EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., March 27,1903. NEMOPHILA, persack »1 15 Felt's Fancy, " 1 30 Pet Grove, " 1 30 Graham, " SO Rye " 80 Buckwheat, " 6ft PateutMeal " 50 Coarse Meal, per 100, 125 Chop Feed, " 125 Middlings. Fancy " 125 Bran, 1 20 Corn, per bushel, "0 White Oals,per bushel 48 Choice Clover Seed, "I Choice Timothy Seed, I A t Market Prices. Choice Millet .seed. Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, 1 R.C. DODSON. THE Brifcjcjist, i:UPOKI(!JI. PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. H SSf JE/ it. c. iionsiiN. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL OEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would /ike to nee in thin department,let UM know by pos tal card or letter. personally. Daniel Downey visited the PRESS socially on Tuesday. I. W. Gleason, of Gleasonton, was in town Monday evening. Lorenzo Burnell, of Buffalo, spent Sunday in Emporium. Geo. A. Walker, Jr., returned on Tuesday from visiting in Buffalo Leroy Gleason, of Driftwood, tran sacted business in town on Tuesday. Surveyor A. H. Shaffer and his assist ant Ned Brady, are busy surveying borough lines and new streets. Miss Grace Walker went to St. Marys on Monday to assist in a band concert given their Tuesday evening. Mr. A P. Van Gilder, the new man ager of Climax Powder Co., has been visiting in the east for several days. Presiding Elder Thos. S Wilcox, D. D., visited Emporium on Sunday and preached in M. E. Church Sunday evening. Dr. Albra W. Baker and wife are visiting the former's brother in New York city, expecting to be absent for several days yet. A. D. Gould and wife, of Eldred, came over on Tuesday to visit their sisters and remain for the dedication of Emmanuel Church. Thos. C. Johnson, of Pittsburg, where he is engaged in the real estate business, is visiting his father and brother at the place. Mrs. Editha A. Howard and daughter Marcia, of Williamsport, are puests of the former's mother, Mrs. M. A. Rock well, for several days. Miss Anna Metzger sailed on Mon day from Boston for Paris, to be ab sent several months, where she will pursue her musical studies. Mr. A. F. Andrews and family have returned from Coudersport, where they were called on account of the serious condition of Mr. Andrews* father. Miss Ida Drausfteld, of Climax Powder office, and Miss Blanch Ludlam, one of the popular town teachers, were pleasant PRESS office callers on Monday. Reverends O. S. Metzler, pastor of First Methodist Episcopal Church, and J. M. Robertson, Rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, visited Harrisburg friends last Thursday and Friday and greatly enjoyed the visit. Miss Lenora Stauffer leaves to-nior row for her home in Millville, N. J., much to the regret of her many young friends. Miss Stauffer came to our town six weeks ago, worn-out and ill from over study. But the mountain air and a jolly good time every hour of her visit, sends her home with plumped out cheeks and a color that would be the envy ofa princess. Corue again next summer Miss Stauffer. Mrs. Curtln and daughter Miss Kate, of Pittsburg, arrived in Emporium yesterday to visit her sister, Mrs. ' Michael Murphy. Miss Margaret Murphy, who has been visiting in Pitts burg for two weeks, returned home with them. The first named lady was mother of one of the young I. dies kill, ed at Pittsburg two weeks igo, and comes here lor ie->i .mil * h ng<- of cli mate. | S. O. McElwain, of Renovo, called lon the PRESS to-day. Mrs. T. L. Startwall of Eldred, is guost of Mrs. T. F. Moore. Floyd Felt arrived from Florida last Friday, coming by boat route. Mrs. W. K. Wright, of Renovo, ie guest of her sister, Mrs. T. F. Moore. Carl Nystrom and family leave on Saturday for a visit With friends at Dußois. Miss Viola May Gross, of Cuba, N.Y. is visiting A. E. Gross and family at this place. Mrs. H. H. Cloyes and children are at Jamestown, N. Y., visiting the former's mother. Mrs. B A. Furlong, of Sterling Run, an excellent lady, was transacting business in Emporium last Tuesday. David Sloppy is laid up from the ef fects of putting an ax into his right ankle. Dr. Bardwell is attending him. Mr. Fred Julian sailed last Saturday from New York for London, from t here he goes to the Philippines and Japan. W. L. Sykes and wife of Galeton, ! stopped in Emporium yesterday to j visit relatives. They attended the con cert at St. Marys Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. M. Smead of Renovo, is guest of \Vm. C. 55uber, while attend ing Emmanuel church dedication ser vices. Mrs. J. H. Havens, of Glean, is in town, guest of the Misses Ludlam. She assisted in Emmanuel choir dur the dedicatory services. Joseph Kaye and daughter, Miss Jane, returned from Wisconsin Tues day evening to visit and transact busi ness for a few days. M. M. Lupro and wife, of Cameron, while transacting business in town on Tuesday called to see the PRESS and push the date ahead another year Miss Isabelle Johnson, ofEniporium, who has been visiting friends and re latives in Pittsburg and Altoona, for the last two months, returned on Mon day. Leon Felt, son of J. P. Felt," who has been attending the University of Penn sylvania,came home last Friday to visit his parents and friends He is prepar ing himself for the dentistry. Miss Grace Lloyd, eldest daughter of Mr. T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of First National Bank, leaves next Saturday on an extended visit to points in south ern parts of the state, including Phila delphia. M. Blodget, of Sinnamahoning, ac companied by his brother-in-law, Mr. Isaac Page, of Tioga county, were looking after business matters in town last Saturday and made the PRESS a short pleasant call. Miss Lottie Herngrist and Mr. Augustus Johnson, two of our popular Swedish young people, were married at Olean last Saturday and have taken up their abode on Cherry street. We extend congratulations. Profit in Strawberries. Pe pie who are tinkering around with a small patch of strawberries should read the following from the Tucker County (W. Va.) Herald: Think what this means: Thirty thousand quarts of strawberries were picked Friday from the 100-acre patch of State Senator E. Finley Cromwell, in the surburbs of Forfolk. These were picked by 300 negroes, who re ceived for the day's work §6OO, at the rate of 2 cents a quart. The picking, packing and crates cost §9OO, and the berries were sold to a local firm for 9 cents a quart. The firm resold them at a profit of §l5O, and the berries were then shipped North. Mr. Cromwell received for the day's pick §2,700. Letter to Chas. Shaffer. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: Two and two make four— not always; depends upon what "two and two" are. Two gallons of water and two gallons of milk don't make four gallons of milk. Neither does four gallons of paint that's half lime, whiting, clay and kero sene oil, make four gallons of real paint. That's what we mean by saying "Fewer gallons; wears longer." It takes fewer gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc than of mixed paints to paint a house, and it wears twice or three times as long as lead and oil, mixed by hand. Prowse & Pelton, Herkimer, N. Y., write: Mr. Chas. Avery, of Herkimer, bought 51 gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc to paint his five houses, his painter having figured that it would require at least that amount. 3fi gallons did the work and he returned 15 gallons. Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & Co., New York. P. S. Murry & Coppersmith sell our paint. WANTED— Several persons of char acter and good reputation in each state (one in this county required) to repre sent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head of fices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial Co., 334 Dearborn St., Chicago 51-18t. IIVHOS W. KINU'H SUMMER SCHOOL OF ORATORY, Elocution and Dramatic Culture. AICOKHV, MA. 8 Werka. June iQ to Augntt J, Si* < ourKc. KltH utiiii), I'hyHiral ami liraiuuit. Culture, Hliakt'«|iMri. If Hemic, LaitKuagt ■*, Mu-lc. tUiilterliiif Cured flolit Mrdal Cnnlesta A « IIIMII ftir Tt-acilera, Hludi'lilit, l,r, I urngerfest of the Northeast ern Samgerbund, at Baltimore, Md., June 15 to 20, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell round trip tickets to Baltimore from all stations on its lines, except Woodberry, Harris burg and intermediate stations on the Northern Central Railway, Lancaster, Harrisburg, and intermediate stations, and stations on the Philadelphia, Balti more Washington Railroad (exclusive of stations south of Townsend, Del., j from which tickets will be sold,) on i June 13, 14, and 15, good tor return ' passage until June 22, inclusive, at rate j of single fare for the round trip, plus one dollar. Side trip tickets from Baltimore to Washington and return will be sold and good going June 18 and 19, at rate of $1.60 for the round trip. These tickets will be good to return within two days, date of sale included, and wilt be valid on all trains except the Congressional Limited. 2718-15-lt. A Valuable Publication. On June 1 the Passenger Department of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will publish the 1903 edition af the Summer Excursion Route Book. This work is designed to provide the public with descriptive notes of the principal ! Summer resorts of Eastern America, j with the best routes for reaching them, : and the rates of fare. It contains all , principal seashore and mountain re- ! sorts of the East, and over seventeen ' hundred difierent routes or combina tion of routes. The book has been com- ! piled with the greatest care, and alto- 1 gether is the most complete and com- ! prehensive handbook of Summer travel ever offered to the public. The cover is handsome and striking, I printed in colors, and the book contains several; maps, presenting the exact ' routes over which tickets are sold. I The book is profusely illustrated with fine half-tone cuts of Bcenery at the j various resorts and along the lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad. On and after June 1 this very inter- ' esting book may be procured at any Pennsylvania Railroad ticket office at the nominal price often cents, or upon application to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street ' Station, Philadelphia, Pa., by mail for twenty cents. 2712-15-lt. 1 Srrrsi; l JSTO ^ 1 I Longman and Martinez PAINTS 112 GAL. L. 4M. PAINT AT • $1.65 / v (ni 7F*rf A satisfactorily painted will be repainted at our ex- jji, if ' makes li CALLONS FOR •- . $2.16 pense. 27 years of sale. Sole Agent. || £ HARRY S. LLOYD. | Startling Evidence. I Fresh totiuimiy iri great <|tnt tit ity is ('(instantly comini! in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs ami Colds to he uuequuled. A reeent expression from T.J. MeFarland. Bentorville, Va., serves as example. He writes: 1, 1 had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without beinu benefited. Then I began taking Dr. Kings New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally effec ' tive in curing all Lung and Throut troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and '■rip. Guaranteed hy L. Taggart, Drug gist. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c, and SI.OO A man of mark is one whose signature i looks like the end of a sawbuck. SPECIAL RfITES". Tiio MISSOURI PACIFIC RY., will sell tickets to the following points at greatly reduced rates during the coming summer. CALIFORNIA and THIS NORIH PACIFIC COAST every day until JUNE 15th, at $30.00 from ST. LOUIS. Various points in the WEST and SOUTHWEST at about half fare. DKNVISK,COLORADO SPRINGS or PUEBLO and return, from July Ist to 10th at 821.00 from ST. LOUIS. Also to CALIFORNIA points at proportion ately low rates on same dates. SAN FRANCISCO and return, from August sth to 14th, account NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT G. A. R., at rate of $47.50 from ST. LOUIS. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS to almost all points in the WEST and SOUTHWEST at the rate of ONE FARE, plus two dollars FOR ROUND TRIP from ST. LOUIS. For full information, schedule of trains, and illustrated literature, ad dress Jno. R. James, Central Passenger Agent, Room 905, Park Bldg., Pitts burg, Pa. DAY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. SATISFACTION is the lever that brings this store an ever in creasing trade. We ask for no better advertisement than a satis fied customer. In our fourteen years exper ience in the grocery business, it has been our constant aim to please our patrons in quality, price and prompt and efficient service. You can reduce the culinary expense very materially by keep ing watch of our special offers I THIS WEEK FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY POTATOES, per bushel, TCP Best western stock. lUw I HP Canned Corn, OP "UO n. Y. State packing. (CP Glass Fruit Jam, IHP lUO Assorted Fruit. IUU ] QCP Can Columbia River IQP ■9l* Salmon, «Ow | Corouet brand, 2 cans 35c A very exceptional offering, as vou will say when once you try it. "JA-MA-KA" Coffee, QflP a good 25c article, Alii# This coffee 's well known throughout the town, if you! havn't tried it, ask your neigh bor about it. QC Lb.Bag Sugar CI Best Granulated. vI«HU p„o„,. J. H. DAY on on fHsAvlms $ checking VI Sail accounts f&t MS p. BV MAI L_^ Write for literature explaining how easy II is. I Over » 7,300,000.00 | I GERMAN IA SAVINGS BANK I V WOO D AND DIAMOND JSTS. PITTaBURG., PA. y | ~ THE BEST HILL CLIMBERS •' ON THE MARKET. MOTOR CYCLES. E. J. SMITH, Agent, Emporium, Fa. G.SCHMIDT'S, 1 -— FOR |p^ FRESH BREAD, gopalar ' ; Baltery, # "" & CONFECTIONERY Daily Del iverv/ All order s given prompt and skillfulattention. SHSHSHS2 ETESHSCLSH SHS2SHSHSHSHSHSB C TASHSE L S^ 112 Notice! | rnHIS should interest all In \ men who wear up to date [}j TAILOR MADE CLOTHES, n] Fobert, the Tailor Is now ready with an K up to date line of ft) SUITINGS andTROUS- }{] ERS fresh from New |n Remember men, the fjj best is the cheapest in [n the end. My motto is, jjj "Get Your Money's Worth." H lamin a position to [{] give you your money's m first-class workmen and !{] handle only first-class In goods, and our prices jjj are within reach of all. }{] Give me a trial. JJJ J. L. FOBERT, I jjj I Emporium, Pa. jjj aSHSHSHJb aSHSHSHS ESHSHSHS ESHSHSaSaSaSHS aSHSH.'JH.S §WKEN JN DOUBT, TRY They have itdod the test of years. OTDHUP . - and h«v« cured thousands of A I nil Nil AM / *XX>c.nses of Nervous Diseases, such " Debility, Dizziness, Sleeplesi | A A HI I and Varicocele,Atrophy,&c. ||Uf|||| | They clear the brain, strengthen vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients are properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity. Consumption or Death. Mailed sealed. Price 112 1 per box; 6 boxes, with Iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund tht money, $5.00. Send for frcn book. Address. PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland. 0. For sale by R. C. Dodson, Druggist. Emporium, Pa. 1 9 rtTT T*|ri A cure guaranteed If you use ■ I PILES Suppository j H A „ Matf Thompson, Sunt. I M Ora Kj | b> IJru««HU. M< RTIN RUDY, LANCASTER. PA. § Sold in Emporium by 1,. Taggart and R. C Dodson. Call for free sample. Tlio Place to Buy Cheap \ 18 AT ? ) J. F.PARSONS' P t Wo promptly obtalu U - and Foreign / ) Bend model, sketch or photo of invention for r 112 Ireercport on patentability. For free book, 112 SOR. CALDWELL'S §1 YRUP PEPSIN CURES CONSTIPATION.! ■