ESTABLISHED BY C. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVKIIY THURSDAY TERM 8 OF SUBSCRIPTION: TK* year... |2 00 .* jxii ' advance HSO ADVERTISING RATES. Advert i entente are published at the rate of one per luareforoneinsertion and iiftycenta *>r square for each subsequent insertion. Kit. < by the year or for six or three months are ■jw au>. ti.iiform.and will befurnished on appli cation. I.ega 1 •' nd Official Advertising per square, three femes or less, $2 00; each subsequent insertion. 1 )!) ««ot < per square. Local not ices ten cents per line for one insertion, ■Ave cents perliueforeacnsubsequentconsecutive lose:! ion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per jne. -in plea n nouncement 9of births, marriages «ne. deaths will tie inserted free. Hi in -s Cards, five lines or less ss.ODperyear , a! t';e re—of advertising No local inserted for iesa than 75 cts.per issue. JOB PRINTING. I*he Job department of the PRESS is complete, «jid tO irds facilities for doing the best class of •work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Sprinting No pap 'r wiiibe discontinued until arrearages aire p .iid, except at the option of the publisher. Paper - sent oat of the county must be paid for m advance. *S"No advertisements will be accepted at less Khan the price fur fifteen words. 9i-Religious notices free. EDITORIAL nBNTION. Castro still keeps a firm grip 011 l»i? jo' "• 1 "" > - DC *■ mean to let »o until he has to. Philadelphia seems to be taking 3ier own time 011 the library ques tion. Hesitating as usual. Boston is certainly in a great pre dicament. It is reported that the bean supply is almost exhausted. The scarcity of coal has even brought education to a standstill in •many quarters. Only one trust did •lit- damage. The base ball war has been keep ing things warm among the sports ihis cold weather, but now there is even an end to that. Carnegie has ottered New Orleans $250,000 as a New Years gift to build a library and three branches. Go verment receipts for December were $47,000,000 leaving a surplus Tor the month of nearly 811,000.000 above expenditures. There is peace among the base ball Ist sand all lovers of that nat ional sport will rejoice over the good news. There will be harmony at the diamond in 1903. A man in Missouri offers 820 to any other man who will talk twenty four hours with him. and in the »rdinary run of conversation tell •nothing but the truth. No talkers ikavc appeared yet. The pope has prepared an en cyclical against the practice of duel ing. He will appeal at all Christian governments to suppress the prac tice, which is described as a survi val of the .Middle Ages. The famous school of Groton, Mass., which young Theodore Roosevelt has been attending, is among the largest number of schools which have to close up because of the absolute lack of fuel .and the impossibility to get any. Prof. Lingle of Chicago univers ity iinds that oxygen has even a more powerful effect than salt in stimulating heart action. He was üble re ei'tly to make a portion of a turt le's heart beat for 72 hours liuui .i\ by keeping it in a jar of oxygen. A recently invented device for attracting attent ion to store win dows, etc., is an automantic soap Mowing bubbles. The apparatus M provided with a little pump like * bicycle pumpand a few strokes of •hi. will furnish air enough to keep t blowing bubbles for half an hour. T'ie steel trust announced Dec. "*1 a long-maturerl plan by which ;iii its employees are to be come profit-sharers in the corpora ftion, if they care to. The com pany has set aside #2,000,00n or n«.re tu put up 25,000 shares of its ttoek ami these will beheld for the employees, who are to share in the dividends. The plan is so **\ that the larger the profits are the ■ore stock will be set a>ide:-<» that wvery employee holding stock will jiive an incentive to help increase ili. profits. I.tnployii- who leave lite complin\ before tliey have work -1 years for it will forfeit their to tin «ti «:k. Ihe object ol Jit- plan is to make every man who works for the riiiniiaiiv trout highest K» the lowest, feel that lie is a jiart tjf 1 lie business, ami to discourage lion from loin in if strike or other wise antagonizing the interests ni DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY - Backache All diseases of Kidneys, f\« T Bladder, Urinary Organs, fl r | 111 i . Ais.i Rheumatism, Back I II wf J""' ache.HeartDtsease.Gravel.■ ill | \ I . Dropsy, Female Troubles. V/ a *■ Don't become discouraged. There Is a cure for you. If necessary write Dr. rentier, lie lias spent a life time curing just such cases as yours. All consultations Free. "I had severe case of kidney disease and rheumatism, discharging bloody matter Suffered intense pain. My wife was seriously affected wit H female troubles. Dr. Fennora Kidney and Hackaelie Curecured us both. F. M. WIIEELKH, liandolph, la." Druggists. title.. ?l. Ask for Cook Hook Free. ST.VITUS'DANCE Fenner, Fredonla.N. V Wonderful Nerves. Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental Cuts. Wounds, Itruiscs, Hums. Scalds, Sore feet or still' joints. But there's no need for it. Buck lon's Arnica Salve will kill tint pain and cure the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 125 c. at L. Taggart's Druggist. There is nothing so powerful as ex ample. We put others straight by walk ing straight ourselves. Don't Worry. This is easier said than done, vet it may be of some help to consider the matter. It the cause is something over which you have no control it is obvious that worrying will not help the matter in the least. On the other hand, if within your control you have only to act. When your have a coM and fear an attack of pneumonia, buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and use it judiciously and all cause lor worry as to the outcome will <|uickly disappear. There is no danger ot pneumonia when it is used, l'or sale by L. Tag»art. When a young man considers a girl an angel it is cruel of her to spoil his dream by marrying him. Mrs. Johanna Sodcrholm of' Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but it was < juite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chamberlain's l'ain Balm advertised for sprains and soreness, and she asked him to buy her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she had not done fbi several days. The son was so much pleased with the reliet it gave bis mother that he has since recommended it to many others. For sale by L. Taggart. Don't despair because you are not beautiful. To be neat and loyal is pos sible to all women. The peculiar couuh which indicates croup, is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children. No time should be lost in the treatment of it, and lor 'his purpose no medicine has receiued more universal approval than Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Do not wa-'te valuable time in experimenting with un tried remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended, but give this medicine as directed and all symptons of croup will (juickiy disappear. For sale by L. Taggart. Some peoplo can express a trunk more intelligently than they can express an opinion. ••The nicest and pleasantcst medicine I have used for indigestion and constipation is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Melard F. Craig, of Middle grove, N. Y. '-They work like a charui and do not gripe or have any unpleasant effect." For sale by L. Taggart. It is said that haste makes waste, yet you seldom find a huetlor in an alms house. For a bad taste in the mouth take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents. Warrart cd to cure. For sale by L. Taggart. Unconscious From Croup. During a sudden aud terrible attack of ( croup our little giri was unconscious from straiiuul niou. says A. L Spatford, post master. ('hester, Mich., and a dose of ()ne Minute Cough Cure was administered and repeated often. It reduced the swelling and inflammation, cut the mucus and shortly the child was resting easy and speedily recovered. It cures Coughs, Colds, La'irippi, and all Throat and Lull}; troubles. One Minute Coujih Cure lingers in the throat and chest and enables the lungs to contribute pure, health-giv ing oxygen to the blood. It. t'. Dodson. You cannot worship the Father while you are wounding the child. A Marvelous Invention. Wonders never cease. A machine ha* been invented that will cut, pa te and hang wall paper The field of inventions and di-eovcries -tutus to hi! unlimited \otabli auiong great discoveries is |)r. King- New Discovery for Cotisuiuptiou. It hit - done a world of good for weak lungs and -»vcd many a life. Thousands have used it and conquered Grin, llroiic l.iti- I'lieiiinouia and t on-umptiou Tlr.ii neral verdict i* "Its tin best .tid ire t reliable uicdii'itic for throat and 111 - t 111. Kvery ."lite and 81 OO t. tt|. Miaranteed by I. Taggart Drutf •! Trial bottles In c. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1903. First Fork. Some of the lumbermen have "hung ti|>" on account of deep snow; others are sliding in their stock pretty fast. Will Mahon went back to his conduc ductor business again this morning, after nursni<» a lot of "job comforters" for a week. Chauncey E. Logue leaves tliis morn ing for Northern California; iu company with Mr. Kimball the Photo, man and some others from Tioga county. It is reported in the papers that "Mine Host" Martindale has bought a hotel site at Hulls and will soon erect one, style and size of his old place at Sizer ville. llull is to be the center of lumber operations to supply the Austin mill for next season, as logs will be getting scarce on the Fork soon. The fire eompamy consisting of three or four Swank's, two Williams' and Will Mahon, foreman was called out early on Sunday morning, to fight fire in the house occupied by Mr. Lamb, and succeeded io getting it out after the roof had partially burned off one side. Considering that we just had a "Bucket Brigade" think we doue well to save it. As Barclay Bros, have their engine repaired, they will soon be stocking their log pool from their numerous jobs on this stream. xxx Domestic Troubles. It is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasion ally, but these can be lessened by having I)r. King s New Life Pills around. Much trouble they save by their great work in Stomach and Liver troubles. They not only relieve you, but cure, 25c, at L. Taggart's Drug Store. Who first introduced walking sticks? Eve, when she presented Adam with a little Cain. Tried to Conceal It. It's the old story of '-murder will out" only in this case 1 here's no crime. A woman feels run down, has backache or dyspepsia and thinks it's nothing and tries to hide it until she finally breaks down. Don't deceive yourself. Take Electric Bitters at once. It has a repu tation for curing Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles and will revivify your whole system. The worst forms of those maladies will quickly yield to the cur ative power of Electric Bitters. Only 50. and guaranteed by L. Taggart Drug gist. We do not need the Cross without if we have the Christ within. The crowned heads of every nation, The rich men. poor men and misers All join in paying tribute to De Witt's Little Marly Risers. 11. Williams, San Antonia, Tex,, writes: Little Early Risen Pills are the best I ever used in my family I unhesi tatingly recommend them to everybody. They cure Constipation, Billiousness, Sick Headache, Turpid Liver, Jaundice, malaria and all other liver trublcs. R. C. Dodson. The world's premiums are never worth the co>t of the coupons. The Eureka Mfg. Co., of East St. Louis, 111., want a man with rig to in troduce Poultry Mixture in this coun ty. They guarantee §3 50 a day to a good worker and they furnish bank reference of their reliability. Send stamp for particulars. Eureka Mfg. Co., Box 09, East St. Louis, 111. 46 My. The Woman's Home Companion for February is a patriotic number. "Lin coln's Neglected Birthplace," "The Birthplace of the American Flag," and George Gibbs' picture illustrating the battle between the Serapisand the Bon homme Richard, speak of the quality of the magazine. The fiction includes "The Flight of Fenella," short stories by Clara Morris and Tudor Jenks. The Nature-Study Clnb deals with the Am erican Hawks. There is a page of un usually beautiful theatrical pictures. The author of the famous "Bunny" stories is writing a series or children's tales. All the departments are full of timely suggestions Mrs Herrick tells how to give a Sunday night supper. Miss Gould describes the latest fashions, and there are some excellent sugges tions for eveningentertainments. Pub lished by The Crowell Publishing Co., Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a year; ten cents a copy. THE EMPORIUM Bottling Works HIiNRY KRAFT, Prop. Is prepared to make your Holiday season one of good cheer. Finest Domestic Wines and Beers, Embracing all the pop ular brands. Fine lint of light wines, guaran teed absolutely pure. Celebrated liicßeer AI.WAYM I4IUIIV Send your orders by letter or 'phone early. «-iy. The Truth About Lung Troubles Chapter I. Severe climate. (Thermometer has been known to drop 50 degrees in 50 minutes.) Sun hot, wind cold. Chapter 11. A hard cold. A touch of the grip. Don't seem to get well. Chapter 111. Hacking cough. (Guess it will wear off when warm weather comes.) Chapter IV. Doctor says left lung is affected. Everybody knows the last chap ter. Isn't it pitiable ? The more so since common cough-cures don't cure a hacking cough. They only temporarily dry it up and upset the stomach. The cause is still there. We believe we can help nine cases out of ten of this kind—that is about our average of relief and cure so far. We do it with Vinol, which is made from the best remedy for lung troubles the world has ever seen cod liver oil, but with the vile-smelling grease left out. The results are gained by im proved nourishment. The rich new blood overcomes the swarming germs of disease. There is almost immediate gain. Try it on our guar antee — money back if you want it. L. TAGGART, DRITGGIHT. I cow, il Steer, Bull or Horse skin, or any other kind of hide or skin, and let us tan it with the hair 011, soft, light, odorless and moth-proof, for robe, KySa' i rug, coat or gloves. ftSaaSPfllE But first pet our Catalogue, giving prices, and our shipping ABB trips and instructions, so as to avoid mistakes. We also buy raw furs. THE CROSBY FRISIAN FUR COMPANY, MO Mill Street, Rochester, N. Y. s The Broad Street g 1 j Meat 1 i Market { S P (n A few Specials this week: H] |j] Vermont Maple Syrup'§l.os Gal. Jj Thread Cocoanutper lb. 15c. uj In Baker's Chocolate, lb. 35c. [J{ A fine Coffee at 20c and 25c lb. [jj n] as good as you can get any- nj Ln where at 25c and 30c a lb. In Ol Banner Oats at 23c. [}j Cirnpe Nuts at 13c. }{] ai Heinzs Baked Beans, 15c size 13c in jjj We can save you money by jjj J r ading with us. [n S GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, ft Geo. H. Gross. I i£5H [OHSSHSHSHSB fJJ You can look the county over, and you [n will not And a more complete, up-to-date n| pj line ot OENKRAL MERCHANDISE. If] oi'R ru 1 Fall and | | Winter I I Stock ij; uj is now in, and ready for your fu Hj inspection. n] Uj DRY tiOODS, jj] HEAVY ALL-WOOL SKIRTINGS. [j] ft READY MADE SKIRTS. ft |u LADIES WAISTS, ETC. If] Our Notion department is [U lull <>f new things, and lots S] ofbargitiiiH. We have added [n QJ MEN S. BOYS AND YOUTHS OVER ft Cj COATS AND READY MADE Cj SUITS. N J. i;. SMITH, fl Ht« illi»u Hun, l*n I Special I I Announcement I H We think that we have an establish- reputation for reliability and fair dealing and that gives considerable weight to what we say as to qualities We have have studied our business in every detail and now offer you exceptional values in I | Suits and Overcoats, j a We have a most handsome stock, selected with the greatest care and we believe our prices for these goods are very low, quality consid- I Gents' Furnishings. I '■■■< We carry a large stock of Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Hats and Caps, gl' Shoes, Underwear, in fact anything that is required to dress you in the latest and most up-to-date style. Then, if you are going to make a visit, we are prepared to show you some handsome Dress Suit Cases, ! Trunks and Valises, which are re quired when traveling. FIRS. We have some nice furs which must be sold. We do not care to I JASPER HARRIS, | \m mm—im 11 mil tW "^v |Ha l com & Lloyd. | I - I 1 prepared I I for I II ' jj 1 the Season! fill I -ST I, We have opened and are displaying a JI i| choice line of . . I FANCY § I DRY GOODS I fli ,[ specially selected for the . . fji ii G Winter 1 tm 112 I I Season, ii [i 'I We have gathered such articles as [} combine elegance with utilityat and || Very Reasonable !| 1 T > * 1 i; 1 rices ;i l ! !' I Balcom & Llovd. i!