woo D AMD DIAMOND STS. PITTfIBURC., PA. / Agent for E. R. THOMAS JVIOTOR CYCLES. E. J. SMITH, Agent, Emporium, Pa. G.SCHMIDT'S, 1 — : HninnlunTCDc p OR j|P ' ' FRESH BREAD, A popular Ww n NUTS | # CO N F ECTIO NE R Y Daily Dc livers Allorderß given prompt and skillfulattention. H c THSESSS^ | gs "1 Notice! | —PTIHIS should interest all uj Lrj J[ men who wear up to date |}j Cj TAILOR MADE CLOTHES, g | Fobert, the Tailor | EKS ft ' efl b New jg "Get Your Money's Worth." nj I give you your money's in [j] ' first-class wor^nienand S J] I iff m I goods, and our prices jjj fn | jjM Wit^'n 112 § J. L. FOBERT, I j ft |_ J Emporium, Pa. uj j §WHCN IN DOUBT. TRY Theyh«vaMood fhetwtofMOT. ATnAUA ■ . . and h.v, cured thouiandi of STRONG EK32SEW2S ACIIM 1 \fX' » Varicocele, Atrophy.&c. fIUHIII I the circulation, make digestion perfect, and impart a healthy vigor to the whole belnff. All drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless padeats are properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity. Consumption or Death. Mailed sealed. Price fx per box; 6 boxes, with iron-dad legal guarantee to cure or refund U* money, fe.oo. Sead for irea book. Address. PEAL MEDICINE CO., Clovcland. 0. For sale by R. C. Dodson. Druggist. Emporium, Pa. 1 mmmmmmmSSS- A our* gwarantoed if you IN ■ PILES SuppDsHonj I A 1 D. Matt. Thomptoß, Bvpt. ■ Graded School*, Htateanlle, N. C., write* : " I cad »ay H they d# all jou claim far them." Dr. 8. M. I>«*ore, ■ IU»fo lloe*. W. Va., write* - •• They give wnlreraal aatla- ■ faction." Dr. U. D. McQlll, Clarksbarg, Tenn., write* ■ " la a praotlce of St /car*. I hart found no remady to ■ equal your#. Paua, SO t'airra. Sample* free. Sold ■ *R UNM<»W. MOWTIW BUOY, LAWC«»TIW, pa. [ Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C I Dodaoii. Call ror free sample. The Place to Bay Cheap S Groot Automobiles THE BEST HILL CLIMBERS ON THE MARKET. U. B. and Foreign 5 J Bend model, sketch or photo ol inrention tor <' > free report on patentability. For free book, < SDR. CALDWELL'S ■■ YRUP PEPSIN CURCS CONSTIPATION.iI