'SoiTjcpor) Jfress ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMSOFSITBSCRIPTION: Per year $2 00 If paid is advance $l 50 ADVERTISING RATES. AO >crti einents are published at the rate of one dollar per square for one insertion and fitly cents per square for each subsequentinsertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are -Religious notices free. EDITORIAL HENTION. The parlor match ia being boy cottod by a number of American cities. We have many things to be thankful for this year and so have the bears of Mississippi. The Pennsylvania has commenc already raising freight rates to meet the increase of salaries. The largest brickyard in the world will be established near St. Paul, Minn., and will cover 72 acres. Spurs and tacks will run all over the ground. The man who leads President Roosevelt to believe that there were bears in Mississippi, stands a poor chance for an office under the present administration. The independent coal operators are knocking against a settlement of the anthracite troubles now. They are not in favor of the coin promise suggested. A shooting match between Roose velt and Cleveland would attract a large crowd. Some enterprising manager should take the matter in hand. Cleveland recently shot SO ducks in seven hours. An effort will be made at the session of Congress to have General Jicob Smith restored to the army. A general senti meet has been creat ed at Washington iu favor of Gene ral Smith. Governor Odell has appointed a commission to find out why the New York courts have 15,000 un tried cases ou their dockets, lie will find there have been too many Molineaux cases and to few courts and justices. v Admiral Dewey is to command the greatest fleet in the history of America. At the winter manoeu vers he will have sixty-one vessels, comprising more than one-half the entire force of the Navy. There is work mapped out, but there will be little po vd- burned. Larg quauities of wheat are boiiij; shitinod from Minneapolis to Paget 50u...1 for shipment to Aus tralia. The amount now under way is 300,000 bushels. It will be ground on the Pacific coast. There is a wheat shortage in Australia. In his Philadelphia speech last week the President returned to the trust issue and more emphatically pledged his Administration to make the regulation of the trusts one of its chief purposes. Speaking of the problems which have been the out growth of our tremendous indus trial developments lie said the Ad ministration would "deal with them along the lines indicated iu speech and action by flint profound juris and fearless public servant who re presents Pennsylvania in the Cabi net—Attorney General Knox. We shall not act hastily or recklessly but we have firmly made up our mimta that a solution and a right solution shall lie found, and found it will lie." i.ots lor Sole. t nave nor.;« ili'niralj|« building lulu for aale at a tmrgtiln. 30-tf. Mr. Cleveland labored with New Jersey and it went Republican. Mr. Bryan delivered scores of speeches in Nebraska and Colorado and they went Republican. Mr. Hill deluged New York with speeches and it went Republican. Mr. Gorman made a powerful still hunt in Maryland and it went Re publican. But Col. Watterson carried Kentucky, and a county doctor in Rhode Island, named Garvin, captured Rhode Island for the Democrats. The logical ticket for 11)01 is Watterson and Garvin. —Bradford Star. What's In a Name? E very thing is iu the nnuie when it conies to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, discovered, 112 me years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a pacific for Piles. For Ulind, bleeding, itching and protrud ing 1 Silos, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and ail skin diseases BeWitt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's —the genuine. It. C. Dodson. Clerical Orders for 1903. Pursuant to its usual custom, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will issue clerical orders for the year 1903 to ordained clergymen having regular charge of churches located on or near its lines. Clergymen desiring such orders should make individual ap plication for same on blanks furnished by the Company through its Agents Applications should reach the General Office of the Company by December 21, so that orders may be mailed Decem ber 31 to all clergymen entitled to re ceive them. 2601-41-lt Politeness is a mask that some men discard as soon as business hours are over. Round-trip home-Seeker's Tickets. During the same period round-trip Homeseetier's excursion tickets will be sold by the Chicago, Melwaukee & St. Paul Railway on the first and third Tuesday of each month, good to return within 21 days from date of sale, to many points in lowa, Minnesota and South Dakota, North Dakota and other western and southwestern states. For further Information apply to any coupon ticket agent, or address John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Room D Park Bidg., Pittsburg, Pa. 37-2t-No. 2t-Dec. First Fork. Mrs. D. I). Colcord is quite sick at present. Mr. Lamb has moved into the house lately vacated by Br. Colcord. Thanksgiving is over and still there arc a few turkeys left for Christmas. The tracking snow that fell last night will be a great temptation to the hunters to overstep the bounds of legal shooting. Frank Miller, of Arksill, killed a bear on the mountain near this place last week. The bear nearly run over him and he killed him in se'f defence. The oil an 1 sand house of the H. ont. a life time curing just such cases usyours. All consultations Free. "I had severe caso of kidney diseaso and rheumatism, discharging bloody matter. Suffered intense pain. My wife was seriously affected with female troubles. Dr. Fenner s Kidney and Backache Cure cured us both. F. M. WIIEELEK, Randolph, la." Itrusgists. 50c.. ?I. Ask forCookJtn.il,- -Free. ST.VITUS'DANGE Tenner, Fredonla.N. Y SENDUS Ji sk:n, or any other kind of hide or skin, and let us tan it with the hair and moth-proof,for robe, Itut first get our Catalogue, OHM giving pric-s, and our.shipping lags and instructions, so ns to avoid mistakes. We also buy HJTSIF THI2 CROSBY FRISIAN FUR COMPANY, 116 Mill .Street, Rocheitcr, N. Y. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS \lwny* ri-linlile I.Mtll«>«. ivili lidikmM for tHU lltsll ll* I. N4.1.1S II ir, ■(•-«■ hi,. l l.lllft llll'tttjilr ti'J.--, with t ill.* ribtHlU. I»l"' IHi iillm-i . lit-ftiai' li.lion, nail llntl.tll.ifi>. I . I , ..ir lir.iif f.l, • ' • I »«'. I'»rllrular%. Trail. lUttfflill* .11. I .iel, . rI. e i.iHlle., . • I*ll llatll. 1 .1 .10.1 . ■ 1,/ UNIOHkMTBM CHKMI.I4I, Cl. UlOlf 7l .ilU.iu l-IIIUA. I»4. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1902 A Million Voicos. Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listen why: A severe cold had settled on his lunsrs causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consump tion, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use I >r. Kings New Discovery for consumption and writes—"it completely cured me and saved mv life. I uow weigh 227 lbs." It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Price 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's. The burden grows lighter when love helps us lift. Saved at Gravo's Brink. ''l know I would long ago have been iti my grave," writes Mrs. S. 11. Newsom, of Decatur, Ala., 'if it had not been for Hlectrie Hitters. For three years 1 suffer ed untold agony from the worst forms of Indigestion, Waterbrash. Stomach and l>i>wi-l Dyspepsia. 15ut this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since using it I can eat heartily and have gain ed 155 pounds." For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles Electric Bitters are a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c ut L. Tag gart's drug store. He who idles in the morning sippeth sorrow at twilight. The Pride of Heroes. Many soldiers in the last war wrote to say that for Scratches. Bruises, Cut.-', Wounds, Corns, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for burns, Scalds, Boils, Unccrs, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only 25e at L. Taggart's drug store. You deserve no credit until you have done your best. Foils a Deadly Attack. "My wife was so ill that good physic ians were unable to help," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., "but was completely cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills." They work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Cure constipation, sick headache. 25c at Ij. Taggart's drug store. It is better to show the son how, than to tell him how. A Cold Wave. The forecast of sudden changes in the weather serves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough may invade the sanct ity of health in your own homo. Cautious people have a bottle of one Minute Cough Cure always at hand. E. 11. Wise Madi son Ga., writes: "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health, and probably my life." It cures Coughs, Colds, LaGrippc, Bronchitis Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung troubles. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm, draws out the inflammation, heats and soothes the mucous membranes and strengthens the lungs. It. C. Dodson. Too much political pie usually results in party indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Trubles, and makes rich red blood, health and strength, Kodol re builds wornout tissues, purifies, strength ens and sweetens the the stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson, of W. Ya., says: I have used a number of bottles of Kodol and have found it to be a very effective and, indeed, a powerful remedy for stom ach ailments, I recommend it to my friends. It. C. Dodson Borrowing is a slippery hill, easy to decend, but difficult to climb. If you feci ill and need a pill Why not purchase the best? DeWitt's Early Risers Are little surpnsers. Take one—they do the rest. W. 11. Howell, Houston, Tex., writes —I have used Little Early Riser Pills in my family for constipation, sick headache, etc. To their use lam indebted for the health of my family. 0 ■ —cj—i linn law— tfE SHH2SHSH SHSHSHSH EH S"H b The Broad Street a 1 Meat ! j Market j HOME-MADE MINCE MEAT ft jfl HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, ft In FRESH OYSTERS, n! S WEANERSAND ft LIVER SAUSAGE nj FRESH WALNUTS. Ln AMONDS AND MIXED NUTS. FINE FLO3AUA ORANGES. A few special prices for Friday jj| and Saturday, this week. jU Olives in bulk, /iOc qt. tfj Grape Nuts, 13c |»Ug. [p Vermont Mnp'e Byrup, 9.1 c fil Bakers Chocolate, 3(ic lb. |{] GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, [jj Geo. H.Gross. 112 We Have What You Need! To brush up and make beauti- j ful your home. The season of the ; ycir for such work has arrived an 1 we would call the attention of the public to our very large ami reliable line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, the best in the world. Ir. addition to the best paints, we have a first-class line of De V>e & Co.'s Brushes. Get a move 011 and be prepared to paint before the workmen are all en gaged. We can save you money. While you are painting your home or business place let us talk a little with you on Bath and Closets, Hot Water, Steam or anything in that line. Our increased facilities and expert workmen will do you good work. Don't deay until too late. Farmers should bear in mind that we handle Plows, Harrows, Rakes, etc. In fact our Hard ware, Stove and Plumbing De partments are up to the best. Write or wire us, when a com petent agent will call on you. MMuM. AFTER THE BATTLE Some arc icund bleeding and sore, while others have a fit of the blues. No if there should be any so unfortunate as to suffer from the efiects of accidents we have the Balm lor their pains and aches,let it be either for man or beast. Our liniment and powders for horses or cattle are always the best. Our medicines are pure and always get there. The prices ' are right too. uur patent medicine depart ment is supplied with all the standard remedies and we can supply your on short notice. Our toilet and fancy goods department we keep up to the times. Our Prescription depart ment receives our closest at tention and all calls answered day or night. Just touch the button. In fact we are here to do business and serve the j public. M. - A. - ROCKWELL, THE PHARMACIST, 112 Consult 1 \ N Your 5 H S 5 Interests is \ AND SAVE BIGJMONEY vj BY ORDERING NOW N, 5 YOUR FALL,SUIT $ sj AT N | R. SEGER & Jj COHPANY'S. S We handle nothing but S £ the very best fabrics and Ej on this together with first- 5 class fit and workmanship k \ we have built up the IS •v large patronage we enjoy. S Come in and see us. IS s . 8 R. SEOER!& CO. S ■ N Nv' A/77e /J*k/ /-A/./ AJ /■ y M raonnHHisßnn%> M I Stylish 1 Clothing I \\/E want to sell you |a SUIT mm y * or OVERCOAT "s r perfectly tailored. We want to give you a fit that is faultless, -• and that will showjits quality all "■*' through itsjservice. :% Our HAT Department has been stocked with a carefully selected stock of the up-to-date ||s styles and we can surely please H you if you need anything in the Jig We have a large stock of Gents' w Furnishings of alljkinds, an (Tour prices are always right,] j and quality the best. ! SHOES —Every shrewd or economical purchaser caii„;save I money here. The excellence of our shoes, and the lownessof our prices, makes a combination for C I people who are shoe hungry. Ladies Furs. 112 We have a most handsome * line of Ladies P'urs. We have jfS an assortment that will satisfy § any sized pocketbook, and ladies we invite you to come in and see our stock. The prices will sell | these goods very rapidly. p©"We handle Union made goods. I Jasper Harris, J || The People's Popular Clothier. || I Balcom & Lloyd. i - •' § pretjared I | * forl 1 the Se&soft ;i •ft 112 [||l We have opened and are displaying aHI Jj choice line of . . IFANCY1 FANCY J I DRY GOODS 1 jtfj M ,1 specially selected for the . . (Ij 1 Winter 1 I • • ii Season, 112 ;|| 'I I I We have gathered such articles as ] combine elegance with utility and at ' I Very Reasonable i| ■I T \ • S II | 'piees J lij S II Falcons $ Tloyrf. i! fhr : r=r -•——:□ :r o~ ™— -r4 —__