Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 15, 1903, Image 4

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    Sairjefotj jfWss. j
Editor and Manager.
Per j j.\r |2 00
if paid is advance 11 50
Adverti ementsare published at the rate of one
dollar per square for one insertion ami fi ft j'cents
per [uare for each subsequentinsertion.
W is by the year or for six or threeinonthsare
ow tun uniform, and will be furnished on appli
I. i;al and Official Advertising per square, three
ti , • or leu, $3 00; each subsequent insertionso
cents per square.
Local uoticesten cents per 1 ine for one insertion,
liv • cents perlineforeacnsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
ine. Sinipleannouncementsofbirthn.marriages
au i Snaths will be inserted free.
U'. uuess Cards, five lines or less fS.OO per year
over live lines, at the regular rates of advertising
>'o localinserted for less than 75 ct«. per issue.
The.lob department of the PKESS is complete,
au t att'ords facilities for doing the best class ot
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
ar p.iicl, except at the option of the publisher.
}• fiers sent out of the county must be paid for
in advance.
it.t-No advertisements will be accepted at less
than the price for fifteen words.
#»j-Religious notices free.
The weather man is introducing all
ki.nts ot'Wfcuiher tiiis yeiu.
The New Year is very much like its
predecessors. The bills all arrive on
General Hatou is pushing right ahead
witli the revelation business in Vene
The Monroe Doctrine has lived a
Cong time, and is stronger now than
ever before. Beware of the boys of the
new uniform.
President Castro is not over-confi
dent regarding the Hague; be would
rather have Roosevelt as the arbitrator.
The cable is completed and you can
now send a wire to Honoluly when you
Washington has once been victor
ious, and arbitration will settle the >
Venezuela matter.
i'resident Castro seems to be taking
things as they come these days, Janu
ary, bills included.
Carrie Nation realized §5,000 on her
recent trip east. She can get it as
easily as the saloon can.
The valentine business is air and be- j
ginning to brighten up. Dealers are j
ordering large qnanities this year.
It is suggested that when Laara Big
ger returnes to the vaudeville stage,
she take her jury along with her.
Marconi thinks it possible to send
messages across the water for one cent
a word. If possible let the deed be
It was a good year and a friend of
many, but we welcome 1903 with a hope
that many good things will be ours be
fore another New Year.
The prediction reads. "Fair tomor
row." And then we find it raining in
the morning. It costs Uncle Sam
§l,-250,000 annually to give us this mis
leading information.
Marconi made the stockholders in his
company feel good at Christmas time.
His success certainly means much to
the civilized world.
Governor Bailey, of Kansas, is still
in hot water. He is continually re
ceiving letters and photos from ladies
who think he wants to marry.
New Years resolutions No. I—To1 —To lay
in enough coal to last a year the first
time the price gets down to where it
can be reached without using a step
There are many who would have
liked to have been working J. P. Mor
gan at Christinas time. Never mind,
if he keeps on we may all be working
for him before long.
Mr. Mitchell puts the blame on the
coal road*, and the coal roads place
the responsibility tenderly on Mr.
Mitchell's front steps. Meanwhile,
the innocent public pays the bills.
John Mitchell would make a good
president for the steel trust, at present
he is only receiving SI,BOO a year, and
he does ten times more work than
Schwab, who receives $1,000,000.
Wonder what kind of a mine worker
president Schwab would make.
The price of combustible alcohol in
France is nearly double what it is in
Germany. In the latter country it is
chieily the Irish potato that furnishes
alcohol, while in France it is the beet
root. The cultivation of the former
costs nearly double that of the latter.
Huston's Manuary dividends foot up
to the unprecedented figures of s2l, *
719,000, while those of New York are
conservatively put down at 132,000,000,
Probably the actual disbursements from
all sourcoH are not fully given in either
cases. And there is the balance of the
«• untry to hear from, betddes. There
i» gigantic output uf interest and uivi
d> nil just ahead, and the money they
represent is unlimately destined for
general circulation and welfare.
O' lni Kile Troubles.
11 W exceptional to fiud a family where
th re arc no dtituotic ruptures occasion
a'ly, but lie • can b iud by liaviu.'
1)1 Kin (a New Life I'ill - around. Mud.
ll wMa th' \ - i\. b) tl. n .'ii at Work in
Hi .much u l*l t l.iv- r trouble*. They it it
only relieve you hut citfc 'Jae, at 1,.
All diseases of Kidneys,/-ww lfN J
Bladder, Urinary Organß. fl 111 1.
Also Rheumatism, Back I I
ache,HeartDlsease.Gravel.■ >1 I ■« I .
Dropsy, Female Troubles. V/ * m. m~4
Don't become discouraged. There Is a
cure for you. If necessary write I>r. l'enner.
ll«i has .spout u life time curing jn*t such
cases as yours. All consultations Free.
"Your Kidney and Backache Cure lias
cured two very bad cases among our custo
mers llio past year whom the doctors had
given up. J. L. STILL & CO., Woodland, la."
Druggists. 50c., SI. AskforCook Boole- Free.
ST.VITUS'DANCEi^;;,:;: 11 .;^:;::!:^^
Wonderful Nerves.
Is displayed by many a man enduring
pains of accidental Cuts. Wounds,
Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff
joints. But there's no need for it. Buck
len's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and
cure the trouble. It's the best Salve on
earth for Piles, too. 25c. at L. Taggart's
The argue dosen't leave a man when it
gives him the shake.
Don't Worry.
This is easier said than done, yet it may
be of some help to consider the matter. If
the cause is something over which you have
no control it is obvious that worrying will
not help the matter in the least. On the
other hand, if within your control you
have only to act. When your have a
cold and fear an attack of pneumonia,
liuy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and use it judiciously and all
cause lor worry as to the outcome will
quickly disappear. There is no danger
of pneumonia when it is used. For sale
by L. Taggart.
Presents occasionally make the heart
grow founder.
i Mrs. Johanna Soderholui, of Fergus
Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her
shoulder. She had a surgeon get it back
in place as soon as possible, but it was
quite sore and pained her very much.
Her son mentioned that he had seen
Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised for
sprains and soreness, and she asked him
to buy her a bottle of it, which he did. It
j quickly relieved her and enabled her to
j sleep which she had not done fat several
I days. The son was so much pleased
! with the relict it gave his mother that he j
lias since recommended it to many others.
For sale by L. Taggart.
No, Cordelia, horses are not foundered
I at a foundry.
The peculiar cough which indicates
i croup, is usually well known to the
I mothers of croupy children. No time
| should be lost in the treatment of' it, and
for this purpose no medicine has receiued
more universal approval than Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. Do not waste
valuable time in experimenting with un
tried remedies, no matter how highly
they may be recommended, but give this
i medicine as directed and all symptons of
i croup will quickly disappear. For sale
j by L. Taggart.
Of course, an empty pepperbox is out of
•'The nicest and pleasantest medicine I
have used for indigestion and constipation
is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets," saysMelard F.Craig, of Middle
grove, X. Y. ' They work like a charm
and do not gripe or have any unpleasant
effect." For sale by L. Taggart.
lie chooses night who refuses light.
For a bad taste iuthe mouth take a few
doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents. Warrart
cd to cure. For sale by L. Taggart.
A woman will forgive a man anything
except his failure to admire her.
Unconscious Prom Croup.
1 hiring a sudden and terrible attack of
| croup our little girl was unconscious from
strangulatiou, says A. L. Spafford, post
master, Chester, Mich., and a dose of One
! Minute Cough Cure was administered and
repeated often. It reduced the swelling
1 and inflammation, cut the mucus and
1 shortly the child was resting easy and
I speedily recovered. It cures Coughs,
I Colds, LaOrippi, and all Throat and
j Lung troubles. One Minute Cough Cure
lingeis in the throat and chest and enables
! the lungs to contribute pure, health-giv
ing oxygeu to the blood. 11. C. Dodson.
The man who talks like a book isn't so
easily shut up.
A Marvelous Invention.
Wonders never cease. A machine
lias been invented that will cut, paste and
hang wall paper. The field of inventions
and discoveries seems to he unlimited.
Notubh' anions great discoveries is Dr.
Kind's New Discovery for Consumption.
It has done a world of good for weak
luius and saved many a life. Thousands
have ii "<1 it and conquered Grip,
Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Consumption.
Tin a ii' ml \ ph. ii- It - tin kat
and most reliable medicine for throat and
lun.' trouble- livery Title and SI.OO
bottji ii ifmtruutced by l< Taoj/ait,
I>i iii . Trkl bottfc tf.
Sinnamahoninjc Liars' Club.
Liars' Club met in regular session Sun
day morning in l'ap Blodget's shop with
Mont. Pea.sley in the chair. G.W. Gore,
Frank Jordan, and Pap Berfield locked
horns with John Clontz and came very
near knocking hiui out but John is long
winded and by the help of Alex De-
Shetler came out all right. George j
Chase took the second degree so is pre- j
pared to meet all comers. Clyde Jordan !
was expelled. He refused to tell a lie.
The club don't want such members.
Frank Buck reported that the young
members were getting ahead of tiio old j
charter members. Dhas. Snyder said j
that the young members have the ex- j
perience of the old members wit with j
their own instinct would defy the world 1
to compete. We will hold our meeting j
hereafter on Sunday as nights are too ]
short for good business. Pap Blodget j
had nothing to say since he was suspend
ed, but is always ready to take refresh- j
ment. l'ap brought charges against
Frank Jordan for reporting that he j
cougln a bark rack full of trout in one J
day and two of them eat them for break
fast besides three rattle snakes. .John I
Clontz caught with a fly hook lots of !
foxes, and black bear by the hundred was |
killed during the session. The officers for j
the current term were installed, G. W. I
(iore holds the chair for the next six j
months. Frank Jordan secretary, Charles |
Snyder treasurer. No l'urtherbusincss the I
club adjourned for better weather. A. J. I
Barclay elected representative to the
grand lodge.
Tried to Conceal It.
It's the old story of ' : murder will out"
only in this case there's no crime. A j
woman feels run down, has backache or ]
dyspepsia and thinks it's nothing and I
tries to hide it until she finally breaks
down. Don't deceive yourself. Take j
Electric Bitters at once, ft has a repu- I
tation for curing Stomach, Liver anil i
Kidney troubles and will revivify your
whole system. The worst forms of those
maladies will quickly yield to the cur
ative power of Electric Bitters. Only
50. and guaranteed by L. Taggart Drug
The Eureka Mfg. Co., of East St. j
Louis, 111., want a man with rig to in- i
troduee Poultry Mixture in this coun- ;
ty. They guarantee $3 50 a day to a !
good worker and they furnish bank
reference of their reliability. Send
stamp for particulars. Eureka Mfg.
Co., Box 99, East St. Louis, 111.
46 My.
A little church in Pennsylvania re
cently celebrated the one thousand mill
ionth minute since Christ's coming to
earth. In an article on "Pierpont Mor
gan, His Advisers and His Organiza
tion," John Brishen Walker mentions
j that Mr. Rockefeller is popularly sup
posed to control one thousand million
dollars, and that one thousand million
dollars would represent the labor often
thousand men since Christ's coming to
earth, calculated at the average scale of
wages paid during the past two thous
and years. In the same number of The
Cosmopolitan, a very interesting cal
| culation is made as to what the one
i thousand million could accomplish in
I the hands of a thoroughly ambitious
In Action the January number of the
Woman's Home Companion is especi
ally rich. "A January Elopement" is a
timely winter story. "Uncle Toby's
Inheritance" is a story of the South by
T. C. Harbaugh, and"The New Leaf,"
by Frederick M Smith, gives a glimpse
of Betty Mallard on New Year's eve.
A feature article of especial intetest is
011 "The Great Work of the Presbyter
ian Church of America." This is the
first of the series which will deal with
all denominations. Other litles are
"The Girl Who Wants to Come to New
York," "Holiday Festivities in Cosmo
politan Washington,""The Auranian
War of 1902,.' and there is a stirring
historical picture by F. C. Yohn, called
"The Last Stand of the Patriots at
Bunker Hill." The Fashions and the
Departments are as helpful as always,
and complete a number which gives
great promise for the year of 1903.
Published by The Crowell Publishing
Co., Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a
year; ten cents a copy; sample copy
(iolden date Tour.
The first Pennsylvania Railroad Per
sonally-conducted Tour to California
for the present season will leave New
York and Philadelphia on the Golden
Gate Special, January 29, going viaChi
ago, Kansas City and EI Paso to Los
Angeles and San Diego. An entire
month may be spent on the Pacific
Coast. The Golden Gate Special will
leavo Ran Francisco, returning Tues
day, Marth 3, stopping at Salt Lake City,
Glenwood Springs, Colorado Springs
and Denver. Rate, S3OO from all points
on the Pennsylvania Railroad east of
Pittsburg, covering all expenses of rail
road transportation, side trips in Cali
fornia, and berth and meals going and
returning on the special train. No hotel
expenses in California are included.
Tic kets are good for return within nine
months, but when not used returning on
the Golden Gate Special they cover
transportation only For detailed itin
entry apply to Ticket Agents, or ad
dress Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station.
Philadelphia, Pa. 2822-47-lt.
Arc You (loin); West.
Beginning February 15th, and eon
-1 tinning every day thereafter until April
130 th, there will bo a special rate to all
points in Washington, Oregon, Idaho,
Montana and British Columbia. For
i maps, rates, routes and other informa
| tion write at once to W. 11. A<len, Dis
! trict Passenger Agent, Wisconsin t'en
! tral Railway, 821 Park Building, Pitts
burg, I'a, 47-Itii.
S The Nan* l» liuv Cheap S
\ IH AT ?
|£ J. F. PARSONS' |
"Don't Know
How I Got
Such a Cold"
Most of us have heard this ex
pression many times.
Did you ever notice that the
Don't know how I got it cold
is a bad one to get over ? That
before you are through with the
hoarseness, the cough, the " tight |
feeling," the general discomfort, !
and the out of sorts sensations,
you are apt to have another such
cold, and so on until it hangs on
for weeks ?
These colds mean that your sys
tem is out of gear. They usually
precede serious diseases like con
sumption, bronchitis. They are
We have found a remedy for all
sorts of colds, coughs, that is not
a so-called cough-cure. It does
not stupefy with opium, nor fill
the system with vicious drugs.
It is Vinol. We are perfectly
willing to tell any inquirers at our
store what it is made of and how
we came to take hold of it.
It certainly does the work. Old
coughs go off like magic. It even
relieves people far gone in con
sumption. People right in town
have proved it. We sell it subject
to guarantee money back if it
doesn't help you. Isn't it foolish
to put the matter off ?
SEND us m
I SOW, £
Steer, Bull or Horse
i 1 ! itle or skin, and let
us t nit with the hair
011, .soft, light, odorless lifcraßlrj™
proof, for robe,
r.ut first fT'-t our CatnloßTie, fljlftta
giving prices, and our shipping HBI
av .id mistakes. We also buy .j
raw 1' irs.
Mo Mill Street, Rochester, N. Y.
K The Broad Street j?
I Meat I
i Market
8 ... i
[]j A few Specials this week: jj]
tjj Vermont Maple Syrup §1.05 Gal. j*-
Oj Thread Cocoanut per lb. 15c. u]
jj Baker's Chocolate, lb. 35c.
ru A fine CofTee at '2oc and 25e lb. ft
tfl as good as you can get any- nj
Ln where at 25c and 30c a lb.
[p Banner Oats at 23c.
[JJ Grape Nuts at 13c. JO
nj Heinzs Baked Beans, 15c size 13c Ui
[u We can save you money by |{]
H] rading with us.
| Geo. H. Gross, 112
You can look the county over, and you JJ?
| [n wilt not find a more complete, up-to-date nj
[j] OUR [jj
| Fall and £
| Winter
| Stock |
is now in, and ready for your m
I (s inspection. }{]
fe DRY GOODS, jjj
Our Notion department is ru
ftil lof new things, and lots s]
of bargains. We have added In
ft &
•j) SUITS. [«
1. K. .SMITH,
8 0
n Miurl'uK *«••>». >*'«
I Special I
Announcement I
We think that we have an establish- #
ed reputation for reliability and fair I
dealing and that gives considerable >
weight to what we say as to qualities J
We have have studied onr business
in every detail and now offer you
exceptional values in
1 Suits and Overcoats. I
We have a most handsome stock,
selected with the greatest care and
we believe our prices for these
goods are very low, quality consid-
Gents' Furnishings. I
We carry a large stock of Shirts,
Collars and Cuffs, Hats and Caps,
Shoes, Underwear, in fact anything
that is required to dress you in the
latest and most up-to-date style.
Then, if you are going to make a
visit, we are prepared to show you
some handsome Dress Suit Cases,
Trunks and Valises, which are re
quired when traveling.
We have some nice furs which must
be sold. We do not care to
ißalcom & Lloyd. |
I- - I
I prepared |
I for |
i the Se&sofi I
. i ji
f[ We have opened and are displaying a (p!
y choice line of . . m
1 if
1 i
112 specially selected for the . .
I Winter p
i ## ,1
I '®' reason. I
rl "!
h We have gathered such articles as ]
combine elegance with p
ft utility at and
i 1,
I Very Reasonable j|
T) "
1 rices !l
,! u
1 I
flalrom & Lloyd. !i