Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 05, 1902, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., May 6, 1902. |
NEMOPHILA, |>VI sack 112 1 2.1 i
Graham, " 6"
Rye ... 1
Buckwheat " I
Patent Meal., " r ' u 1
Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 60 :
Chop Feed, 1 2°
Middlings. Fancy " } <*J I
Bran, 1 J®
Corn, per bushel |
WliiteO.i s.u-r oushei w> i
Choice Clover Seed, "1
Choice Tiiu ithy Seod t vt Market Prices. '
choice M filet Seed.
Fancy Kentucky Blue Orass, ! |
t*J A.J
Knpoßirn. i'.i.
At Foyrth anil Chestnut Sts..
c /
fMU, 1
11, C. I>S>J5!»<)N.
Telephone, 19-2.
Contribution* inviltd. That which you ivoul i
like to see in thin department jtft us know by p'»«
ta 1 curd or letter, rera&nallu.
Miss Sara Heher, is visiting her sis
ter at Olean, N. Y.
Mrs. J. H. Swain spent Sunday last
with her husband at Keating Summit.
Mrs. E. V. Burkle, of Pittsburg, is
visiting her daughter, Miss Mary S.
Mrs. Paul Smith left Wednesday for
Ridgway where she will join her
Miss Carrie Taas,of Pittsburg,has ac
cepted a position with the Climax
Powder Mfg. Co.
Miss Magdalene Mankey visited on
Bryan Hill last week, guest of Mr. and
Mrs. S. G. Ostrum.
E. J. Jones, of St.Marys, accompan
ied by his wife and two sons, were
visiting friends in this place on Tues
Win. J. Leavit who now has charge
of the Prudential Insurance agency at
this place was a Press caller Wednes
M. M. Larrabee is attending G. A. R.
Encampment at Gettysburg this week,
as Representative of Lieut. D. W. Tag-!
gart Post.
Miss Minnie Bargelt, who has been
in Weiser, Idaho, for some time arrived
in Emporium on Wednesday to visit'
her sistejw. Her nephew and niece ac
companied her.
Theo. J. Corwin, of Williamsport, 1
visited his Emporium relatives last!
Friday. Mr. Corwin, who formerly i
resided here, is filling an important
position with Pennsylvania R. R., at
Geo. and Clyde Sykes, who have
been in Buffalo for two months, have
returned much improved in health.
They visited New York City last week
and were accompanied by their father
W. L. Sykes.—Galeton Dispatch.
The venerable Geo. W. Launer, of
Gibson, one of the old time Republi
cans, was in attendance at the Repub
lican Convention last Tuesday. Al
though considerably aged he is just as
ardent in the faith as every.
Jas. A. Beale and son Burton, of
Driftwood, drove up last Saturday and
passed a few hours in town. They
visited the PRESS sanctum while here.
Burton, who is a young and active
gentleman, is attending Jefferson
Medical College at Philadelphia.
W~ "IIfS —112= —*■ ===^3SBsßsefiß!BE=sagse!Bfe£3===eH □!=) L-J
I j "A Dollar Saved, is a Dollar Earned." j|
?i • \\u j js(l m p
jl — v . .\ ',!>.- jfMl //• >- < jfjjl
II \ * ) We can save you lots of dollars by buying your fl
Wall Paper, Curtains and Paints of us-
If * ) b
m 1 H SI I) (*} VF)
!. I Y«»'i ureas the button and the Kodak will S 11 ♦ o ■ > n 1 ♦ I;
J 1 thereat. 112 (J
> | —...
Capt. J. C. Johnson visited Couders
port last Tuesday.
Mrs. Catharine Schmidt, of Erie, Pa.,
is guest of her son C. G. Schmidt.
A. D. Gould, of Eklred Eagle was in
town on Wednesday and Thursday.
Mrs. Fred A. Hill and daughter, re
turned on Monday from a delightful
visit to Philadelphia friends.
Mrs. S. J. Howard and daughter, of
Williamsport are visiting Mrs. M. A.
Mrs. J. M. Robertson and children
leave to-day for Sullivan county, N.Y.,
where they will spend the Summer.
Mr. William Wyman is enjoying a
brief vacation and is spending the time
in Lebanon, while Mr. Ross Overturf
is in temporary charge of the lurnace
Paint Your Uuj<Ky lor 75c.
To si.oo with Devoe'sGloss Carriage
Paint It weighs .'i to 8 ozs. more to the
pint than others, wears longer, and
given a gloss equal to new work. Sold
by Murry & Coppersmith. A
There are no "till in" acts in the
program presented by the Welsh Bros.'
Circus this season, the performers par
ticipating follow each other so fast that
■ lie act is scarcely over beforo there is
some other new and interesting feature
to claim the attention. One would
need to be liydra-huaded or argue eyed
to watch it all at once, and the only
complaint generally heard is that there
is too much of it. The show will
exhibit at Emporium, .Monday, June 9.
The Pennsylvania Railroad 1902 Summer
Excursion Route Book.
<>n June 1 the Passenger Department
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will publish the 1902 edition of the
Summer Excursion Route Book. This
work is designed to provide the public
with descriptive notes of the principal
Summer resorts of Eastern America,
with the best routes for reachi;'/*
and the rates of fare. It contains all
principal seashore and mountain
resorts ot the East, and over seventeen
hundred different routes or combina
tions of routes. The book has been
compiled with the greatest care, and
altogether is the most complete and
comprehensive handbook of Summer j
travel ever offered to the publio.
The cover is handsome," printed in '
cjlors, and the book contains several'
maps, presenting the exact routes over j
which tickets are sold. The book is 1
profusely illustrated with fine half-tone
cuts of scenery at the various resorts
and along the lines ot the Pennsylvania
On and after June 1 this very inter-!
esting book may be procured at any :
Pennsylvania Railroad ticket office at
the nomial price of ten cents, or, upon >
application to Geo W. Boyd, Assistant 1
General Passenger Agent. Broad Street
Station, by mail for twenty cents.
2319-15 It.
Ready to Yield.
'•I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve j
for piles and found it a certain cure,"
says S. 1!. Meredith, Willow Grove, Del. 1
Operations unneeessory to cure piles.
They always yield to* DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Cures skin diseases, all
kinds of wounds. Accept no counter
feits. R. C. Dor]son.
Principles are better than precepts.
My little sou had an attack of whoop
ing cough and was threatened with pneu
monia; but for Chamberlain's Cough :
Remedy we would have had a serious j
time oi it. It also saved him from sev- j
oral severe attacks of croup.—ll. J. j
j Strickfaden, editor World-Herald. Fair
Haven, Wash. For sale by L. Taggart.
ou can give reprof only where you |
have given love.
Iu many instances attacks ot cholery
i morbus terminate fatally before medicine
| can be procured or a physician summon
| ed. The safe way is to keep at hand a
j reliable medicine for use in such cases.
; l*or this purpose there is nothing so sure
,as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
I Dirrhoea Remedy. W. IS. Bos worth, of
|La Fayette, Ala., says: "lu June, 1900,
j I had a serious attaek of cholera morbus
j and one dose of Chamberlain's Colic,
j Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy gave nie
j relief in fifteen minutes." For saTe by L.
I Taggart.
Spring Fever.
Spring fever is another name for bill
iousness. It is more serious than most
people think. A torpid liver and inactive
bowels mean a pois .ned system. If neg
lected, serious illness may follow such
i symptoms. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
remove all danger by stimulating the
liver, opening the bowels and cleansing
the system of impurities. Safe pill"
j Never gripe. ••[ have taken DeWitt's
: Little Early Risers for torpid liver every
spring for years," writes R. M. Everly
Mouudsville, W. Va. "They do ma
more good than anything I have ever
tried." R. C. Dodson.
The St. Charles Hotel is being treated
to a new coat of paint.
Jersey Shore had a big lire last
Thursday, destroying $20,000 worth of
Contractor Kriner well soon be
through with the heaviest work on the
new Emmanuel church.
Let every citizen aid the paving
project and add every improvement
that will induce people to locate here.
Mr. A. Kresge, of Dußois, was
transacting business in town to-day.
He made the PRESS a short call while
in town.
Geo. J. Koscr, one of Keuovo's
prominent business men, was found
dead in his bed at Cross Porks, on
Monday night
Wo will close out our entire stock of
millinery goods at half price, beginning
Thursday, June sth.
Fourth street, opposite City Hotel.
Edwardßlinzler'a new house is rapidly
nearing completion. It will be a very
neat home when Unshed. Welsh Bro.'s
are the contractors and are doing a
good joh.
011 Wednesday Thos McGrain killed
a black snake measuring four feet and
three inches on the drive way at Mr.
Fred Julian's residence. The warm,
dry weather of the past week is driving
them out.
Dunlevie & Co., who recently
purchased a large body of timber
located in Lumber and Shippen are
at work. They will erect two mills,
one a band mill. One will be situated
at Cameron and the band mill between
Sterling Run and Cameron.
The opinion expressed by ex-Post
master General Smith, while in Wash
ington a few days since, reflects the •
sentiments of Republicans generally
throughout the state, who are as much
at sea as te whe the next candidate for
governor will be as evidently was
Mr. Smith. He is reported to havq ,
said: "In any cvcn (; a Republican
governor will be elected. The Republi
cans of Pennsylvania will elect him
and support him loyally after he is in
office. The struggle between different
factions of the party will disappear as
soon as the convention mikes its choice,
An .\ntoiil*li<>i) I'nslia an<l u I.icntcn
nnt Wlni Won Promotion.
Kasslm Pasha when minister of war
for Egypt was very particular in re
gard to the personal appearance of his
officers and issued stringent orders
that they should never appear un
shaven in public. One day he met
upon the street a lieutenant who bad
bearded the pasha and disregarded his
orders. "To what regiment do you be- 1
longV demanded the indignant minis
ter. "To the regiment, at Abns
seuli," replied the frightened lieuten
ant. "Get into my carriage at once so
that I can carry you to tlie encamp
ment and have you publicly punished,"
was the stern command which follow
The young man obeyed, and the
twain rode along gloomily enough for
some time, when the pasha stopped his
carriage and entered an office where he
.would be detained for some time 011
business. Seizing the opportunity, the
culprit sprang from the vehicle, darted
into a neighboring barber's stall and
regained his post before the return of
his jailer minus his beard. For the
remainder of the route the officer bur
ied his face in his hands and seemed
the picture of apprehension.
Abasseuh was reached at last, and
all the officers were assembled to wit
ness the degradation of their comrade,
who all the while kept well in the rear
of his chief. "Come forward, you son -
of a dog!" cried the irate pasha, when
there stepped before him an officer
with a face as clean as a baby's and a
look of the most supreme innocence.
Ilis excellency gave one look of blank j
astonishment and then, with an ap- 1
preciative smile breaking over his war |
worn features, turned to the assembled 1
officers and said, "Here, gentlemen, j
j your old minister is a fool, and your >
I young lieutenant is a captain."
i Moral sincerity is the salt of life.
Leads Them All.
i ' One Minute Cough Cure beats all
j other medicine I ever tried for coughs,
I colds, croup and throat and lung troubles."
| says D. Scott Currin of Logan ton, Pa.
One Minute Cough Cure is the only
! absolutely safe cough remedy which acts
immedsately. Mothers everywhere testify
to the good it has done their little ones.
I Croup is so sudden in its attacks that the
j doctor often arrives too late. It yields at
\ once to One Minute Cough Cure. Plcas
j ant to take. Children like it. Sure cure
I for grip, bronchitis, coughs, it. C. Dod
! son.
I The web of true reliuion is woven
through the heart.
Much inquiry has been made re
garding the prieea of admission to
witness the We'sh Bros.' Circus
performance. For the benefit of our
many readers we would say that the
general admission will be twenty-five
I cents. At the afternoon performance
, children will be admitted for ten cents,
! but at the night performance the price
will be 25 cento for everybody, young
and old alike. Two wagons with six
ticket sellers will be employed to avoid
! unnecessary crowding in securing
tickets Bicycles will be checked free
of charge. Emporium, Monday, June 9.
Come and see the best Refrigerator.
I The only good one on earth at Laßar's.
The Refrigerators will keep you cool
just to look at them. Costs you nothing
to look at them at Laßar's.
Zinc and Grinding Make
Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice
as long as lead and oil mixed by hand.
Murry & Coppersmith sell our paint.
Best Refrigerator for the least money
at Laßar's.
Cypher Chick Feed for young chicks.
! Contains eleven different seeds and
grains. Also Cypher egg stimulant
and lice powder. Guaranteed to give
satisfaction. G. 11. DICKENSON.
The undersigned has secured the servi
ces of two first-class painters and paper
hangers and is prepared to take con
tracts, either by day or job. First
class work guaranteed.
12-tf C. A. VAN LEW.
SHAW'S PURE M ALT- Exhilarates
and dors not poison, that's why Doctors
drink it. It is good for sick and old,
and excellent for voung and well.
Sold By
• 36 47-ly F. X. BLUMLE.
A Splendid Remedy.
1 Neuralgic pains, rheumatism, lumbago
and sciatic pains yield lo the penetrating
' influence of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It
' penetrates to the nerves and bone, and
! being absorbed into the blood, its healing
j properties arc conveyed to every part of
j the body and effect some wonderful cures.
Mr. D. F. Moore, Agent Illinois Centra!
' Railway, Milan, Tenn., states: I have
j u.-ed Ballard's Snow Liniment for rlieu
-1 matism, backache, etc., in my family. It
jis a splendid remedy. We could not do
I without it." 25c, 50c and 81.00 at L.
j Taggart's.
Further service is God's reward for
faithful service.
A Real Friend.
"I suffered lroin dyspepsia and in
digestion for lifteen years," says W. T.
I Stuidevent of Merry Oaks. N. C. "After
T had tried many doctors and medicines
to no avail one of my friends persuaded
me to try Kodol. It gave immediate re
lief. I can eat almost anything T want
now and my digestion is good. I cheer
fully recommend Kodol." Don't try to
cure stomach trouble by dieting. That
only further weakens the system. You
1 need wholesome, strengthening food.
Kodol enables you to assimilate what
you eat by digesting it without the
stomach's aid. It. C. Dodson.
G. A. R. Encampment.
For the benefit of those desiring to
attend the Annual Encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic, Depart
ment of Pennsylvania, at Gettvsbnrg,
June 4 to 5, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets to
Gettysburg from all atations on its line
in the State of Pennsylvania, on May
31, June 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, good to return
until June 7, inclusive at rate of a
single fare for the round trip. For
specific rates, apply to local ticket
agents. 2306-14-21.
; Estate of FIDELIA C, HYDE, Deceased.
rETTERS testamentary on the estate of
J Fidelia C. Hyde, late of Emporium Borough,
I Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased have
1 been granted to B. W. Green, residing in said
, Horough, to whom all persons indebted to said
estate arc requested to make payment, and those
1 having claims or demands, will make known the
' same without delay.
B. W. GREEN, Executor,
i Emporium, Pa., June 2nd, 1902.—15-6t.
I On May 29th, six young cattle (four red steers
and two red and white steers) were ein pounded
by us for trespassing. The same can be redeem
ed by applying to this office, paying appraise
ment, damages and accrued damage from that
time on.
j June 4th, 1902.—15-3t.
I jnaflam '■ r v;!™Dean ! s|
| A safe, certain relief for Suppressed B
■ Menstruation. Never known lo full. Safe! B
■ Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed ■
■or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for ■
■ 81.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to gj
, ■be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. ■
Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C
___ ,
Wall • Paper.
At Taggart's Drug Store
the finest line ever brought
| to town. Prices lower than
you ever saw them. Dou
ble rolls as low as 5c and
the very best at 35c. Bor
der just a 1 iitie in advance
of paper.
Paints, Varnish, Stains.
Varnish Stains,
in all shades and colors.
' A better line than ever of- |
tered to our people. Don't
fail to call and examine.
The waim sultry weather is up
on us. The time when it is so
hard to find something tosatisffv
the cravings of the inner man.
You will find this task much eas
ier by keeping in touch with this
store. We are constantly 011 the
lookout to fill this waul.
This week probably marks the
height of the Southern crop.
Ohio berries ought to make their
appearance soon, when we would
advise those who desire berries
for canning to make their pur
From now 011 through the
month of June will be you opper
tuuity for this toothsome fruit.
Order now while fruit is sound
and price reasonable.
opportunities for careful buyers.
Granulated Sugar, lb. 6c. 25
lb. bag, $1.40.
Key Soap, cake, 2 J-j.
Gold Dust Washing Powder,
4lb package, 20c.
Parlor Matches, 15c package
IJird Food, 10c package 6c.
ioc Canned Corn, Bc.
Try "My Wife's" Salad Dress
ing, for all salads, cold meats
fish, eggs, etc. It's good, 15c a
p„„«, J. H. DAY
As spring opens everyone desires to have something fresh from
their own garden as early as possible and
is the very place to buy the best seeds of all .kinds, both early and
late varieties.
A fall line of choice Clover, Timothy, Orch
ard Grass, Red Top and Lawn Grass in sea
son. Also Millet and Hungarian Grass.
Then his choice Hams, Bacon, Fresh Meat
and Eggs deserve your attention. A few
words about our Groceries and staple
articles will not be out of place. Our Coffees
and Teas can be relied on as always fresh.
Sugars and Spices that will always please
the thrifty housekeeper, while Canned
Goods in every variety are presented for you
to choose from. The freshest goods always
to be found here. Prices reasonable and
quality the best. Sole agent for Pillsbury
(lour, which is known the world over as the
at wholesale.
Bonini Bras.,
Manufacturers of
Have greatly enlarged
and improved their facili
ties for making icecream
and are better than ever
prepared to supply the
trade with all kinds of
ice cream on Bhort notice
SS and at reasonable prices.
They have prepared to
fj make a specialty of this
line o{ business and in
tend to do a larger busi
ness than ever before.
■ They will make better
B cream than ever. They
want your orders and
propose to please their
patrons so as to get the
trade. Give them atrial.
You Need!
To brush up and make beauti
ful your home. The season of the
year for such work lias arrived
and we would call the attention
of the public to our very large
and reliable line of Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, the best in the world.
In addition to the best paints,
we have a first-class line of De
Voe & Co.'s Brushes. Get a
move on and be prepared to paint
before the workmen are all en
gaged. We can save you money.
While you are painting your
home or business place let us
talk a little with you 011 Bath
and Closets, Hot Water, Steam
or anything in that line. Our
increased facilities and expert
workmen will do you good work.
Don't delay until too late.
Farmers should bear in mind
that we handle Plows, Harrows,
Rakes, etc. In fact our Hard
ware, Stove and Plumbing De
partments are up to the best.
Write or wire us, when a com
petent agent will call 011 you.