KSTABLIRIIBD BY C. B. GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. ?U BUSH ED EVERY THURSDAY TERMSOF SUBSCRIPTION: fftt year $2 00 If paid is advance $1 50 ADVERTISING RATES. Advert i ements are published at the rate of one dollar per 9quare for one insertion and fifty cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are O T anu uniform, and will be furnished on appll •sation. Legal and Official Advertising per square, three limes or less, |2 00; each subsequent insertions cents per square. Local not feestpneents per line for one! nsertion, •4vc centsperlineforeacnsubsequentconsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per ine. 8i mpieannouncements of births,marriages *nd deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year >ver five lines, at the regular rates of advertising >Jo localinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, and ail'ords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law ?rinting. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages *re paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent outofthecounty must be paid for In advance. «»-N"o advertisements will be accepted at less ihan the price for fifteen words. 49-ReliKious notices free. ~ CALL FGn STATE CONVENTION. WO THE REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OF PENN SYLVANIA: I am directed by the Republican StateJCommit- See to announce'that the Republicans of Pennsyl vania, by their duly chosen Representatives, will meet in convention at the Opera House, in the •ity of Harrlsburg, on Wednesday, May 27th,1903, at 10:30 o'clock, a.m., for the purpose of nominat ing candidates for the following offices, to-wit: One person for the office of State Treasurer. One person for the office of Auditor Oeneral. Two persons for the offici- of Judge ofthe Su perior Court. In accordance with the rules governing the organization, the representation in the State ©invention will be based ou the vote polled at the hist Presidential election. Uoder the rules each legislative district is entitled to one delegate for every two thousand votes cast I for the Presi. dentiai Electors in 1900, and additional delegate ftjr every fraction of two thousand votes polled in excess of one thousand. By oraer of the Republican State Committee. M. S. QUAY, Chairman. W. R. ANDREWS, Secretary. The Montreal Witness says: "From recently published United States Government returns for the year 1902, an idea may be obtained of the drift of European emigration. The most striking feature in these returns is the large decrease in the number of emigrants from the Brit ish Isles to the United States, com pared with former years. Twenty years ago the great majority of Im igrants arriving in the United States were from Germany the United Kingdom and Scandinavia. Last year the largely preponderat ing nationalities were Austro-llun garian, Rnssian and Italian. Even Irish emigrants, who have always preferred the United States, went Shere in less numbers than in any previous year. The greatest fall ing off of all was in the number of German immigrants. The figures are interesting in view of the ques tion whether the human tide now setting toward the United States is of the right character out of which to make American citizens. Every Church. Or institution supported by volun tary contribution will be given a liberal quantity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. NOTE: Have done so for twenty seven year*. Sales: Tens of millions of gall »ns; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed eauty instead of negleet? ' Half the women of Vrnerica would like to know how to make pin-money at home, and some few women actually kn >w how to do it. The vital question in almost every American community is that of ft nan trial aid for the church. The Woman' Home < om| anion will pay well for available idea or suggoN jtii>> hiiliniitted on tlu »<> *uhj«ct», and special prim will lie paid for the beat suggestion 111 each clans Particular* will In- found lit thn April number of tbe Woman's Home ('out p'ltilnii. 'i h u •• !o itid on all' iWra stands. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY - Backache All diseases of Kidneys, AS T f\ w-* Bladder, Urluary Organs. I * I 111 Also Rheumatism, Back ■ | I i""* ache,HeartDlseasa.Gravel,l I It ■ Dropsy, Female Troubles. X/ A m. *•/ Don't become discouraged. There Is a cure for you. If necessary wrlto Dr. Fenner. lie lias spent a life time curing Just such cases as yours. AH consultations Free. '•Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure Is the cause of iuy belnK alive to-day. I had suffered greatly of kidney disease fur years and reduced in weight to 120 pounds. I now weigh 165 pounds. W. 11. McGDGIN, Olive Furnace. O." Druggists. 50c.. >l. Ask for Cook Book—Free. QT UITIIQ'nANPE Sure Cure. Circular, Dr OI'VIIUo UAllliL Fanner, Fredonia.N.Y Sinnamahonlng, W. C. No. 13G, P. 0. S. of A., ot Siunauiahoning, Pa., accompanied by the Citizens band, went to Renovo, Friday evening, March 20th and made Camp 88 a fraternal visit. On our way down the band played a selection at Keating and Westport. Some one must have let the people know we were coming at West port for they were all out to see the train and hear the band. When tbe train ar rived at Renovo a committee from Camp 88 met us at the train and escorted us to their Camp room, after which the band serenaded the Chief llurgess, brother George Washington Meyers, who after an address of welcome presented J. R. Batehelder with a most imposing key, representing the freedom aud welcome of the city. Mr. Rachelder pledged himself that it would always be treasured by Camp 13G. The band then went to the north side to serenade Mr. Thomas A. Roberts, Supt. of the Middle Division of P. kE.R. R. We were very sorry we did not meet Mr. Roberts, but neverthe less the music was greatly apperciated by the family. After participating of a sumptuous repast, served by Mr. Chas. David of the West Ward Hotel, we again went to the Camp room, where the members of the order, led by the band made a parade of the principal streets of the town and then returned to the Camp room, where meeting was called at 8:30 p. in., where they witnessed the work of the degree staff, composed of young members, which they rendered in a masterly manner, after which many short speeches were made pertaining to the different branches of the order. Several grey haired veterans were in the gathering, who told some of their ex perience in the sixties. Prominent among them was M. Blodget, who said ha had fought and bled, but died he did not. There were also veterans of the Spanish American war and some who had fought in the Philippine Islands. Camp then adjourned to the school build ing, where a banquet was served by the sophomore class, Prof. Hoffman, and teachers. The service and everything connected therewith was first class and was much appreciated by all. We feel that if they continue as they have com menced, they will be crowned with suc cess. Afted the banquet we returned to the lodge room to pass the rest of the evening. All returned home well pleased with their visit and the kindness shown by the people of Renovo, Mr. Thos. A. Roberts, for his courtesy in furnishing us with a special car each way and will long remember our visit to Camp 88. xx. Mrs. D. L. Council has moved into the house formerly occupied by W. L. Bar clay. Sucker fishing is all the go. Sinnama honing shad are not too bad at this sea son. W. L. Barclay has moved to Bradford county, where he is engaged in the lumber business. Several nice strings ot trout were brought in last week, although it is not trout season yet. Police! Mrs. Chase has purchased the property formerly vacated by Mrs. Council and Ceo. Chase has moved into same. There was a good flood in the creek the first of the week and lumbermen are improving it to drive their logs to the boom The contractors are getting their ma chinery and tools ready to commence work on the new bridge for the Susquehanna & Southern R. R. Naee H. Drum is now located at this place as agent for the B. & S. R. R. Co. Mr. Drum's friends were glad to hear of him getting the appointment. Mr. Albert Grumbar, of Muncy, is putting up a steam mill near the mouth of Grove Hun. He commeneed opera tions this week and will cut shingles and headings. Our citizens were shocked to hear of the death of Mr. J. Delaney, whose body was found Friday night about eleven o'clock, terribly mangled, on the railroad crossing ou west side of town. No cause for the sudden death of Mr. Delaney is known. He had licen a terrible sufferer with that drt dtd disease, rheumatism. I>iiti» Friday mornimg of brain fever, I WILLIAM KVKIIET, son of 1\ S. and Mary Iturk Interment at Wyside ceme tery. DKHSR. Tin-man) frii'wb of John Itlouni wil IN! [IIIUMIJ tu I' tin that In HAS i utility I recovered from hi* atta< L of iheuiuiiii»m. t 'li.tinU IUIII - I'.mi Halui cured him alter |thi he»t d.M ti.r- in the town fM<>ttoti 11 lid hi- 112 -I lo r< lii'l The prompt reju I I rum |um which ilii* lim liem afford* i« alou» worth many time* »E MI F■» i!. fey 1,. Ta • irt. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1903. Mora Rlota. Disturbances of striken* arc not nearly as grave as an individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is immediately employed. There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nervousness, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expels Malaria germs. Only 50c; and satisfaction guaranteed by L. Tasgart, Druggist. Buy what you don't need and later on you will sell what you do need. Wakeful Children. For a long time the two year old child of Mr. P. IJ. Mcl'herson, 5!) N. Tenth St.. Hani-burg, Pa„ would sleep but two or three hours in the early part of the night, which made it very hard for her parents. Her mother concluded that the child had stomach trouble, and gave her half of one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which quieted her stomach and she slept the whole night through. Two boxes of these Tablets have effected a permanent cure and she is now well and strong. For sale by L. Taggart. Man is born with a character, but he has to make his own reputation. HEAD IT THBOUGH. Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It in the Headlines. To use an eighteenth century phrase, this is an "o'er true tale." Having hap pened in a small Virginia town in the winter of 1902, it is a story very much of the present. Up to a short time ago Mrs. John E. Harmon of Melfa Station, Va.. had no personal knowledge of the rare curative properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "Last January," she says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one time I feared she would have pneumonia, but one of my neighbors told me how this remedy had cured her little boy and I began giving it to my baby at once and it soon cured her. I heartily thank the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy for placing so great a cure within my reach. I cannot recom mend it too highly or say too much in its favor. I hope all who read this will try and be convinced as I was." For sale by L. Taggart. Barring pawnbrokers, few men take too much interest in their business. Tragedy Averted. "Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watdins, of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad hovoc with him and a terrible cough set in besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound, and well." Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases Guaranteed by L Taggart Druggist. Price 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free. The average man is a good nurse when it comes to nursing a grievance. Tours to the Pacific Coast. For General Assembly of the Prasby terian Church, at Los Angeles, Gal., May 21 to June 2, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run three per sonally conducted tours to Los Angeles and the Pacific Coast. These tours will leave HarrisburgMay 12 and 13. Tour No. 1, covering twenty-four days, $128.- 26 from Elmira. Wilkesbarre, or Will iamsport. Tour No. 2, covering forty three days including Yellowstone Park, 5248.75 from Elmira, Wilkesbarre. or Williamsport. Tour No. 3, covering thirty days, including Grand Canvon of Arizona, $162 25 from Elmira, Wilkes barre, or Williamsport. Proportionate rates from other points. Arrangements may be made to return independently on Tours No. 1 and No. 3. Special Pullmau trains will be used, ana the services of a tourist agent, chaperon, baggage master and official stenographer will be provided on each train For itinerary giving rates and full in formation apply to Geo. W. Boyd, As sistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. 2667-4-2t. Jlhave been grown by thousands of sat - [V /lisfied customers for over fifty years. 1\ I They ire as good at can be procured any- V / where in the world. At the prices listed in \ our catalogue we deliver goods to you FREE of express or mail charges. VicK's Garden 112? <£, Floral Guide Tj for IQOa Valuable to everyone who plants seels, whether it's only a flower bed or any farm. It is not a mere cata-(2 logue, but a work ot reference, full of profitable information. A book of over 100 illustrated pages. Free, if you mention this paper. Write for it. Farmer's M and boo H A valuable referent-* book that tells all about th« culture and can of crops, |»rrpiirati>>ii of lead, fertilising, spiaying, etc. i>«ut fr Khfc. if JAMES VICK'S SONS Rocheilar, N«w York EVERY WOMAN ja 1 . i\ r. luhla I MW "# nwiilMjr r«i, iiltttiuj ii.. l>. iuu, <9y*i A OH. PEAL'S A\ PENNYROYAL piLLS, Aru 1 >«Mt. mult) *ll.| ,«ft»il. la ru*ult. Thu ,j. nit Uaoilir I«ai ») uicr Ilk.) |l ' i i A PROCLAMATION! Wo proclaim our offer to the people that we still VINOL OH a positive guar antee. If it does not succeed in benefit ing you we will refund the entire amount of purchase money. If you are troubled with any of the following ailmenU we know that VINOL will help rou. Anyway you should give yourself theohance to be benefited by it, particularly as you take no risk in losing money if it does not help you. All Run Down, No AppotNo, All Tired Out, Debilitated, Gain Flosh, Indigestion, Got Strong, Dyspepsia, Weak People, Old People, Palo Women, Bronohltls, Palo Children, Sore Lungs, Irritability, Nervousness, Ohronlo Golds, Hacking Cough, Nursing Mothers, Weak Mothers, Come in and get a book which tells all about VINOL. L. TAGGART, DRUGUIHT. Rain and sweat \ \ . \ B have no effect on MtWJWm IT*ItiTM SB harness treated MM IK F Jl H with Eureka Har- M H ness Oil. It re- V §9 lists the damp, w w \ \ -if keeps the lea th- Hj TtCC€* H er soft and pli- / l/\K /V/'. V\ | able. Stitches JM \ ? ■ do not break, v \ *■ B &.To g c l andcut. The \" \\N H harness not ""i V\ \ \ \ rmly Itrej-s % 1 wears twice LvV"" as the fnl * 1 Standard Oil J\ v \ \ fW IlrtOK MAILED FitEE' A.A.jFKVEIIS, Congestions, Inflamma tions (ilium. Lung Fever, Milk Fever. 11. B. iKFR \l\H, Lameness, Injuries, CURES (Ittieuninllsni. r. G'.jsOKK THROAT. Quinsy. Eplaootlc. CURES I Distemper. | WORMS, Sots. Grubs. E. E. jJ'Ol'GHfi. Coldn, Influenza, Inflamed ciTtESS Lung*, I'leuro-Pneumoiiia. F. F. £ COLIC, Bellyache. Wind-Blown, cuiiss> Diarrhea, Dysentery. G.G. Prevents MISCAKRIAGE. "rL I KIDlt >V A BLADDER DISORDERS. I. I. INKIX DISEASES. Mange, Eruptions, CURES ! I'leers, Urease, Farcy. J. K.) BAD COXDITIO.V Muring Coat. ctTREa 5 Indigestion, Stomach Staggers. 60c. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, &c., (7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt or price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William * John Streets, New York. SEND us m a cow, aa Steer, Bull or Horse 1 JJKj J hide, Calf skin, Dog „ bkin, or any other kind of hide or skin, and let 1 us tan it with the hair on, soft, light, odorless and moth-proof, for robe, rug, coat or gloves. But first get our Catalogue, JfKE giring prices, and our shipping tags and instructions, so as to avoid mistakes. We also buy - rnw furs. THE CROSBY FRISIAN FUR COMPANY, 116 Mill Street. Rochester. N. Y. THE EMPORIUM Bottling Works HENRY KRAFT, Prop. Is prepared to make your Holiday season one of good cheer. Finest Domestic Wines and Beers, Embracing all the pop ular brands. Fine line of light wines, guaran teed absolutely pure. Celebrated Erie Beer AI.WAVH HI'.AIIV. Send your orders by letter or 'phone early. 44-ly. The l*lare to Buy €li«'a|> V _ M at # I • J. F. PARS^^J 120 Per Cent. Cut I I in Clothing! I I We have just returned from New I 8 York city, where we bought heavily ( | of SPRING- and SUMMER goods, ■ M and in order to make room for our || P large new stock, we are going to offer II H our entire stock of high grade, ready 1 g| to wear clothing and furnishings at 112: I 20 Per Cent, off Our Regular Selling Price I This cut is for ten days only, com- I mencing Saturday, March 21st, and gf - lasting until April Ist. Bargain hunters who think, will 1 | not be disappointed here. Shrewd Jf investors will supply themselves for 'I ! their future needs. This is your ?1 chance to get a crack at the greatest 1 bargains ever offered in Emporium, tf The prices on all goods have been > slaughtered and values thrown to the ? winds, for everything must go, to 8 make room for our large and hand some Spring stock. Jasper Harris, I The People's Clothier. Jk ' IBalcotn & Lloyd, 112 | prepared 1 I For I i 1 i I the SedSot7| | We have opened and are displaying a if 1 choice line of . . | FANCY I I DRY GOODS 1 Jf P [.J specially selected for the . . [i L l i | Seasot7. I [Qj We have gathered such articles as j combine elegance with utilityat and | 1 Very Reasonable ij | ~ Prices |] ij j !: Silicon" Sr TJoyd. j -.. ~ ~, C) -