KMFORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Kmporium, Pa., Aug. 11, 1902. "SEMOPHILA, per suck *1 20 Graham, " ®0 Rye " 60 Buckwheat " "5 Patent Meal., " Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 50 Chop Feed, " J 80 Middlings. Fancy " 1 50 Bran, 1 J® Corn, per bushel, j™ WliiteOaus,p«r bushel * 8 Choice Clover Seed, T ChoiceTimothySeed, ! At Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed. 112 Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, | R. C. DODSON, THE Druggist, UMI'ORIDU. I»A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. K. C. DODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. Thiit ichich you would iike to nee in thin department,let u* know by pot lal card or letter, rernonnllu. •S. D. McCoole, of Driftwood, was in town on Monday. Mrs. William Howard, of Williams port, is in town this week. Mi9S Ada Hockley came up from Williamsport on Monday to visit her parents. Mrs. R. P. Heilman left Saturday for a, visit with friends in the northern part of the state. George Ritchie, who has just recov ered from a run of typhoid fever, has been visiting his parents in town the past week. Forrest Garret, who was severely in jured last week by the train at Four Mile was taken to the Williamsport hospital last Thursday. Edgar Newton will spend from the Ist to 6th of Nov. visiting his parents and is prepared to do all work that can be done in that brief space of time. Supt. J. W. Sweeny attended the Cameron county Teachers' Institute yesterday and speaks highly of the work being done in education's cause. —St Marys Gazette. Mrs. R P. Bingeman and Master Howard returned last Thursday from a three weeks visit to Galeton, where they have been visiting Mr. Bingeman in his lumber camp. Josiah Howard, a prominent and wealthy Emporium lumberman and Mr. Geo. A. Walker, president of the First National Bank of Emporium, were in Ridgway Monday on business a few hours. They are very affable gentlemen and shrewd business men. —Ridgway Advocate. Charles Fry had business at his old home in Emporium Monday Wm. Van Sickles was at Emporium Monday on a mission of business Mrs. Frank L. Lilly and infant child came over from Emporium last Saturday for a visit with home friends ... Frank Mc- Cabe of Emporium registered at the Sartwell house Tuesday evening Wm. Sykes and wife of Keating Summit were registered at the Hotel Connolly yesterday A. H. Shaffer of Empor ium, the well known and popular sur veyor, was in town Monday forenoon renewing old acqaintance*.—Port Alle gany Reporter. -="7=.'—rr—L jr-=: rr-=.lta"Gf rr=.rr=. H I Well Protected. | A revolver or a rifle should be in every household. Although it may not be used by a 112 BPjffik.. l Mwoman once in a year, it is there—a household guard. M The sporting season will soon be upon us. Needn't wait for that though. You will ll |li S~&. Estateof Edward Appleman. Administrator's account confirmed ni si. Com. vsAlex Johns. Indictmen, shooting with intent to kill. True bill. Plea not Guilty. Tried by jury. By direction of the Court verdict not guilty. Com. vs Jane Smith. Indictment arson. True bill. Plea not guilty. Sentence five years in penitentiary. Com. vsS. B. Weikle. Indictment,assault and battery. Not a true bill. Prosecutor pay costs. Com. vs Gillman Levitt. Indictment, asault and battery. True bill. Plea guilty. Com. vs A F. Walker. Indictment, assault and battery. Bill iguored Prosecutor pay costs. Peter Ferguson was duly admitted as a citizen of the United States. No. 33, October Term, 1899. Connick and Folley vs Thomas and Whiting. Settled. r No. 51, October Term, 1899. Weidman, Stave and Heading Mills vs J. H. Evans and C. A. Crawford. Settled. No. 6, January Term, 1900. Solomon W. Nyce vs John M. Ilicks, Geo. E. Hicks, Henry A. Hicks. Jurors withdrawn and case continued. No. 27, July Term, 1900. Western Newspaper Union, vs S. S. Hacket. Settled. No. 20, January Term, 1901. The Weidman Co., vs Richard J. Lloyd. Settled. No. 2.'), July Term, 1901. Stephen Rouse vs Frank Craven. Settled. No. 28, July Term, 1901. John Kelly, vs Frank Swesey. Discontinued. No. 37, October Term, 1901. Joseph Kaye vs Frank Lockwood. Discontinued. No. 40, October Term, 1901. Frank Greco vs Terrence Fee. Charles P. Fee and R. E. Fee, doing business as Fee Brothers. Continued. No. 47, October Term, 1901. Harry G. Bubb, trailing as Goo. Bubb and Sons vs S. S. Hacket. To be tried before the Court without a jury. No. 13, December Term, 1901. P.M. Overhiser vs Charles Fry and H. M. Fry, trading as Chas. Fry and Son. Continued. tNo. 31, April Term, 1902. W. D. Johnson vs A. F. Walker Discontinued. No. 2, July Term, 1902. Ida Granger vs L. u. Cook. Settled. No 3, July Term, 1902. H. G. Dubendorf vs Frank Craven. Settled. No. 4, July Term, 1903. C. J. Squires vs M. Murphy, l'lff. suffers a nun suit. No. 5, July Term, 1902. G. S. Jennings vs M. Murphy. Plff. suffers a noil suit. America's Famous Beauties. Look with horror on Skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't have theru, nor will any one, who uses Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Kczema or Salt Ilhcuui vanish be fore it. It euros sore hps, chapped hands, chilblains. Infallible for Piles, 25c at IJ. Ta«aartV drug store. Paint Your Buggy for 7Bc. To? 1.00 with Devoe'H Gloss Carriage Paint It weighs 3to 8 ozs. more to the pint than others, wears longer, and gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold by Murry & Coppersmith. A Gained Forty Pounds in Thirty Day*. For several months our younger brother | had been troubled with indigestion. He : tried several remedies but got no benefit j from them. We purchased some of | Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them. Inside of thirty days he had gained forty pounds in flesh. lie is now fully recovered. We have a good trade on the Tablets—Flolley Bros., Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. For sale by L. Taggart. If a man enjoys his wealth before he ] has it he never gets rich. While opening a box, J. 0. Mount, of Three Mile Hay, N. Y., ran a ten penny nail though the fleshy part of his hand. "I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause me," he says, "and immediately applied Chamberlain's Pain Bal tu and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the injured parts were soon healed. For sale by L. Taggart. When a man is long on schemes be is usually short financially. Out of Death's Jaws. "When death seemed very near from a severe stomach and liver trouble, that I had suffered with for years," writes P. M use, Durham N. C., "I)r, King's New Life Pills saved my life and gave perfect health." Best pills on earth and only 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. Few people know what they don't want until after they get it. Do Good—lt Pays. A Chicago man observed that. "Good deeds are better than real estate deeds— some of the latter are worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a helping band. You cannot possib ly lose by it." Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement more than substantial help. There are persons in this community who might truthfully say "My good friend, cheer up." A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold, and there is no danger whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine. It always cures. I know it for it has helped me out many a time. Sold by L. Taggart. A man is always known by the com pany that refuses to keep him. He Learned a Great Truth. It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley: "Why do you tell that child the same thing over and over again?" "John Wesley, because once telling is not enough." It is for the same reason that you are told again and again that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds and grip; that it counteracts any tendency of these diseases to result in pneumonia, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale bv L. Tasgart. ^- The Broad Street g I Meat ! | Market $ is the place to buy your bi meats. We handle noth ing but the very best. uj H) Will have ft nj SPRING LAMB, j£ CHICKENS, ft m HOME-MADE MINCE MEAT, M Cj HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, n) [}l FRESH OYSTERS, $ WEANERSAND m p] * LIVER SAUSAGE pJ Special Prices on many articles. uj ul It will pay you to call and see wbat we fu pJ have. Ul $ n) jjj GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, jjj | Geo. H. Gross. I OiSE asasasas as as asasasas sajp Cheap S 5 J. F. PARSONS' \ sasa Se=t:sasas^ Fobert I In ni I The Tailo* 1 1 m KI m We have the best assort- [n l{] merit of [}{ jjj WOOLENS for Fall and j r l Winter j Cj All first-class work and j Ci Strictlv latest style. rfl I i a ru Remember our prices are G] { m the lowest. p] Gi a] [}J I f you want a suit of !{] j [jj clothes don't wait until the | jjj nish before ordering. Don't jjj j S put oft ordering until too jjj plate. Leave your order ui i rO now. [jj I ft rfl [n All Work Guaranteed 3' I J. L. FOBERT, | Emporium, Pa. m 1 $ aSH&dSHSHSHS3FHS2SHF2b Ready for Kail and Winter Coats, Gapes and Gloaks. As the cold weather I season draws near, yon must be prepared to meet the winds of the chilly winter, and we are now ready with a much larger stock than heretofore, to meet your wants. The very latest styles in Ladies' Coats, Capes and Cloaks. If you fail to see our large stock and get our prices you will be the loser FUJiC In the fur line we lead in this county. We 1 UIQ. have anything in this line that can be desired and the prices are sure to make ready sales. Call'and see our large stock. Shirt Waist Patterns. terns, as our large trade in this line fully demonstrates. We are now ordering carpet by samples and can surely please you from our large stock of patterns. We can furnish you from the cheapest to the most expensive. We invite the citizens to visit our store and get our prices. You will receive cordial treatment whether you purchase or not. M. C. TULIS. v | SPRIMG HAS COME [ As spring opens everyone desires to have something fresh from their own garden as early as possible and FRANK SHIVES' is the very place to buy the best seeds of both early and late varieties. A full line of choice Clover, Timothy, Orch ard Grass, Red Top and Lawn Grass in sea son. Also Millet and Hungarian Orass. Then his choice Hams, Bacon, Fresh Meat and Eggs deserve your attention. A few words about our Groceries and staple articles will not be out of place. Our Coffees and Tea*t can be relied on as always fresh. Sugars and Spices that will always please the thrifty housekeeper, while Canned Goods in every variety are presented for you to choose from. The freshost goods always to be found hero Prices reasonable and quality the best. Solo agent for Pillsbury flour, which is known the world over as the best. FRANK SHIVES. i EXCEPTIONAL VALUES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DAY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. Not all the good things that are to be had come, from this store, but we do not hesitate to state, that values are given here than elsewhere. The proof thereof will be demonstrated—to those who are uot already its patrons —if an opportunity is given. Here's the special fist for this week: Evaporated Peaches, lb. J HP Bright new California stoel? IU U Evaporated Apricots lb. this IIP years growth; extra choice. Ill* Seeded Raisins, lb. pkg. tip Knickerbocker brand. 11U Cleaned Currants, lib. pkg. Iff* Gold Medal brand. 110 Best Granulated Sugar, lb. PP 25 lb. bag, 81.40. DU JA-MA-KA Coffee, lb. a regu- f|'#l lar 25c coffee. ZU Unequaled by many, that are sold at even greater price. To those who want coffee of real merit at a moderate price, this will be a rare bargain. WE WANT FRESH EGGS and will pay well for them. The productiveness of your poultry will be very materially increased by feeding PRATTS FOOD. Have no other. We sell the genuine. Phone 6. J. H . DAY