4 2w am. uniform, and will be furnished on appli cation. Lt K.il and Official Advertising perstjiiare,three times or loss, $2 00; each subsequent insertionMJ cents per square. I ocal noticesten cents per lineforonei nsertion, 6 ve cents per line for caclisubsequentconsecutive t asertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per i ae. SimpleannouncementHofbirthß.marriagcs Mid deaths will be inserted free. Basin.—< Cards, live lines or less S.i.OD per year over live lines, at the reßulnr rates of advertising No local inserted for less than 75 els. per issue. JOB PRINTING, rhe Job department of the PBESS is complete, e ad affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PMITICCLAH ATTI.NTIOM PAII> TO I.aw Printing. . , No paper vrillbe discontinued until arrearages »,re paid, except at the option ot'the publisher. Papers sent out oft he county must be paid for t q advance. advertisements will be accepted at less than the price for fifteen words. 4iTHeliffiouß notices free. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Governor, S. W. PEN \ YPACKKR, Philadelphia. For Lieutenant-Governor, WILLIAM M. BROWN, Lawrence. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, ISAAC B. BROWN, Erie. For Congress, CHARLES F. BARCLAY, Cameron. Subject to Decision of Congressional Convention] For State Senator, E.J.JONES. Elk. Subject to Decision of Senatorial Convention.] EDITORIAL nENTION. A unified party led by an honest ami energetic leader is the goal to wards which the Republicans of the United States are travelling. The Atchison, Topeka per day, the wages paid machinists in New York, he will east his vote for Democracy and free trade. The American Shipbuilding < 'om pany, of Chicago, announces that the various yards of the company are filled to overflowing with orders for work. Twenty-nine orders for modern steel steamers have been received, aggregating a money value of nearly £1»,0'io,000. The Water Motor \ Power Com pany, with a capital stock of SI,OOOJKW>, will -oon begin the ••recti in of an extensive power plant at (treat Falls, on the Virginia side of the Potomac, about eighteen miles above Washington. It ex pects to supply practically all of the Washington Industrie- with power. It hu- l>cengixeu out that I'owell Clayton, \mlia--ador to Mexico, denied to the State Detriment t hut he ouiii'd an\ -toek in Mexican mines, but the i-iet* made known Ity an official letter from him ex plain that he ik charge of home stock belonging to a female relutive for it better p ■ ttcction, that to do so properly be had to tiecoutP a direct r of ill CoiajHtny. and to liecoinc a dirt • lor had to liecniiie fHMMinallv bwiwr of a few »h»rc*. There is no consistent reason why j every Republican cannot support j Judge Pennypacker for Governor at the coining election. There is no excuse whatever for members of that party to pull away to the support of Pattison. In fact, there is no ex cuse for Pattison, if, indeed, there ever was. No word of reproach can be truthfully uttered against the eminent Philadelphia judge who will be the Republican standard bearer. The State treasury has not been looted, the finances of the Commonwealth are in good shape. Some of the Democrats will yell Quayism, but those who gag at Quay ism and swallow Guffeyism j must have very inconsistent stom achs. Quay ism, so-called, has brought about one of the cleanest ticket ever presented for the consid eration of the voters of Pennsyl vania.—Yanango Citizens Press. No Gloss Carriage Paint Made Will wear as long an Devoe's. No others are as heavy bodied, because De\*oe ? s weigh 3to 8 ounces more to the pint. Sold by Murry & Copper smith. B A newspaper which is representa tive of popular feeling in the West, and which is published close to Mr. Bryan's home, takes this view of the opport unity the Democrats have for success in the country this fall: "Edward M. Shepard has confi dence that the questions which are before the country in the congress ional canvass of 11)012 will be 'settled right.' This is where the majority of the American people agree with him. They will unquestionably be settled right, which means that they will be settled in the Republican way. Some of them were before the country in thejjcongressional canvass of 181)8, and [also in the presidential and congressional cam paign of 11)00. The voice of.,the country in those two canvasses shows how the people thought on those issues. No sane person imag ines the people have changed their minds since then on any of these questions. Neither Mr. Shepard or any other intelligent Democrat sup poses his party has anyj'chance to win the election this year."—Du Bois Courier. One of the visible effeets]*of the too liberal immigration laws of this country is the condition of Shenan doah, where of a population 20,000 two thirds are foreigners of the most objectionable character. i&The peaceable and law-abiding Ameri can citizens are practically terroriz ed by Lithuanians, £Slavs, Poles and Italians, who infest that region for the purpose of accumlating money with which to return to the lands of their nativity and live in comparative ease. They have taken the places of better men, citizens of the Cnited States, or aliens who came to this country with the settled intention of better ing their conditions and becoming citizens. These illiterate and tur bulent hords have displaced better men and virtually driven them from employment by reducing wages to a point where decent American citizens could not com pete with them and live under re spectable conditions. Their de mands for increased wages are not made for the purpose of enabling them to rise above their squalid manner of living in this country, but foi the purpose of accumulating more rapidly the money desired to place them at ease on their return to their native haunts. It is high time that the ports of America were closed against this infection. Kane Itepuhlican. DR. FEMIER'S KIDNEY Backache All dUoaaea of Kidneys, /\i « fv ■-% Bladder Urluarv Organs 112 I I ■ I Klieuiiiatlmn H,u k 1 I 1/ | ' a. he HuarlDUeane Gravel I , I I |» I Uroj y. Female Trouble ; V/ V/ 1 » M-J Don t become dlacouraged. There ia a cure tor you. Ifne. • uy»nu. lo I • tin if. Il> lia* >|h lit u life 111, iii i tirliiK in I kucli '- ■ i i All i i uii itli ii« Fre«. ' l»R Keimi I Kidney aiid ll.icka' ln I'IIM W the eniiit) i>f iny IH-II • iilivt ln-dii II >1 .iiffimtunmly ~r I ... ey til . . . l urtisiN l l' 'III il| II U.,-lit to r*H*Hll|ll v I liuiv a' 11 Meiil'OlM I"' I I urn • O m liru-'ji-i *1 a»W furi'iHik lt»ik line ST.mmw 1 :\ r CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1902. ENTIRELY TOO CLEVER. Experlenrc of a Doctor In I*rcMe considered the most deadly of all sins the holy man replied: "Smoking the shameful." "And next, O son of the prophet?" "Drinking." "Are these the two greatest sins, fa ther?" "Verily, my son." "And murder?" "Ah, that's nothing—nothing. It's forgivable." "And stealing?" "Ah, that's forgivable too." "But smoking?" "It is the unforgivable crime," re plied the mollah sternly and looking keenly at the fictitious Mohammedan. And this is the Afghan's creed. Mur der and theft are forgivable crimes, but for smoking and drinking there is no redemption. The Man With the Fiddle. The little old man fiddled very hard as he stood near the curbstone in Twenty-third street. The passersby looked at him curiously. Some of tliem smiled. No one gave him a penny. Presently he was seen to totter and then to fall, but lie kept 011 fiddling just the same, even when 110 lay prone upon his back. A man helped him to his feet. lie never missed a note. A little boy who had been regarding him with keen interest went up to him. Suddenly the bow hung poised and motionless. The little old man hail run down. The boy bought him for a quarter, however. The vender showed him how to start the fiddle up again, and the two went off together, happy and contented. —New York Press. 1 11 cosi % I need. A Presbyterian preacher In the cen tral part of .New York state tells this story 011 himself: '"lt was Sunday morning, and I had started for church. The family were preparing to follow when the youngest, a flve-year-olil, protested, "I do not want togo to church." '"'l don't feel much like it myself, Fred, this morning,' replied his mother, 'but we must go. Father has to go has gone already, and he has to preawh.' " 'Yes,' said Fred, unconvinced, 'but we have to listen, and that's worser.' " How Do Yon Make n Circlet The intelligence of people may be gauged by asking them to make a circle 011 paper with a pencil and not ing In which direction the hand is moved. The good student In a math ematical class draws circles from left to right. The Inferiority of the softer sex, as well as the male dunces, is shown by their drawing from right to left. Asylum patients do the same.— London Family Doctor. Tilt* Suit. Lawyer (to timid young woman)— Have you ever appeared as witness in a suit before? Young Woman (blushing)—Y-yes, sir; of course. Lawyer—Pleiisu state to the Jury just what suit it was. Young Woman (with more conti dencej- It was nun's veiling, shirred down the front and triuuned with a | lovely blue, with hat to match— Dysentery Cured Without the Aid ot a Doctor. | "I am just up from a hard >j.« ll of the flux ' (dysentery) say* Mr. T. A I'iuiur a well known merchant ol Drummoud Perm. "I used one Muall botlle i>f Cham j bcrlain » Colie, Cholera and Diarihoca Uelin dv and wa- > lit. <1 without L.iii a doctor I eonsidr it the he-t . liol. ra Uiedieilie in Ihe w lid. 'l'll, te t> no need of fiupliiyiug u doctor when thi* r< tin dy is used, for uodiH'tiMr.'aii | leM-iili. n better in. ill in !• I luw l e. iiiplail.t ill torui eitii. r lor children or adult*. It never I'aiU nud i- pleavmi lot ike For •ale by I. Talari F.il.y - Kidney Cure v II > r ill dineu*.* uri-iu. l ft"tu di»'ider>d k >|ih*y* m 1.l .dd. i Look Pleasant, Please. Photographer C'. C. Harlan, of Eaton, can do so now, though for years he couldn't, because he suffered untold agony from the worst form of indigestion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for him that he declares they are a godsend to suffercs from dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, they build up and give new life to the whole system, Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by li. Taggart druggist. Religion makes good armor, but it's no good as a cloak. Shatters All Records. T .vice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge, Ver beno, Ala., paid vast sum to doctors to cure a severe case of piles, causing 24 tumors. When all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve soon cured him. Subdues Inflammation, conquers Aches, kills Pains. Best salve in the world. 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. A Woman's anger, like a glass of soda water soon fizzes out. Just Look At Her. Whence came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face She looks good, feels good. Here's her secret. She uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result, —all organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no change for "blues.'' Try them yourself. Only 25c at L. Taggart's. A prattle is a person who preaches but declines to practice. A Worm Killer. J. A. .J. Montgomery. Puxico, Wayne Co., Mo., writes: '• I have little twin girls, who have"been bothered with worms all their lives. I tried everything to relieve them which failed until I used White's Cream Vermifuge; the first two doses brought four worms from one of them, the next two doses, twelve, one of them measuring twelve inches, the other child was only relieved of four worms. It is a most excellent medicine." White's Cream Vermifuge is good for children. It not only destroys worms. It helps the child to perfect growth, wards off sickness. 25c at L. Taggart's. Some smiles look as though they had been soaked in vinegar. All Wero Saved. "For years 1 suffered such untold mi sery from Bronchitis,'' writes .1. 11. Johnston, of Broughton, Ga.,''that oflen I was unable to work. Then, when everything else failed. I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. My wife suffered in tenselv from Asthma, till it cured ber, and all our experience goes to show it is the best Croup medicine in the world.'' A trial will convence you it's unrivaled tor Throat ami Lung diseases. Guar anteed bottles 50c and 81.00. Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's. General Bragg seems to have been excellently well named. Watch for a Chill. However slight at this time of year and in this climate, it is the forerunner of malaria. A disposition to yawn, and an all tired out feeling even comes before the chill. Herbine. by its prompt stimulative action on the liver, drives the malarial germs out of the system, purifies the blood, tones up the system and restores health. 50c at L. Taggart's. Put your shoulder to fortune's wheel and turn it to suit, yourself. To My Friends. It is with joy I tell you what Kodol did for me. I was troubled with my stomach for several months. I pon being advised to use Kodol, I did so, and words cann.it tell the good if has done me. A neighbor bad dyspepsia so that be had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have eouie to me from him because I recommended it.—Geo. \V. Fry, Viola, lowa. Health and strength, of mind and body, depended on the stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol, the great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia. Kodol di'jests the good food you eat. Take a dose after meals. li. C. Dodson. Some people in Texas delicately call Senators Baily a pale-gray jackass. Not Over-Wise. There is an old allegorical picture of a | girl scared at a arass-hopper, but in the | aet of heedlessly treading ou a snake. This i- parallel! by the man who spends | a large sum of money bui'ding a cyclone I cellar, but neglects to provide his family ' with a bottle ot Chamberlain s ('..lie, , Cholera and Diarrhoea Keuit'dy as a sale guard against bowel complaints, whonc victin outnnmlter those uf the cyeloue a hundred to one. This remedy is every- I M In re rucgoni/ed a" the most prompt and ; I. liable lliedl. ill!' ill Use for these iiiseii.se>. 1 Fi t sale by 1.. Taggart. 'fit*' average husband imagines his wife i« a part of lb- property he own*. A Ni'tin.uy Precaution Don t i>i il« 11 a cold. It i* worse than uuplc.i- int. It i* duiLictou- lly tiding tin Mum!' C. IIJII Cur \..ii can cui>- it .1 .me Allay - inft.iiiiuiitioii i leur* the 1 ad. »mill - and »lr iivllieli* the Uiircoll* i:. uibi ii I'm . iini.li" iii up. thro it ■ \c|» ilttl|l«*tli >li'l*• Chli.lt. li 'ike it. It C llod.ot. Cameron. Geo. Darrin of Emporium was seen on streets Saturday. Geo. Darrin, of Emporium was iu town Saturday evening. John McFadden had business at tlie county seat Saturday. Frank Johnson visited his parents at Grantonia over Sunday. Sheriff Swope, of Emporium, was seen on our streets Saturday. E. H. Gregory, of Emporium was in town a coupla of days this week. The dance Friday evening was a grand success, everybody enjoyed a good time. Warren McConnell was at the county seat Saturday looking after township matters. Mrs. K. S. < )yler, of Keating Summit, is the guest of her parents M. Phoenix and family on Oak Hill. Fish must be scarce in the streams around here, by the appearance of tli• • tisherman in town last week. Ed. Schwab made a flying trip to Sterling Run Saturday evening. He says he made the round trip in twenty min utes. Ed. rides a cresent. Anybody wishing carpenter work or repairing done, call on E.F. Comley. He built a piir pen for E. M. McFadden six by eight feet in three days. Fred is a hustler. Kidgway steam Laundry wagon of Em porium was in town Saturday, ft comes liere once a week, which makes it hnndy for anybody wishing work done of that kind. John Snyder, of St. Marys was circu lating among friends in town the first of the week. UNVLK NEI>. Quick Relief tor Asthma Sufferers. Foley's Honey and Tar affords immedi ate relief to asthma sufferers in the worst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. L. Taggart. The capital of the country is going to the bow-wow's. Even the dog fanciers are forming a "trust." Cut this out and take it to L. Taggart's drug store and get a free sample of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets the best physic. They cleanse and invigorate the stomach, improve the appetite and regulate the bowels. Regular size. 25c, per box. It isn't until begets into politics that the free born American citizen realizes how many bosses he has. A Liberal Offer. The undersigned will give a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to any one wanting a reliable remedy for disorders of the stomach, bil iousness or constipation. This is a new remedy and a good one. L. Taggart. My boy when four yens old was taken with colic and cramps in his stomach. I sent for the doctor and he injected mor phine, but the child kept getting worse. I then gave him half a teaspoonful of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, and in half an hour ho was sleeping and soon recovered.—F. L. Wilkins, Shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilkins is book-keeper for the Shell Lake Lumber Co. For sale by L. Taggajt. A leader of men is often a woman. Stop Colds When you feel one coming 011 by taking Krausc's Cold Cure. Prepared in conven ient capsules that cure while you work. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Some men are known by the brand of cigars they smoke and some by the brand they work ofT on their friends If You Have Headaches Don't experiment with alleged cures. Buy Krause's Headache Capsules which will cure any headache in half an hour, no matter what causes it. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. It sometimes happens that after eating his cake the small boy makes the painful discovery he still has it. Nerves Like a Flat-Iron. A woman who suffered for three vea*s from nervous prostration says two botties of Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound effected a complete cure. She hardly knows to-day whether she has nerves or not, as she rcver feels them. It is cer tainly a wonderful remedy. Sold by L Taggart. A fat purse is a good thihg to lean on. Foley'* Kidney Cure. Will cure Bright's Disease. Will cure Diabetes. Will cure Stone in It'.adder. Will cure Kidney and Bladder Disoascs. Kvi-n the fellow who is always expect ing the worst to happen may soinetinvs be disappointrd. ConaumeUon Threatened. ••I was troubled with a hacking cou.di for si year and I thought I hadconsump tion," say* I'uger, 211 .Maple St., Champaign, 111. ''l tried a unat many r< medio and I was under the care 1 112 ph\-iciaii> for several nrintb*. 1 used one buttle of Foley *ll out y and Tar. It cured me. and I have not been troubled since. 1.. Tagg irt. IpiLES ..-aJSj - H lit t»* I .nut H » |l . • %tt 112» fft Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics onjoy tho greatest popularity and largest sale in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They euro the sick. MO, CURES. PIUCKS. I—Fever*. Congestions, Inflammations. ,US !£ —WoruiM, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .££ 3—Teething,Colic,Crying.Wakef uluess >l—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 23 7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis *£s H—Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. 1 o—Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Htomach.2s 1 or Painful Periods £5 1 Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 1 I—Salt Illieum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 1 s—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In tho Head .25 SO—Whooping-cough 95 27—Kidney Disenses 25 2H—Nervous Debility 1.00 30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .25 77—Grip, Hay Fever 25 Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. if Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual of all Diseases mailed free. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William an«i John St*.. New York. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. Tho most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gason the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by F. C. PEWITT& CO., ( 'hicaga Tbofl. bottle contains 2 1 , i times the 50c. size. It. G. Dodson. Emporium, Pa. You Could Look^ JLJL into the future aiul see the condition to which your cough, if neglected, will bring you, you would seek relief at once—and that naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption j Guaranteed to cure Con- U i] || P sumption, Bronchitis, V-# «- Asthma, and all Lung Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day. 25 cents. Write to S. C. WELLS & Co., I.c Roy, N. Y., for free trial bottle. Clover Root Tea purifies the Bloody | KIDNEY-' B lS| BACKACHE | H All Bladder and ■ Urinary Diseases. 111 Pi ■ R. C Dodson, Agent, 36-'2Bly. Emporium, Pa CENTRAL State Normal School, I.oek Haven, I*a. -, -A _• J R. PLICKINOKk, A M. Sc. I)., Principal. Fall term opens Sept. Bth, 1902. Offers free tuition to prospective teachers. This institution is one of the foremost Normal Schools of the State. Has the handsomest and most modern buildings, a well educated faculty, and a beautiful locitiou. it also offers excellent courses in Music, Elocution, Shorthand and has an excellent College Preparatory de partment. Expenses absolutely lower than in any other institutian of equal rank. Address, for illustrated Catalogue, ljy2m THE PRINCIPAL. I STERLING RUN, PA. We have returned from the city, and as usual we bought too many good*. The goods are on our shelvrs for your inspection and we ln\ite the public t > come and inspect them and get prices. We will sell these nice up-to-date tfoods for the uext TIIIUTY |j I>AYS at a very small margin to re duce our st<>ek. NOW ISTLLETIVIK FOIt It \ IKS A INS. We sell BRUMHELB CARPET from sample, we measure your room, cut carpet t«. tit iw-1 t wit it > • .%\ Mi We carry 1 Milt \IN carpets and FLOOR MATTIN'O in Stuck Our priet - « matting ire Hie, l\,*i .« , is, , and :M> cents per yartl. Weal,