Spring and Summer Salel The largest assortment of Carpets, Mattings, Oilcloth and Linoleums,ever shown in Cameron county. All at the I lowest prices. We are satisfied with a small margin, and therefore, give onr customers the benefit. Draperies in large variety and the most handsome to be found in Emporium. HATS We carry one of the largest stocks of hats, both in felt and straw in this county. Our line of Children's Sun Hats is especially handsome. > DRESS GOODS Is one of our main features and we are always prepared j to show the largest, best and cheapest stock in town. We also carry a large assortment of Rainy-day Skirts. WALL PAPER A large line of Wall Paper, only five cents the double roll. A well selected stock to choose from. M. C. TL LIS. [Furniture lews. The reign of MONOPOLY" in furniture is a thing of the past in this town. We have presented this community the I I greatest opportunity for purchasing reliable FURNITI RE at 1 I all times and in every department at prices which never have I I and never will be equalled in wonderful lowness. I I We have also proved to the people from the first hour of our opening, that we try to merit their patronage by dealing with 1 them as we would like to be dealt by. We'd sooner have our I goods back and return your money than have you dissatisfied, I because our prices are such that our furniture is always worth I just what it was sold for. ■2~ Bed Room Suites and I."> Side Boards to pick from. I We can save you 30 per cent, on them. BED ROOM SUITES AND SIDEBOARDS. WE MANUFACTURE THEM. I CQUCH " " KD pp.* I ® r :;z MMM I sio.oo I pr:ce other ij B For this elegant Couch. ; places $4.00. $ Every baby in this I town should ride in a Go tCart, even if some have I to walk a little later on B No close outs from last I year's manufacture, each Go-cart an art creation, with latest improvements r* — for safety, comfort and at prices that GO-CART JmU. stagger competitors. We advevtise the truth and then surpass it. Our aim is to furnish up-to-date goods at reasonable cost. Money I talks. Low prices schriek. The lever of low prices has led g this store into its present popularity. SCIENTIFIC EMBALMING. FUNERAL DIRECTING. I Residence up Stairs. Open all Night. 1 Eiiiiiiiriiiiii Furniture Co., BERNARD EGAN, Mgr., Emporium, Pa. G. SCHMIDT'S/-^ HEADQUARTERS FOR FFIR " FRESH BREAD, jf popular p '" ncv^, >: n NUTS # CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1902. NO. 3255. p> EPOIIT OF THE CONDITION —OP THE— First National Bank at Emporium in the State ofl'ennsylvania, at the close of b isiness. April 30,1902. Resources. Loans and discounts 1214,945 65 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ... 855 4« U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 50,000 00 U. H. Bonds on hand 6«0 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 2,064 38 Stocks, securities, etc 46,710 60 Banking-house, furniture and fixtures.. 7,636 40 Other real estate owned 6,53# 49 Due from National Banks not Reserve.. Agents 1,742 49 Due from approved reserve agents 72,568 21 Internal-Revenue Stamps, 70 18 Checks and other cash items 2 00 Notes of other National Banks 980 00 Fractional paper, currency, nickels and cents 197 03 Specie »17,013 50 Legal-tender notes 3,795 00 20,808 50 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 2,500 00 TOTAL $428,271 27 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 Surplus fund 37,500 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 11,199 98 National Bank Notes outstanding 50,000 00 Individual deposits subject to check,... 270,910 57 Cashier's checks outstanding 3,660 72 Notes and bills rediscoutited 5,000 OU Total $428,271 27 STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, I County of Cameron, i I, T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true tothebestof my knowledge and belief. T. B. LLOYD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me > this loth day of May, 1902. / M. M. LARRABEB, J. P. Con hect— Attest: GEO. A.WALKER, ) N. BEGER, > Directors. W. S. WALKER, } Famous now all over H the World. For sale by j® WM. McGEE. Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co. 396 to 408 Main St.—American Block, BUFFALO, !Nr. V. Ladies' Suits Jackets and Skirts Important sale of high-grade and im ported tailored garments at greatly re duced prices. THE NEWEST things in Etaminc Suits with blouses, worth CIO Cfi 818.00 a suit 4&1Z.0U BROADCLOTH SUITS, with mercer ized drop skirt, in black, brown and blues, worth CI fi Hfl 825.00 a suit 4HO.UU EATON JACKETS of finest quality, covert cloth and cheviot, Q™l j" covert cloth 00 ■ ID BLACK <£C CHEVIOT OO and OU RAINPROOF GARMENTS of Priest ley cloth—just the thing for traveling, in tans, olive, castor and f\ f\ fi H grey, 810.00 to 4><£Z.JU BICYCLE SKIRTS—Extra width for the wheel, excellent material, in black, greys and blue, worth 80.50 tf' C for 00 SEPARATE DRESS SKIRTS. Brilliantincs 85.50 to 810.00. Cheviot Serge 85.00 to 825.00. Taffeta and Poie de Soic ¥IO.OO to 850. LADIES' WALKING SKIRTS, in new fabrics and new d* Irt C styles, 85.00 to OI Z■ 0 U THE CAFE, Out-of-town patrons will find the cafe an excel lent place to relieve the tedium of shopping. Finest teas and coffees served. Hot disnes in ten minuies. YOU CAN SHOP BY MAIL. Orders attended to the same day received. ADAM, MELDRUM & ANDERSON CO., 396-408 Main Street, The American Block. BUFFALO, N. Y | Foley's Kidney Cure ' makes kidneys and bladder right. Magic Color Pictures. A glass of water and a sponge or brush act like a box of paints on the wonderful "Watergraphs," wbieh will appear in next Sunday's Philadelphia Press. It's the cleverest novelty of the year. The pictures are printed appar ently in black ink. You touch them with water, and in a second they be come beautiful water color paintings. No skill is needed- Children can do it ae well as grown folks. These "Water graphs" are in addition to the myster ious magic pictures, which you rub over a blank space with a coin and a picture appears. The great puzzle-man, Sam Loyd, is now on The Sunday Press staff of en tertainers. He has a page each Sunday that will set you thinking and amuse you, too. Order next Sunday's Phila delphia Press of your newsdealer in advance. Then you'll be sure to get it. tf Bciatic Rheumatism Cured After Four teen Years oi Suffering. "I liavj been afflicted with sciatic rheu matism for fourteen years," savs Josh Kduar, of Gerniantown, Cal. "I was nble to be around but constantly suffered. I tried everything I could hear of and at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I did and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured, and I am happy to say it has not since return ed." Why not use this liniment and get well? It is for sale by L. Taggart. If yuo can't solve the problem of life, goto your druggist—he can always give you some kind of a solution. Reveals a Great Secret. It is often asked how such startling cures, that puzzle the best physicians, are effected by Dr. Kings New Discover}' for Consumption. Here's the secret. It cuts out the phlegm ;md germ infected mucus, and lets the life-giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals the inflamed, cough worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New Discovery, the most infallible remedy for all Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and 81.00. Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's. It is always a great consolation to the widow when the insurance more than covers the loss. Like a Drowning Man. "Five years ago a disease the doctors called dyspepsia look such hold of me that I could scarcely go," writes Geo. S. Marsh, well-known attorney of Nocoua, Tex. "I took quantities of pepsin and other medicines hut nothing helped me. As a drowning man grabs at a straw I grabbed at Kodol. I felt an improvement at once and after a few bottles am sound and well." Kodol is the only preparation which exactly reproduces the natural digestive juices and consequently is the only one which digests any good food and cures any form of stomach trouble. It. C. Dodson. 11l fortune never crushed that man whom good fortune deceived not. You never heard of any one using Foley's Honey and Tar and not being j satisfied. L. Taggart. A drop of ink may make a million think. Wilt Cure Consumption, A. A. Herren, Finch, Ark., writes, Foley's Honey and Tar is the best pre paration for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cured con sumption in the first stages." L. Taggart. Labor rids us of three great evils; irksomcness, vice and poverty. A Spring Tonic. Everybody needs a tonic in the spring, at this time the system craves a tonic. It is housecleaning time for your body. Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound will tone up your nerves, blood, kidneys and liver and fill you with health npil energy. Sold by L. Taggart. DOUBLED THF. COLLECTION A Hellenic For In ere tut* itiK tix l Cfmreli Contribution. In a small town in England there is n rich congregation which is not charac terized by Hvish liberality. Time after time the minister had vainly appealed to Ills peoji'i' to contribute more gener ously to the funds of the church. The members w u!d indeed give something, but it was nearly always the smallest silver coin of the realm that was plac ed on the plate. A shrewd Scotchman who had recently come to the place and joined the church was not long in no ticing this state of affairs, and a reme dy soon suggested itself to his practical mind. "I'll toll you what." he said to one of the officials, "if you rnak' me treasurer I'll engage to double the collection in three months." Ills offer was pr imptly accepted, and, sure enough, the collections began to increase until by the time he had stat ed they were nearly twice as much as formerly. "How hi'.ve you managed it, Mr. J SandymanV" said the pastor to him one day. "It's a great secret," returned the canny Scot, "but I'll tell you in confi dence. The folk, I saw. mostly gave i threepenny bits. Wee I. when I got the | money every Sabbath morning I care j fully picked oot the sma' coins and put 1 them by. Noo, as there's a limited I number of threepenny pieces in a l'tlle j place like this and as I have niaist o' them at present under lock and key. the j folk maun give saxpences at least in stead. Sae that's the way the collec i tions are doubled."—Pearson's. For Those Who JLive on Farms. Dr. Bergin, Pana,llls., writes: "I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment; always recommend it to iuj friends, as I am confident there is no better made. It is a dandy for burns." Th >.-v who live on farms are especially liable to many ae-. cidental cuts, burns anil bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini ment is applied. It should always be kept in the house lor cases of emergency. 25c, 50c and 81.00 at L. Taggart's. World Wide Reputation. White's Cream Vermifuge has achieved a world wide reputation as being the best of all worm destroyers, and for its tonic influence on weak and uuthrifty children, as it neutralizes the acidity or sourness of the stomach, improves their digestion, and assimilation ot food, strengthens their nervous system and restores them to the health, vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to childhood. 25c at L. Taggart's. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Nnff. Always reliable. LndlfM, ask Druggist for CHICIIIXTER'M EMULINI! in Red and 4Jold metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Take no other. K«*fuwe dangerous tutlons and Imitation**. Huyof your Druggist, or Rend 4c. in stamps for Particular*, Testi monial* an . regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving - healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Ycsrs. ska ■ wlw»M<' iitfitewarel Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food, ltgivcsinstant reliefand never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. C. BKW ITT & Co., Chlcaga Tbe sl. bottfo contains 2!» times tbe 50c. size. It. C. Dodson. Emporium, Pa. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. TM EV'Q KIDNEY CURE It I 1 uLLI O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa. 36 28. I Weak Nerves | People cannot help worrying when ■ their nerves are weak. That feeling of & languor, dullness and exhaustion is the fearful condition which often pre cedes insanity. The power to work or study diminishes and despondency de presses the mind night and day. If you are suffering the tortures of Nervous Debility, there is no knowing how soon you may decline to something more horrible. But you can get well. The youthful strength, buoyancy and happiness can be restored by the use of They have cured thousands, and we have so much confidence in them that H we give an iron clad guarantee with a ■ 85.00 order. Sent anywhere in plain package. SI.OO I per box, 0 boxes for &J.OO. Rook free. K Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleve- m land, Ohio. S For sale by li.O. Dodson. Emporium, l a . r l | \SK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR TUB "ED CROSS BOOKLET. (MAILED FREE.) <4OKEY SEFUIiEER II NOT AS WE SAT i L. Taggart. 1 IN QUANTITY. BEST IN QUALiT^ jf wsjite'S eaeaaj E | |IVERM!FUCE2 H FOR SO YEARS \ Has led ail WORM Remedies. ■* |EVERY 2QTTLE GUARANTEED, g La SOLD BV ATX BBCOOIBTH E / Prepart'd by \ ; \ KICHAK:ISOS BKDICINK CO., ST. torts. / | For sale by L. Taggart 21y, GOLDEN RELIEF CUTS CURES ANY GRIP BRUISES COLDS SPRAINS fi H SlU| BRONCHITIS STINGS SORE THROAT RUSTY NAILS JL JL JL&L JL COLIC INSIDE OR OUT DIARRHCEA R. C. Dodson, Agent, j 36-'2Bly. Emporium, Pfl Foley's Honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates.