} Adam, } 112 Meldrum & j j Anderson Co. I | KUH'FALO, N. V. | I New I Garments \ For Fall and I Winter j | Wear. I > Our annual display of Fall 3 i and Winter ready-to-wear j garments for ladies, misses > 112 ' children is now on. t ; Many beJ.'. ,liM ***• J , ments and furs } | All the latest styles. \ . Ladies' new Tailor Suits, blouse c > and coat effects, in Zebeliues, J granite cloth, fancy Scotch \ Tweeds, cheviots, homespun c ' and broadcloth, black C7C , and colore, 12.50 to sj) / 3 } Lndies' tailor-made walking > * Suits are the rage. Large va- A , riety in Norfolk jacket and ? blouse effects. Plain cheviots. > > r. . - ouubun mixture* and C/C \ i broadcloths, 12 50 to J) 4 * J } l Clsterettes, the latest thing for \ Misses and children, in plain i goods and fancy Scotch mixt- Lures; witli capes and (T 1 C \ [ belts, $4.00 tO J>'w X i 150 ladies' Walking Skirts, black, s j blue and grey, slot seams, 3 L strap trimming per- ff/, "7C } : feet shapes, worth §7 504)'?. /vJ \ * Balance of our stock of wash s k Skirts and thin dresses for 3 ' ladies and misses' wear, at \ \ ? the actual cost. s i Special good values in misses and ) \ children's Winter coats, $2.75 s 3 to §lO 00, all new styles. s } You Can Shop by Mail. J ' Orders attended to the same day received- J \ s Adam, ) s Meldrum & ) \ Anderson Co, 5 TheAmericanßlock, £ £ BUFFALO, N. Y < II Packages, DesMoines.la. \SK YOUR DRUOOIST FOR THE CROSS BOOKLET. (MAILED FREE.) 10HIY EEFUHDED IT HOT AS WE SAT L. Taggart. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY the ™ of Me. &HEAT fuhnoii hhmhuv produces the above results In 30 days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall. Young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Mtrvous- BCSB. Lost Vitality, linpotency, Nightly Emissions, Coat Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or excecsand Indiscretion, which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but lsagrcat nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the fire of yontb. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO. no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mall •1.00 per package, or six for BS.OO. with a post tlve written guarantee to core or rafond the money. Bm>k and aflvl.se free. Address ItOYAL MEDICINE CO., ,6 cH°icAaoX h u''' For Hale in Emporium, by R. C, Oodson.—laly Weak Nerves People cannot help worrying when their nerves are weak. That feeling of languor, dullness and exhaustion is the fenrful condition which often pre cedes insanity The power to work or study diminishes and desj>ondency de presses the mind nifght and day. If you are suffering the tortures of Nervous Debility, there is no knowing how soon you may decline to something more horrible. But you can get well. The youthful strength, buoyancy and happiness can be restored by the use of They have cun-il thousands, and wc ti ivi- v, mu< li cuiifidencr in tinm tli.it w giv mi iron clad guarantee with n 11U0 order. S nt niiywlirre 111 |>l.iin j Wage fl 00 p. -I *. ({i. ■ fui 8-, mi ii., ,k fi«. A»lt11■ - , I'fc.ti, Mi im INI; Co, Cleve l.iil l, Ohio. i i «a-u liv R.t*. liudsoß, Emporium, i'a. 61 SOW CAIDWiLL'S ■■ YRUP PEPSIN CUNiy INOIOCSTION. ■ 1 roasters use to glaze coffee with—would you eat that kind of Then k Lion Coffee 1 has no coatinr of storage eggs, 1 glue, etc. Its coffee—pure, I unadulterated, fresh, strong J anC ' °' fl avor A frHliiiMN ar« luaura^ the ■ttttlail pack Natural Anxiety. Mothers regard approacliiug winter with uneasiness, children take cold so easily No disease costs more little live, than croup. It's attack is so sudden that the sufferer is often beyond human aid before the doctor arrives. Such cases yield readily to One Minute Cough Cure. Liquifies the mucus, allays inflammation, removes danger. Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat anil lung troubles F. S. McMahon, Hampton, Ga: "A bad cold rendered me voiceless just before an oratorical contest. I intended to with draw but took One Minute Cough Cure. It restored my voice in time to win the rtiedal.' I{. C. Dodson. Paris, according to the latest census re turns, has a population of 2,650,000 per •olm, of whom over 1,200.000 are either fore, ~ norß or provincials. A very poi * sort man w:> y wealthy if he has the tuoue y* Look Out For Fev. ,r ' Biliousness and liver disorders "t this season nvy, tj o prevented by cleansing the svstem with l)eWsltV Wttlo V'arly lasers, These fiunoui little pilln do not l ,l *> They move the bowels gently, but ct,,... ly, and by reason of the tonic properties, give tocc and strength to the glands. It. C. Dodson. Love at first sight was never inspired by a may in a bathing suit. Forty Years' Torture To be relieved from a torturing disease after 40 years' of torture might well cause the gratitude of anyone. That is what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve did for C. Haney, Geneva, O. He says: "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me of piles alter I had suffered 40 years." Cures cuts, burns wounds, skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. It. C. Dodson. A small boy is never so ind>'j c(r j oug afJ when it is time togo to b^^ Halifax is considering a scheme for the establishment of a municipal hotel and restaurant near the corporation reservoir at Ogden. Christ is the center in which the radii of all denominations must meet. The Worst Form, Multitudes are singing the praises of Kodol, the new discovery which is making so many sick people well anil weak people strong by digesting what they eat, by cleaning and sweetening the stomach and by transforming their food into the kind of pure, rich, red blood that makes you feel good all over. Mrs. Cranfill, of Troy, I. T., writes: For a number of years I was troubled with indigestion and dyspep sia which grew in a worse form. Finally I was induced to use Kodol and after using four bottles I am entirely cured. I heartly recommend Kodol to all sufferers from indigestion and dyspepsia. Take a dose after meals. It digests what you eat. It. C. Dodson. EXCURSION NOTICES. Reduced Rates to the West. Commencing September Ist, and daily thereafter, until October 31st, 1902, the Wisconsin Central Ry. will sell St tiers' tickets from Chicago to points in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, at greatly reduced rates. For detailed information inquire of nearest Ticket Agent, or address W. H. Allen, D. P. A., 621 Park Bldg, Pittsburg, Pa., or Jas. C Pond, General Passenger Agent, Mil waukee, Wis. 27-9t Niagara Palls. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run its remaining popular ten-day excursion to Niagara Falls from Wash ington and Baltimore on September 18, and October 2 and 16. A special train will leave Washington at 800 a. m., Baltimore 9.05 a. m., York 10.45 a. m , Harrisburg 11.40 a. m., Millersbnrg 12.60 p. m., Sunbury 12.58 p m., Will iamsport 2.30 p. m., Lock lfaven 308 p. m,, Renovo 3.55 p. m., Emporium Junction 5.05 p. m. arriving at Niagara Falls at 9.35 p. m. Excursion tickets, good for return passage on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains within t<-n days, wiil be sold at 112 10.00 from Wash ington and Baltimore;s9.3s from York; SIO.OO front Llttlestown; SIO.OO from Ox ford, Pa.; |0.35 from Columbia; $8.50 from Harrisburg; SIO.OO from Winchest er, Va; $7 80 from Altoona; $7 40 from Tyrone; $6.45 from Bellefonte; $5.10 from Ridgway; $6.90 from Sunbury and Wilkesbarre; $5 75 Irom Willlamsport; and at proportionate rates from princi pal points. A stop-over will be allowed at Buffalo within limit of ticket return •n IT. The special trains of I'ttllinan parlor ears and day coaches will bo run with each excursion running through to Ni agara Falls. All extra charge will be made lor parlor-car seats. An experienced tourist agent ami chaperon will accompany each excur sion. For descriptive pamphlet lime of con necting trains, ami further information apply to nearest ticket agent or adilreuM Geo. W, Boyd, Assi tant (iencral Pass • nger Agent, Hroail Street Station, i Philadelphia, 2627 29-61. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY OCTOBKR 9, 1902. Council Proceedings. j Regular meeting Borough Council, | Emporium, October 6th, 1902. Present ! Messrs. Balcom, Ilousler, Marshall, J Murphy, Schweikart, Nelson, Howard. Absent:—Messrs. Cummings, Mankey. Minutes of last meeting read aud ap proved. Moved by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mr. Howard that Borough taxes of Mrs. Lißton on house occupied by A. N. Pealer be exonerated for the year 1899. —Carried. On motion by Mr. Howard seconded by Mr. Murphy the following bills were ordered paid: Sc. L. Butler, making boxes $2 60 C. B. Howard Co., invoice lumber 25 38 Robt. Green, services JO 00 Struthers, Wells &Co., invoice 13 00 St. Marys Gas Co., gas Aug. and Sept.. .29 70 D. C. Hayes, damages 5 00 Cameron Co Press, printing aud. report 40 00 Ed White, services borough auditor, 10 SO A. C. Blum, " •• » uoo A. r. Andrews, " " •' 10 50 Murry & Coppersmith Co., invoice 15 27 J. A. Fisher, invoice, 30 65 Robert Clark, invoice 3 50 Haupt & Hauber. invoice, 25 69 C. B. Howard, labor 57g 43 Paid the following work on streets- John Montgomery 36 33 Dan Shugart 30 60 Thos. Cavanaugb 22 95 John McClenahan 15 00 B. A. Slocum ..." 5300 John Rutz 32 00 Henry Sassman in sn H.D. Johnson "3000 K. Kinney I";. 4g? Alton Housler 57 00 Bennett Luetz, n 10 Chas. Leutze g 10 Fritz Gaidus, ' 375 Tonj Seifried [ 63 20 John Blinzler 6» 00 Frank Blumle, .' 16 00 Joe Fisher, wagon 3 75 Clarence Richie, polico services 2 00 John Montgomery, " " 200 Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr. Marshall that Robert Green be paid $4.00 in settlement of disputed bill. Aye—Mesrs. Marshall, Murphy Schweikart, Howard.—4 Nay—Messrs. Balcom, Housler' Nel son.—3 Motion was declared carried. Treasurer's report was read and ordered placed on file. The resignation of Mr. C. P Manfcev aB member of Council, was read ami petition the a PPointment ot P. P. Strayer to fill the vacancy wae_ reaO and moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Murphy that F. P. Strayer be ap pointed to fill a vacancy in council until the next election —Carried. The resignation of Mr. R. M Over hiser as member of Board of Health was read. Moved by Mr. Marshall second ed by Mr. Housler that the resignat-' nri be accepted and that Mr. I. K. F- oc £] ev be appointed a member of Board o y f Health in place of Mr. R. * o verhiser and that H C. be appo , nted a member of the Boa of Hea {£ in laco 01 h -*ye.—Carried. Movea nv n owar( ] j seconded by . • Vcikart, that the secretary be { '.acted to place in the hands of the proper officer for service upon the following property owners, notices to rebuild or repair their sidewalks locat ed in front of the respective properties in Emporium Borough within 20 days after service of said notice or the said sidewalks will be rebuilt or repaired, as the case may be, by the Borough of Emporium without further notice and 20 per cent, will be added to the cost of rebuilding or repairing will be charged to and collected from their re spective estates of the properties and the nature of the work required upon ' the as follows: William Garrity, Edward Blinzer, Sixth street, new walk; Lydia Bucher Estate, Walnut street, new walk; Fred Moore, Thos. Joyce, Fifth street repairs; L. G. Cook, South side Allegany Ave., new walk; S. S. Hacket, South side Alle gany Ave , repair; John Williams Portage street repair; P. & E. Land Co., E. M. Coder, "Ulegany Ave , new walk; M. C. Tulis, Penna. Railroad Co., Fourth street new walk; Mrs. E. M. Ness, Allegany Ave., repairs. Moved by Mr. Howard seconded by Mr. Nelson, that Secretary inquire of Borough Attorney as to right of Council to tear out bridge on south side of rail road track in east ward.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Howard seconded by Mr. Nelson that the present top of man hole at Fourth and Spruce Streets be established as the street grade at that point.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Howard seconded by Mr. Murphy, that Council appropriate enough money to pay balance of cost of putting cinders on streets.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr Schweikart, that street Committee be authorized to see that bridge on Portage street is properly rebuilt.— Carried. On motion the Council then adjourn, ed. C. J. GOODNOUGH, Sec'y. Goes Like Hot Cakes. ' The fastest selling article I have in my store," writes druggist C. T. Smith, of Davis, Ky., "is Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, because it always cures. In my six years of sales it lias never failed. I have known it to save sufteres from throat and Lung diseases, who could get no help from doctors or any other remedy." Mothers rely on it, best physiciitns pre cribe it, L. Taggart guarantees satisfac tion or refund price. Trial bottles free. Reg. sizes, 50c and sl. Some hope of a genuine heaven who do not hesitate to put a dishonest dollar in the offering. The wheat crop of ludia this year will ngain he light—probably ten percent, be j low the average of the last ten years, and I little of the grain will he exported. I It will take those people who are al j ways soured on the church a long time to get sweetened up for heaven. liiK Lite in Peril. "I just seeiued to have gone all to pieces," writes Alfred llee, of Welfare, Tex., ''biliousness and a lame back had made life u burden. I couldn't eat or sleep and felt almost too worn out to w<>rk when I began to it < Klectiic Hitters, hut they Worked wonders. Now t sleep like A top, CM 11 nit anything, Imve gained 111 •Hi iigih and enjoy hard work They iu \ igorou* ti' .11111 and new life to weak liikiy, run-down |> opli. Try iln-m < Inly f)oe at L. Taggart's drug >toif. GRIPPE! Won't You Try Vinol For It on Our Guarantee. Grippe has oome to this country to atay. Too many people already know the agony that Grippe causes. If this mean and insiduous trouble has left any of you weak and miserable, nothing that we know of will so quickly bring back strength as Vinol. If you are fearing pneumonia, and other dangerous aftereffects, please take our word for it, that there is nothing that will prevent further trouble more quickly than this great strength creator, flesh builder and blood enricher. Here is a letter that bears directly on the subject that reads as follows: "I was taken with the Grippe: I was BO rundown! did not care even to live. I was so bad that I even had two hemor rhages when I heard of VINOL and de cided to try it. I was surprised at the change which so soon took place after taking it. It surely is a great remedy and has done much for me both in throat and lung troubles. MRS. F. C. BERBY, High St., Middletown, Conn." We are always glad to refund the mon ey paid for VINOL to anyone not sat isfied W.'th its action. Old Relive Drug Store. rpsq J™ * JMfcakes 6liort roads. AXLE — —wild, light loads, (yREASE for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food, ltgives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive 6tomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation ofgason the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help Siut do you good Prepared oiiiy by E. C. DE WITT & Co., t Hiica&a «-«i. bottle contains times the 50c. size. H. C. Dodson. Emporium, Pa. BUCKEYE rlliia! OINTMENT 'CURES NOTHING BUT PILES.Z ? A SURE and CERTAIN CUREV > known for 19 years as the £ J BEST REMEDY for PILES. 2 '} SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. P \ PROJK»4L7 BICHABDSON MED. CO., ST. LOOI3. ) For Bale by L. TaKgart 21y. Iniaflanr^iirDßH i A safe, certain relief for Suppressed K ■ Menstruation. Never known to bill. Safe! E ■ .Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 ■or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for B ■ SI.OO per box. Will send them on trial, top ■ be paid fur wlion relieved. Samples Free. | B UNITED MEDIOLCO., Bon 74. L«WC«»TI:h. P«. j Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C Dodson. KIDNEY®"' B "S| BACKACHE I All Bladder and I I Urinary Diseases. ■*l Il\ IP, ■ K. C Dodson, Agent, BMBly. Emporium, P* a * U. Matt Bupt. ■ TssdS Sold iu Kmporium by L. TagKiirt and li. C* Dodson. ('ail lor free sample. CHICHESTER S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PBULS ********* •// J « II M lit *, • I It % »,M ' I K 11l I « 112 • ' ! •«. I' t I.lur . i « «I(. luoiiiuU ! - LirUrl fi I. .11. . Uv M .urii >l.itl lii.Ui,i , oia by j All I »I > m«)U Maauo.. I'll 11. A., M< mi«i« Uli Register's Notice. STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, I COUNTY OF CAMERON, J NOTICE: IS herebj Riven that George F. Hart, Administrator of the estate of Edward Ap pieman, late ofPorlage township, deceased,and James E. Wade, Administrator of the estate of Catherine Welsh, late of Emporium borough, deceased, have filed their first and final accounts of their administration of the said several estates and the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court, at October term, neit, for coufirmation ni ti. C.JAY GOODNOUGH, Register. Register's Office, / Emporium, Pa., Sept. 29th, 1902. \ 32-4 Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Cameron couuty, and to me directed, I have seized, levied upon and taken into execution and will expose to public sale and will sell to the highest and best bidder, at the Court House, in Emporium, Pa., on Friday, 24th Day of Oft. A. D., 1902, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M., The followiug described real estate, to-wit: ALL that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the township ofQihson, county of Cameron andJState of Pennsvlvania, bounded and described us follows, to-wit: Be ginning at a corner on the west side of the pub lic road and thirty rods south of the south west corner of the George Tanner fram: thence west one hundred and six (106; rods to a corner; thence north eighty (80) rods to a corner; thence cast one hundred and six 1106) rods along the south line of the Martin Hill farm to a cor ner near the public road; thence south along the west side of the public road eighty (80) rods to the place of beginning. Bounded on the north by lands of Martin Hill, on the east by lands of George Tanner and Thos. Greenley, on the south by lands of Thomas Greenley and Mrs. Ives and on the west bv lands of Mrs. Ives and being part of Warraut No. 51E8. Containing fifty (50) acres, more or less, of which twenty-one (21) acres are cleared and under cultivation and the balance in woodland, and having erected thereon two dwelling houses, one barn and other outbuildings, one orchard in full bearing and two good springs of water. Seized and taken into execution and to be sold as the property of H.M. BAILEY at the suit of WILLIAM WYLIE. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged until the purchase money is paid in full. JOHN D, SWOPE, High Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, I Emporium, Pa., Oct 6, 1902. { 83-3 LIST OFIAISUS. I IST ol Causes set down for trial at October J term of Court, ronjjnencing October 27, 1902. No. 33, October Term, 1899. Connick and FolSey v« Thomas and Whiting. P?°. Wi Huntley. Jr.,"forPlPg. 189 g Weidman, stave and Heading Mills vs J. H. | Evans and C. A. Crawford. Green St Shaffer, for l'lßs. Johnson & McNarney, for Defls. No. 6. January Term, 1900. Solomon W. Nyce vs John M. Hicks, Geo. E. Hicks, Henry A. Hicks. Johnson & McNarney, for PHI". Green & Shaffer, for Defts. No. 27, July Term, 1900. Western Newspaper Union, vs S. S. Hacket. Johnson & McNarney, for Pill's. No. 20, January Term, 1901. The Weidman Co., vs Richard J. Lloyd. Johnson & McNarney, for Plff. Green & Shaffer, for Deft. No. 25, July Term, 1901. Stephen Rouse vs Frank Craven. Johnson & McNarney, for I'lll. Green & Shaffer for Deft. No. 28, July Term, 1901. John Kelly, vs Frank Swesey. F. D. Leet for Deft. No. 37, October Term, 1901. Joseph Kaye vs Frank Lockwood. Green & Shaffer for Plff, F. D. Leet, for Deft. No. 40, October Term, 1901. Frank Greco vs Tcrrence Fee. Charles P. Fee and R. E. Fee, doing business as Fee Brothers. Johnson & McNarney, for Plff. H. C. Dornan and Green & Shaffer, for Defts No. 47, October Term, 1901. Ha rry u. ouiii>, trading as Geo. Bubb and Sons \ vs S. S. Hacket. Green St Shaffer, for Plff. Johnson & McNaruey, for Delts. iio. 13, December Term, 1901. F. M. Overhiser vs Charles Fry and H. M. Fry. trading as Chas. Fry and Son. Green ft Shaffer, for Plff No. 31, April Term, 1902. W. D. Johnson vs A. F. Walker Green it Shaffer, for Plff Johnson & McNarney for Deft. No. 2, July Term, 1902. Ida Granger vs L. G. Cook. i Johnson & McNarney, for Plff. Green & Shaffer, for Deft. No 3, July Term, 190'.'. H. O. Dubendorf vs Frank Craven. F. D. Leet, for Plff. Green «& Shaffer, for Deft. No. 4, July Term, 1902. C. J. Squires vs M. Murphy. F. D. Leet for Plff. Green & Shaffer, for Deft. No. 5, July Term, 1902. G. S. Jennings vs ftl. Murphy. F. D. Leet, for Plff. Green & Shaffer, for Deft. C. JAY GOODNOUGH, Prothonotary. j CIOURT PROCLAMATION. — WHEREAS: —The J Hon. CHAS. A. MAYER President Judge and the Hons. JOHN MCDONALD and GEO. A.WALKER, Associate Judgcsof Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the 12th day of July A. D., 1902, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quaiter Sessions of the Peace Orphans' Court aud Court of Common Pleas in the Borough ol Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 27th day ol October, 1902, at 10 o'clock, a. m. and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other remembcrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizanceto prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., Sept. 29th, 1902, and iu the 127 th year of the Independence of the United States of America. J. D. SWOPE. Sheriff. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. ens CY'Q KIDNEY CURE Is i FULL I 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and Ji.oo. L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa. 36-28, G. SCHMIDT'S.^ FRESH BREAD, I® popular ""»• S # "" H -'• • ••;, * ■' & CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All order* given prompt uuil Nkillt'ulattcDtiun. NOI ICK OF EXECUTRIX. of IfULDAH C f . GENUNC! 1 Deceased, I ETTERS Testamentary on the Estate of Hul -1 J dali C. Genung, late of Emporium Borough, Cameron county. Pennsylvania, deceased, have I been granted to Hannah Eliza Sebring, residing j in said Borough, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims and demands, "will make known the same without delay. HANNAH ELIZA SEBRING, Executrix. Green & Sua peek, Solicitors. Emporium, Pa., August 23rd, 1902. 27-6t. SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. \ By virtue of the provisions of the Act of Assem bly entitled "An act relating to the lein ofeom ; mon carriers and others," approved the 14th day ; of December, A. I)., 18fi3 and in pursuance there of and of an order of the court of Common Pleas of Cameron county, made the 20tli day of Sep tember, 1902, upon the petition of the Pennsylva nia Hail Road Company, to No. 38, October Term, 1902. There will be exposed to public sale for the purpose of enforcing the lien ofthe Penn sylvania Rail Road Company for freight, car service charges and unloading charges on Friday, 17th day of October, 1002 AT TWO O'CLOCK, P. M. at the Freight House, of the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company in Emporium, Pa. 1 barrel of Glass. 1 keg of Rivets. 1 lot of Iron Ore, containing 24 car loads, more or less. 1 lot of Limestone containing 8 car loads, more or less. 1 lot of Cinders, containing 17 car loads, more or less. All of tl.e above advertised freight was consigned to the Emporium Furnace Company, at Empo rium, Pa., and remains in the possession of the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, unclaimed, and will be sold to Jpay the common carriers liens thereon. . THOMAS GALLAGHEH, , Agent Penn'a. Rail Boad Company Emporium, Pa., Sept. 22d, 1902. 31-4t AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOK THEIR APPUOVAI OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEM - BLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OFTHE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH IN? PURSUANCE Ob' ARTICLE XVIII OF THf: CONSTITUTION, A JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to section ten ofarfi cle ope ofthe Constitution, so that a discharge of a jury for failure to agree or other necessary cause shall not work an acquittal. Section 1. Be it lesolved by the Serateand House of Reprefentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. That ine ioiiuwiub i,.C*C? ed as< an »iiiendment (6 the Constitution, that is to say, that section ten of article one, which reads as follows: "No person shall, ft>r any indictable offense, be proceeoed against criminally by information, ex cept in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service, in time of war or public danger, or by leave of the court for oppression or misdemeanor in office. No person shall, for the same offense, be twice pu. in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall private pro, perty be taken or applied to public use, without authority of law and without just compensation being first made or secured," be amended bo as ! to read as follows; j No person shall, for any indictable offense, be ! proceeded against criminally by information, ex cept in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time i of war or public danger, or by leave ofthe court for oppression or misidemeanor in office, Noper. j son shall, for the same offense, be twice putin ; jeopardy of life or limb; hut a discharge ofthejuru, \ for failure to agree , or other necessary cause, shall | not work an acquit at. Nor shall private property j be taken or applied to public use, without author ! ity of law and without just compensation being ; first made or secured. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. GRIEST, I Secretary of the Commonwealth. j A MENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION ! JrV PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS j COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL I OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEM ( BLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN | SYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OFTHE COMMONWEALTH, IN 1 PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE ! CONSTITUTION, A JOI'NT RESOLUTION. , Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. | Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and i House of Representatives of the Commonwealth i of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. That | the following is proposed as an amendment to ' the Constitution of the Commonwealth ofPenn | sylvania, in accordance with the provisions ofthe j eighteenth article thereof: Amendment. . Add at tlie end of section seven, article three the following words: "Unless before it shall be j introduced in the General Assemhly, such propos j ed special or local law shall have been first sub mitted to a popular vote, at a general or special i election in the locality or localities to be affected by its operation, under an order ofthe court of 1 common pleas of the respective county after hear -1 ing and application granted, and shall have been approved by a minority ofthe voters at such elec tion: Provided, That no snch election shall he J held unti the decree of court authorizing the I same shall have been advertised for at least ; thirty (30) days in the locality or localities affect ! Ed, in such manner as Ihecourt may direct. A true copy ofthe Joint Resolution. W. W. GRIEST, Secretary ofthe Commonwealth. -s-s yqa II Consult j* jj Your | , | Interests. H H AND SAVE BIG MONEY BY ORDERING NOW \ S YOUR FALL SUIT 5 H N N at $ 8 R. 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