Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 28, 1903, Image 4

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    i»ess. j
Bstabusubd by 0. B. GOULD.
Editor and Manager.
fer year 112 2 00
Cf paid is advance fl 50
Adverti ementsare published at the rate of one
tiolla. per square for oneinsertion and fiftycents
per square for each subsequentinsertion.
R:i esby the year or for six or three months are
•w a. id uniform, and will be furnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising per square, three
4Bines or less,s2 00; each subsequent insertionSO
cents per square.
Local noticesten cents per line for onei nsertion,
five cents perlincl'oreachsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
i ne. Simpletuiaouncementsofbirths,marriages
* nd -leaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, live lines or less $5.00 per year
i ver five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
No local inserted for less than 75 cts.per issue.
The Job department of the Press is complete,
a nd affords facilities for doing the best class of
No paper will be discontinued until arrearages
*re paid,e?cept at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out ofthecounty must be paid for
in advance.
-No advertisements will be accepted at less
tiban the price for fifteen words.
Religious notices free.
Thirty per cent, of the cases of
drunkenness brought before En
glish magistrates are women.
t t
A republican administration is
co be thanked for the greatest
stride towards pure food made in
.this country.
t t
it is estimated that 30,000 auto
•mobils will be placed on the market
this year, and that will not supply
half the demand.
t J
Evidence of democratic harmony
•continue to multiply. Mr. Bryan
has not thrown a rock at Mr.
Cleveland for at least twenty-four
t t
The eminent Austrian physician
•who attributes consumption to the
wearing of corsets fails to explain
the prevalence of the disease among
t 4
It is difficult to understand the
turmoil over the democratic pres
idential nomination when the
nominee stands absolutely no
• chance of being elected.
j t
Attorney General Knox and the
Interstate Commerce Commission
now have the Anthracite Coal
Trust on the run. This does not
look much as though President
Roosevelt lacked the courage of his
+ t
+ -f
Despite the reputed serious finan
cial condition of China and the
necessity of raising a heavy in
dimnityby increased taxation, the
xra'de of the United States with
that country has lncrersed (500 per
-cent, since 1895.
t t
The Delaware peach crop is all
right, but it is estimated that half
'Of the grape crop of France was
ruined by the late frosts with the
prohibition of adulterated foreign
wines the price of the purer Am
erican product should be better.
£Lt is interesting to learn, if true,
•that ten cents worth of flank beef
furnishes four times as much
sustenance as a dimes worth of
tenderloin, but it does not seem to
deminish the demand for the latter.
"A man living on a farm near here
came in short time ago completely doubl
ed up with rheumatism. I handed him
a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
told him to use it freely and if not sat
•isfied after using it he need not pay a
cent for it,"says C. P. Rayderof Pattens
31 ilia, N. Y. ' A few days later he walk
ed into the store as straight as a string
and handed me a dollar saying give me
another bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. I want it in the house all the
time for it cured me." For sale by L.
Any Church.
Or parsonage or institution supported
"by voluntary contribution will be given
a liberal quanity of the Longman &
Martinez Pure Paints whenever they
NOTE- Have done so for twenty
seven years. Sales: tens of millions of
gallons; painted nearly two million
houses ander guarantee to ropaint if
not satisfactory. The paint wears for
periods up to eighteen years. Linseed
Oil must be added to the paint (done in
two minutes). Actual cost then about
$1.26 a gallon. Samples free. Hold by
•our Agent*. Harry 8. Lloyd.
Eggs for Sale.
Full blooded V/yandutte and Plym
outh Roek i-KgH for hatching 51.50
••for 13. J. T. ifKAI.Y, Emporium, Pa.
1 tf.
All diseases of Kidneys, /vw if\ f""\
Bladder, Urinary Organs, 112 "I I I 1 B ,
Also Rheumatism, Back I I I
ache, Heart Disease. Gravel. 1 ill ■% I .
Dropßy, Female Troubles. V/ * «.
Don't become discouraged. There is a
cure for you. If necessary write Dr. Kenncr.
lie spout a life time curing J»»t such
cases as yoirrs. All consultations Free.
"Eight months in bed, heavy backache,
pain and soreness across kidneys, also rheu
matism Other remedies failed. Dr. Fen
ner's Kidney and Backacho Curo cured me
completely. H. WATERS, flamlet, N. Y."
Druggists. 50c., H. Ask for Cook Book-Free.
When the twice are away the cat can®
not slay.
By a Persistent Cough, but Permanently
Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Mr. 11. P. Barbage, a student at law,
in Greenville, S.C., had been troubled for
four or five years with a continuous cough
which he says, "greatly alarmed rue,
causing me to fear that I was in the first
stage of consumption." Mr. Barbage,
having seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
advertised, concluded to try it. Now
read what he says of it: I soon felt a re
markable change and after using two
bottles of the twetnty-five cent size, was
permanently cured.'' Sold by L. Tag
He who rises betimes has fleas in his
Quick Arrest.
J. A. Galledge of Verbena. Ala., was
twice in the hospital from a severe case
of piles causing 21 tumors. After doc
tors and all remedies failed, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further in
flammation and cured him. It conquers
aches and kills pain. 25c, at L. Tag
gart druggist.
Procrastination is the mother of inven
The Wastes of the Body.
Every seven days the blood, muscles
and bowels of a man of average size loses
two pounds of wornout tissue. This
waste cannot be replenished and the health
and strength keep up without perfect
digestion. When the stomach aud digest
ive organs fail to perform their functions
the strength lets down, health gives way,
and disease sets up. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure enables the stomach and digestive
organs to digest and assimilate all of the
wholesome food that may be eaten into
the kiud of blood that rebuilds the tissues
aud protects the health and strength of
the mind and body. Kodol cures In
digestion, Dyspepsia and all stomach
troubles. It is an ideal spring tonic.
Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Its a strong cane that leads to learning
The X-Kays.
Recent experiments, by practical tests
and the examination with the aid of the
X-Rays, established it as a fact that
Catarrh of the Stomach is not a disease
of itself, but that it results from repeated
attacks of indigestion. "llow can I Cure
my Indigestion?'' Kodol Dpspepsia Cure
is curing thousands. It will cure you of
indigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or
cure Catarrh of the Stomach. Kodol
digests vhat you eat—makes the stomach
sweet. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
thorn in the bush is worth two in
the hand.
Mr. Josiah Pominville, of Stillwater,
Minn., after having spent over $2,000
with the best doctors for stomach trouble,
without relief was advised by his drug
gist, Mr. Alex Richard to try a box of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
He did so and is a well man to-day. If
troubled with indigestion, bad taste in
the mouth, lack of appetite or constipation,
give these Tablets a trial, and you are
certain to be more than pleased with the
result. For sale 25 cents per box by L.
Don't count on chicken—you might
get hash.
In almost every neighborhood someone
has died from an attack of colic or cholera
morbus, often before medicine could be
procured or a physician summoned. A
reliable remedy for these diseases should
be kept at hand. The risk is too great
for any one to take. Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhica Remedy has
undoubtedly saved the lives of more peo
ple and relieved more pain aud suffering
than any other medicine in use. It can
always be depended upon. For sale by
L. Taggart.
Its an ill Humbert that locks her own
A Startling Test.
To save a life, I)r. T. (». Merritt, of
No. Mchoopany, Pa., made a startling
test resulting in a wonderful cure. He
writes, "a patient was attacked with
violeut hemorrhages, caused by ulceration
of the stomach. I had often found
Electric Bitters excellent for acute stom
ach and liver troubles so I prescribed
them. The patient gained from the first,
i and has not had an attack in l-l months."
j Electric Hitters aro po.-itively guaranteed
' for Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Constipation
aud Kidney troubles. Try them. < >nly
flOc at L. Tuggart'x.
For Men and Women
A representative of this famous shoe, dire<st from headquar
ters, will be in EMPORIUM AT THE
with a full line of sample Regal Shoes, showing the new spring
Styles in lace and button shoes and Oxfords.
Regals are fac-similes of the Styles being made this spring
by the high-priced smart custom bootmakers in New York,
London and Paris. When you buy Regals you get Style while
it IS Style— not a year later.
Regals are made in ell standard leathers—King Calf, King
Kid, Patent and Enameled, etc., etc.
A new leather, used exclusively in Regal Shoes, is Regal
"VALVIC" Calf—the leather tanned in accordance with
the laws of nature —Avi'.h the pores open to perform their natural
work of letting off perspiration as freely as created, and auto
matically keep L.3 cv.t the WILT on the outside.
"Sweaty" foot arc :'u!s relieved, and the general health of the
entire system 13 improved.
"VALViC" caifrki.i i; as POROUS as cloth-TOUGH as
wire—SOFT as a gIove—WATERPROOF as Cravenette.
The removable seal on the bottom of the shoe—"The Window
of the Sole" —proves the presence of genuine, old-fashioned, wire
wear Oak Sole Leather in every pair of Regals. No other shoe
offers such a teSt—none other dares to !
Regal fit consists in 48 shapes—B widths—and 18 half sizes
—and 143 styles. No excuse for misfits!
Regal Shoes come to you diredt "from Tannery to Consumer."
You pay only one SINGLE profit, viz:—the Manufacturers—
and are thus enabled to buy $6.00 shoes at the WHOLESALE
price of $3.50 per pair.
All Styles, $3.50
Regals are sold only in 46 exclusive Regal Stores in the principal cities
of the United States and Great Britain—l 6 stores in New York City alone
—and by mail. Over 200,000 men and women buy Regals by mail regu
larly. You take no chances in ordering by mail—we guarantee satisfaction
or money promptly refunded. By mail to any address in the postal union at
$3.75 per pair, all charges prepaid.
Call on our representative and examine the shoes. You will not be urged
to buy. Write to us to-day for our new Spring Style book—free on request.
Headquarters: 109 Summer St. Factory
A DeWltt Is the name to look for when
™ you goto buy Witch Hazel Salve. ~
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is the
original and only genuine. In fact
DeWltt'slsthe only Witch HazelSalva
that Is made from the unadulterated
All others are counterfeits—base Imi
tations. cheap and worthless —even
dangerous. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding,
Itching and Protruding Piles. Also Cuts,
Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Lacerations,
Contusions, Bolls, Carbuncles. Eczema,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin
E. C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago
Dr. Humphreys.
After fifty years Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity
and largest sale in their history, due to
intrinsic merit. They care the sick.
I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .513
4—Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .23
3—Teething, Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .33
4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 23
7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 33
B—Neuralgia, Toothache,Faceaohe 113
9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .113
10—Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak stomach.23
11—Suppressed or Painful Periods 23
12—Whites. Too Profuse Periods 33
13—Croup. Laryngitis. Hoarseness 23
M—Halt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .23
1 (I—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains 23
16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 23
19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .23
SO—Whooplng-Cough 33
27—Kidney Disenses 33
2H—Nervous Debility 1.00
30—I'rinary Weakness. Wetting Bed.. .23
T7-€>rlp, Hay Fever 23
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
*ar Dr. Humphreys' Hew Pocket Manual
of all IHmum mailed frM,
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William ami
iehn Su.. New York.
A wife, certain relief for Huppressed ■
Menstruation. Never known to full. Hafe! fl
Sure! Hpeedy! Satisfaction tluarnnteed ■
or money Refunded. Kent prepaid for H
Sl.Ou per iMtx, Will send them on t rl*l, to I
be paid for wlien relieved. Snmph-e Kree. ■
Bold luKmporium by L. Taggart and R. C
II od So 11
Bometimea m-eds a reliable
"i monthly regulating meUiclna.
Are jirompt. safe and certain In ruauli. Tb« genu
ine (Dr. l'ual's) never <i»np|iotoC. |l (HI |>er bos.
»o|d by K. Dmlson, druggi*'
Bottling Works
Is prepared to make
your Holiday season
one of good cheer.
Finest Domestic
Wines and Beers,
Embracing all Vhe pop
ular brands. Fine line
of light winet,, guaran
teed absolutely pnre.
Celebrated Erie Beer
Send yonr orders by
letter or 'phone early.
Are the delight of
all well dressed peo
ple and a large ma
jority of the well
dressed gentlemen
in Emporium, luive
their clothes made
by the old' reliable
R. Seger
& Co.
The reason why so
many wear clothes
of our make, is be
cause we have an
established reputa
tion for good fits
and fair dealing.
J •Spring *
Bf lIM Slimmer
|jlP Clothing.
il ljf JCl'vl Beautiful fabrics
' I'll / vHui tastefully cut and 1
lil l/ r l trimmed, splendidly '
I' Vi\| tailored, and prices ; §
jIII \\\ within the reach of *
jW w everybody. i
£W Have you seen our • |
> - new Spring and \
' Summer goods? If
- \Jr uot, we extend to \
/ you an invitation to )
come and look them
ASK YOURSELF if you think you can afford to
} purchase clothing of any old make at any old price.
We are sole agents here for the
A. B. Kirschbaum Hand Made Clothing.
This clothing is right up to date—NONE BETTER.
This Clothing is well cut and well made and costs no
more than the ordinary make.
We want to call especial astention to our line of
Boys' and Children's Clothing. Never have we shown
a better assortment of popular priced clothing for school
or dress wear.
Our line of Gents' Furnishings has been properly
looked after and if you want something nobby in Shirts
we are prepared to suit you. In Hats, Caps and Shoes
we always have all the popular styles.
Come in and see our stock. We will show you the
same cordial treatment whether you purchase or not.
Jasper Harris,
The People's Clothier.
ißalcom & Lloyd. I
■ J
I Prepared |
1 For rjj
I the Season ||
|L We have opened and are displaying a (il
- Hi 1
j= choice line of . . jf
specially selected for the . .
I * Season. 1
i I
i) We have gathered «uch articles as - {| ;
combine elegance with
utilityat and
rj "iff
I Very Reasonable 1
I Prices ||
!ißalcom& Lloyd, 112
tjiq ' PAIJ
(££: r. jr rL_=r o'