8 \ Adam, I Meldrum & 51 I Anderson Co. 5 | NEW i Waists j \ 1,500 New Waists just received. \ \ Latest styles, handsomely trim- \ 112 mod. Splendid values. e \ Pure Linen, tucked and hem- j < sitclied. Made to sell for §2 and \ $3. { \ Lawn, tucked all over, stock j \ collar. Polka Dot Lawn, full \ 112 tucked fronts. Made to sell at $2. s Fine Lawn, tucked, made low \ { neck with band of embroidery, \ r lace edge, short sleeves. Were $2. ? \ Sheer Fine Lawn, white with > < dainty stripes, full tucked fronts. \ £ Madras, solid colors and fancy 112 \ stripes. Sell at §2 and $2.50. \ t Each at * j SI.OO j ( LADIES WHITE \ DRESSES. i Organdies, Point d'Esprit and \ \ Dotted Swiss IMulls and Lawns, s > in 14, 10 and 18 years, and 32 to i \ 40 bust measure. Trimmed ins I lace and insertion, flounce ef- s > fects All the newest styles. i i dresses retlnccd to \ ( <; .« " •' 4.r>o < } s " " " <>'oo i { i» " " " 7.r>o \ ? !> »• " ** s.oo < i JS " " " 13.50 J \ %(} " " 20.00 \ i The Restaurant. } C Out-of-town patrons will find the cafe i i an excellent place to relieve the tedium i I of shopping. Finest teas and coffees T J served. Hot dishes in ten minutes. J } You can Sliod by j I Mail. I > Orders attended to the same day received, 3 I Adani< \ \ Meldr um & i | Anderson Co. ) V Tl-.cAmericacßlock, } \ BUFFALO, N. Y J We Have What You Need! To brush up and make beauti ful your home. The season of the year for sueh work has arrived and we would call the attention of the public to our very lar&e and reliable line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, the best in the world. In addition to the best paints, we have a first-class line of De Voe & Co.'s Brushes, (let a • move on and be prepared to paint before the workmen are all en gaged. We can save you money. While you are painting your home <>r business place let us talk a little with you 011 Hath and Closets, I Lit Water, Steam or anything in that line. < >ur incleased facilities and expert workmen will do you good woik. Don't deny until too late. Farmers should bear in mind that we handle Plows, Harrows, Hal , etc. In l.ict our II trd wure, Stove and Plumbing IK |iattmeiits are up to the best. Write OI Wire u-., when a com- I roasters use toglaze jjll jk Lion Coffee M has no coating of storag# eggs, 1 |BQL glue, etc. It's coffee—pure, I unadulterated, fresh, strong I and of delightful flavor M The girl who is never seen to blush may have been born to blush unseen. Evils of Antipyrine. The use of antipyrine for the relief and cure of headaches has depressing influ ence on the heart, and causes a derange ment of the kidneys. Krause's Headache Capsules contain no antipyrine, chloral, morphine or any injurious ingredient. They cure quickly and leave the head clear and cool. Price 2,">c. Sold by L. Taggart. Many a man would be f-marter if he knew half as much as ho think-; he does. Physician and Druggists. Ford & Sturgeon a prominent drug firm at Rocky Hill Station, Ivy., write "We were requested by I)r. (J. 15. Sniglcy to send lor llerbine for the benefit of our customers. We ordered three dozen in December, and we were glad to say, ller bine has given such great satisfaction that we have duplicated this order three times, and to-day we gave your salesman another order. We beg to say Dr. G. 15. Snigley takes pleasure in recommending llerbine." 50c bottle at L. Taggart's. When a man falls into an error he is likely to be more or less injured in his decent. Cured Paralysis. W. S. Bailey. P.O. Prue. Texas, writes: "My wife had been suffering live years with paralysis in her arm, when T was persuaded to use Dallanl's Snow Liniment, which cured her all right. I have also used it for old sores, frost bites, and skin eruptions'. Tt does the work. 25c, 50c and 81.00 bottle at L Taggart's. Slight no man because of his provcr tv and esteem no man because of his wealth. A Piiysiciau Honied- Dr. (ieo. Kwing, a practicing physician of Smith's Grove, Ky., lbr over thirty years, writes his personal experience with Foley's Kidney Cure: For years 1 had been greatly bothered with kidney and and bladder trouble and enlarged prostrate gland. 1 used everything known to the profession without relief, until I com menced to use Foley's Kidney Cure. After taking three bottles 1 was entirely relieved and cured. 1 prescribe it now daily in my practice and heartily recom mend its use to all physicians for such troubles. I have prescribed it in hundreds of cases with perfect success. L. Taggart. The Boers in South Africa did not bother Kitchener half'as much as the bores in London. Many persons in tlii> community are suffering from Kidney complaint who could avoid fatal results by using Foley s Kidney Cure. Ordinarily a person regrets having lost his nerve, but when it is in an aching tooth, the loss can t be effected too quickly. '•I had diabetes in the worst form," writes Marian Lee of Dunreetb, Ind., •'I died eight physicians without relief, t )nly three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man. Freeze-out a good hot weather gau •, j Foley's Kidney Cure is a medicine free from poisons and will cure any cases of I kidney disease that i« uot beyond the | reach of uitdieine. Truth is strauger than fiction, but the ! average historical novel is stranger than | either. It NeeilK a Tonia. There are times when your liver needs u tonic. Don't give imrgativet thutgri|>e ! and weaken. Do Witt's Little Harly Itiseix expel all poison Irtiln th • system and as toiiie to the liver. W Scull. 5.11 Highland ave., Milton, Pa.. * ays: "I have carried DeWitt's Little harly Kiser* with me for several years and would not 1M- without them. Small and easy to take. Purely Vegetable. They ttev r gripe or distress. It. C. I'odnoii. The weather hi HI i- responsible ti>r ! oiinitiating the remark. It * tb< un expected that always happen*. Hi* HiklK ThrosluueU While pieliicklli • last Ulottlll toy 1 I i ir old bov was l uiMiiied l>y s«>uie *1 m plant Nty* \V II hibblc, "I HUM I'itj, l.i. IL iuMmd tie p'liih ii oil hi tini l» Into hi* w «»%«-. Kitty—Fred called me a dream last cveulitg. Bertha How funny! It was only last week Fred was telling lito u hat j awful dreams he had.—Boston Tran script. A htiuit«*»t iun. Belle lie has money, you know. Fuiiua Vis, I appreciate that fact, | but how niu 1 to live happily with a man who Is uty Inferior? "In.n't let hint know it."—Life, W i'tin 14 l'ru|iurlluu*. "lb' olft nil Ik r his kit ltd and for tune." -Hid kite accept?" "No, Ihe li rut was too large nud thu kelOltd too kilt.til!" keif Tnutihl. The Mother Now, CI le, dkl I teach j ion to Ihjo. • our rlulliKt mi the Hour 11 '. . »■ ~. . , 1 1 riagists. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL. CO ttlOO ttf|uar«*. I*B3l LA., I'A. Uenllun thU nupcr. | P obtain U. S. and Forelgn^^ mnm "■ mm. At 1 j Send model, sketch or photo of invention for 112 / freerei»>rt oa patentability. For free book, ( > irowU>SecurcTD*nC MARIfQ urite \ WMJilViii 1 i j lxvv^vvvvwvvwvvwwv^v4 G. SCHMIDT'S.^ KOH - • ■ ' " FRESH BREAO, On fa/1 1 #3 FANCY CAKES, i C°P Uia^ # CONFECTIONERY Ddiiy Dslivery. All orders givcu prompt and sUiiimi kticbtiou. Perfect lee Cream Powder Uiu ! ilitlf ft tu . I m,.'.juart ufcold milk, liall milk uh.l ii.i i iii-tki i w.i quart'. i>f m« Sue It lU IIKAM a*»in couft. ti. liitr call make. I- i.» .in-% iwi lei- * 'i4 .tin arc. ll»»i.l»cii v, rtiraubcrry, Vanilla, c'h.ictil:ilc and l J lain iiunavoie.l l«l lj> .l»-»wi 'Will 111 -ll 11 nil-* IMF 111 IHlik It.fc 1 1' tatlC) OH nil*. I*. I I'x I w 111 |.c I.• I. I i«» III' iiilililtuii I' mil' quart ui ml I «»lcr to make two II I l',| I | . , l ' . : . ' ».•; h,i, i ui-. »iii' ..rum ».• tli, ali nc iUvorii, with (iu. I. nklft, (toll ol ....... ■ ■ , I M - A tt »J . \ it, I H. •. li*lßt j lln every town I JL and village may be had, I If. Mica mm Axle v r Grease M . de that makes your "o!?c" 4 horses glad. Men Suffering from loss of nervous force often owe their condition to youthful ignorance that fearful enemy to health. It is the business of science to repair the damage caused by the thoughtless practices of youth. Nervous Debility never gels well of itself. Its victims drag through a miserable existence, weak, listless, despondent. literally feed the hungry nerves, giving them the precise ingredients de manded by nature. This wonderful remedy cures Nervous Debility, stops all drains, replaces wasted tissues, sends rich, warm life blood tingling through every part, making every or gan act and causing you to glow with health. SI 00 per box; 6 boxes (with guaran tee to cure), 85.00. Book free. PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by R.C. L'odson, Emjorii ni, I a 51 tfr-jm lilt. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE of Me. GREAT ™ PREWOII HEMBET produces tho abovo results In 30 days. It act! powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Koung men will regain thoir lost manhood, and old men will recover thoir youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly end surely restores Nervous ness, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and *ll effects of self-abuso or excess and indiscretion which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It notonly cures by starting at thoseat of disease,but isagreat nerve tonio and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to palo chocks and re storing tho fire of youth. It wards ofT Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO. no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail 81.00 per package, or six for 85.00, with a post tlvo written guarantee to core or reload ihe money. Boole aDd advise free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO./^ H o ,^oX h u'-' For Sale in Emporium, by R. C. Dodson.— 12*$ Packages, DesMoines,:: \SK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR THE "ED CROSS BOOKLET. (MAILED FREE.) HOHEY KEFUHDED IF MOT AS WE SA7 L. Taggart. iTMLERVniTri] 7 CURES NOTHING BUT PILES, fc L A SURE and CERTAIN CURfe? 7 known for 15 years as the 4) , HEST REMEDY for PILES. Z 4 SOLD 11Y -M.L, DRUGGISTS. & For sale by L. Taggart 2ly, SDR. CALDWELL'S »| YRUP PEPSIBM CURES INDIGESTION. I