Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 18, 1903, Image 4

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    rrjcpdi) pass.
Editor and Manager.
Per year 00
U paid is advance $1 50
Adverti ementsarepublished at the rateofone
dollar per square for one insertion and fiftycenta
per square for each subsequent insertion.
Rate* bv the year or for si* or three months are
ow ana uniform, and will be furnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising persquare, three
times or less, t'2 00; each subsequent insertionso
cent* per square.
Local noticesten cents tier line for oneinsertlipn,
Ave centsperlineforeacnsubsequentconsecuUve
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
tne. Simpleannouncements of births, marriages
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, Ave lines or less fS.OO per year
over dve lines, at the regular rates of advertising
No localinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
and affords facilities for doing the best class of
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for
in advance.
4S"No advertisements will be accepted atlesa
than the price for fifteen words.
notices free.
For Auditor General,
Chester County.
For State Ti easurer,
Delaware County.
For Judge of the Superior Court,
Crawford County.
McKean County.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, June 15, 1903.
Editor P*es»:—
What the French call a "bad
j quarter of an hour" awaits the
President to-day. He has promis
ed to entertain the national c6m
inittee of the B'nai Birth, the
greatest Jewish organization in the
world, and listen to their protests
against the treatment of their fel
low countrymen at Kishenev.
That his interview with the promi
nent Hebrews who will call on him
will be embarassing the President
fully appreciates. He has consult
ed Secretary Hay and Count
Cassini, the Russian Ambassabor,
and he is unable to find grounds
which, from a diplomatic stand
point, will warrant anything in the
nature of a protest to Russia aud
yet his entire sympathies are with
the jews and if he could he would
gladly comply with their wishes
and express to Russia the horror
with which he has learned of
the Kishenev atrocities. Mr.
Roosevelt also appreciates that aside
from the diplomatic aspect of the
situation this country, at least to
some extent live in a glass house.
Our own record is] not without a
blot. Only recently a colored man
was burned and shot in a western
state and lynching, riotings and
dynamitings within the past year
have been numerous. The federal
Government does all in its power to
correct these abuses but cannot pre
sent them and that is the profes
sion of Russia so that whether we
believe in Russia's sincerity or not
we can hardly affort her by an ex
pression of open incredulity.
Auother delicate situation has
been precipitated by the recent Ser*
vian revolution, accompanied as it
by the assassination of the King and
Queen and many of the subjects
who remained royal to them. Re
gardless of the merits of the case
it is impossible not to be horrified
at the frightful violence of the
revolutionists and yet there is no
diplomatic warrant for an expres
sion of sympathy or regret, expeoi
ally as such would be construed as
an insult to the new ruler. Under
the circumstances, the President will
refrain froiu an expression on the
subject as will doubtless the repre
sentatives of many other nations.
Vdvices received from confident
ial agents of this country in Colom
bia indicate that there is consider
able liklihood of a revolution there
as a direct result of the panama
canal proposition made by this
< inveriuueiit. It is reported that
if the Colombian congress fails to
promptly ratify the treaty the
states of Panama ami Cauca, both
of which are on the isthmus, will
Httt'mle from the main country.
While it in prolmble that Mich
would Ist re»i>?ed to some
extent it is doubtful if (he r«'si->t-
All diseases of Kidneys, AI T rv
Bladder, Urinary Organ#. 112 ™ I 111 i.
Also Rheumatism. Back I I §£ r*
ache,HeartDlsease.Grav#l,« >ll m\ I
Dropsy, Female Troubles. V/ Mm.
Don't become discouraged. There Is a
cure for you. If necessary write Dr. Kenner.
lie has spent a life time curing Just such
cases as yours. All consultations Free.
"I had severe case of kidney disease and
rheumatism, discharging bkiody matter
Suffered Intense pain. My wife was seriously
affected with female troubles. Dr. Fenner's
Kidney and Hacltache Cure cured us both.
F. M. WHEELER, Randolph. la."
Druggists. 50c.. 11. Ask for Cook Book—Free.
CT UITIICn AIIPC Sure Cure. Circular. Dr
01-VIIUO uArluL Fenner, Fredonla.N.Y
ance would be successful. The
Northern portion of the Andes
cuts off all communication between
these two states and the rest of the
country by land and the Colomb iaii
Government has no navy. More
over the Goverment is bankrupt
and could hardly raisj the funds
with which to carry on a war.
The two states named would make
a country larger than the republic
of Costa Rica and all of the inhabit
ants favor the construction of the
canal. As the two states would be
virtually divided by the canal zone
there would be almost two countries
after the caual was built and it is
probable that a peaceful and pros
perous little republic which could
easily meet its necessities with the
$250,000 annuity which this
country will pay as rental for the
canal would result from such a
L. Taggart Received More Samples of MUo-na.
The advertisement of the distribution
of samples of Mi-o-na, the great dys
pepsia care, published in the PRESS of
last month was so successful that the
supply was soon exhausted and many
people were disappointed. In order to
fulfill their offer the proprietors of Mi
o-na have sent several hundred more
samples to L. Taggart and any one by
cutting out the following coupon and
presenting it at his store, can obtain
without charge a two day's treatment
of this great dyspepsia remedy.
This coupon, if presented at my
store, entitles the holder to a two
day's' treatment of Mi-o-na, the
great dyspepsia cure.
This distribution of samples shows
more conclusively than anything else
possibly could the great merit of this
remedy. If Mi-o-na did not do all thatj
is claimed for it the distribution of sam
pies would be the most foolish way the
proprietors could take to advertise it.
Many people prefer to buy a6O cent
box intead of trying a sample, as L
Taggart agrees to refund the money if
the remedy does not give perfect satis
faction, so that the purchaser runs no
risk whatever.
Go early to-day to L. Taggart's store
with your coupon, for while the supply
of samples is large yet the many calis
will soon exhaust it. 16-2t.
Suceeesful men have no time togo
back and cover up their foot prints.
Chamberlain's 00110. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy.
Is everywhere recognized as the one
remedy that can always be depended up
on and that is pleasant to take. It is es
pecially valuable for summer diarrhoea in
children and is undoubtedly the means of
saving the lives of a great many children
each year. For sale by L. Taggart.
Few men have week eyes from looking
upon the bright side of life.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an anti
sepetic liniment, and when applied to
cuts, bruises aud burns, causes them to
heal without maturation and much more
quickly than by the usual treatmeut.
For sale by L. Taggart.
Some meu waste a'lot of time in ex
plaining it wasn't their fault.
His DaHt Hope Realised.
I From the Sentinel, Olobe, Moat.]
In the first opening of Oklahoma to
settlers in iKii'J, the editor of this (taper
was among the many seekers after for
tune who made the big race one fine day
in April. Duriug his traveling about
and afterwards his camping upon his
claim, he encountered much bad water,
which together with the severe heat,
gave him a very severe diarrhoea which
it seemed almost impossible to check, and
along in J uoe the ease became bad lie ex
pected to die. One day one of his neigh
bors brought hitn one small bottle of
(>hauiberlain's Colic, Cholera and Ihar
rhoea Keiuedy as a lust hope. A big
dose was given him while hu was rolling
about on the ground in meat agony, and
in a lew minutes the dose was repeatc |.
l'he good effect of the uiediuiuc wta
noticed aud withiu an hour the paticut
was taking his fir%( souud alee p fur a fort
uight. That one little bottle worked a
complete cure, aud he cannot help but
feel grateful. The aeaaoli for howcl ilia
order* being at hand su.IMMU tin* item
For .ai* by L Tat. wart.
11 « people get high > uou.'h up the
ladder of fame to uiake them iliujf.
Reduced Kates to Ashvllle, N C
For tlie benflt of those desiring to
attend the meeting of the National
Music Teachers' Association, to bo held
at Asheville, N C., .June 30 to July 3,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell round trip tickets to Vsheville
from all stations on ite lines, Jane 26 to
30, inclusive, at reduced rateo. By de
positing tickets with Special Agent, at
Asheville, not later than July 10 and
payment of fee of fifty cents, an exten
sion of final return limit may be obtain
ed to reach original starting point not
later than October 10. 1730-17-lt.
Reduced Rates to Gettysburg.
For the benefit of those desiring to
attend the exercises to be held at
Gettysburg, Pa., commenorating the
fortienth anniversary of the battle, on
July 1, 2, and 3, the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company well sell round-trip
tickets to Gettysburg from all stations
on ite lines in the State of Pennsyl
vania east of and excluding Johnstown;
aiso from stations on the Philadelphia
and Erie Railroad Divison and the
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division,
north of but not including Gil City, at
rale of a single fore for the round trip
(mimimum rate, $1.00). Tickets will
be Bold aud going June 30, July 1, 2,
and 3. and good to return until July 6,
inclusive. '2729-17 2t.
Reduced Rates to Boston.
On account of the meeting of the
First Church of Christ, Scientists, at
Boston , on June 28 to July 1, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell
excurcion tickets to Boston from all
points on its lines on June 26, 27, 28,
and 29, good going on these dates and
good to return between June 28 and
July 2, inclusive, at rate of single fare
for the round trip, plut SI.OO. By de
positing ticket with Joint Agent at
Boeton, between July 1 and 4, inclusive,
and payment of fee of fifty cents, ex
tension of return limit may be obtained
to August 1. For stop-over privileges
and further information consult nearest
ticket agent 2728-17-lt.
Low Rate Tour to Denver.
For the benefit of delegates and
others desiring to attend the Twenty
first International Biennial Convention
of the United Society of Christian En
deavor, to be held at Denver, Col., July
9 to 13, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will run a personally con
ducted tour to Denver and return leav
ing Philadelphia, Lancaster, Harris
burg, Altoona, and Pittsburg and inter
mediate stations Tuesday, July 7, going
via Chicago and arriving at Denver
Thursday, July 9. Returning, the tour
will leave Denver Thursday, July 16,
arriving Pittsburg, Philadelphia, and
intermediate stations Saturday, July
18. Bpecial trains of the highest grade
of Pullman equipment will be run on a
fast schedule. Each train will be in
charge of a tourist agent, chaperon,
and special uniformed baggage master.
Round-trip rate, covering transporta
tion to Denver, Colorado Springs, or
Pueblo and return, Pullman berth, and
all necessary meals in dining car to
and from Denver, will be as follows;
Philadelphia, $71.25, two in one berth,
$60.25 each; Lancaster, $69.85, two in
one birth, $59.35 each; York, $67.6 C,
two in one berth, $57.50 each Harris
burg, $67.25, two in one berth, $57.25
each; Altoona, $65.50, two in one berth,
$55.00 each; Pittsbnrg, $57.00 two in,
one berth, $49.50 each. Round trip
rate, covering all necessary expenses
ongoing trip and railroad transporta
tion only returning, on regular trains
until August 31, will be as follows:
Emporium, $40.00; sleeping cars and
meals additional; Philadelphia, $57.25
two in one berth, $51.75 each; Lancast
•r, $56 35, two in one berth, $51.10 eaoh,
York, $54 60, two in one berth, $49.50
44ch, Harrlsburg, $54.25, two in one
berth, $49 25 each; Altoona, $52.50, two
in one berth, $47.75 each; Pittsburg,
$47 60, two in one berth, $43.25 each.
Proportionate rates from other points.
Pullman accommodations and meals
are included only while tourists are
using special trains. Special side trips
from Denver at reduced rates For
reservations of space, tiokets and full
information , apply to nearest Penn
sylvania Railroad Ticket Agent, or
direct to Geo. W. Boyd, General Pas
senger Agent, Broad Street Station,
Philadelphia, Pa. 2734-17-2t.
DeWitt Is the name to look for when
* you goto buy Witch Haiel Salve. ™
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is the
original snd only genuine. In fact
Dewltt'slsthe only witch Hsiel Salve
thst Is made from the unadulterated
All others are counterfeits—base Imi
tations. cheap snd worthless even
■j dangerous. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo
Is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding,
Itching snd Protruding Piles. Also Cuts,
Bums. Bruises. Sprains, Lacerations,
Contusions. Bolls, Carbuncles. Eczema,
Tetter. Salt Rheum, and all other Skin
I Diseases.
; grade.»s the above rssslls In 34 days. II acts
poweHullr and nulekly Cures whea aU ethers fell
I leeag sees wilt rvgsla their lest Manhood, end old
taea will recover their ysulhfel vigor by using
RKVIVO. It ijulukly and surely restores Mervous-
I eees. beet Vitality, lapeteaey. Nightly Emlseloa.,
: Lost *»»•». railing Memory. Wasiine Plseases.and
all e4eeta el self sbwe or ess see and liiMsseillte.
whieh unite oae tor etady, bueiases or tutrMsgs It
•otoaly cures by etartlag at the seat af disease, but
Us a"at ssrw toute and blood builder, bring
log beak the pink (lew ieplls ghee he and r»
Muring UM Ate ml youth, ft wards 08 (nasally
and tv se—tgll ■. lastet ea heviag •
ethrr. It eea be eer*te4 la vest nsckel. W usil
•1414 per peckege, or eta lot 44.00, "Ilk a ueel
llvw wrtttau guarantee to eais ee HWli
the BHer. H .a ainle-lv Iw fiee. Address
Hold by H. l\ Di ilnuu, Kuiporiuui Pit
An Inexpensive Trip
To Oa'ifornia.
Fifty dollars will be the price of' a
ticket to San Francisco or Los Angeles,
and return, from Chicago, via the Chi
cago. Milwaukee & St. Paul anil Union
Pacific line, leaving Chicago May 3, or
any day from May 12 to 18, inclusive.
Tickets will be good to return until July
15, Less thao three dayn from Chicago
o San Francisco is the time of the new
♦overland service via this line.
Literature descriptive of the new over
laud service to California, as well as in
formation about tickets and traiu service,
promptly forwarded on request.
John R. Pott, District Passenger
Agent. Room D, Park Building, Pitts
burg, Pa.
Bottling Works
Is prepared to make
your Holiday season
one of good cheer.
Finest Domestic
Wines and Beers,
Embracing all the pop
ular brands. Fine line
of light wines, guaran
teed absolutely pure.
Celebrated Erie Beer
Send your orders by
letter or 'phone early.
Cheney's Collecting
of Towanda, Pa.
We shall from time to time offer for sale un
paid claims against delinquent debtors.
Watoli tliiH Space.
Dr. Humphreys.
After fifty years 'Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity
and largest sale in their history, due to
intrinsic merit. They cure the sick.
*O, cuius. I*IUCEB.
1— Fever*. Congestions, Inflammations. .93
i|—Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .'&&
3—Teething. Colic,Crying,Wakefulnesa .95
4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults j>3
T—Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis !I3
W—Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache 33
9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .S3
10—Dyspepsia. Indlgestion.Wcak Stomach.tlS
11—Suppressed or Painful Periods ... .93
19— Whites. Too Profuse Periods 93
13—Croup, Laryngitis. Hoarseness 93
14—Malt Hheum,Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .93
15—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains 93
14—Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague 93
14—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .93
*4— Whooplag-Cough .93
9T—Kidney Diseases 95
9*—Nervous Debility 1.00
34—Urinary Weakness. Wetting Bed.. .95
tT—Grip. Hay Fever. 95
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
Dr. Humphreys' New Foeket Manual
of all Diseases mailed free.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William an«
teha Ste.. New York.
Sometimes Deeds a reliable
V uioulhly regulating medtclua.
Are prompt, safe sod certain la result. Tho g. nu
lite (l>r. Peal's) never disappoint. |i.oo per bog.
Hold by 11. C. Hudson, druggist
3 madam "-'.r-jTii Dean's I
Jf A »afw, certain n llsf fur Hiipiirfmed ■ Never kaowu til Call I I
Hurel Hpecdyr Kalisfa* turn (iitaranU-ed I
1 r iiiottey Keftiitiled. Hrtit |.i paid fur H
Si u t iier !«•». M lileiml thciiiuii trial, li< I
be paid fur wlien relieti-d. Hauipiee ¥ !«-•• ■
->i<ld lußutpofium by 1,. Tsggsrt ami H (
| Summer Suits 1
I will soon be here and I
I * I
cornuoirr. *••«. *. • ciucHiAtnf better in style and 11
m taste than anything the average tailor can make to your M
|| measure. If you wonld like to know more about the if
B finest line of |S|
I Clothing I
'M i" this county we invite you to come and see us. We fl
jS will be pleased to meet you. Now, young man, if you jl
mm want a good suit of clothes don't miss this opportunity. f*
« We also have a full line of gents furnishing goods, tt
I We carry a full line M
S of shoes and our S
8 we are able to suit ' S
9 the most particular. |||
B Come and see our j|J
B stock and get prices. rfGfr B
I Jasper Harris, I
§ The People's Clothier. 4
| Balcom & Lloyd, jj
| Prepared 1
I For I
I 1
1 the Se&softl
We have opened and are displaying apj
choice line ol . . p
specially selected for the . .
Summer a
® Season. |
foj k
We have gathered such articles as g
combine elegance with
I . utmtyat and I
I Very Reasonable |
| J Vices ~ |
t Balcom & Lloyd. I