Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 25, 1902, Image 12

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    SIO,OOO Display of Christmas Goods. Largest Stock We Ever Had.
| ii li . i
FURS! I 11 1 Coats and Capes for |
Our very large stock of J fTI XT ~T7I XT A | lUfiM AllA CMMIM.
Furs, comprising Mar- I I I I I'J I/"A ■ I \ J Consisting of Monte Carlos 112
I tin, Nutria, imitation JJ mT
Tiger Hair, Isabella a popular style which com-
Fox, imitation Beaver, EMPORIUM, PA. I both the long and short
and many other varie- Jackets, made from the
£ American Woolen Mills
ues, ranging in p Kersey, in all desirable |
j | from $1.35 to $16.00, " | "" 1 1 shades with velvet corded |
I ranging in price from 1 fitting Jackets, all shades I
I which is the largest \\ ft 112 ii \ I f\] \ \ able bargains these are.
variety ever seen in this 11 1./V-ZJi Vl \1 JUU |J
r:Li:;:;: imc for "
JtusrHteiii 1?
I tJ CIIITC* / 1 'We have a large variety ot Silk j)
I ,Il„ ~,, —,; —, KM 1111 llWfgNa
j and Woolen Dress Patterns; R|
Vinetians, Cheviots and Basket Cloth. New shapes 11 1 m- j!n S \. i Velvet Read-made Waists in {j
j fh? and the very latest. We will rush them through at
I bargain prices to reduce stock —$6.75 £25.00. 11 i are beauties and greatly admir- j! jj
Tailor made skirts that fit and are stylish. Also a ' wKSF""-*"* \l' cd - Prices, Silk patterns from 6
\ 112 few popular walking skirts. Big bargains. We must j
:| Lu Full line of Silver Novelties, comprising Tea Sets, //ait I ;Sg JW
JT, ' / / / / / / We have the most beautiful
L V Ladles, Spoons, Knives, Bon-Bon Boxes, and hundreds /// / / >
j m of beautiful and desirable pieces of silver. In Jewelry /*y /&■■»/ L 1 China and Glassware. Full *;
we have everything to please. Diamond Rings, J sets and pieces by the hundreds,
' sso to $200.00, if you want them. I , ,/f > es th - \ ~ <^\ 112
/.t_ r? z%r - - - I- J/?l ment ever seen here or in this sec- k #j
">i Come and see our handsome assortment and get - k tion of the state. I
| our prices, which are far below the ordinary 011 / l^'s ar ' e '^- v ' j
II 112 . . '•* i 2>\ /*» , t \ VO V teSeU fyii We are sole agents for the sale 6 |
;;M ,|\, \] I It is simply out of the question to mention MM r etvA eaVOtt ' t as ** Y of the Columbia Phonographs. J !i |
liMiMlh/J what we have in this department, as the pub- r - ■■■£%% m tW\s V ea a o \at& eSI , u V „ „ , .. «> ji
!l!i!i|li\l lie well knows, we always care for the wants |(|\ . ve \\a ve c \j Call and see them. Ihe best
' 111 till Ml of the little ones. No matter what you want * j&ff(l I \ r c^ ntc^ 0- te \ in the market. I
mm inihis,iue>wehaveit £ M I x> bc t^^ clo^^: u \ 1 UULLO!
UULLO! Und is full ami overflowing. MHBSSWI I 1 Ive «***? \ 'X 1l
i'/'JI Beautiful line. ** ,Jn.\]\\\ ffR wc^ e V^v . r {le i aVVt ' A\ e V, \\
ij'! MBBSmm 1 ,^ vl oovci ; w BOOKS! BOOKS! L
i|i 1 v t,u s '' jl »
/)Sl LADf ANO \ e S" Vl . ,if : Hi,
U added all that our rooms will aflord. In Un- lit jn -»» op<n •<! raugiiv in price H ORAPERY AND 1
Vi ilerwear,Hosiery, (»lo\-es,Tics, Handlctrchiefs, to <IO.OO. \\o ,!Z' \\\ TAPESTRY.
\\ w«* !"i ! t .til tor an\tiling MVVkmw? \i\ ' ''' ' 1 •.••••"Is, whit h must 1» jj
\\ E |H M-fiiinl.. i| >| >i M'< .1. Sunn M'r 1i.11.M111, in S»-.u:., fj
wA we have it. We have a very large line of have Sterlin ■ Silver Kb my Jl Kmbroldrry and Open Work. B
m 5 ill SILK UMBRELLAS. £ u wJ iSlSit /
> A I 4lI !■ "' '"" x *'" ,K " l i"''■ " ■'"
jj Jl K .... UK| ltHii r 'ii./ i•» i-i <i , . i..