Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 19, 1903, Image 8

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    > Adam, j
\ Meldrum & j
i Anderson Co. |
i 396-408 Main Street, )
I Spring j
| Millinery j
| Opening j
< Tuesday, Mar. 10 \
i Wednesday, " 11 5
I Thursday, " 12 1
} Friday, " 13 <
t The most magnificent dis- s
r ]>lay of beautiful head wear, i
> The choicest creations of all s
5 the fashion centers—New <
s York, Paris, London—the J
\ best work of the world's }
s famous milliners. Onr own \
112 importations. All that is >
I fashionable, fresh and new. \
New Cloaks, 5
} New Suits, I
> New Waists,
} New Silks, \
New Dress Goods, )
Z New White Goods \
* New Wash Goods, )
) Adam, j
> Meldrum & j
s Anderson Co. <
? TheAmericacßlock, >
£St Zt 2E 22£ 2f 5552 WS ®W. m iff ****WlFi
I SIO,OOO Bankrupt Sale |
N 5 (j
| of Furniture. ii
|J . We secured under most favorable conditions, the Si
P* entire stock of M
|| The Mankey Mfg. Company, >|
!J M
M # *
This purchase, a very fortunate and opportune SS
&£ one brought to us about SIO,OOO worth of J3
Pj bed room suites, dressers, washstands and sideboards, H
Pi bright and new, direct from the factory, which we &C
H will dispose of at virtually next-to-nothing prices. ||^l
s<> Now we are ready for this great sale, the most nnpor- £J
|| tant furniture event ever offered you. A sale that will Eg
S(J make new history in our business. High class, up-to- £*
£ j 'late, thoroughly reliable furniture at much less than
cost of manufacture. We want vou to come to this PJ
£1 sale, to see and compare the furniture with that you **
PI can buy elsewhere at even double our prices. We will M
fl ' eavc y° u then, as judge to say where the greatest M
P* val'ies can be had. It is only through a purchase of
|M| -I'f » that these stupendous bargains are made pos- fcg
|| sible—a chance that comes your way but seldom. This £2
|| will be a quick decided event, the stock must be clear- ?2
S3 e( ' out at once,as we have no room for storage purposes. II
Pj Ii \ou have any particular fancy about style, wood or M
PJ pattern, you had better come early or the very thing M
J * )on want may be gone. Judges of furniture making
M a,l( ' exceptional values are especially requested to in- ftjl
»« spect these goods, and examine every detail of quality, fti
workmanship and durability. Owing to limitation of |J
|| space, we cannot gi ve details of this im sistable sale. SI
S3 e cord'ally invite correspondence from prospec* PJ
J J tive buyers who cannot visit us in person. M
Is <). .1. IjalU irs ii
M ||
i**«4iaa*iiaa««iiiA a ii 4 i a)k(iaAAJklk|
We are
Reduced Prices
We carry an
up - to-date
stock of
Hats, Caps,
Suit Cases,
In fact anything
yon may wish in
Now is
the Time
to Buy.
Next to Bank, Emporium, Pa
A Itemarkablo Case.
One of the most remarkable cases of a
cold, Jeep-seated on the lungs, causing
i pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E.
Fen tier, Murion, Ind., who was entirely
| cured by the use of One Minute Cough
Cure. She says: '-The coughing and
straining so weakened me that I run down
I in weight from 118 to 9'2 pounds. I tried
1 a number of remedies to no avail until I
I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four
bottles of this wonderful remedy cured
j me entirely of the cough, strengthened my
i lungs and restored me to my normal
weight, health and strength. R.C. Dodson.
Fear makes a man his own foe.
The Stomach Is the Man.
A weak stomach weakens the man,
because it cannot transform the food he
cats into nourishment. Health aud
strength cannot be restored to any sick
man or weak woman without first restor
ing health and strength to the stomach.
A weak stomach cannot digest enough
food too feed the tissues and revive the
tired and run down limbs and organs of
the body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure clean
ses, purifies, sweetens and streughteus the
glands and membranes of the stomach,
and cures indigestion, dypepsia and all
stomach troubles. R. C. Dodson.
Lovers, like armies, get along well
enough till the engagement begins.
The best pill neath the stars and stripes;
It cleanses the system and never gripes.
Little Early Risers of wordly repute—
Ask for DeWitt's and take no substitute
A small pill, easy to buy, easy to take
and easy to act. but never failing in re
sults. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
arouse the secretions and act as a tonic to
the liver, curing permanently. R. 0.
One enemy may do more damage than
a hundred friends can repair.
What's In a Name ?
Everything is in the name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C.
DeWitt Ac Co., of Chicago, discovered,
some years ago, how to make a salve from
Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles.
For blind, bleeding, itching and protrud
ing Piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and
all skin diseases, DeWitt's Salve has no
equal. This has given rise to numerous
worthless counteifeits. Ask for DeWitt's
—the genuine. R. C. Dodson.
If you would retain your friends don't
remind them of their faults.
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by those
tireless, little workers—Dr. King's New
Life l'ills. Millions are always at work,
night and day, curirglndigestion Bilious
ness, Constipation, Sick Headache and
all Stomach. Liver and Rowel troubles.
Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at
L. Taggart's drug store.
WANTED— Several persons of cbar
acter and good reputation in each stato
(one in this county required) to repre
sent and advertise old established
wealthy business house of solid financial
standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with
expenses additional, all payable "in cash
each Wednesday direct from head of
fices. Horse and carriage furnished
when necessary. References. Enclose
self-addressed envelope. Colonial Co.,
334 Dearborn St., Chicago. 51-16t.
The Eureka Mfg. Co., of East St
Louis, 111., want a man with rig to in
troduce Poultry Mixture in this coun
ty. They guarantee §3 50 a day to a
good worker and they furnish bank
reference of their reliability. Send
stamp for particulars. Eureka Mfg.
Co., Box 99, East St. Louis, 111.
$30.00 to California $30.00.
Every day from February 15th until
April 30th, the Missouri Pacific Ry.,
will sell one way colonist tickets from
St. Louis to California at the exceed
ingly low rate of thirty dollars. Pro
portionately low rates from other
points. Through tourist cars every
week. Write for particulars to Jno. R
James, Central Passenger Agent, 905
Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. 1-tf.
Are You Going West.
Beginning February 15tb, and con
tinuing every day thereafter until April
30th, there will be a special rate to* all
points in Washington, Oregon, Idaho,
Montana and British Columbia. For
maps, rates, routes and other informa
tion write at once to W. 11. Allen, Dis
trict passenger Agent, Wisconsin Cen
tral Railway, 621 Park Building, Pitts
burg, Pa. 47-10t.
Very low Kates to the West and
The Missouri Pacific Ily., and Iron
Mountain Route will sell one way and
round trip Hoineseekers tickets to
points in Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska,
Missouri, Arkansas, Indian and Olcla
lioma Territories, Louisiana, Texas, and
New Mexico, on the first and third
Tuesdays of each month to aud includ
ing April, at unusually low rates. For
further information write Jno. It.
James, Central Passenger Agent, 905
Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. 1-tf.
Auditor'* Notice.
'lMil'. iiiutrrntiiiKl an auditor u| (minimi hv tlie
I Orphan*' Court i>ri'uufrnii ruuuty to |m--
tin rlerUiun« lo llir (lml mil Dual account
oiJuitN 11. WYKOI'K. adiiiiiiliilnitiir of ibrt—
l.tU'ol 11. V. WY Kiii'l I ', itvcianvtl, a it, I malt r
port lo llir court, will atlvini lo ||,r .lulir* of III*
■Pliointi."-nl al ihr Court ll.mac. limp.rturn.
I'l'iumylMinia, on Krutav, the loth ,l«v
April. ufAl, at li'ii o'clock, a. in , wliru ami
" air rrtj.,,| , u „ r ,
"rut their claitiii. Murr ihe untli*t«;^nr, 1
K J. II INK-. Au.l,'..i
Mar. li tilh.tMKl I 31
Aflnitnttatrtitor** Nulltr
\"QT|I !■> Ilrirln Klvt'U let lei .ll „
tary u|m>h tbr > Ul» oi ilmio.Kf
I *lrol Km t«>rliuu.l ammo. oinn 1 y I'* 1,,, .t-rii
liavr )i* vu Kranict to th. un.lre.wii .1 i., wh.-ui
ailli-i»i"i, mu.t U- (Kwiiiail # }| ,| UK
**tal ratal* MIU.I l*r p*ltl.
. . . AitailMiatrator.
r.m|Mtrio»u, I'a March IT. Iwi .
D«*rt I.lanrila.
There 1b no place like the desert for
lizard*. As a man rides through the
white sands or over the Mack mnlapai
mountains in Arizona or southeastern
California and sees the flash and scur
ry of those brilliant and graceful crea
tures the suggestion of death and soli
tude is broken, and, beholding so much
life, he is brought to wonder if the
country is really a desert or only a land
to which a man is not adapted, for
here are animals which never drink,
yet frisk about through thorns and
cactus and fatten on the bitter plants.
Many a desert prospector had lain
down with his burros to die and seen
on the rocks about him the black heads
of the eliuckwalla lizards outlined
against the brazen sky. The chuck
wallas were happy and corpulent with
good eating. It was their country.
For thousands of generations their an
cestors had never thirsted for water,
and plants which the starving burros
passed by furnished both food and
drink for the scaly natives 011 the
rocks. Next to the slow moving and
deadly Gila monster the eliuckwalla
is the largest lizard of the desert, being
from a foot to a foot and a half in
length.—Country Life In America.
lion- SnakeN Pnarlnntf.
The cobra of the Cape fascinates
birds by coiling itself on a branch,
erecting its head and swinging to and
fro. Sundowner states that the snake
will goon "fascinating" and keeping
the bird twittering and unable to leave
the tree in which it is "for hours" and
that if the bird is driven away it comes
back. This may be a "yarn," but from
the curious fascination which nonter
rifying objects, such as "larft glitters,"
have for some birds and their apparent
inability to resist hovering around the
lure the far greater mesmerizing power
of the serpent may be conjectured.
Movement, more or less regular, is al
ways part of the means of fascination
employed by snakes. Their fondness
for music of any kind is not extended
to the sound of the human voice sing
ing, which snakes clearly do not appre
ciate at all. They only care for "in
strumental music," which includes the
concertina, tomtom and Jew's harp.
But from experiments made in this
country it was evident that they like
the bagpipes best.—Spectator.
Drought Down From Heaven.
According to Mohammedan belief,
the first copy of the Koran, or Alkoran,
their sacred book, was brought down
from the highest to the lowest heaven
by Gabriel on the mysterious night of
A 1 Khade in the month of Uamadan.
This wonderful book, written in heav
en and bound in satin, Jewels and
gold, was communicated to Moham
med at different times during a period
of twenty-three years. This was done,
according to Mohammedan belief, ei
ther by Gabriel in human shape or by
God himself. When Gabriel acted as
translator and communicator, he did so
"with a great sound of music and
bells." God appeared either "veiled or
unveiled during Mohammed's waking 1
hours or during dreams at night."
VirKiiiin't Only Slave.
The state of Virginia once owned a
slave, the only one probably the com
monwealth ever did own. lie was
known as Ben the Bell Itinger of the
University of Virginia. The university
only had .WW) left over when it was
endowed, and it was proposed to buy a
negro with this amount and keep him
as a bell ringer. They bought Ben.
and in his time lie became a great char
acter at the university. He knew ev
erybody and was very useful to every
body. Ben used to get very drunk on
the liberal and constant fees he re
ceived from students. lie died in the
Albemarle poorliouse at an advanced
A Lark'a I.ofty I'"!l|;!it.
Some Bavarian officers experiment
ing with a balloon 0,000 feet aloft no
ticed a little black speck that seemed
to accompany them and which, they
thought, was one of the cards they car
ried for throwing out reports and that
the dropping of the balloon drew it
along, but on looking at the barometer
they found that the balloon was rising
and not dropping. Suddenly, however,
a loud chirping showed that it was a
lark which. Hying at this extraordinary
height, had been frightened by the lml- j
The IliulicMt Waterfall.
There is in Mexico a wonderful wa- j
tcrfall, which probably enjoys the ilis j
Unction of being the highest waterfall '
In the world. The fall is known by the j
Indian name of ltasaseachic and is lo |
cated about WO miles west of the city i
of Chihuahua, near the summit of the j
Sierra Madre mountains. The eleva- I
tion of the mountain is 0,500 feet above
sea level. The cascade falls 078 feet. I
\ MiKlii) Keriuua lliiiiK
"You printed tny death notice, and j
that's uo joke."
"Kut, my dear sir, that's not tuy 1
fault. It's the fact that you are alive j
that makes it no Joke."
There was a subtleness to this that :
made it most annoyingly puxxling.
Chicago l'o*t.
How Ttary l»o It.
Uosslp.v Mail The Joneses keep up
a mi> Imposing establishment.
<1 rower They do that, indeed, anil
ui> ston '» the mit) that's mostly been
liii|KNu-d on. \t'» York Tliues.
«i >in »ti>'«i.
"William," the regular patron
"is IUIH 1 • ill |<iioi|iUiii pie'/"
Its U» pin kest we gut, sub,'' allltl.v
I eplit'd I lie austere waiter Cttii Uf O
Ml, be* twvawa I mi.
Wit; Would you rather be lorn
lueky 01 rieb - '
I'd father Ui |u>rtt rteh I bell
you don't iuti* to l»e tut'k) Kieli iug*. I
Spring and Snnnner
Dry Goods.
We- have a larger assortment than we ever had
Our large line of WHITE GOODS cannot be
surpassed. The quality and variety are
sure to please.
The WASH'GOODS in colors, we are showing,
are the best values that it is possible to get
together. They are sure to be sold very
rapidly, for they include the latest patterns
Silk Zephyrs,
I Pique LaTour,
Kiowa Pique, ■*
Highland Oxfords,
Leue Applique,
Nomad Silk Novelties,
Sea Island Madras,
Hamilton Waistings,
Halma Mercerized Stripes,
Mercerized Silk Zephyrs,
Linen Finish Emerald Dimity,
and several others.
Some arc lound bleeding and
sore, while others have a fit
of the blues. No if there
should be any so unfortunate
as to suffer from the efiects of
accidents we have the Balm
for their pains and aches,let it
be either for man or beast. !
Our linimentand powdersfor
horses or cattle are always
the best.
Our medicines are pure and
_ always get there. The prices
are right too.
uur patent medicine depart
ment is supplied with all the
% standard remedies and we can
supply your on short notice.
Our toilet and fancy goods
department wo keep up to
the times.
Our Prescription depart
ment receives our closest at
tention and all calls answered
day or night. Just touch the
button. In fact we are here J
to do business and serve the ! I
M. - A. - ROCKWELL,||
5 Consult j
S Your | j
>lnterests 51
fi (j !
5 AT [
£ R. SEGER 3 |
We handle nothing but Ij
112 the very last fabrics and H u
B «>ii this together with first- N u
~ class fit and workmanship N 0
we hive built up the ij
i Lit |4« we eitjm. Jjj
Q Collie in and set ll> >j ji
< s c
R. 5l;OI : .R A CO. P
IN *
LU(i|MMil* M Itimli.
AJL.yA.JkJk/ /../ J.iAii *2 ''
i MM I
The Tailor I
ru 1/
§ 5
ru tr
lr a
To any one who can lr
I{] bring ns a garment (r
|{j made as well, with fit [};
in and style better than J
(n we can turn 0111 here. pi
[n We have the best n]
[jj tailors that can be found
ruin the state and OUR [{l
m PRICES will suit the ui
Jjj customer. We get the lr
tfj Fashion Plates every
m month from the best re
Oj TRR REVIKW of the [2
re world. {{j
ru Don't be afraid to »j
nl to give us a trial and if K
s you do not find our ui
"j clothes as we say I will [jl
jfl refund your money. [}J
! j5
°i S
S $
'j\ nJ
S 5
l ii All Work llunranlcetl n
Kimi.i 111111, I'M, 1
<BI%£W4S, i J bc* k c* b ri L i"iS JUS>