Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 22, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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(Sanger® i) [f ress
Editor and Manager.
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Local noticcsten cents per line for oneinsertion,
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Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
ine. Simpleannouncements of births, marriages
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, live lines or less. $5.00 peryear
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Nolocalinserted for less than 75 cts.per issue.
rhi Job department of the PRESS is complete,
and affords facilities for doing the best class of
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out of thecounty must be paid for
in advance.
ta■ No advertisements will be accepted at less
than the price for fifteen words.
Religious notices free.
Judge Pennypacker has 101 delegates
pledged to him in the State convention.
Senator Quay denies that Judgo
Pennypacker is his cousin. Their
great-grandfathers were half brothers.
The average Republican vote cast in
Potter county is from 15,200 to 2,500, yet
3,371 votes wore cast at the recent Re
publican primaries.
♦ 4c
Ex-Senator Cameron says lie quit
politics a good while ago and he is of
the opinion that "when a man quits
and says he has quit he ought to quit
and his friends ought to let him quit."
The announcement comes from In
diana that Elkin's followers have form
ed an "Elkin Sink or Swim Club,"
named from Israel W. Durham's famous
saying, and that the club will attend
the Harrisbnrg convention in a body.
r- r-
Former Governor Hastings in Bplle
fonte announced that he will support
Judge Pennypacker for Governor, and
would regard his nomination as a
"happy solution of the presant party
difficulties in the state, assuring har
mony and victory."
Ex-Senator Hummel, of Snyder, car
ried the Juniata primaries for Congress
on Saturday night over Congressman
Mahon. W. S Arbogast, of Mifflin
town, was elected state delegate on the
Quay platform. A. H. Brown was
nominated for the Legislature.
There are thirty-two candidates regis
istered for the nomination by the Re
publican Convention of Tioga county,
which meets at Wellsboro, Tuesday,
June 3. The primaries are to beheld
Saturday, May 31. John P. Elkin,
Louis 11. Watres and Samuel W.
Pennypacker are all registered as can
didate 3 for governor.
IIARRISBURG, Pa., May 19,—Attorney
Cieneral Elkin will conduct his fight for
the Gubernatorial nomination from the
floor of the convention, and will there
meet Senator Quay face to face in the
struggle. This has been decided upon
by the Attorney General and his
friends, and Elkin, so determined, has
borrowed some of the Quay tactics.
Whenever Quay wanted to win his
point and thought he had the backing,
he went into the convention and gener
ally c.irriod his points. He intends
going into the convention on June 11.
Elkin will goto the convention as a
delegate from Indiana, being substitut
ed for one of the regularly elected dele
gates. He came to Harrisburg this
evening in time to be in touch with the
city convention, which gave him its
The Richmond News, a staunch
Democratic paper, has this to say
about the Philippine wrangle now
going on in the Senate. The de
bate on the Philippines as it is now
being conducted is doing harm
every day, particularly to the
South. But for the invincible com
mon sense of the people of both
«itles, it might easily develop ex
tremely grave and serious results.
It would be a mercy to the country,
and particularly to the Democratic
party, if the Senators from South
Carolina, Mississippi, Utah and
Kansas could be locked up in a
room together and allowed to con
clude their discussion in private
witli tongues, statistics, affidavits,
pen knives, bowie knives or axes,
according to preference.
Paint Your Buggy lor 75c.
To SI.OO with Devoe's Gloss Carriage
Paint. It weighs 3 to 8 ozs. more to the
pint than others, wears longer, and
gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold
by Murry & Coppersmith. A
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, May 19th.. 1902.
FAitOr Press:
"I am afraid the Republican
Senators will (lie like poor Pat
O'Brien," said Senator Ilans
brough yesterday, when I asked
him how the Philippine debate was
coming on. "How was that?" I
asked. I'll tell you," replied the
Senator. "Poor Pat's got to hang"
said a friend of Pat's to a mutual
friend, one evening. 'No he hasn't'
replied the friend. 'Shure an' he
has,' said the first speaker. 'He's
been convicted of murther in the
firsht degree, lie's got to hang.
It's th' law. 'No, no, man re
plied the friend, ' Y r e're belioind
the toimes altogether; they've got
a new way o' killing mill now.
Shure he'll die by elocution." And
if the Democrats keep on that will
be the fate of t'>e Republican sena
tors," concluded Mi*. Ilansbrougli.
The Demorcrats still continue to
play on their single string anil arc
prolonging the Philippine debate to
the last possible moment but there
is reason to believe that the vote
will come some time this week.
What bill will follow the Philippine
measure has not yet been definitely
settled and Senator Allison, chair
man of lhe Republican steering
committee, assured me that he did
not know himself, when J saw him
Saturday. "I get all my inside in
formation from the bright young
men who represent the press, these
days, and, as you have the inside
track on that, you probably know
more than I do,'' facetiously re
marked the Senator when I tried
to "pump'' him. There is a rumor
abroad that Congress will adjourn
without acting upon either the
Cuban reciprocity bill or the Nica
raguan Canal bill and as soon as I
heard"it I had sought the senior
Senator from lowa, lie said he
hardly thought Congress would do
that but when I asked him to con
firm a positive statement which he
made to me some weeks ago, that
the canal bill would be considered
at this session, he refused to do so.
Some Republican senators believe
that the canal bill will be consider
ed first and others that the Cuban
bill will take precedence.
The passage, by the Senate, on
Thursday, of the bill providing for
the erection of a union railway
station in Washington was a serious
disappointment to Senator Ilans
brougli who had conceived and
formulated a substitute which pro
vided for the erection of the new
station by the government with a
view to renting its use to the rail
roads. As the measure passed
carries a considerate appropriation
of public funds the Senator from
North Dakota believed the govern
ment should retain its ownership
and his proposition attracted much
favorable comment from the resi
dents of the District of Columbia
but so much time and labor had
already been spent on the bill
which eventually passed by the
Committee on the District of
Columbia that the Senator's "mun
icipal ownership" idea was rejected.
Ex-Senator Mandcrson of Ne
braska appeared before Senator
Piatt's committee this week and
offered the first important testi
mony derogatory to Cuban -reci
procity. He claimed, among
other things, that there had started
a flow of emigration from lowa
and Nebraska to the cheap lands
of Manitoba which flow could be
effectually stopped by encourage- ;
ment to the beet sugar industry,
but that the passage of the propos
ed bill would seriously augment
that immigration, Mr. 11. G.
Leavitt, also of Nebraska, testified
against the bill which, he claimed,
was entirely in the interests of the
Sugar Trust. It is probable that
if, at a reasonably early date,
Senator Piatt finds that he has
sufficiently strong following in the
Senate to pass a straight Cuban
reciprocity bill such a measure will
be reported and passed, but until
the Senator so decides the bill will
remain "in committee."
Whooping Cough.
A woman who lias had experience
with this disease, tells how to prevent
any dangerous consequence from it. She
(•ays: Our three children took whooping
Cough last summer, our baby boy being
only three months old, and owing to our
giving them Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, they lost nouo of their plump
ness and came out in much better health
then other children whose parents did
not use this remedy. Our oldest little
girl would call lustily for cough syrup
between whoops.—Jessie Pinkey llall,
Springfield, Ala. This remedy is for sale
by L. Taggart.
That some people are too truthful to
really enjoy fishing.
What Thin Folks Noed.
Is a greater power ot digestion and
assimilation food. For them l>r. King's
tNew Life I'ills work wonders. They
one and regulate the digestive organs, I
gently expel all poisons from the system,
enrich the blood, improve appetite, make
healthy flesh. Only 25c at L. Taggart's.
Don't Start Wrong.
Don't start the summer with a linger
ing cough or cold. We all know what a
"summer cold" is. It's the hardest kind
to cure. Often it "hangs on" through
iho entire season. Take it in hand right
now. A tew doses of One Minute Cough
Cure will set you right. Sure cure for
coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, all
| throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe.
Acts at once. Children like it. "One
Minute Cough Cure is the best cough
cough medicine 1 ever used," says J. H.
Bowles, Groveton, N. 11. "I never found
anything else that acted so safely aud
quickly." R. C. Dodson.
The web of true relision is woven
through the heart.
Traveling Is Dangerous.
Constant motion jars the kidneys which
are kept in place iri the body by delicate
attachments. This is the reason that
travelers, trainmen, street car men, team
sters and all who drive very much suffer
from kidney disease in some form. Foley's
! Kidney Cure strengthens the kidneys
! and cures all forms of kidney and blad
! der disease. Geo. 11. llausen, locomotive
| engineer, Lima, 0., writes, "Constant
| vibration ol the engine eau.-en me a
| deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I
j got no relief until I used Foley's Kidney
Cure." L. Taggart.
Vou can give roprof only where you
have given love.
Biliousness is a condition (Characterized
by a disturbance of Ihe digestive organs.
The stomachis debilitated,the liver torpid,
the bowels constipated. There is a loath
ing of food, pains in the bowels, dizziness,
coated tongue and vomiting, first of tho
undigested or partly digested food and
tlieu of bile. Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets allay the disturbances
of the stomach and create a healthy ap
petite. They also tone up the liver to a
healthy action and regulate the bowels.
Try them and you are certain to be much
pleased with the result. For sale by L.
Further service is God's reward for
faithful service.
Wants Others to Know.
"I have used Dc Witt's Little Risers
for constipation and torpid liver and they
ate all right. lam glad to indorse them
for I think wlieu we find a good thing
we ought to let others know it," writes
Alfred Heinze, Quincy, 111. They never
gripe or distress. Sure, safe pills. R. C.
We can bear pain without when there
is peace within.
Holds UD a Congressman.
At the end of the campaign," writes
Champ Clark, Missouria's brilliant con
gressman, "from overwork, nervous
tension, loss of sleep and constant speak
ing I had about utterly collapsed. It
seemed that all the organs in my body
were out of order, but throe bottles of
Electric Bitters made Die all right. It's
the best all-around medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter." Over worked,
run-down men and weak, .-ickly women
gain splendid health and vitality fr< m
Electric Bitters. Try them. Only 30c.
Ouarranteed by L. Taggart.
The love of home is the beginning of
true patirotism.
Cures When Doctors Fail.
Mrs. Grank Chiasson, Patterson, La.,
writes June Bth, 1901: "I had malaria
fever in very bad form, was under treat
ment by doctors, but as soon as I stopped
taking their medicine the fever would
return. I used a sample bottle of Ilcr
bine, found it helped me. Then bought
two bottles, which completely cured me.
I feel grateful to you for furnishing such
a splendid medicine, and can honestly
recommend it to those suffering from
malaria, as it will surely cure them."
Herbine, 50c bottle at L. Taggaits.
Sorrow may be but the shadow of God
drawing near.
For Female Complaints
And diseases arising from an impure
state of the blood Lichty's Celery Nerve
Compound is an invaluable specific. Sold
by L. Taggart.
It is easy to bo liberal with what you
do not own.
When yeu get a headache
Don't waste a minute but goto your
druggist and get a box of K muse's
Headache Capsules. They will prevent
pain, even though your skull were crack
ed. They are harmless, too. Read the
guarantee. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart.
The aimless man is ofteu accused of
A Revelation.
If you will make iiujuiry it will be a
revelation to you how many succumb to
kidney or bladder troubles in one form
or another. If the patient is not beyond
medical aid, Foley's Kidney Cure will
cure. It never disappoints. L Taggart.
Our worst flatters are in the mirror.
What is Foley's Kidney Cure.
Answer: It is made from a prescription ,
of a leading Chicago physician, and one !
of the most eminent in the country. The
ingredients arc the purest that money can j
buy. and are scientifically combined to |
got their utmost value. L. Taggart.
Try then■ \v remedy for costivein ss, ,
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. !
Every box guaranteed. Price, '25 cents. ,
For sale by L. Taggiirt.
We have returned from the city,
and as usual we bought too many
goods. Tho goods are 011 our shelves
(or your inspection and we invite the
public to come and inspect them and
get prices. We will sell these nice
up-to-date goods fortlie next THIRTY
DAYS at a very small margin tore- I
duceour stock. NOW IS TIIETIME I
sample, we measure your room, cut I
carpet to fit and sew it if you wish. I
We carry INGRAIN carpets and I
prices on matting are liic, 20c, 25c, 28c, I
and TO cents per yard.
I We arc agents for
I Stcrlinif Run, l»a.
Meldrum <fe
Anderson Co.
396 to 408 Main St.—American Block,
Jackets and
Important sale of high-grade and im
ported tailored garments at greatly re
duced prices.
THE NEWEST things in Etatuiac
Suits with blouses, worth Cf Q Cfl
818.00 a suit v'
ized drop skirt, in black, brown and
blues, worth CSS fi O
825.00 a suit £lO. UU
EATON JACKETS of finest quality,
covert cloth and cheviot, "ir
covert cloth v<J> 112 3
BLACK frr ££
CHEVIOT 39 and 00
ley cloth—just the thing for traveling,
in tans, olive, castor and Hfl
grey, 81(5.00 to ■s££.. U : J
BICYCLE SKIRTS —Extra width for
the wheel, excellent material, in black,
greys and blue, worth 80.50 F"
fur v w
Brilliantines §5.50 to 810.00.
Cheviot Serge §5.00 to 825.00.
Taffeta and Poie de Soie 810.00 to 850.
new fabrics and new CS "1 Kfl
styles, 85.00 to 3)| Z • 0 U
Out-of-town patrons will lind the cafe an excel
lent place to relieve the tedium of shopping.
Finest teas and coffees served. Hot dishes m
ten minuies.
Orders attended to the same day received.
396-408 Main Street,
The American Block.
H Famous at home for
|i' Generations past;
I' Famous now all over
| the World. g j
For sale hy |
Wlf. Met; EE. !
I l!
£€odol Byspepssa Sure
DsqG3is wha'i y©„ «st.
■ stock has been carefully selected aiid we are pleased to
B place before you the most complete line of Men's Shoes H
■ intl lis county.
It is value in every feature that goes to make up a H
HW perfect shoe. Ihe leather is the best that can be
BB bought, the workmanship, style, fit and finish have H
HP never been excelled in any shoe made.
3£ have all the very latest and popular makes and
g are offering them to the trade at a moderate price. If jP
H you want something exceptionally fine and extremely I
H durable, we ask you to come and look our large stock g||
E over before you make your purchase.
l|| Shirts |
J! M The handsome shirts for this season
are here. The prettiest and newest dc- li
signs. Throughout this stock, our first ||
consideration is quality and the second ||
,s J ow price. By adhering to this
policy we are prepared to give our cus- Sj|
t^ 1 " er j greater values than are obtain-
Stylish Hats I
The equal of this handsome display lias never been I
known hereabouts. The price will be found about the
same as heretofore, but the style of hats, in straw and
felt totally difterent and are the very latest creations.
Jasper Harris,l
The People's Popular Clothier.
I The Summer Days I
* j s
| Are Coming j
rf Q_
0 $
112 t
and now is the time to prepare for them. We £?
Q have received a full line of shirt waists suits of 'W
percales and mercerized zephyrs, etc., from -Q?
I£l $1 55 to $4.00 and a lot of shirtwaists in per-
U cale and satines,well made and nicely finished, W
from 50c to sl. 50 each. <*>
Our line of silk zephyrs, mercerized chambrys,
*4k Persian lawns, Swiss silks, seersuckers and
Ginghams are selling rapidly. Do not wait un- V
yQy til the best are picked before making your pur- M
"CT chase. q
ft We have just received a line of dimities in up w
to date colors. Regular 13c goods, at 10c per $
: Ladies' and Misses |
1 Fancy Rose. |
-V-> While in our store ask to see our line of V
U Ladies and Misses Hose in drop stitch, fancy £1
$ lace and polka-dott, from 25cts to 45cts a pair.
n ft
q Our line of ladies wrappers is complete. They <&•
& are made to fit and are ;of good material - . Per-
W cales and calicoes from SI.OO to $1.75 each.
This week we are expecting a shipment of &
(J ladies linen turnover collars and cuffs; some-
thing new that will fit very nicely with shirt-
waists. jj
112 1.8. mm ooiPAiv. |