Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 15, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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There is a lurking
j danger in the aching
* The aches and pains
of the back tell of
jx' kidneys overworked.
My Goto the kidneys'
3$ i assistance when
backache pains warn
ff* ; A kidney warning
s£cV should be promptly
heeded fur dangerous
t_s»- diabetes Bright's
disease- are only a
Read how the dan
ger can be averted:
CASE NO. 15,741. —Rev. Jacob D.
Van Doren, of 57 Sixth Street, Pond
du Lac, Wis., I'resbyterian clergy
man, says: "A man or woman who
has never had kidney complaint or
any of the little ills consequent upon
irritated or inactive kidneys knows
very little about what prolonged suf
fering is. I had attacks which kept
me in the house for days at a time,
unable to do anything, and to ex
press what I suffered can hardly be
adequately done in ordinary Anglo-
Saxon. As time passed, complica
tions set in, the particulars of which
I will be pleased to give in a personal
interview to any one who requires
information. I used plenty of rem
edies, and, ever on the outlook for
something that might check or ben
efit my condition, I began taking
Doan's Kidney Pills. This I can con
scientiously say, Doan's Kidney Pills
caused a general improvement in my
health. They brought great relief
by lessening the pain and correcting
the action of the kidney secretions."
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured the Rev.
Jacob Van Doren will he mailed on
application to any part of the t'nited
States. Address Foster-Milburn Co.,
litiffalo, N. V. For sale by all drug
gists, price 50 cents per box.
' W. L. Douglas makes and soils mors
men's 53.80 and 53.00 shoes than any other
two manufacturers In the world, which
proves thalr superiority!
they are worn by mora /
people In all stations of #■"
life than any other maka. / _ SpH
Because \V. 1.. Douglas
isthe largest manufacturer *SEsS
ho can buy cheaper and ... / ffl]
firoduee his shoes at n F<f
ower cost than other con-.[•*
cerns, which enable* him V'' _.A
to sell shoes for $3.30 and *%, L
$3.00 equal in every Jl\ \-y" ' //wk.
way to those sold
where for ami B.VM>.
W. L. Douglas $3.30 AWftT:a
and $3 shoes aro worn hy thousumlsof men who
have been paving $4 and ss,not believing they
could get a tirst-class shoo for $3.50 or $3.00.
Ho has convinced them that the style, tit,
an t wear of his $3.50 anJ 83.00 shoes is just
as good. Placed sida by side it is impossible
to see any difference. A trial will convince.
Not Ire I nrrrain ("I*9o Si\W IV.*, '.SOU, * w:* 112 * I
In i;u«lii>-» : 11W2 SaU-«: 10.00
A gain of 8a,§'jU.4.1«.10 in Four Years.
Worth 56.00 Compared with Other Makes.
The best imported and American leathers, Heyl'a
Patent Calf. Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vlcl Kid, Corona
Colt, rtnd National Kanqaroo. fait Color [yelets.
Oailtlnn • renulne have W. 1.. DOUGLAS
wuII IIUII • name and prion stamper! on bottom.
.S7i«fM by mill 1. He. extra, /[hit. <at aha free.
W. 1.. I>OI IvI.AS, HRtH u ro.s, HIASS.
I ■> ™ M
tliu troods .m.U buy urn! with the I
Ovi r 2.1.!/I.OU) pi jilc are t'.i<!ln:r with I
us ami vetting tie tr goods ul .. ftuiesaU I
L.v.ut.Mk und electkotypks
Miscellaneous *
4. * ft 11"« | * Iff., II »!•»•» «ftl. . I '• ••!»•<
Bins. M. AKncH (iarrrlt, of Unrrr-11,
\\> 0., th« Klrst (it-n uI ne I'orlia
In Kent Lilt,
Woman has enured many spheres
formerly considered suited only to
man, including even the legal profes
sion, but it has remained for Mrs.
M. Agnes Garrett, of Garrett, Wyo.,
to be the first to don the judicial
It is true all theater-goers have
eeen a Portia essay the role, but Wy
oming presents the only duly elected
and qualified female justice of the
peace known in the United States,
and probably in the world.
Mrs. Garrett was chosen by the
voters of Garrett precinct at the late
election, and she will assume her ju
dicial ditties the first Tuesday folloNv
ing the first Monday in January. The
more strenuous duties of the consta
ble, however, have been left to one
physically capable of executing the
orders of Mrs. Garrett's court, Elmer
E. Slothower having been elected to
enforce the commands of the fe
male judge. Mrs. Garrett has written
for the Chicago American correspond
ent the following brief sketch of her
career and purposes:
"I was born in Birmingham, Eng
land, in 1862, and came to Wyoming
(The Only Woman Justice of the Peace In
the Worlu)
from England in ISH4, being married
to Mr. T. S. Garrett in the same year.
1 was appointed postmistress at Rock
Creek in iss. r >, Rock Creek being then
a great freighting point. 1 was post
mistress for five years, moving on a
ranch in IS9O, when I established my
self in the stock business and simul
taneously established this town of
Garrett. 1 am now the postmistress
of Garrett.
"My ambition is to do right irre
epective of political faith, and 1 hope
to render justice to all wjio may
come before me in my new posi
Mrs. Garrett is evidently a woman
of advanced education, lieing a prac
ticed penman, or rather penwoman,
she will keep her own dockets, and,
possessing some knowledge of legal
forms, she will use that knowledge
to acquire more. A number of cases,
small but important to the litigants,
have already been continued from
the docket of the retiring justice to
that over which .Justice Garrett will
preside, and it is apparent she will
have the opportunity very frequently
to bring into play any of Portia's
qualities she may possess.
rßfi 1 1' I'**' !>••« ketl«»» |nwm remain In
i k
lAJI pla« • at Ihf |»t» fent linn . wi. * l<
and <1 i • »:»»« hi . «iK• v tor» main
in tavoi a■ ■ • 'i i chftti ...i • in <*rowcf(-<! ut of iat. by the
smart* r wrlm bag. which pva«y the fancy
cf \ ji»k won n n.u« Ii ii. re tthn tl<«
rhate'M ;n<*, although ► nu <x< (-dlnKly ■
l.aiid nn* s>«« rn*n of ih- latter variety
i»r«* out by tht» and with
11*,r k « «>t llv r rn> Ii and iu tinUtiK of
tun iii '» .11... 11. I • t v. ■ i , i. « . u-o!
clou* ton**** ar« writable vs-.tkf-of
art ThfHf an I th* more elaborate wrlut
bau- arc, lm»» v»r, I« r »ji» •la 1 * •fa on*
Hioi dr« » *« ai not for «ver>»?u> um to
*I. I tl «• bU|* .Ii? Ii • t»' 111 ■!»> .1:«
u . an pul n ' '• t• i' ni an '•.
»*i \U t'tkb v I.UK oi Stamp*# l((UH«r. *hli«
Ho J i* u band aram mot n < . n » |>ta<-.t of
li-« llklivWO <uf III* Laudkti vi.ui b«m.
DurlirM lie In Hoeliefoaeaiilil, Once
it \V lulllUKtii 11 111-lie, Now a
Lender of (lie Faubourg.
Mattie Elizabeth Mitchell, daugh
ter of Senator Mitchell, of Oregon,
was married to Francois Alfred Gas
ton tie la Uochefoueauld, duke de la
Rochefoucauld, duke de Lianeourt, i
duke d'Anville and prince de Maroil- I
lac, about ten yearfc ago. Her bus-I
band is head of the first branch of
the large house of la Rochefoucauld, !
which wiis founded in the eleventh
/ N.
I \ i fe % \
. w-y I
century and has figured prominently
in French history. During her resi
dence in Paris this American woman,
as a leader of the Faubourg Saint
Germain, has enjoyed peculiar prom
inence. In the first place she is fa
mous for her beauty, but back of her
loveliness she lias an abundjinee of
originality. She is active in both so
cial and charitable affairs. She is
childlt 'SS.
Decadence In Modern Manner* Sow la
An er I lied lo Giceiwlve Friink
iicmh mid llonc*ly.
Somebody has discovered that the
decadence in modern manners does I
not necessarily denote our increased
brutality or absolute indifference to (
thj- feelings and needs of other people, j
It is balm to the soul to be assured of i
this fact.
We have admitted to ourselves for ;
some time past that our manners have
not the repose which should mark the
caste of Vere de Yere, and that we are
indeed frankly discourteous to each
other. We also know that many men
are no longer particular how they act i
or what they say in the presence of
women, and do not even observe the
small courtesies of life where mem
bers of the opposite sex are concerned, j
Men no longer hesitate to let a woman !
wait on them, or to push her aside in a
crowd, or to smoke in her face unapol- :
ogetically, as if that were their natural !
right. We certainly are less polished I
and ceremonious than were our fore- j
Facing this fact, it is pleasing to be
assured that the change is not due to
selfishness, but is simply the expres- |
sion of our desire to be honest, to avoid '
shams. Therefore, if we sometimes
overstep the limit and cultivate un- j
pleasant freedom of speech and ac
tion, manifest unrestrained rudeness,,
we are to he excused on the ground I
of our excessive frankness and hon- !
esty.—Chicago American.
Ilaths Made of Gl«m,
Glass is being used in the mnnu
factureof bathtubs. The glass is about
three inches thick, and annealed to
make the tub durable. The effect is
clean and beautiful. The idea is a
German one, and is rapidly gaining fa
vor in this country.
a siilr-hel In mlnlnliire The il bn« |« a
" l a' l :t hp fi|Ul|i|n i w ih 11 11wt> look Hlid
' a ' ~( Ht i-l ht-u i', to It I mounting of
*i > .«f las. <I -liver No 4lsol mh ift* In a >l«<. p
1 ''111 Kt;f. with t mlipill-hmfiit in tr.<•
: rm ..f . j |ipiii|> |n (nn' lful iVnign Tt «
I ri* xt lmi{ in an oritlnury t vpp of < l.uti nine
ti tht ilup i Kniift- • I ->iii witli nun nii'tul
| mcunting wlill. the.i»! Imi? in II . nrou|j
1-* "I I. mi.' w. • i r li .hi tii, K ,
ju tt In ii tof tut kto t urn w llh lilt vi .v, t
' ' ,M t I ~| ,i I . ?,t I. . (|t ( |;4|
I" ' 'Hi Tli. it- «r. li, nit j |..,k»
| ant) ti ii wiitiiii it w l ii duet nut r»rrs it w i :«t
i * ,a K or ' ' ;|! 1 -it.lit* th. t tin) *inan ixi »*p
n. it't th< • mutt h litt . rn®|itiu i«i
Into wlilrh tin- irow'etj |iut>t>, huiidkrr
i I. t-f Hint llit* moltlltllc;') i.f In -• ■ ii|f .|i(9
wlilt Ii tl.v u\t>r<iif. w <mun Ink. • uliuiKi.ii
•« ' "I'l'Hik ur veiling trip, u Imllsbls n.l
tto- • ' tli*
It W»i the Card.
The weary housekeeper paused beside
the basket of eggs that bore the card
labelled: " Fresh t.his morning—38 cents."
"Give me a dozen of these eggs," she
•aid. "I suppose you guarantee their
"Well, no," said the hesitating store
keeper, "we wouldn't like to do that."
"liut the card says: 'Fresh this morn
Ves in, the storekeeper reluctantly ad
mitted. "lint you see it's the card I hat's
fresh not the eggs."—Cleveland Plain
CnlJfornlu, (he Stale of llitt Things.
California produces T1 per cent, of the
country's barley, -10 per cent, of the coun
try's gold, 70 per cent, of the country's beet
sugar, !>!( per cent, of the country's raisins,
and from 90 per cent, to it!) per cent, of a
treat many other important commodities.
California is one of the largest producers
of beans in the world anil the only produc
er ot Lima beans for commercial purposes
in the United States. California yields
more honey than all the rest of the Union.
California supplies nearly all the vegetable
and llower seeds to the markets of the
world. California sends outside her bor
ders 20,000,000 bushels of wheat every year.
San Francisco, the metropolis of California,
is now the sixth city in financial importance
in the United States.
His Utile Solieine.
He was cutting an item from a news
paper. "it tells how a house was robbed,
und 1 want to show it to my wile," he ex
"What good will that do?" a friend in
"A whole lot," was the reply. "Vou see,
this house was robbed while a man was at
church with his wife."
"Say!" exclaimed the friend, excitedly,
"you haven't got a duplicate copy of that
paper, have you?"— Chicago Post.
Indigestion, congested liver, impure blood,
constipation, these are what afflict thou
sands of people who do not know what is the
matter with them. They drag along a mis
erable existence; they apply to the local
doctors occasionally, and sometimes obtain
a little temporary relief, but the old, tired,
worn-out, all-gone, distressed feeling always
comes bark again worse than ever, until
in time they become tired of living, won
der why thev were ever born, and why they
are alive unless to endure constant suffer
ing. To such sufferers there is a haven of
refuge in Dr. August Kocnig's Hamburg
Drops, which is a wonderful medicine. One
trial will convince the most sceptical that
any or all of these difficulties may be re
moved, and a perfect cure effected, by tak
ing Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Drops.
Get a bottle at once, before itjs too late.
Cost a Quarter.- Ragged Robert (with a
myeterioui air) —"I eaw your husband
ciuwntown, mum, an' ef you'll give me a
quarter I'll tell you what sort of a place
1 saw him go into." Mrs. Greeneye*—
"Goodness me! Here's the quarter. TeD
mc quick! What was the place?" Ragged
Robert—"The post office, mum."— .N. Y.
Bnnlnes* t'Hanees.
The M. K. A- T. Rv. has a well established
Industrial Department aiding in the selec
tion of sites and locations for industries of
all kinds along its lines. Write if you are in
terested. We will send book. "Business
Chances," and any other information want
ed, on request, .lames Barker. Gen'l Pass.
Agent, M. K. & T. Ry., 501 Wainwright
Bldg., St. Louis.
Her Father—"So, young man, you want
to till my shoes?" Her Suitor —"I'll try,
sir." Her Fat her—"Well, if you did, your
first act would be to kick yourself."— X. Y.
I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years ago. Mrs. Tnos
Robbius, Norwich, N. Y.. Feb. 17,1900.
The man who endeavors to travel to fame
»r fortune via the airship of revery is like
ly to hit the ground hard.—Judge.
To Core a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 2jc.
Unbecoming forwardness oftener pro
ceed' from ignorance than impudence.—
Like Oil Upon Troubled Waters is Hale's
Honey of Ilorehound and Tar upon a cold,
{'ike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute.
Lots of men tire themselves to death
looking for an easy job.—Chicago Daily-
*%>. •' 1 1,
V:' ^ c * s pieasarvtly.
c \. ■' / Acts Beneficially;
- v '' Acts trvjlyas a Laxative^
<■/■* V-. -// 7 0 x -•*• I
l -^'\/v:/■' ..•/, / ' / Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured anil the
/rj '' ,K ' /J"*' " v*"'?--'-'
cau-.<' it arts without disturbing the natural tunc
•y \ tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable
'' S'" '**>*"*■. . quality or substance. In the proces of
/ a_. w manufacturing tips are used, as they are
/ ic-i pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
/ j . virtues of Syrup of I igs are obtained
I \ from sn excellent combination of plants
Y ■ / 18, V y// known to he medicinally laxative ar.d to
J J ' /V'' /# v \ ait most beneficially.
Vwk '• // J To get its beneficial effects—buy the
genuine—manufactured by the
»l» A i „ -S«.r\ Cnl.
*\* ' Louisville. Ky Atew York. N Y.
••••w for *tU by bit
qe^PE-RU- NA.
C C. B. Chamberlln, M. I)., writes from 14thand PSts.,
i "Many cases have come under my observation, where Peruna <
> has benefited and cured. Therefore, / cheerfully recommend it *
| for catarrh and a general tonic."—C. B. CHAMBERLIN, M. D. j
Medical Examiner V. S. Treasury.
Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Ex
aminer of U. S. Treasury Department,
irraduate of Co
, I lumbia College
§f the following to
I say of Peruna:
I etly. One short
t Dr. L.Jordan. I 1"" nh , h * J 1 s
J j brought forth a
I now consider
(inlnj hv Siicini], i
An enthusiastic sig'itteer in London was 1
telling her friend tnat she had been for- \
tunate enough to get a good view of Lord i
Kitchener. "Ah!" said the friend, "1 sup- i
pose he's a very bellicose man?" "Oh, no,"
was the reply, "quite slim, I assure you."—
N. Y. Sun.
Never Toacl»e<l Him.
Newed- Say, how long does a man have
to be married to a woman before she agrees
with him in everything?
Oldwed -You'll have to ask some one
else, my boy. I've been married only 37
years.—Chicago Daily News.
Immn t e rial.
Politician—-Congratulations, Parah, I'va
been nominated.
Sarah (with delight)—TTonestlv?
"What difference does that make?"— D
etroit Free Pre«s.
G e mi.
Mrs. Bondhold —Where do you buy youf
coal now?
Mrs. Goldroeks- Why, at the jeweler's,
of course.—lndianapolis News.
myself a well man after months of
suffering'. Fellow-sufferers, Peruim
will cure you."—Dr. Llewellyn Jordan.
Geo. C. Havener, M. D., of Anacostia,
D. C., writes:
The I'eruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.:
Gentlemen—"ln my practice I have
had occasion to frequently prescribe
your valuable medicine,and have found
its use beneficial, especially in eases of
catarrh."—George C. Havener, M. D.
If you do not receive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of I'e
runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman.
giving a full statement of your ease,
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice, gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
1 "I think." said the doctor, "that you have
! perityphlitis."
1 "Oh. thanks," Cholly murmured faintly.
J "I almost hope that 1 may never pet well.
It will be so nice to die happy."—Chicago
The Stmoo.
There was once a fullback who hunted
i For trouble, and pot all he wanted;
For he started to fool
With a government mule —
His tombstone reads simply: "Outpunted."
—Catholic Standard and Times.
Very Likely.
"I)o you believe that egotism and geniua
go together?"
"Not always. There would be a lot more
genius if they did."—Chicago Rtcord-Iler
Anlo Wheel*.
"Doctor, what do you think causes the
noises in the head my wife complains of?**
"Oh, that's nothing but an automobile
going round in there."—X. Y. Herald.