Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 08, 1903, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., Dec. 23, 1902.
NEMOPHILA, per sack *1 15
Felt's Fancy, " 1 30
Pet Grove, " 1 30
Graham,. " 60
Rye •• 60
Buckwheat, " 75
Patent Meal. " 50
Coarse Meal, per 100 1 35
ChopKeeJ, " 1 35
Middlings, Fancy " 1 35
Bran, 1 15
Corn, per bushel, 75
White Oats, per bushel 48
Choice Clover Seed, 1
Choice Timothy Heed, 112 <vt Market Prices.
Choice Millet Seed. 112
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, J
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
|P :
Telephone, 19-2.
Contribution* invited. That which yon would
like to nee in this deportment,let us know by pos
tal card or letter, personally,
Mrs. Josiah Howard ia visiting in
Philadelphia this week.
Geo. Metzger, Sr., is just a little
under the weather this week.
Mrs. Fred Julian visited Rev. John
son and family at Austin, last week.
Chas. Rishell returned on Saturday
from visiting his parents in Centre
John Waddington left last week on
a visit to relatives and friends in
James Farrel has returned from Pitts
burg where he has been attending busi
ness college.
Mr. John Powell, of Elmira, N. Y.,
formerly of this town visited friends
here last week.
Ex-Sheriff Ssvope and family occupy
the residence recently vacated by
Sheriff Hemphill.
Orvis Hemphill is employed in New
York Central freight depot at Clear
field. A good boy.
Mrs. Willis Johnston and son Frank,
of Olcott Beach, N. Y., are visiting at
the home of Chas. Johnston.
Thos. Cummings has the honor of
receiving a notable Christmas present
in the shape of a ten pound boy.
Mr. Clarence P. Casselberry and wife
of Salem, Ohio, were guests of Orville
Proudfoot and family the past week.
Fred Yonkers, has been visiting his
parents in town the past two weeks.
Fritz has been in West Virginia for
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson, who
have been spending the holidays with
relatives and friends in Buffalo have
returned home.
Miss Edith Coles who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. McDon
ough, of this place, has returned to her
hotne in Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. Guy I). Bonham and children
are visiting in town, guests of Mrs. B's
parents, N. Seger and wife. They will
reside permanently.
Mr. and Mrs. Crosby, of Keating
Summitt, visited in Emporium last
week guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Crosby, on Fifth street.
W. M. Lawler and family formerly of
Emporium, have located at Lewis*
town, where Mr. Lawler has charge of
a large tannery.
Mrs. August Fledderman spent Sat
urday at Emporium The Misses
Blumle, of Emporium, are guests at the
home of Miss Annie Straub.—St Marys
Philip Knightcame down from Corry
and spent several days in town among
iiis many fri jnds, re loiitly. liisfore hi
returned lie made tie- PIIKSS U very call and as a result will
read Ills own paper another year.
It. 11. Welsh, of Molina, N. V,.
of Mr. anil Mrs. Harvey Welsh, of this
place, was a l*W&<s caller on Monday
itud ordered tin- I'm sto hi* address
I'ur lin 11 in order that Ik- misjlit get the
tit u < from home We were pleusiti
to mi • t the young man during liis visit
to his respected parents.
(Sol. Ross, of Wharton, was in Em
porium on Friday last.
Mrs. F. P. Rentz is quite seriously
ill, we regret to learn.
Mrs. H. C. Olmsted has returned
from Buffalo Hospital, greatly improv
Mrs. John Montgomery and daught
er Maggie have gone to Austin to spend
a portion of the winter.
The new County Commissioner John
W. Lewis will make an intelligent of
ficial being well versed in count ' mat
Ralph C. Davison is superintending
the re-wiring ofthe electric plant in C.
B. Howard Company's hard wood mill
at this place.
County Auditors Chas. L. Butler
Gordon Howlett and Goo. Dickinson
met and organized,after which they ad
journed for one week
John Montgomery Sr. left Empor
ium, Tuesday, Dec. 23rd, to join his
son John who is located in Souther
land, Tennessee, where he is engaged
in the lumber business.
V. S. Lorshbough and wife of Drift
wood, were in Emporium on Tuesday
transacting business. While in town
Mr. Lorsbaugh called at the PKESB
sanctum and ordered the paper sent to
his address during 1903.
County Commissioners A. F. V«gt,
J. W. Lewis and A. W. Mason, having
filed their bonds and taken the oath
of office, proceeded to organize by
electing A. F. Vogt President and I. K.
Hockley Clerk. George Barker, who
has made a model Janitor, was re-elect
ed, Green & Shaffer were elected solici
W. S. Walker of the Emporium
Lumber Co. entertained a Christmas
party numbering twenty at his homo
on Costello avenue Christmas night.
Vocal and instrumental music was
rendered after which refreshment were
served. Mr. Walker's father and
mother, brother and sister of Empor
ium were among the merry crowd.—
Austin Autograph.
G. W. Huntley, Esq., and family will
leave for their future home in Montana
on January 6th. In their departure
Driftwood loses one of its most excel
lent families and a brilliant young law
yer. It is with much regred that we
announce their departure and our best
wishes for their prospeity and good
health follow them —Driftwood Gaz
ette. All citizens of this county deeply
regret the departure of this excellent
family. No gentleman in this county
is more highly respected for his genu
ine worth than George Huntley. He
has a bright fbture before him and we
shall hear, in the future, wo firmly be
lieve, good reports of this bright
gentleman. Keep your eyes on the
rising young men of the west.
Politics Very Costly.
Renovo News, (Dem.)
One of the worst evils with which
Clinton county has had to contend with
for some years past is the too llagrant
use of money, or; in other words boodle
in politics. There was a time when
good and honest men in Clinton had no
hesitancy in coming forward for office,
but that is all changed today. Politics
has become sort of a business affair,
and the man who to-day consents to
run for office must submit to being held
up on the highways and byways, and
if he refuses he well knows what awaits
Yet the very people who are guilty
of this outrage are generally to be
found in the front ranks shouting for
the good of the party to which they
swear allegiance. They goto conven
tions, nominate a ticket and then tell
you what an excellent ticket it is, but
they never say a word about the boodle
part of it and the role they played in
this game of the highwayman.
The time has come when aspirants
for office in both parties are beginning
to realize that the boodle end must be
eliminated, The payment of legiti
mate expenses is not objected to, but
the placing of voters on the auction
block and knocking them down to the
highest bidders is an outrage oil honest
politics and injustice to an honest and
deserving man who would otherwise
seek a nomination.
It has boen said that a determined
effort would be made during the next
campaign to eliminate it, but this we
are afraid can only bo accomplished by
the candidates entering an agreement
and keeping it. There is no reason
why any man anywhere in the State
should be compelled to spend at least a
year's salary to be elected to office.
Yet such is and has been frequently
the ca«e.
This condition of affairs exists in this
county, and the men principally re
sponsible fur it were the leaders of sev
eral years ago. These men at that
time set the p ice, and to undo it now
will no doubt prove a mighty hard
task, because the heelers havo been
educated to it and they expect it and
generally get all they want.
Notwithstanding all this the system
t¥in be and ought to bei mproved upon,
providing the proper course is pursued
by the candidates who seek office.
Honest men mid hout*it newspaper*
will undoubtedly join in the movement
to give the county honest and better
Hoys clothiug at N. Heger'n. The
prices are alvs ays the lowest and quality
the best.
One Hundred Collars a Box.
Is the value 11. A. Misdate, Suwiner
ton, S. C., places on De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It Cured uie." It is a
combination of the healing properties of
Witch Haael with antiseptics and emolli
ent.«;relieves and permanently cures blind,
bleeding, itching and protruding piles,
sores, cuts,bruises* eczema,salt rheum and
all skin diseases.
Reduced Kates to harrlsburg.
For the accommodation of those de
siring to attend the inauguaration of
of Governor-elect Penny packer, at
Harrinburg, January 20, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell
round-trip tickets to Harrisburg, from
all stations on its lines in the State of
Pennsylvania, 011 January 19 and 20,
good to return until January, 21, inclu
sive, at rateof single fare for the round
trip (minimum rate, 25 cents).
Where Bread was Expensive.
Philip Harman, who lives in Wayne
town-ship, Armstrong county, near
Dayton while in Punxsutawney the
other day told how he had once paid
S3CO for a few buns and thought he was
doing well. lie was in Belle Island
Prison during the Civil War and hav
ing a note for §125 payable in gold with
six per cent interest at the Indiana
Bank, he exchanged it for $-10 in Con
federate money and a note for the bal
ance. A dollar in gold was then worth
about $2.25 in greenbacks, and he never
realized anything on the note, lie gave
what was equivalent to S3OO in United
States currency for S4O in Confederate
currency, worth at that time perhaps i
one dollar in gold. For the Confederate !
money he received a few buns, and to
a man in Belle Island Prison at that |
time a bunn was cheap at SIOO. Conse- |
quently Mr. Ilarman thought he made j
a mighty good deal.—Punxsutawney !
Cards of Thanks.
The family of the lato John Narby
take this method of returning their [
thanks to those kind friends who as
sisted and comforted them during the
illness and death of their husband and I
We desire to express our heartfelt i
gratitude to the many kind friends who !
have been so loyal to us during the
sickness demise and obsequies of our
beloved mother.
Scarcity of Fuel.
The scarcity of fuel and lack of heat I
cause Grip, Colds, Bronchitis and Pul
monary ills.
The use of "Seventy-seven," Dr. j
Humphreys' Specific, breaks up Colds, j
Influenza, Catarrh, pains and sorness j
in the head aud chest, Cough, Sore i
Throat, General Prostration and Fever, J
•and prevents pneumonia. "77" con-1
sists of a small vial of pleasant pellets— |
fits the vest pocket.
At all Druggists 25 cents, or mailed
on receipt of price. DOCTOR'S BOOK
Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine I
Co., corner William and John Streets, !
New York.
The appointment of Mr. Cortelyou, !
Secretary to the President, to the head '
of the new Department of Commerce i
and Labor, when created, is generally
conceded. Many men in the Presi
dent's position would be too selfish to
suffer the loss of Mr. Cortelyon's ser
vice as secretary, even to secure to him
a promotion that he well merits.
Many people have forgotten that the
Monroe Doctrine was first outlined by
Great Britain. The United States can
better take care of itself than can Can
ada, and than England can care for
Canada. While the Monroe Doctrine
stands, Canada, with her immense
boundaries difficult to garrison and
protect, is safe from European aggres
"I move that it is the sense of the
Senate that every Democratic senator
is a gentleman," said Senator Spooner
jokingly, the other day."l object"
shouted Senator Tillman, following his
usual custom. "The objection is well
taken" remarked Senasor Frye.
41 At.™ 112
I/ Lion Ooifee
! has better strength and
I flavor than many so-call
ed "fancy" brands.
im h Hulk coffee at the same
J | price is not to be com
/ if pared with Lion in quality.
/ / IN 1 lb. air tight,
I sealed packages,
[} ~
M t'l
|| _ .
l! | o Sporting Goods at O j|l
The crowned heads of every nation,
The rich men, poor men and miseis
All join in paying tribute to
De Witt's Little Karly Risers.
11. Williams, San Antonia, Tex,,
writes: Little Karly Risen Pills are the
best I ever used in my family I unhesi
tatingly recommend them to everybody.
They cure Constipation, TJilliousness,
Sick Headache, Turpid Liver, Jaundice,
malaria and all other liver trubles. ]{.
A Scientific Discovery.
Kodol does for the stomach that which
it is unable to do for itself, even when
but disordered or over-loaded.
Kodol supplies the natural juices of diges
tion and does the work ol the stomach, re
laxing the nervous tension, while I lie in
flamed muscles of that organ are allowed |
to rest and heal. Kodol digests what you 1
cat and enables the stomach and digestive |
organs to transform all food into rich, j
red blood. It. (J. Dodson.
vs .mon Pleas of Cameron 1
(County, Pa., No. 26, 1
CHARLES RILEY. J October Term, 1902. 1
To Charles Riley, Reapomlent:
~\7"OU are hereby notified to appear at the next 1
J- term of court to be holden at Emporium,
Cameron county, Pa., commecinf? on Monday,
'27 th day of April, A.1)., 1903, at one o'clock, p. m.
and answer to the complaint of said libellant !
and answer to the charge, and show cause if any
you have, why a decree should not be made,
divorcing the said libellant from the bonds of
matrimony which she has contracted with you,
and if you fail to appear then and there such de
j cree will be made in your absence.
JOHN D. MWOPE, Sheriff.
SherilPs Office. )
Emporium, Pa., Decembar 29, 1902, / 4C-4
J The Place to Buy Cheap
\ IS AT ?
5 J. F. PARSONS' ?
1903 Greeting.
Time has placed another year
in the written pages of the past.
As we look back over the one
just closed and note with some
degree ot pride the most progres
sive in our fourteen years exis
tence, we pause to meditate and
ask ourselves to whom are we
indebted for this degree of pro
gress? The answer comes, to the
co-operation ofa host of customers
—our business helpers, our
And now, at this glad New
Year's time we sincerely thank
you and wish you all the great
est happiness and prosperity dur
ing the coming year.
It will be the unceasing en
deavor of this store—as in the
past, to assist by rendering per
fectly satisfactory service aud
goods of unquestionable merit at
prices consistent with sound
business principles.
TER, nothing better made, lb.
CUIT, genuine package 12c.
12c. Four packages 45c.
Dold quality.
lb. II !JC. Extra choice.
OC Lb. Bag Sugar frl /fl
Best Granulated. <0l«"U
NEAUE MCMAHON, ) In the Court ofCom
_ | mon Pleas ofCameron
!■ County, Pa., No. 5,
PATRICK MIMAHON. ) October Terra, 1902. 1
To Patrick McMahon, Respondent:
~\7"OU are hereby notified to appear at the next
J. term of court to be holden at Emporium, I
Cameron county. Pa., commencinK on Monday,
27th day of April, A. !>., 1903, at one o'clock, p.m.
and answer to the complaint of said libellant
and answer to the charge, and show cause if any
you have, why a deciee should not be made, i
divorcing the said libellant from the bonds of
matrimony which she has contracted with you,
and if you fail to appear then and there such de
cree will be made in your absence.
JOHN D. SWOPE, Sheriff. !
Sheriff's Office, I
Emporium, Pa., December 29, 1902. / 46-4
EH riTT nn * curegawmiKMdlf joo me ■
I PILES Suppository I
9 ~ , . Mutt, Thompson, Supt. I
H jSchools, Htfttesville, .V. writf* •* I can s»v K
H i V D' *' vr sat it- B
|9 *qual yours." PRH-B, 50 I'uym. Samples Free. Sold I*
n. MA ip^^i U^ji
Sold inEmporiura by 1,. Taggartand R. C.
Dodson. Call for free Ham pie.
The History by Miss Ida M. Tarbell which began in the |j]
3 NOVEMBER McCLURE'S is the jfl
Great Story off
Standard Oil I
[n "Miss Tarbell's work is of unequalled importance as a 'document' jfl
fu of the day. Her story has live men in it; they suffer and work and win m
J and lose their battles with the verisimilitude that removes the tale from fU
Ln the dry statement and clothes it with the color of human interest and n]
fJJ the vivid rainbow garmet of human sympathy. * * * The results of ru
•J her work are likely to be far-reaching; she is writing unfinished his- "j
In tory."—Boston Globe. JjJ
[u "An absorbing and illuminating contribution to the! trust ques- fU
iy tion."—Chicago Inter-Ocean. Ln
Ifl "The most important announcement made by any magazine."— Nfs
ru Y. Jouranal. j}|
For other great features of IQO3 ffi
[jj send for our prospectus jj]
| McClure's I
[}j 10 cents a copy, §I.OO a year. Send us the dollar, at 145 East 25th
nj Street, New York, or subscribe through your dealer. ft
ii i.i ill I ir
- fl Sip iI mi it! ~
Is when you step into our store to buy ~
your supplies for the family larder.
We have the quality of goods that
"taste like more," and at prices that
gives you a chance to buy more, and a
larger variety than at any other grocery.
Groceries of all descriptions, Maple
Syrup, Sauer Kraut, Buckwheat Flour ~~~
and Pillsbury's Best Flour, Butter,
Eggs,CheeseandVegetablesof all kinds.
We can supply your wants for the
holidays, both in groceries, meats and
poultry. Our market is stocked with __
Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens and all
kinds of Meats—fresh and juicy.
—— Mince-meat, Sausage and Smoked «
Meats constantly on hand. Prices the
lowest, quality considered. Come in
—— and convince yourself with a trial ——
order. Everything must be satisfac
tory or money refunded.
Til I I I II I I T
'~r. G.SCHMIDT'S, 1 -^
|l popular P,; Hr.u
DAKery, #
Daily Del All orders fjiven prompt and
mkillf'ulattention .
Caution Notice.
! Notice is hereby Riven to the public that my
wife PEARL having left my bed and board without
just cause or provocation, I hereby caution the
public against harboring or trusting her on my
account,for I shall pay no bills of her contracting.
i Emporium Pa., Dec. 11th, 1902. 43-3t,
Xotice of Meeting of Stockholders.
Annual Meeting of the Ktockholders of
| 1 the Emporium & Uich Valley R. R. Cora-
Sany. will be held at the Law Office of Green &
haffer, Tuesday. January 27th, 1003, at one
o'clock, p. m., for the election of officers and the
transaction of such other business as may come
before them.
HENRY AUCHU, President,
J. W. KAYE, Sec'y.
Emporium, Pa., Dec. 24th, 1802. 44-3t.
Notice ef Administratrix.
Kslnle of HAZARD P. SPENCE, Dccensprl.
IETTERS of Administration on the Estate o
J Hazard P. Spence, late of Shippen township
Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have
been granted to Margaret E. Spence, residing in
said township, to whom all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make payment, and
those having claims ordemands will make knows
the same without delay.
Emporium, Pa., Dec. 19th, 1902.
GREEN & SHAFFER, Solicitors. 41-Gt.
Emporiwm, Pa., Dec. 7th, 1001.
\ rpilE annual meeting of the stock-holders for
I. the election of a Board of Directors and the
transaction of such other business as may be laid
before them, will be held at the Bank on Tues
; day, January 13, 1903, between the hours of one
and three in the afternoon.
T. B. LLOYD, Cashier.