Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 20, 1902, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., Nov. 5, 1902.
NBMOPiIILA, per suck $1 ir>
Graham. 44 60
Rye " 5?
Buckwheat '* ™
Patent Meal., M ,<i()
Coarse Meal, per 100, * 50
Chop [''eed, .** } *2°
Middlings. Fancy 44 J JO
Bran, 1 J f '
Com, per bu *hel,
White Oats, p u uushel
Choice Clover Seed, 1
Choice Timothy Seed, [ vt Market Prices.
Choice Millet Seed.
Fancy Kentucky Bliu CJrasa, J
Or defy Ist,
icupauu'n, r».%.
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
mi /
jf y / ' '
Telephone, 19-2.
Contributions invited. That which you would
tike to see in this department, r ct us know by pos
tal card or letter, personally.
Mrs. Paul Smith left 011 Tuesday to
join her husband at Punxsutawney.
Mrs.Sampaon, Sr., of Binghamton,N.
Y., is visiting relatives and friends in
Supervisor Woodward, of Buffalo
Division, was carefully looking around
the Junction yesterday.
Rev O. S. .Metzler, who is transact
ing business in the east, will return
home for Sunday services.
J. L. Frobert has been passing among
his friends good ten cent cigars in
honor of the arrival of that young 111 in
at his home.
Mrs. Geo. J. L vßar and grand-daugh
ter Eunice, visited in Buffalo this week,
guests of Mrs. J. C. Danckelmann.
Mrs. Frank R. Downey, of Harris
burg, is visiting Dan'l Downey and
wife, West Fifth Street, for a few days.
Frank L. Caskey aud wife of Morgan
town, W. Va., are visiting at Sterling
Run, guests of Mrs. Caskey's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter.
J. W. Billartl, of New York, one of
the members of firm of Climax Powder
Company, looked after business inter
ests in town the past week.
Geo. Smutz, of Tidioute, Pa., brother
of Ralph Smutz, who formerly resided
in Emporium, has accepted a position
in Climax office, at this place.
Mr. Parker Jackson of Emporium was
in town Tuesday afternoon between
trains, being warmly greeted by his
friends. It will be remembered that he
was for four years a resident of this
place, coming here when abou'. 17 years
of »go, and during the four years had
his home with Chas. I). Cox, Sr., then
landlord of Young's Hotel He has
since resided at Emporium -.1 period of
fourteen years, during which time his
generous, long, loud and resounding
laughter has not lost a whit of its force
or penetrating power. Whilst hero he
gave us a few samples of the old kind,
which led the happy days of yore,
when "Uncle Sam" G jtzen endeavored
to instruct him in the art of catching
rats. Come again, Parker, one is rcallj
made happier on bearing the old Unit;
la'igh.—The Mifflinburg Telegraph.
rWell Protected. ji
'! revolver or a rifle should be in every household. Although it may not be ussd by a
jjafc - !^*- woman once in a year, it is there—a household guard.
I) The sporting season will soon be upon ns. Needn't wait for that though. You will I'
' 'J Jwt HIML \ » hud ' uls °f siiort in here just buying your hunting paraphernalia, Stoeks large, and prices so fi
iij '*"* |/| J /,/ small, that you will haw to >et \oui \V« have lull a• a iiueir ||
.|| nil Ammunition —everything complete. |§
IIAkkV S. LLOYI). ji
Mrs. Chas. Norton, of Portland
Mills, stopped in town yesterday and
today on her return from Wilkes-
Barre. She is recovering from a ser
ious illness.
M. J. Colcord, editor of Potter
Journal was a Press visitor this morn
ing. Mr. Colcord is publishing and ex
cellent paper, and it is alware a wel
come visitor to this sanctum.
L. 11. Vosage, of Ashland, Pa , has
been visiting his sister, Mrs. Fred
Julian, in town for several days and
incidentally enjoying pheasant shoot
ing accompanied by Mr. Julian.
Joseph Kaye returns to Wisconsin
to-day, after a pleasant visit. Mr.
Kaye and family expects to return to
Emporium in the near future. This
will be pleasant news to their many
The Rev. N. 11. Stephens, D. D. of
Clearfield, formerly Presiding Elder of
the Williamsport District, preached an
able sermon in the First Methodist
Episcopal Church, last Sunday morn
ing on "Our Servic eto God and to
Man." Dr. Stephens was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Strayer.
The venerable Mr. Arthur Kirk, of
Pittsburg, Pa., who has gained a world
wide reputation as a good road advo
cate, has been in Empourium for sev
eral days. He was accompanied by
his son, Mr. David Kirk, who is Presi
dent of the Climax Powder Company |
at this pl-ict. They are extensive deal- j
ers of explosives, j
with general offices in Pittsburg, New |
York and other points.
E. H. Blackburn, of Everett, Bed- j
ford county, Pa., has been transacting !
business in Emporium for several days |
looking after some real estate of the I
late Samuel Kirk, lie sold a house and
lot on Third street to W. H. Cramer '
and a vacant lot to N. J. Barner. Mr. |
Blackburn, is the Republican Pro
thonotary elect of Bedford county,
having defeated the Fusion candidate
by a handsome majority. His wife
was formerly Mrs. Delia Kirk, and of
course kept her husband busy looking
|up old friends. The Press enjoyed a
j social visit from this pleasant gentle-
I man.
More Oil Wells Will be Drilled.
Another oil and gas company is being
organized. Well known gentlemen of
this city are at head of it and they will
soon apply for a charter. To show that
they mean business, they have already
leased the Landis Berry (arm, about 100
acres, which farm is a short distance
east of the Gummo farm. A well will be
started as soon aa all the preliminaries j
have been attended too.
The same company have Also leased i
the lower part of the island opposite
the upper end of the city. A well may
also be drilled on that parcel of land, I
in the near future.—-Clinton Democrat.
Political Reform.
Corruption in politics is no longer to
be tolerated in Elk county and in the
future there will be no wispering of how
repeaters got in their work and the
counting had been done to suit onß or
two fellows, if the story of a happening
at the recent election in that county,
which is told by a prominent Demo
cratic politician of Dußois, can be be- |
lieved. The story is this: 111 St. Marys
! borough and Benzinger township the j
•stronghold of Jim Hall, there were
| twelve hundred votes cast and two of j
| those were Republican votes. This was ,
i a severe shock to the nerves of the
! Democratic leaders and sleuths were
I put to work and told that they must lo
! cate those two Republicans. The result
of the work of the detectives, the story
continues, was the discovery of one lone
j Republican and he was arrested, charg
ed with having cast two votes, when ho
was only entitled to one.—Dußoia
j Courier.
An exchange hits the nail squarely on
the head as follows: The ad%-ertising
merchant is the one who does the busi
-1 nesa in these days of push and enter
prise. There are more newspaper read
ers to-day than ever before in the history
of the world. The newspaper places
your business under the eye of the buy
er. He sees what he wants, and know
ing where to And it, looks up the wide
awake merchant who asks him to come
into see him. Success in these days of
sharp competition calls for eternal
vigilance. You cannot keep a hustler
SHAW'S PURE MALT.—Perfect as
a beverage of medicine. It prevents
chills and tones up the system. It ex*
hilarates and does not poison.
Sold By
30-47-ly P. X. Blumle.
llcr Choice.
Fred—Yoß, I like him well enough,
Minnie, but how did you happen to
marry a man a head shorter than you
Minnie—l had to choose, Fred, be- |
tween a little man with a big salary j
and a bit; man with a little salary.
Tl«e I'ollte Tramp.
Jogging Jake—Pard, yer lookin' rath
er gay for a man that's just been bit j
by n bulldog.
Tired Tim—Well, the critter was a 1
female. I'm always satisfied to give j
me stat up to it lady.—Philadelphia
"How can you love him? Why, his j
father ImtoliVrvd cattle for it living!"
"I know. But Ills father's son has j
s3,ooo,ooo!"—San Francisco Bulletin.
Early Industry.
Hewitt How did you come to start
in business as a floorwalker?
Jewett — Twliib.— Judge.
A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when
getting his usual Saturday night bath, |
stepped back against a hot stove which j
burned hini severely. The child was in '•
great agony and his mother could do
nothing to pacify him. Remembering
that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm in the house, she thought she
would try it. In less than half an hour
after applying it the child was quiet and
asleep, and in less than two weeks was
well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resi
dent of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm is au an
tiseptic liniment and especially valuable
for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains. For
sale by L. Taggart.
It is a poor brand of piety that most
be preserved in a refrigerator church.
The Best Remedy for Croup.
(Prom the Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe.)
This is the season when the woman who
knows the best remedies for croup is in de
mand in every neighborhood. One of the
most terrible things in the world is to be
awakened in the middle of the night by a
whoop from one of the children. The
croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost,
in case of cronp, as a revolver is sure to be
lost in ease of burglars. There used to
be an old fashioned remedy tor croup
known as hive syrup and tolu' but some
modern mothers say that Chamberlain's
Cousjh Remedy is better, and does not
cost so much. It causes the patient to
"throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives
relief in a shorter time. Give this remedy
as soon as the croupy cough appears and
it will prevent the attack It never fails
and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale
by L Taggart.
There is a long step from "My Father,"
to "Our Father."
For ai. "t Cold.
If you have a bad Cv ' you need a good
reliable medicine like Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it,
and to allay the irritation and inflamma
tion of the throat and lungs. For sale by
Jj Taggart.
lie who loves his work never worries
over his reward.
Heller's Testimony.
Albert Heller, living at 1111 Farnbam
St., Omaha, says:"l have tried most
everything that is used as a preventive or
cure for headache, but nothing did tne so |
much good as Krausc's Headache Cap
sules. Others who have used them say
the same thing." Price 25c. Sold by
L. Taggart.
It is easy to leave out sins when we
learn to loathe them.
for Female Complaints
and diseases arising from an impure s-tate j
of the blood Lichty's Celery Nerve Com- j
I pound is an invaluable specific. Sold by
L. Taggait.
When our faith crowns Christ He will
crown our faith.
If you arc bilious and seeking ad
Take DeWitt's Little Early llisers.
Just before going to bed.
You will find on the morrow,
You arc rid of your sorrow—
That's all; just enough said,
j These famous pills do not gripe, but
move the bowels gently and easily, cleans
ing, the liver. Their tonic effect gives
strength to the glauds, preventing a re
turn ol the disorder. K. C. Dod.-on.
Notice of Administrate *.
KalaU of. 11.0.WZ0 CHEESHRO, tlcrcnueil.
I KTTKKS of administration on the estate of
I A Aton/.o Clieesbro, late of Shippen township,
Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have
been granted to Dora Clieesbro, residing ins iid
) township, to whom all persons indebted to said
! estate are requested to make payment, and those
. having claims or demands, will make known the
> same without delay.
DOHA < HERSBRO, Aduilnistratii*.
Obben A Hiiafkkii. Solicitors.
Emporium, l'a., Oct. :lu, 11102. ,T7-6t
Round-trip llome-Secker'a Tickets.
During the same period round-trip j
Homeseeker's excursion tickets will be ]
sold by the Chicago, Melwaukee & St.
Paul Railway on the first and third j
Tuesday of each month, good to return j
within 21 days from date of sale, to J
many points in lowa, Minnesota and
South Dakota, North Dakota and other !
western and southwestern states.
For further Information apply to any I
coupon ticket agent, or address John |
R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, ;
Room D Park Bidg., Pittsburg, Pa.
37 2t-No.-2t-Dec.
Oolden (j ate Tours.—Under the Personally- j
Conducted System of the Pennsylvania Rail
California and the Pacific Coast re- 1
sorts have become so popular in recent |
years with the better class of winter rest |
and pleasure seekers that the Pennsyl- 1
vania Railroad Company has decided to !
run two Golden Gate tours this winter, i
one to include the famous Mardi Gras
spectacle at New Orleans. On the going I
trip both tours will travel by the Golden
Gate Special, oneofthe finest trains that
crosses the continent. One tour will
return by this train, while passengers
by the other and later tour will use reg
ular trains returning. In California,
passengers will be entirely at their own
pleasure in the matter of itinerary.
Should a sufficiently large number of
passengers desire to join in taking an
itinerary miggested by the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, the services
of a Tourist Agent and Chaperon will
be at their disposal.
The first tour will leave New York, j
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington,
and other points on Thursday, January |
29, and will travel via Chicago, Kansas 1
City an El Paso to Los Angeles and San
Diego, arriving at the latter point Feb
ruary 2. An entire month may be de
voted to visiting California resorts, the
Golden Gate Special leaving San Fran
cisco on the return trip Tuesday, March
3, and returning via Salt Lake City,
Glenwood Springs, Colorado Springs,
and Denver The rate for this tour will
will be S3OO, covering all expenses of
railroad transportation, including side
trips in California, as well as berth and
meals on the Golden Gate Special going
and returning. No hotel expenses in
California are included. Tickets are
good for return trip for nine months,
excepting that passengers who do not
return on the Special must provide
their own Pullman accommodations
and meals eastbound
Tour No 2 will leave Thursday, Feb
ruary 29, by the Golden Gate Special-
Cincinnati, Montgomery, and Mobile
will be visited en route to New Orleans,
where the party will stay during the
Mardi Gras festivities. The train will
be sidetracked for occupancy during
the three days spent in New Orleans.
Stops will also be made at Baaument,
Texas, Houston, Texas, San Antonio,
and El Paso. The train will arrive at
San Diego, February 28. So far as
special train arrangements are concern
ed, this tour will bo completed at San
Diego. Passengers may dispose of their
time in California as they see fit.
Should a sufficient number desire to
take a suggested trip through California
the services of a Tourist Agent and
Chaperon will be placed at their dis
The rate for this tour vyill be $275,
covering all railroad transportation for
the entire trip, including side trips in
California, seat at the Mardi Gras Fes
tival, and Pullman berth and all meals
on the Golden Sate special from New
York until arrival at San Diego.
Private compartments, i. c., drawing
rooms or state rooms, may be obtained
by the payment of additional charges
011 both tours. A detailed itinerary is
in course os preparation, giving all in
formation concerning these tours Ap
plication should be made to George W.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger
Agent, B road Street Station, Philadel
phia, Pa. 2594-39-lt.
is The Broad Street a
| Meat j
j Market
|{J is the place to buy your [Jj
[n meats. We handle noth- n.
j" ing but the very best. u]
»] Will have [Jj
S Special Prices on many articles.
It will pay yon to call and see what we fu
j(n S
IS Geo. H. Gross.
[esh asciSHSHH as as asrHsasHs shiJ
3HSESHS3 e SHSt 5^
I Fobert
ru ——— IT
: The Tailor j
ji nJ
n] We liave tlie best assort- Cj
nj ment of [jj
[jj WOOLENS for
j Fall and I
| Winter |
In The best workmanship. ru !
Cj All first-class work and p] J
jjj Strictly latest style.
ru Remember our prices are In
Cj the lowest. n]
ji a)
[Jj If you want a suit of
[jj clothes don't wait until the"l
In . . rfl
ru rush before ordering. Don't if]
n] put of! ordering until too uj
[xi late. Leave your orde'r in
nj now. [n
[Jj Uj
[rl All Work Guaranteed ol
E a
In Emporium, Pa. ol
1 $
Ready for
j I "cl 11 and Winter
Coats, Capes and Cloaks. As the cold weather I
II season draws near, yon must be prepared to meet the winds
of the chilly winter, and we are now ready with a much
larger stock than heretofore, to meet your wants. The very
latest styles in Ladies' Coats, Capes and Cloaks. If you fail
to see our large stock and get our prices you will be the loser
HlirO 1 11 the fur line we lead in this county. We
lUIUi have anything in this line that can be desired
and the prices are sure to make ready sales. Call and see our
large stock.
Shirt Waist Patterns.
terns, as our large trade in this line fully demonstrates.
We are now ordering carpet by samples and can surely
please you from our large stock of patterns. We can furnish
you from the cheapest to the most expensive.
We invite the citizens to visit our store and get our
prices. You will receive cordial treatment whether you
purchase or not.
As spring opens everyone desires to have something fresh from
their own garden as early as possible and
is tho very place to huy the best seeds of all'kinds, both early and
late varieties.
A full lino of choice Clover, Timothy, Orch
ard Grass, Red Top and Lawn Grass in sea
son. Also Millet and Hungarian Grass.
Then his choice Hams, Bacon, Fresh Meat
and Kggs deserve your attention. A few
words about our Groceries and staple
articles will not be out of place. Our Coffees
and Teas can be relied on as always fresh.
Sugars and Spices that will always please
the thrifty housekeeper, while Canned
(ioods in every variety are presented for you
to choose from. Tho freshest goods always
to be found here i'rlces reasonable and
tiuality the best. Hole agent for i'illsbury
liour. which is known the world over as the
In fact, everything in grocer
ies and accessories needful to
make your Thanksgiving Feast
a pleasant and successful afiair.
A visit in person to our store
will be of material advantage to
you in making your selections.
Here's the special list for
This Week.
MINCE MEAT. Not the common
ordinary kind, but something
really fine, lb lip
Regular 121. ' IW
PRUNES. —Fancy Santa ClaraTp
Usually sold at 10c lb. • W
CORN ST A RCIf—A b so 1 u t e 1 y
Pure, lb "IP
V A regular 10c article. * u
(CHOCOLATE —Rakers, genuine.
Cake, |Op
Usually sold at 25c. lOU
APRICOTS— Choice stock, lb lip
Bright new goods. «' u
OC Lb. Bag Sugar <£ I/ f|
Best Granulated.
PHCCCC ' 'That comforeth the
viUl I LL. heart and aideth di
gestion." That's "Royal" Mocha
and Java. The best that money
can buy. Don't fail to order a
pound or two, 35c lb. 3 lbs. SI.OO.
"FT R That is really meritorious,
I Ln is rather hard to find, but
when you come here, that task is
made easy. 25c to 90c lb.
Store will Close at noon Thanksgiving
rh„„,. J. H. DAY