EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Nov. 5, 1902. NEMOPHILA, per sack *1 lf» Graham, 44 *>o Rye 4 ' W H uck wheat 44 75 Patent Meal., 41 SO Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 50 Chop Fees!, 4 ' 1 50 Middlings. Fancy 4 ' 1 50 Rran, 1 15 Corn, per bushel, 84 White Oats, »<*r bushel 48 Choice Clover Seed, 1 Choice Timothy Seed, ! A t Market Prices. Choice Millet Heed. Fancy Kentucky BlueOrass, | R.C. DODSON. THE lDrucjcjist, Kxroitirsi, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. h. c. nonsoTi. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL UEPARTMKNT. I PERSONAL (iOSSIP. ' Contributions invited. That which yon would ike to nee in thin department let us know by pon rtl card or letter, personally, J. F. Parsons visited in Port Alle gany last week. John Burnett is in Buffalo under- 1 going treatment for his eyes Mrs. W. C. Clarke is confined to her bed, under Dr. Bardwell's care. Mrs. E. C. Davison and daughter, 1 Miss Mary, are visiting at Chambers burg. Mr. Fred Julian is transacting busi ness in Buffalo and New York this week. A. W. Mason, County Commissioner elect, was a business caller at PRESS office on Tuesday. The members of Theodore Ilackett's family, who have been ill with typhoid fever, are now convalescent. Miss Maud Thomas has returned from a delightful visit to Philadelphia, having been absent two weeks. J. 11. Bedard and family, of St. Marys, visited in Emporium over Sunday, guests of J. L. Fobert and family. D. 11. Marsh and daughter, Nellie E , of Mason Hill, visited in town last Fri day. Miss Nellie remained in town for the Jubilee Singers. Ralph C. Davison came down from i St. Marys on Sunday and visited with i his mother and sister before they de- j parted for the south on a visit. B. G. Bartle and Gregg Bailey came | over from Port Allegany on Saturday | and called OD friends. Mr. Bailey is visiting his parents in Gibson township, j this county. O. L. Bailey, of Sinnamahoning, | while transacting business in Empor- j um on Monday took time to call on the ; PRESS. Mr. Bailey, who is proprietor of Mountain Hotel, is doing a nourish ing business in that busy town. J. Vine Hanscom, A. De Shetler and Frank Burke, of Grove, called on their Emporium friends on Monday and Tuesday. While in town the gentle, men called at the PRESS office long enough for Mr. De Shetler to renew his subscription. W r . M. Lawler, of Richmond We-»t Va., visited in Emporium Tuesday after noon, on his return from a business trip to New York While in town Mr. Lawler called at the PHESS office and expressed hiinse'f well pleased with the South, lie left on Erie mail for his home. ij Well Protected. | i revolver or a rifle should he in every household. Although it may not be used hy a | Km Mr • liUPf woman once in a year, it is there—a household guard. Il TS *"jflrl /y - Hit-sporting season will soon be U|H»U us. Needn't wait for that though. Vou will |l I' , !lll( ' ' ut> °' s ' ,ort V" ' lcrt * j ,|st buying your hunting paraphernalia. Stocks large, and prices so |i l|| «T I.J 'J&* ""all, that you will have to set your dog to smiling them out. We have full assortment i| S } ) ■ I \mmuuitiou—everything complete. fc IIARKY S. I.I.OYI). Mrs. T. F. Moore, and daughter Caroline, have returned from visiting at Mr. Moore's lumber camp. John E. Smith, .accompanied by his son Grover C., were PRESS business visitors yesterday. Joseph Shaffer, a nitro-glycerine shooter, employed by Pennsylvania Torpedo Co., was blown to atems at State Line on Tuesday. A hole in the ground was all that was found. Closed for Season. C. B. Howard Company's mill, No. 1, at this place closed for the season last Saturday night, at mid-night after a very successful season's cut. The new j hardwood mill will run all winter, ( giving employment to a large force of j men. BRIEF~IENTION. Big improvements of electric light plant. Smoke "Spanish Arms," the best ten 1 cent cigar in the market. Useful Xmas presents at N. Soger's Hats, Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc. A. W. Mason advertises for forty ■ teams to draw logs on Sterling Run. Plenty of snow and lumbermen, who j have logs to haul, are hustling around j for teams. Clark & Howard have purchased a now Schomacker piano for the opera j house. Mr. Brady this week received a loco motive to be used from the coal mines , on Canoe Run. The mothers meeting is postponed until Friday afternoon, Jan Oth at 3:30 o'clock. At the request of the officers, j All Smokers smoke the 'W. H. Mayer" hand made cigar, the best five ! cent cigar on the market. Be sure you ask for it. 24-tf. A full line of smokers goods at John Cruice's. A largo line of mereschaum and briar pipes, together with all the popular brands of tobacco. A good overcoat will make a desirable present for husband, eon or brother. N. Seger has them—all styles, shapes and prices, j FOR SALE.—A small lot, with build ing, corner of Sixth and Cherry. For terms apply to. MRS. J. G. BRYAN. While passing your evenings at home with your loved ones, you will feel like smoking a good cigar. Try John | Cruice's "Cyclone"—only $2.00 for fifty. The C. S. C., desiro to thank the bor ough council for the use of the City Hall Nov. 27th, and also the Mountaineer Hose Co., for the use of their parlor. SHAW'S PURE MALT.—Its value in sickness has been tried and proved. In r*he home it is not safe to be without it. Absolutely pure. Sold By 36-47-ly F. X. BLUMLE. The Schomaker piano, used at th Court House, has been purchased and will remain there for tho benefit of the Teacher's Institutes and other entertain ments. We understand it is a gift to tho county. N. Seger's old reliable clothing house —who in this section of the state does not know N. Seger—is very replete ' with winter clothing and his large line i of goods, suitable for holiday presents j are attracting the attention of the public. Don't wait until the last minute before calling for Xmas presents. Go early. The ladies of the Presbyterian church 1 will hold a bread and cake sale, Satur day afternoon and evening, of this week Dec. 13th, in the room opposite Mr. R. C. Dodson's drug store. Persons wish ing homemade delicacies, can leave, | their order with Mrs. Grant Allen, Mr. j John Day's store, or with Mrs. Chas. i Felt. Baptist Church Notes. Preaching morning and evening by | the pastor. Morning subject, "Search ( the Scriptures;" evening topic, "The I Devil's Diamond Cutter." Bible school ! at the close of morning worship, C. E Crandell, Supt. Y. P. 8. C. E., 6 p. m., B. Olmsted, President. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:3 C. All wel* come. We have no bell to ring, To tell the people to bring. Their friends and relations at seven; But they need no sound. For the word goes round. That a practical talk will be given. We invite you and your friend, To be sure and attend, Next Sunday evening meeting For the choir will sing, And all voices will ring, Ami you'll receive a warm greeting. Lots for Sale. 1 have some desirable building lots for sale at a bargain. 30-tf. C. J. Goodnough. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY DECEMBER n, 1002. Plenty of Fun. The Young People of the Junior En deavor Society, of the Presbyterian church, will hold a Lunch Box Party at the City Hall, Thursday evening, Dec. 11th. A fine programe has been arrang ed for both Musical and Literary. Come everybody, come. The ladies are requested to bring a lunch prepared for two, with her name enclosed These I boxes are sold at auction and the pro- I ceeds to be applied towards the new I church. j Mrs. V. S. Burnkll, Supt. A Big Lumber Job. The Dußois Couriersays John E. Du | Bois owns two hundred million of tim- J ber on Hicks Run, some 36 miles from | Dußois. After mature consideration he I has decided to bring all this timber to his big saw mill at Dußois for manufac : turo. To do this ho must build fifteen ! miles of railroad track to reach the Low ; tirade road near Dens's Bun station, from which point he will run his log irains over the Pennsylvania line to Du- Bois. This will be the longest haul of saw logs yet made in this section of Pennsylvania. The logs and bark wii bo loaded in the woods and be run toj Dußois without any charge. It is es timated that ten years will be consum ed in cutting and manufacturing, Cameron. Pretty cold weather. Winter is coming, and Cristmas is not far off. Fred Cotnley lias just recovered from a severe sickness. The blacksmith shop is receiving some repairs. K'l McFadden had business at St Marys Tuesday. Jim Leonard visited the county scat Tuesday. E. 11. O.sborne, of Erie, was in town Tuesday. The meat market is doing a rushing business. Mrs. M. li. McConnell, of liidgway, j is visiting Warren McConnell and family at this place. Ed. Lininaer visited his brother, I Walter Lininger and wife, at llidgway j over Suuday. "Cy"' Lupro is fixing up the old home- , stead, about a mile below town, and ex- j pects to move into it in a short time. The new mill was fired up Tuesday j for the first lime. llow natural it seem- j ed to see the smoke roll from the stack. ! It won't be long until it will be making ; saw-dust. The Liars Club met in Brother Coin ley's chicken coop Saturday evening. Chairman Goodman being absent bob ; Shreve filled the chair with Dannie i Sullivan Sec'y. The club donated liro. ! Comley two cents for keeping his coop j in good order. Bert Skiver's name was ; read for membership and declared elected. | ! Bert < Jcorgia was fined three cents for j spitting on the floor. John MeFadden ; | stated before the club that the club I should give a ball and supper some night j tor the benefit of a new chair for our j chairman, instead of his sitting on the j roost with the chickens. Brother Os- j borne stated that the club could have the j use of his coop any night for a dance j I free ot charge, but the club must stand ! i good f"<»r all chickens that arc missing, ' | the club agreed to do. die supper to lake | place in tho blacksmith shop, of which ' each member must furnish a chicken, and ; the Club to donate a keg. No other member had anything to say so the club j adjourned to meet in John Clark's chicken | coop next meeting night. Baiuos. Foils a Deadly Attack. "My wife was so ill that good physic j ians were unable to help," writes M. M. : Austin, of Winchester, Ind., "but was j completely cured by Dr. King's New Life I Pills. They work wonders iu stomach I and liver troubles. Cure constipation, | sick headache. 25c at L. Taggart s drug I store. j He who does not when lie can do can not when lie will. Better Than a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened by Cham berlain's Pain Malm and bound on the af fected parts, is better than a plaster for a lame back and for pains in the side of chest. Pain Balm has no superior as a liniment for the relief of deep seated, muscular and rheumatic pains. For sale by L. Taggart. One-way Colonist Tickets. Oil the first and third Tuesday of each month until April 30, 1903, one-way second class Colonist tickets will be sold by tho Chicago, Milwaukee &. St. Paul Railway from Chicago to points in South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Kan sas, Eastern Colorado, Texas, Oklaho ma, Indian Territory and Southwestern Missouri, at about one half regular rates, 37-2t-No.-2t-Dec. liUm y&is§i /l is i 6 ounces of pure I \ I 1 coffee to the pound. / \ / Coated Coflees are / \ / enly about 14 ounces / \ / of coffee and two / \ / ounces of eggs, I \ I C' l e, etc., of 110 / \ Lr-r, I value to you, but LJz-s\ m\ mone y' n{ hepocket li6p]l of the roaster. 1: • «oal*l | ackftge insure* uni form quality fcnJ lrcahncts. Saved at Grave's Brink. "1 know I would long ago have been in my grave," writes Mrs. S. 11. Ncwsom, of Decatur, Ala., "if it had not been for Electric Bitters. For three years I suffer ed untold agony from the worst forms of Indigestion, Water brash, Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. I'ut this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since usinc it I can cat heartily and have gain ed 35 pounds." For Indigestion, Loss of 1 Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles Electric Bitters arc a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at L. Tag gart's drug store. Every man has his limit and some men have two or three. A glass or two of water half an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are mild and gentle in their action. For sale by L. Taggart. This is the, season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife replenishes her supply ot Chamberlain's Cough Beniedy. It is certain to be needful be fore the winter is over, and results are much more prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the . cold is contracted and before it has be come settled in the system. In almost 1 every instance a severe cold may be ward ed off by taking this remedy freely as soon as the first indication of the cold appears. There is uo danger in giving it to children for it contains no harmful substance. It is pleasant to take—both adults and chil dren like it. Buy it and you will get the best. It always cures For sale bv L. Taggart. When is a bedstead not a bedstead? When it's a little buggy. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. -J. 11. Seitz, of Detroit, Mich.,says, "They restored my appetite when impaired re lieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the bowels." There are people in this community who need just such a medicine Fro Sale by L. Taggart. Every box warranted. Nothing is more detestable than the prejudies of other people. If you feci ill and need a pill Why not purchase the best? DeWitt's Early I'isers Are little surpnsers. Take one—they do the rest. W. 11. Howell, Houston, Tex., writes —I have used Little Early Riser Pills in my family for constipation, siek headache, I etc. To their use I am indebted for the health of my family. Why is|a man's hand like a hardware store? It has nails. A Million Voices. Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, ol West Point, la. Listen why: A severe cold had settled on his lungs causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consump tion, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption and writes—"it completely cured me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs." It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Price 50c and i SI.OO. Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's. BZ.BCTION NOTICE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK , Emporiwm, Pa., Dec. 7th % 1902. , annual meeting of the stock-holders for I I the election of a Board of Directors and the , transaction of such other business as may he laid before them, will he held at tho Bnnk on Tueft ! day, January H, 1903, between the hours of one and three in the afternoon. T. B. LLOYD. Cashier. Notice of AdmliilHtratrl x. Estate of ALONZO CHKE&HRO, dccranrd. I ETTKRS of administration on the estate of I J Alonzo ("heeebro, late of Shippen township, Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Dora Cheesbro. residing iu s»id I township, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those ; having claims or demands, will make known the ; same without delay. DORA I'HEKHBRO, Administratrix. Orti:KN SHAFFER, Solicitors. Kiiiporium, I'a., Oct. 30, 1902. 37-6t Get the l|j For Your Husband. Sweetheart or Brother. IM While looking around endeavoring to find something to give ffffl]] your husband, brother or sweetheart, mji John Cruice, Who manufactures and keeps a choice line of Cigars of his own Mi] jpjl manufacture, as well as all the popular brands of Smoking and jsfflj! Chewing tobaccos and Smokers articles, will help you make a wise !,; 'i selection. Ilis new line of • SMOKERS ARTICLES, SnMSJSE » u hi,)i t ' (l herc Try a box of "Spanish Arms," the best ton cent cigar on the jltffjj! '.<"4 market; §3.2.5 for fifty, or a box of "Cyclone," the leader, $2.00 for 1 |j fifty. No better cigars in the county. All smokers use them and en- '(&■ !!ijP dorse their elegant flavor. Give us your order early. -XOX3C3NT CRUICE. m c ■ g h Thos. Trotter jjjg Has just received another lot of Is IS i T ! , gj 11 m j Pictures. |3 I ® 1 Pvffi Just the tirng for Om mx 0 Y Christmas Presents. n 1; i i Ready for | j Fall and 'Winterl | Coats, Capes and Cloaks. As the cold weather I { season draws near, you must be prepared to meet the winds I of the chilly winter, and we are now ready with a much fl larger stock than heretofore, to meet yonr wants. The very I latest styles in Ladies' Coats, Capes and Cloaks. If you fail j| to see our large slock and get our prices you will be the loser I Pjiuo In the fur line we lead in this county. We I lUI Oi have anything in this line that can be desired and the prices are sure to make ready sales. Call and see our large stock. Qhirt WfliQt PflttflVnC We carrv a handsome 011111 I! ttlol I ailCl 110. line of Shirt Waist Pat terns, as our large trade in this line fully demonstrates. We are now ordering carpet by samples and can surely please you from our large stock of patterns. We can furnish you from the cheapest to the most expensive. We invite the citizens to visit our store and get our prices. You will receive cordial treatment whether you purchase or not. M. C. TULIS. II I I II I I I I Ml -1 Sp ii 111 leci - Is when you step into our store to buy your supplies for the family larder. We have the quality of goods that I I "taste like more,'' and at prices that gives you a chance to buy more, and >1 _____ larger variety than atany other grocery. —— (Jroeeries of all descriptions, Maple Syrup. Sauer Kraut, lhiekwheatFlour ——> and i'illsbury's Best l'lour, Butter. I Kggs, Cheese and Vegetables of all kinds. We can supply your wants for the holidays, both in groceries, meats and _ poultry. Our market is stocked with I Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens and all kinds of Meats—fresh autl juicy. Mi nce-ni eat, Sausage and Smoked I ' Meats constantly on hand. Prices the lowest, quality considered. Come in 11 and conviueu yourself with a trial I order. Kverything must he sati-fac- I tory or money refunded. f""™ FRANK SHIVES. 1 lili i i i iT~T~I h