EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Aug. 11, 1902. NEMOPIIILA, per suck fl 20 Graham, " 00 Kye " 60 Buckwheat, " 15 Patent Meal., " 50 Coarse Meal, per 100 1 50 Chop feed, " 1 50 Middlings. Fancy " 1 50 Bran, 1 15 Corn, per bushel St White Oa s, per bushel -IS Choice Clover Seed, T Choice Timothy Heed, ! At Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed. Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, | R.C. DODSON, THE BfUcjcjist, KUl'OItlU)!, HA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. H. C. OODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL OOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to see in this department Jet us know by po»~ ta\ card or letter, rersonally. J. L. Fobert transacted business at Austin last week. R. H. Hirscli made a business visit to Buffalo last Friday. Miss Byrde Taggart spent Monday and Tuesday in Buffalo. Miss Ruth Richardson, of Driftwood, is the guest of Miss Nina Bryan this j week. Miss Annie Garrity is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Dixon, at St. Marys. Mrs. Thomas Gallagher and niece, Miss Mazie Gallagher, visited Buffalo relatives a few days this week. Miss Margaret McDonald left last Friday for Buffalo, her sister Miss Sara accompanied her as far as Olean. Mrs. Howard Havens, of Buffalo and Miss Lizzie Danner, of East Aurora, were guests of Miss Carrie Ness last Sunday. Mrs. S. J. Hacket and daughter Miss Alfretta, left on- Tuesday's Flyer to visit friends in New York, during the young lady's vacation. Harry Hemphill accompanied his son Kerr to a hospital at Philadeldliia on Monday, where he will undergo an operation. Mr. Hemphill is Republi can candidate for sheriff, and hopes to be home in a few days to look after his fences. Mrs. Gertrude Walker Egbert and daughter Gladys, left Tuesday for Buffalo. Mr. Harry Buckingham, of Balti more. transacted business here on Wednesday. The Rev. W. A. Stephens, D. I) ,of Clearfield, Pa., called on friends here last Tuesday. W. L Shaffer, pipe lino wilker, left Wednesday for a two visit with friends and relatives at Hays Grove. Mrs. S L. Stoddard left on Saturday morning for a visit to Bradford, Olean and Buffalo, to be absent several weeks. Dr. Smith accompanied J >hn ilur nett to Buffalo yesterday morning, where he went to consult an eye specialist. The Rev. J M. Robertson, Rector of Emmanuel Episcopal church and Mr. Joaiali Howard are in Philadelphia in attendance at the great Mis-roniiy convention now in session there. A revolver or a rifle should ho in every household. Although it may not he- used by a jj^ 11 The sporting seasou will soon be up >ll us.*" Needn't wait for that though. You will J Jl| /2.--I M"•■»d lots of sjHirt ill here just buying your hunting paraplu rnalin. Stocks large, and price, so li Judge Walker was a St. Marys visitor last Monday. Miss Maud Thomas Sundayed in Sinnemahoing MissHattie Burkle is at Atlantic City enjoying a two weeks vacation. Thomas Reese of Shenandoah was an Emporium visitor last Wednesday. Miss Mary Johnstone was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Julian a few days this week. Carl Hughes and wife are visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes at this place. Mr. P. I. Boyle of the Oil City Der rick, and Mr. D. Biddle of Philadelphia, made this office a much appriciated call Wednesday of this week. Mrs. O. H. Jordan, and daughters of Sterling Run came to Emporium 011 Wednesday and had Prof. Budine cx amine, the eyes of her daughter Violet. They made the PRESS a short c:ill while in town. Mrs. Geo. Bloom, of Wiiliumsport and daughter Mrs. Walize, of Renovo, were guests of Mrs. Elwood Ness last Friday. They left on Saturday Flyer for Tidioute to visit a few days with Philip Bloom. The Rummage Sale conducted by the ladies of the Presbyterian church was highly successful, $215 being cleared They are much encouraged and will continue their efforts in various ways to secure money toward the proposed new church. A Emporium Woman Asks "Have you a floor paint that will last two weeks?" Yes we have Devoe's; it has a beautiful gloss and will wear two years if properly applied. Murry & Coppersmith. B BRIEFTIF.NTION. Goto N. Seger's if you want the worth of your money. Reliable goods and low prices. A. D. Gould, special agent of the Agriculture Department is after the Renovo milk dealers. He has arrested several who were fined $65 and costs for selling adulterated milk. Vart Land, the Swedish newspaper of this section, printed a very good i picture of S. R. Dresser, Republican candidate for congress in this district. Mr. Dresser is very popular with the Swedish voters of this district and will get practically the entire Swedish vote of this district.—Smethport Miner. To much stress cannot be laid upon j importance of the grave danger apt to | result from apathy. It is all well | enough to be contented for the present, | but there is a future that rmi3t be looU jed after. If a Damocratic Congress j should result from s careless feeling of , apathy on the part of Republicans, j the people of the country would have | plenty of idle time to rue it in the years of hunger that will surely follow The marriage of Miss Estella M. ! Wylie of Sterling Run, and Mr. Thomas | Eddy of St. Marys took place on ; Wednesday morning, October 15th, at ; the home of the bride's mother Mrs. ; Lucy Wylie. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Geo. W. Fans, in j the presence of members of the irnnie ; diate families: Mr and Mrs. Eddy leav iny soon after for a trip to Philadelphia and New York. If you desire a continuation of the I prosperity which has blessed this coun | try for the past two years vote for S. j R. Dresser, the candidate of the party whose wise legislation has made that prosperity possiole If, on the con trary, you prefer the stagnant times of | the Cleveland administration vote for I I). E. Hibner, the candidate of the party | responsible for the shutting down of the ! workshops and the opening of the soup 1 houses—the party which stands and al ways has stood antagonistic to Ameri can progress. The choice is yours.— Smethport Miner. Card of Thanks. 1 To all those who have assisted us in any way by their help or sympathy, during the long illness and since the death of our wife and mother we tender our heart felt thanks. WILLIAM WYLIE AND FAMILY. Sterling Run, Pa., Oct. 22,1902. Thanks. bldilor Press : We desire to thank all friends and neighbors for their kindness and assist ance during our late bereavement— the sickness and death of our beloved daughter. WM. SIINYDEK AND FAMILY. Zinc Unci (Grinding Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twiec as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. Murry & Coppersmith sell our paint. tf CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1902. An interesting test of the prosper ity of the country was shown in the recent annual encampment of the G. A. R. at Washington. The biggest crowd ever in attendance upon a Grand Army encampment j was present. 11 must be remember ed that most of them had to come from distant states, New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, j Indiana, Ohio and Michigan furn- j ishing the greater number, but Kansas, lowa, Nebraska, Californ ia, Minnesota and Wisconsin being well represented. That meant that the old veterans had to have money. Of course they had money; they had it from the result of selling their crops for good prices, because protection had made business good and created.a demand, they had it from their little investments, which had been safeguarded under wise Republican laws; some of them had it as gifts from their boys who arc working in the great industrial system built up under the protec tive tariff and are glad to send the j old folks on this jaunt to Washing ton; they had it because the lie-; publican party, in the face of con stant Democratic opposition had 1 passed pension laws that were both i just and generous, as a grateful I Nation wanted them to be. In the stormy days of •!).'{ to '95 the veterans did not attend nation-! al encampments unless they were "mighty close to home." We are all glad so many could attend this year; and we are all thankful for the measure of prosperity which enables these old fellows, beloved of the Nation, to see some good times in their old days. Letter to Frank I'carsall. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: There is going to be, from j now 110, in Emporium, a good deal of j painting done, that will last in good ! condition from 3 years up—lo years is : common; we know no limit—it seems to be likely to last as long as the house j lasts, in favorable conditions. The painter that uses this paint will I get all the business he can do. Devoe lead and zinc is the paint. It 1 looks as good as any; costs no more; j and is ready—no tinting or mixing to do. The zinc is ground in with the "lead by machinery—you can't do that. Test it yourself, ifyou like; but there's plenty of evidence for it. We take the risk of how it turns out—there is no risk. Do you want this work? S3 F. w. DEVOE & Co. P. S.—Murry & Coppersmith sell our paint. While opening a box, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten penny nail though the fleshy part of his hand. *'l thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause nie," he says, "and immediately applied Chamberlain's Pun Balm and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise it removed all pain and soreueis and the injured paits were soon healed. For sale by L. Taggart. Old saw re-set by a lady. A bird 011 the hat is wortli two in the bush. Out of Death's Jaws. "When death seemed very near lroni a severe stomach and liver trouble, that I had suffered with for years," writes P. Muse, Durham N. G'., "Dr, King's New Life Pills saved my life and gave perfect health." Best pills on earth and only 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. An epitaph on a man's tombstone never indicates that he was a bore. America's Famous Beauties. Look with horror 011 Skin Eruptions, I Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one, who uses Bueklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the lace. Eezeuia or Salt Rheum vanish be fore it. It cures sore hps, chapped hands, chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. We would not dare pray at all if our j prayers were answered. | Gained Forty Pounds In Thirty Days. For several months our younger brother 1 had been troubled with indigestion. He j tried several remedies but got no benefit I from them. We purchased some of ; Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets ; and he commenced taking them. Inside I of thirty days lie had gained forty pounds jin flesh, lie is now fully recovered. We ■ have a good trade on the Tablets—llolley i Bros., Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. For sale by L. Taggart. Lots for Sale. | I have some desirable building lots | for sale at a bargain. 30-tf. C. J. GOODNOUOH. SHAW'S PURE MALT, has a mar velons dietic value. While resreshing and pleasant to take, it helps assimi lation of food. Sold By 36-47-ly P. X. BLUMCE. Do Good—lt Pays. A Chicago man observed that. "Good deeds are better than real estate deeds— some of the latter are worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a helping hand. You cannot possib ly lose by it." Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement more than .substantial help. There are persons in this community who might truthfully say '•My good friend,cheer up." A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold, and there is no clanger whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine. It always cures. I know it for it has helped me out many a time. Bold by L. Taggart. The proud man is likely to need our pity more than the humble. He Learned a Great Truth. It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress We.-ley: "Why do you tell that child the same thing over and over again?" "John Wesley, because once telling is not enough." It is for the same reason that you arc told again and again that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds and grip; that it counteracts any tendency of these diseases to result in pneumonia, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by L. Taggart. GB.S&SSSSSE EBSHSESaSaSHSR is The Broad Street jjj ! Meat | I Market f{] Is the place to buy your [}j Ln meata. We handle noth- n. ry ing but the very best. uj [{] Will have ft $ SPRING LAMB, $ CHICKENS, g HOME-MADE MINCE MEAT, ft In HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, rU 0! FRESH OYSTERS, ifl ft WEANERS AND k ru LIVER SAUSAGE fu Special Priceß on many articles. uj 111 It will pay you to call and see what we (u ju have. lf| ffi ID | GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, jjj Geo. H. Gross. [°sa asßsasHs as ES asasasas SAY COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS want to send you their catalog and circulars. If you can not attend one of our schools now, WE CAN TE.ACH YOU Bookkeeping and Shorthand successfully BY MAIL Address "The Elliott School,"at Wheeling, Charleston, Fairmont, or Clarksburg, W.Va. W. B. ELLIOTT, Pres't. r ¥.C You Could Look^ JL JL into the future and see the condition to which your cough, if neglected, will bring you, you would seek relief at once—ana that naturally would be through Shiioh's Consumption _ Guaranteed to cure Con- I ,|irf~ sumption, Uronchitis, Asthma, and all l.u«iß Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds iu a day. 25 cents. Write to S. C. WELLS & Co., I,e Hoy, N. Y., for free trial bottle. Clover Root Tea purities the Bloody The Place to Buy Chcn|> S ) J. F. PARSONS' ? SHSHSHSH SHHHSczaeSHSres^ i Mert 1 | The Tailor SI I m nJ n) We have the best assort- [n nj ment of [}j j jjj WOOLENS for jjj I FalT and | j! Winter I §, ! |{| The best workmanship. m ' jjj All first-class work and jjj | Cj Strictly latest style. -{j ffi [u Remember our prices are K m the lowest. p] J! ru lf you want a suit of jjj W clothes don't wait until the w I [|J rush before ordering. Don't ui gj put oft ordering until too (n pj late. Leave your order Si | n] 110 W. [}! CI SI 5j All Work Guaranteed r3 I 3 j J. L. FOBERT, | ui Emporium, Pa. ru f" ui j R.ead.y Tor Fall and Winter Coats, Capes and Cloaks. the cold weather I season draws near, you must be prepared to meet the winds of the chilly winter, and we are now ready with a much larger stock than heretofore, to meet your wants. The very latest styles in Ladies' Coats, Capes and Cloaks. If you fai'l to see our large stock and get our prices you will be the loser Pim In the fur line we lead in this county. We I til U. have anything in this line that can be desired and the prices are sure to make ready sales. Call'and see our large stock. Shirt Waist Patterns. terns, as our large trade in this line fully demonstrates. We are now ordering carpet by samples and can surely please you from our large stock of patterns. We can furnish you from the cheapest to the most expensive. We invite the citizens to visit our store and get our prices. You will receive cordial treatment whether you purchase or not. M. C. TULIS. 1 SPRING HAS COME [ As spring opens everyone dosirea to have something fresh from their own garden as early as possible and FRANK SHIVES' is the very place to hny the best seeds of alljkinds, both early and late varieties. A full line of choice Clover, Timothy, Orch ard Grass, Red Top and Lawn Grass in sea son. Also Millet and Hungarian Grass. Then his choice Hams, Bacon, Fresh Meat and Kggs deserve your attention. A few words about our Groceries and staple articles will not be out of place. Our Coffees and Teas (ran be relied on as always fresh. Sugars and Hplces that will always please the thrifty housekee|>er, while Canued Goods in every variety are presented for you to choose from. The freshest goods always to tie found heru Prices reasonable and quality the bust. Hole agent for IMllslmry flour, which is kumvn the world over as the beat. I FRANK SHIVES. DAY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. This space that we occupy from wetk to week, tells you but | a small part of what we have and : what we are doing. Everything l in groceries and very many articles in house furnishing goods; undoubtedly the largest and most complete line of crock ; ery, china and glassware, fdls j our rooms from floor to ceiling, i Frequent visits will be to your | advantage and our pleasure. Note the low prices for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Tnis week. j Gold Dust Washing Powder OHP four lb. package, iiiu | Acme Soap, 12 oz cake, A P Good value at oe. I Banner Lye, a box inP Regular, 12c. lUu Pure Lump Starch, a lb. CP Good value, at 7c. uu Liquid Bluing, large Lottie Of* Regular, 10c. Ov Best Granulated Sugar, lb. Pp 25 lb. bag, §1.40. OU All goods returnable if not satis factory. PRATTS FOOD For all barn yard stock. The first and best. Now is the time to feed it and get your poultry and other stock in shape to withstand the winter. — Phone 6. J, H , DAY