Special Drive in Furs. We are not doing much blowing these days, have too much to do to wait on our customers. But wc can interest you in furs if you desire something nice for a Christines present. For the Little Ones. We have uot forgotten the little ones and have purchased a stock of thciu fruui the wintery Come in and wo sell you a wrap that will look better and for a smaller price than you can purchase elsewhere. IL—| M. C. TULIS. I | ( i:ij,si\"i< >o "h "'' ' * " 11 ' ' ' " 1 JOJ JOJ spunod GG JBSIIS -ÜBJ-Q 'SJOJP'BJQ SIB©J©Q 'SBOOOQ 'SQQJJOQ *O 'N 'sdruAs P©UB©IQ ||| V|Y -A-BAI AJ©A© UI Q.SOQ 'SQIJQOOJS AQ.iißn£> q.sjij ©and AIEINJOSQB ©JB ©s©T{J, "j©uuip o ltt JO J OABII uo ©pio j|g| - 0 p FH| j©q niAi ojiAiostioq au©prud ©qj, JO J suorpßXßdejd ©ifr ui :}JBd we sAßjd AJ©OOJ-Q ©qj, m j ~ 53U300.1{) SOXOLiQ -- j ™ H •SJOJOO puß 3[ißp iftoq ui ©UIJ ©uy: y SB six\% pimoj 0Q \\ua o'su 9WIH PUB SOAOIO s k ußuio m 'SQOUQ s U9W , , 112 / 4 ™ 'JBQAUQpUjQ. B K UOH k spoo£) S3OJQ S k W> 'siepusdsng S.UOJM 'SBne-iqatns.treuiOAv v S . UB W 'AIEISOH X S.U9K •seoqg 'svnsts :^- siqi }E uiom pui.j \\m S.olllljJ illllAH) 111 S| [EOIJOPJJ ■ S K OUO AJOAO UO OJB I\B JOAOO 01 qSnouo ©SIBI aoqjo si popiojjß 3UIABS oqx '&OIID IBUSII A\oioq jo AUBUI ppipsnoii puu [Buosjod Saii9j;o Aq JBOA I sAvanon svwismip | j Foils a Deadly Attack. i J "My wile was so ill that good physic - j ians were unalile to help,'' writes M. M. { Austin, of Winchester, Ind., "but w; s completely cured by Dr. King's New Life l'ills." They work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Cure constipation, j sick headache. 25c at L. Taggarts drug store. The greedy man always cheats himself. A Cold Wave. The forecast of sudden changes in the weather serves notice that a hoarse voice i and a heavy cough may invade the sanct ity of health in your own home. Cautious people have a bottleof one Minute Cough Cure always at hand. E. 11. Wise Madi son (la., writes: "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health, and probably my life.'' It cures Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bronchitis Pneumonia and all Throat arid Lung troubles. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm, draws out the inflammation, heats and soothes the mucous membranes and strengthens the lungs. It. C. Dodson. Good intentions do not improve with age. Saved at Grave's Brink. "I know I would long ago have been in my grave," writes Mrs. S. 11. Newsom, of Decatur, Ala., ''if it had not been for Electric Bitters. For three years I suffer ed untold agony from the worst forms of Indigestion, Watetbrash, Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. But this excellent me dicine did me a world of good. Since usiug it I can eat heartily aud have gain ed 35 pounds." For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles Electric Bitters are a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at L. Tag gart's drug store. Prayer helps you to secure what you need but it won't bring you what you think you want. The Pride of Heroea. Many soldiers in the last war wrote to say that for Scratches, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Corns. Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for burns, Scalds, Boils, Uncera, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only 25c ut L. Taggart's drug store. If we knewjat forty what we thought we knew at twenty the libraries of the world might be spared. A glass or two of water half an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartic? 'J tl(jU | ( ] be avoided. \N rt putative is needed, | take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver ! Tablets. They are mild and gentle in I their action. For sale by L. Taggart. | A very poor sort of man may be i wealthy if he has the money. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DKCKMBKR 25, 1902. Rattlesnake Pete's" Industry. A queer business is that in which Peter Gruber, of Rochester, is engaged. He is procuring and powdering the 2 venom of rattlesnakes for scientific uses ( and the price which lie receives for his , commodity (is $2,400 per pound, says the ; Bradford Era. Up to the present time Mr. Gruber, whose other name is "Rat tlesnake Pete," is without competition 1 . and has a monopoly which will be free : from interference by any possible regu lation of trusts which may be the out ! come of Congressional action. Cyanide! of mercury, strychnine, arsenic, and ' ■ some brands of whiskey, are sure death • i when given a chance to show what they j can do, but the venom of the rattle- j snake, as prepared by Gruber, is said to | be still more deadly than any of the j ' portions named. Not long ago a letter j ; was received from Germany directed to | ' "Rattlesnake Pete, Rochester, Ameri- j ca," asking in what quantities the ven- j ' om from rattlesnakes could be furnish- | ' ed by the Rochester snake man and j what he charged for it. When inter- j viewed about it Pete said: "I have just received another letter from Germany. ! It is from Dr. Edwin L. Faust, Pharma ' cological Laboratory, University of Strasburg, and he wants SSOO worth of rattlesnake venom in its powdered ! form to experiment with. He thinks my price of $25 per drachm is too high, > ! but when it comes to procuring the 1 . stuff, in the manner it has to be taken j ' from the snake, with a slip meaning a j | bite that would result in either death, j or weeks at the hospital, I can tell you i ! that I will not furnish a drachm for J one cent less. I have to pick each snake up with my hand and force a spoon in- j to its mouth in order to procure the j venom, and although I have handled j rattlers all my life, I never court | trouble unless there is a financial con- | sideration worth taking the risk for." ' The rattlesnake venom is used by medi- | cal experts in cases yf leprosy, diph- ( theria, lockjaw and other diseases j where desperate chances are taken for , the patient's recovery. In some recent experiments with lep- j rous patients, it is said that good re- ' suits have been obtained by rattlesnake j venom, but the use of the poison for ! this purpese is as yet in an experimen- 1 tal stage. In the meantime, it is safe , to say that Mr. Gruber will continue to { monopolize the business of which he is the founder. What's|ln a Name? Everything is in the natuo when it | comes to Witch Ilaz'.'l Salve. IS. C. j DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, discovered. | some years ago, how to make a salvo from , Witch Hazel that is a pacific fot Piles. ! For Blind, bleeding, itching and protrud-1 ing Biles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases DeWitt's Salve has no , equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's —the genuine. 11. C. Dodson. ALL SORTS. i The crucifix is not the Cross. Sincerity is the secret of success. I Half a truth may be a whole lie. | Practical piety must be personal. Self-knowledge will cure self-love. Singing saints are seldom sad ones, j The love of God is the light of man. The avalanche starts with a pebble. Sense and sanctity are not autonyms. ; j Profanity is often a species of insanity. Humanity is one of the gates of heaven. ! Iniquity is the first cause of infirmity, j Lots of woman haters are afraid to j mention it to their wives. Japanese coiners are alleged to he flood- i j ing Korea with counterfeit cash, j Widows are not always as mournful as j outward appearances would indicate. When a woman seeks information she I goes after it in a roundabout way. 1 Many a farmer earns his bread by the j i sweat ot his hired man's brow. It's easy to believe one who speaks ! derogatory of others or in praise of our selves. I Ic is a blessed thing for us that God judges us by our efforts and not by our achievements. It will take those people who are al i ways soured on the church a long tiiue j to get sweetened up for heaven. | Halifax is considering a scheme forthe j establishment ot a municipal hotel and j restaurant near the corporation reservoir | at Ogden. Paris, according to the latest census re turns. has a population of 2,650,000 per ! sons, of whom over 1,200,000 are either t I foreigners or provincials. | Six hundred French market gardeners ; have gone on a strike at Nantes, and no , I fresh vegetables of any sort can be obtain j ed in the town, Rain and sweat \ \ v \ have no effect 00 MtM'TWB H [VKEKAI «si Oil. It re- \ | liats the damp, w w \ \ i keeps theieath- M Ijl/fCC* I 1 aCM Kj]AKNIbS I do not break, v x \ * H ; Is and cut. \\\ harness not wears twice | j j as longby the 11 I Made by Standard Oil J\ \ \ \ Foley's honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates. This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife replenishes iter supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to be needful be- i fore the winter is over, and results are much more prompt anil satisfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has be come settled in the system. In almost every instance ase\erecold may be ward ed oft by taking this remcuy freely as soon as the first indication of the cold appears, i j There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no harmful substance. It j is pleasant to take—both adults and chil- ' dren like it. Buy it and you will get the i best. It always cures For sale bv L. ■ Taggart. The wordly wise may be eternally foolish. If you feel ill and need a pill Why not purchase the best? DeWitt's Early Risers 1 Are little surprisers. Take one—they do the rest. W. 11. Howell, Houston, Tex., writes I have used Little Early Riser Pills in my family for constipation, sick headache, , etc. To their use lam indebted for the health of my family. 1 Grapes of peace do not iirow on thorns of passion. ; A Million Voices. Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listen why: A severe cold had settled on his lungs causing a most obstinate cough, j Several physicians said lie had consump tion, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he begau to use 1 Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption ' and writes—"it completely cured me and saved mv life. I now weigh 227 lbs." , It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Price 50c and i 81.00. Trial bottles free at L. Tacgart's. j The flame of lust quenches the light j of life. To improve the nppetitf and strengthen J the digestion try a few doses of Chamber- ! lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. ; J. H. Seitz,of Detroit, Mich., says, "They restored my appetite when impaired re- j lieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of j the bowels." There are people in this ! community who need just such a medicine j Fro Sale by L. Taggart. Every box warranted. It takes more than money to make a I living. i Better Than a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened by Cham- | bcrlain's Pain Balm and bound on the af- j fected parts, is better than a plaster for a ! lame back and for pains in the side of 1 chest. Pain Balm has no superior as a i liniment for the relief of deep seated,! muscular and rheumatic pains. For sale by L. Taggart, tiT BOOK MAILED Kit EK. A. A. (FEVERS, (Jongestlons. InDammu- I CURES ( liuiiN. I.uni Fever. Milk Fever. H. H. i Ki'H4 l\N, Lameness, Injuries, t CUKES { Rheumatism. «'• 112 gORE THROAT, Quinsy. Epizootic. CL'BKS [ Distemper. | WORMS, Sou. Grubs. I £ 1 OUWHg. Cold», Influenza, Inflamed CU:IKS \ I.uiiffM, lleuro-Piieuinonla. 112 I Bellyache Wind-lilown. CURES S Diarrhea, I>>Mentery. 0.0. Prevent* MISCARRIAGE. j KIDNEY dt BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. }BKI!V DIKRAHEH, Mange, Eruption*, CURES S 1 Icem, Urease, Farcy. J. K. £ HAD CONDITIO*. Marina Coat. CURES J Indigestion, fctoinach *tag«ers. 6Uc. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, Ac., $7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William ft John Btrt*U, New York. j ■ip na^mssimmmmaEsaßmmmm H W¥¥ TIC! A cure guarant*od if you uae B I PILES I I (kiiied School*. Siatraville, N. writes " I r'tn nay I M K*Ten Rock. W. Va., writ-. •• They giveuniwaal* aria*' I 3 faction." Dr. 11. I; McCiiil, ('iarkabnrg, Teun., writea: H ■ " lu a practice of 23 year*. I have fou id n- rernaJt to ■ ■ equal yuura." fates, 50 ( mi. Kau.plra Frpe. Sold H LANCASTER, PA. | Sold inEmporium by L. Taggart and R. C. Dodson. Call for free sample. SESHSHSH STHS2SESBS2 SE a The Broad Street! | Meat I I Market i | HOME-MADE MINCE MEAT ru 'fO HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, ft § FRESH OYSTERS, "1 I l/l WEANERSAND ffi ft LIVER SAUSAGE W jn] FRESH WALNUTS, ft AMONDS AND MIXED NUTS. W !j] FINE FLORADA ORANGES. 3 I |P jjj | GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. [j] I Geo. H. Gross, j ULSH HSBSHSaSHSHSaSHSHSHSSHJ!D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers