8 \ Adam, j \ Meldrum & } ) Anderson Co. i j HUFFAIiO, N. Y. S | New j I Garments j \ For Fall and \ Winter i Wear. j | Our annual display of Fall 3 i and Winter ready-to-wear 1 \ garments for ladies, misses s \ and children is now on. \ \ Many beautiful suits, gar- j 112 incuts and furs are shown. ? r All the latest styles. £ 1.-ulies' new Tailor Suits, blouse < sand coat effects, in Zebelines, > s granite olotb, fancy Scotch x ( Tweeds, cheviots, homespun £ and broadcloth, black 5 and colors, 12150 to s\ 112 Ladies' tailor-made walking < 112 Suits are the rage Large va- ) X riety in Norfolk jacket and \ ( blouse effects. Plain cheviots, s I Scotch mixtures and (t/C s i broadcloths, 12.50 to \ \ Ulsterettes, the latest thing for •> 112 Misses and children, in plain s ? goods and fancy Seotcli mixt- i s ures; with capes and Clt* } { belts, $4.00 to 313 \ 112 150 ladies' Walking Skirts, black, < > blue and grey, slot seams, } \ strap trimming per- fl*/ "IT \ s feet shapes,worth §7 /0 s 112 Balance of our stock of wash J > Skirts and thin dresses for \ \ ladies and misses' wear, at| ; 112 the actual cost. 2 y Special good values in misses and } { children's Winter coats, $2.75 X J to $lO 00, all new styles. J j You Can Shop by Mail. } > Orders attended to the same day received. \ ) Adam. < i Meldrum & \ } Anderson Co. J # Tht American Block, i £ BUFFALO, N. Y ) Packages. WH® DesMoines.la \SK YOUR DRUOGIST FOR TUB "BD CROSS 3QOKI.ET. (MAILED FREE.) 10HEY KEFUJfDED IT HOT AS WE SAT L. Taggart. § r »r REVIVO VITALITY THE ' 010-23 W riE!Vr3DDir produces tbo above results In 30dayfl. Itactj powerfully and quickly. Cures when all otherafail. VouußiiJOU ,vlll regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthlul vigor by using RIiVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervoua- DcES.Loet Vitality, Impotoncy, Nightly Emlßaiona, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Waßtina Dltcaseo, and all etfecta of eelt abuso cr exccsaand iudißcretlon, which unljtiionoforetudy.bußlnesHCrmarriago. It not onlr curea b7 starting at tho neat of distaso, but lßagr..a'. r.f>rvetonlo and blood balldcr, bring ing back the pink plo l / to palo cheeks and ra etorlag tbe lire of youth. It warda off Insanitj and ';or:san:ption. Inßirt on having KEVIVO.no ether. It can bo carried in vest rocket. By mall 81.00 tier package, or civ for 95.00, with m posl tlvo written guarantee to rare or refand She money, nocik and aclvlso free. Artdrena ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 1 VhicaoTVLU I''or.Sale in Emporium, by R. C. Oodson.—l2ly Failure inlifei.i more often due to exhausted nerve force than to lack of capital. Strong nerves are the capital that helps men conquer conditions. When people lose their capital they set to work to regain it. When we lose our nerve force we ought to seek a means of grtting it back. There is a way, certain ami scientific. feed the arnrrs, making them steady and strong a , steel. x We 'I i not hehrvr they ran fail to cure Nervous nihility and pliysi' ilex -1 t 1 ■' 11: that , why we agree t" refund your money if m* bom-, do not cure you. ?l i»» !»-r 1« t fi 1i..«. , Of* mailed * Kilt ii| ii re, ~112 prl., loi ,, " U - M ' Fur l»v R,C. UadiOQ, Kiuportuiu. Ft, 6! Situ OAUDWCUL'ft A | YRUP PEPSIIM CUHES INDIOI bTION h Glass of Water. kj Put .l handful of glased HSHSfJ 1 §J cojfec in a gla?sof water, \jfHu ,J wash off the coating, QQsQmkl I 3 look at it; smell it! Is 112 j | it fit to drink? Give um COFFEE! 3 the same test. It leaves the water | 3 bright and clear, because it's just I | pure coffee. Tbepackage lmare«uniform Quality and frMlwest. Cares Hemorrhages of the Lun^s. "Several years since my were so badly affected that I had many liemor rh: iges," writes A. M. Akc, of* Wood, j Tnd. "112 took treatment with several physicians without any benefit. I tlien started to take Foley's Honey and Tar and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. I recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble. L. Taggart. •Japanese coiners are alleged to be flood ing Korea with counterfeit cash. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the diseas- j ed kidneys sound so they will eliminate ! the poisons from the bio > J. L. Taggart. j Five pounds is the weight of a crab \ which has just been landed at Withnses. ! Feet Swollen to Immense Size. ' I had kidney trouble so bad," says .J. J. Cox of Valley View, Ky., "that 1 could not work, my feet were swollen to | immense size and I was confined to my ' bod and physicians were unable to give j me any relief. My doctor finally pre scribed Foley's Kidney Cure which made ! a well man of me." Jj. Taggart. A sparring exhibitior was recently held in Kansas [Jity for the benefit of a church. Croup. Usually begins with the symptoms ofa common cold; there is chilliness, sneezing, sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse, hoarse ness and impeded respiration, (lives fre quent small doses of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, (the child will cry for it) and at the first sign of a croupy cough, apply frequently Ballard's Snow Liniment ex ternally to the throat. 50c at L. Tag gart's. Two motor cars are now carrying pas sengers between Bulawayo and the outly ing districts. 21 Years a Dyspeptic. 11. 11. Foster, 318 S. 2d St., Salt Lake City, writes. "I have been bothered with dyspepsiu or indigestion for 21 years, tried many doctors without relief; recently I got a bottle of Ilerbino. One bottie cured me, I am now tapering off on the second. I have recommended it to my friends; it is curing them, too." 50c at L. Taggart's, Licenses were taken out for 422,693 dogs last year in Ireland, the amount paid being £45,269 6s. Devoured by Worms. Childred often cry, not from pain, but from hunger, although fed abundanty. The entire trouble arises from inanition, their food is not assimilated, but devour ed worms. A few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge will cause them to cease crying and begin to thrive at once, very much to the surprise and joy of the mother. 25c at L. Taggart's. Modern inks only date from 1798, at which date the researches of Dr. Lewis in the chemistry of ink began. Foley's Iloney and Tar is peculiarly adapted for chronic throat troubles and will positively cure bronchitis, hoarseness aud all bronchial diseases. Refuse sub stitutes. L. Taggart. Ernst Kulimer, the Berlin scientist, has just succeeded in telephoning a distance of nearly five miles without wires. Used for Pneumonia. I)r. J. C. Bishop, of Agnew, Mich., says,"l have used Foley's Honey and Tar in three very severe eases of pneu monia with good results in every ease." Refuse substitutes. L. Taggart. An epitaph on a man's tombstone never indicates that he was a bore. A New Jersey Editor's Testimonial. M. 'l'. Lynch, Editor of the I'hillips burg N. •). Daily Post, writes: <- l have used many kinds of medicines for coughs and colds in my family but never any thing so good as Foley's Iloney and Tar. 1 cannot say too much in praise of it." L Taggart. ()ld saw re-set by a lady. A bird on the hat is worth two in the bush. Raised From the Dead. C. W. Landis, "Porter', for the Ori ental Hotel, Chanute, Kan., says:"l kuow what it wasto suffer with neuralgia indeed I did; I got a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment and I was 'raised from the dead. I tried to get some more, but be fore I had 'deposed' of my bottle, I was cured entirely. lam tellin'de truth too.' 25c, 50c and $1.01) at L. Taggart's. A man's second love nearly always owns more property than his first one. A Pocket Cold Cure, Krau.v - Cold Cure i> prepared in tap j sule lotui and will cure tuld in the le ad, | throat, iln t oi any portion •>1 the body ill 21 hour*. Vnii don I have to stop I work eithi r. I'liu* 2.V. So'd by 1,, j Taggart. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 25, 1902. Republican County Convention. Continued from First page. party whether it be cull erl "deal nut ion of trusts" 1 "iariir Cor revenue only","incidental protection" * "taiitr reform "or any of the other demagogic ex- [ pe. . and village I may be had, ri the P P Mies | w 112 Grease ■•I. I that makes your | horses glad. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use mauy thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. Dr. WITT & Co., Chicago* The 11. bottle contains 214 times tUesoc. size. R. C. Dodson. Kmporium, Pa. JtmlerTSiTSl I BUCK EYE rlllli % OINTMENT '. CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. 6 ;'a SURE and CERTAIN CURE*] known for IS yoars as the fa j BEST REMEDY for PILES, 2 • J SOI.I> 15Y ALL DRUGGISTS. P j - x | For sale by L. Taßgart 21y. , CHICHESTER'S EN6USH PENNYROYAL §»BULS o° p Kmlc. Always n-liabl • ask Druggist for 4 II Mil t:vi i:ic *> i Ete«J and 4.0teedy! Sallsfuellon (iuaninteeit 9 ■or money Refunded. Kent pn>|>ali Interests. s "N N. S AND SAVE CiO MONEY \ BY ORDERING NOW \ 3 YOUR FALL SUIT | S AT 5 > R. SEGER & 5 N COHPANY'S. I jr We handle nothing but * r the very best fabrics and ; on this together with first- j< G class fit and workmanship «i Vv we have built up the I*s xj large patronage we enjoy. j £ Come in and see us. J? R. SEGER & CO. j L Opposite M. E. Church. jer/ KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. rns EV'Q KIDNEY CURE lsa lULC I O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa. 36-28. No. :i'4r,c>. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT EMPORIUM. IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 15, 1902. RESOURCES. ' . IABI , IX , B Loans ami Discounts $210,970 23 I.IABILI I Its. Overdrafts, secured anil unsecured .. 62!) 75 Capital stock paid in $60,000 to tr. S. Bonds to secure circulation Jio,lK>o 00 surplus fund 37,500 On U. H. Bonds to secure U. 8. Deposits . 50."00 0J Undivided protits les-i expenses anil U. S. Bonds on hand WHO 00 taxes paid fx-. Premiums on I'. S. Bonds 6,689 38 National Bauk notes outstanding 50,000 00 Stocks, securetics, etc 16,i10 Go individual deposits subject to Banking house, furniture aiul fixtures 7,t>3b 10 check $265.<<44 30 Other real estate owned 6.53" 19 Demand certiflcatesofdeposit 18D 75 Due from Nat'l Banks (not reserveagts) 1.391 58 Certified checks 528 67 Due Iroro approved reserve agents... 55,791 93 Cashier's cheeks outstanding 1.211 -1 ]i:ln iial-Iti venue Stamps 64 70 United States deposits "'.OOO 00 319,973 96 Cheeks and other cash items 1,136 03 Notes nl other National Banks 10 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 82 50 LAWFI-'I. MONEY RKSKHVK IN IUNK: Specie f17,591.35 l,epal-tender notes 2,810.00 20,404. 5 Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer, 5 per cent of circulation 2,500 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent, redemption fund 1,500 00 Total $168,740 94 $168,740 94 State of PennsylvanUi, County of Cameron, as:—l, T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true tothebest of my knowledge and belief. T. 11. 1.1.HV1), CaHliier. Subscribed and sworn to before me I I CORRECT— Attest: this 19th day of Sept. 1902. / JOSIAH HOWARD, 1 M. M. LARRAUEE, J. P. | g.w! GREEN, ~ G. —HEADQUARTERS FOR filOilSllh: : W p R ES H BREAD, J Popular "--ri. rj NUTS - - .JM ■ CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All order* ]>roui|>t and skillful intention. I.X I CI'TOH'S NOTICIS. Estate of CATII Ell INK RKKRH, Parana!. I I.T'Ii.KS Tc'Stamentui to the Estate of JLJ Catherine Been, late of Volusia County, I Honda, (led ased, Inn inn be<" granted to .I.lnia | I'itt Kelt, residing in tin Borough of Emporium County of Cani< ron an., 1902, the said Manke.v Manufac turing Co., was duly adjudicated bankrupt: and that the first meeting ol their creditors will be held at the Court House, on the26th dav <■! Sep tember, A D.. 1902, in Emporium, Pa., at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend and prove their claims, ap point a trustee, < xamine the bankrupt and trans act such other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. A. It. MOORE, Referee in Bankruptcy, i Coudersport, Pa., Sept. Bth, 1902. 29-2t ' \ MKXDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION A PHOPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OK THIS i COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL i OB REJECTION BY THE OENEBAL ASSEM HI.V OK Til E COM.MONWEA I.TII OK PENN SYLVANIA. PUBLISHED 15V ORDER OKI UK j SECRETARY OK THE COMMON WKALTH. IN , PI R.-I'AM E OF ARTICLE XVIII OI THE ; CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION. ' Proposing an amendment to section ten of arti | ele one of the Constitution, so that a discharge i of a jury for failure to agree or other necessary i cause shall not work an acquittal, i Section I. 15' it lesolved by the Serateanil , House of Reprit»ntatives of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. That I the following be proposed as an amendment to the Constitution, that is to say, that section ten j of article one, which reads us follows: i "No person shall, for any indictable offense, bo i proceeded against criminally by information, ex | cept in cases arising in the land or naval forces, j or in the militia, when in actual service, in time j of war or public danger, or by leave of the court I for oppression or misdemeanor in office. No I person shall, for the same offense, be twice put I in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall private pro- I perty be taken or applied to public use, without i authority of law and without just compensation ! being first made or secured," be amended so as I to read as follows: ! No person shall, for any indictable offense, HE : proceeded against criminally by infoimatios, ei i cept in cases arising in the land or N»»»l forces, ' or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger, or by leave of the court for oppression or misdemeanor in office. No per son shall, for the Bft me offense, be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; but a discharge of the jury I for failure to agree, or other necessary cause, shall I not work an acquit al. Nor shall private property be taken or applied to public use, without author | ity of law and without just comptasation. being . first made or secured. ; A true copy of the Joint Besolntion w. w. aarEsr, Secretary of the Common veilth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL. OB REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEM i BLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN , SYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OFTHE. SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH. IN i PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE , CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION. I Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. | Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. That I the following is proposed as an amendment to ! the Constitution of the Commonwealth ofPenn- I sylvania, in accordance with the provisions ofth e | eighteenth article thereof: Amendment, j Add at the end of section seven, article three the following words: "Unless before it shall be I introduced in the General Assembly, such propos- I ed special or local law shall have been first sub mitted to a popular vote, at a general or special i election in the locality or localities to be affected by its operation, under an order of the court of common pleasofthe respective county after hear , ing and application granted, and shall have been approved by a majority of the voters at such elec tion: Provided, That no snch election shall be held unti the decree of court authorizing the same shall have been advertised for at least thirty (30) days in the locality or localities affect ed, in such manner as the court may direct. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. ORIEST. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Foley's honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates.