Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 01, 1902, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., Feb. 5,1901.
NENVOPIULA, pei sack *1 15
Graham, " 00
Rye " <SO
Huckwneat ' TO
Patent Meal " 60
Coarse Miial, i>ei 100, l 50
Ohopb'eed, " 1 50
Middling Fancy •• 1 50
Bran, 1 10
Corn, per bushel hi
White Oats » •< uuauel, 60
Choice Clove i Heed,
Choice Timothy Seed, ! » t Market Prices
Oholoe Millet deeil. 112 \t iwarkeu rices.
Kancy Kentucky Blut-Grass, I
i: -I ;•«>.III - JI, T',» .
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
j •' 'j
Telephone, 19-2.
—— ll2 ——M M——B—B——BWWW
1.0 C.l- IM;P ARTMENT.
Contributions invited. That which you would i
tike to see in this drpartnu nt,let un know by pos• ;
lal card or letter, personally.
Warren Moore, of Rich Valley, was a I
PRESS visitor on Tuesday.
H. B. Muttersbaugh, of Driftwood, \
was a PRESS visitor on Monday.
Henry Taylor, of Sinnamaliouing, is
now engineer at Emporium Roller
W. H. Crocker, of Ridgway, has been
in town this week, calling on his
S. J. Fee, the fruit dealer, has re
turned from Chicago, for the summer
Geoge S. Piper and Michael Zwald
gladdened the hearts of the printer
last Friday evening.
Chas. L. Butler, after another tussle
with rheumatism, lias resumed work
in his wagon factory.
R. Lockwood and Burton Housler,
of Shippen, transacted business with
the PRESS last Saturday.
Amos Naragon, of Rich Valley, was
a PRESS visitor on Monday and renew
ed his subscription for another year.
John W. Norie, of Reno vo, is visiting
in town for a few days, guest of his son
J. L. Norie and wife, on Sixth street.
(). S. Peters, of Whittemore Hill,
called to see ye editor last Saturday
and planked down two silver dollars
for PRESS.
i,|H. W. Martindale came over from
Lorshbaugh last Friday and transacted
business in town. He reports times
lively on the Fork.
A. J. Seifert, who hustles evory day
for F. X. Blumle's bottling works, was
a PRESS caller on Tuesday. "Toney"
is a reliable man always.
Jos. J. Lingle, one of Cameron
county's most estimable citizens and
C. B. Howard Company's right-hand
may, was a PRESS caller on Tuesday.
Dr. Warren, of Lewisburg, the "Bird
Book" man, transacted business in
Emporium last Monday and while
Waiting for a train dropped into chat
with ye editor.
Frank T. McNarney, who, with his
wife returned from the Philippines
recently, left Sunday afternoon, for
San Francisco, Cal., where he is order
ed to report for duty. Lieutenant Mc-
Narney came home on sick leave.—
Lock Haven Republican.
| "A Dollar Saved, is a Dollar Earned." |
| jf e can save yon lots of dollars by buying your |j
~ :K ' V | Wall Paper, Curtains and Paints of us- J j
■, \ i J
I'nil Youcan :arryitinyourhands,onyourshoul- S IJ | T t*J\ \/I 'A
(JJ|| der, in your pocketor on yourbicycle. < I I / \f |i»:
f«i]. You ess the button and the Kodak will j 11 - >■- 112 I *V / J | ;
Bh | J :
1 —" .P. —Q— —— '— i'l— 13 " "—~~ '!: :! ' i~
E. M. McFndden attended court on
Hon. W. C. Arnold, ol Dußois, is at
tending to legal business in town to
Col. J. O. Brookbank, of Driftwood,
transacted business in Emporium
Monday evening.
Chas. W. Risliell left for Harrisburg
on Monday to attend the State Con
vention of Undertakers.
Mrs. Louise Smith, of Portville, N.
Y., has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. S. J. Hacket for several days.
Rev. O. S. Metzler, who is trausact
ing business in Buffalo, will return
■ home in time for Sunday's services.
Henry Auchu and VV. H. Howard
left last Sunday on an inspection tour
; in West Virginia, to be absent several
Frank McCabe, who has attained
quite a reputation as an artist, has gone
j to Port Allegany to assist in a drug
Arthur Kline has returned from
Johnsonburg and is employed in How
ard's mill. Hi:* mother, we learn, will
soon return here.
Miss May Erlbeck, of Coudersport,
was guest of her sister, Miss Nellie, at
this place, the past few days, returning j
| home on Monday.
Miss Mattie Collins, of Driftwood,
was visiting the Emporium schools
this week and incidentally looking
I after her "fences" as a side issue.
Mrs. Rider, who has been guest of
| her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Smith, for |
several months, returned to her home,
| on Monday, at Springfield, Conn.
Mrs. A. N. Vodack, well and favor- :
ably known as formerly a resident of
Emporium, is guest of Mrs. M. A-.
Rockwell for a few days, en route for
Austin, where they have located,
j John R. Libby, who has resided at
Sterling Run for so many years, but
lately employed at North Bend,visited
in town last week and did not forget
to call on the PHESS.
It is reported that Miss Florence
Card, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Card, was married at Olean, last week.
; Mrs. Griswold, grandmother of the
: bride, at tended the wedding.
Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith left on
| Monday for St. Louis, Mo., where the
| Doctor will attend the National Rail
| way Surgeons Convention. They will
j visit relatives in Southern Missouri
j before returning home.
Master Mechanic Hammond, of Em
porium Furnace has returned from
visiting that new daughter at Lebanon.
William Donacker, foreman, was also
down that way visiting, the past week
—possibly his mother.
Judge Jerome B.Niles, of Wellsboro,
I stopped in Emporium last Monday
| while enroute to Ridgway, calling 011
i old friends. Judge Niles is very popu
! lar with the people of this section who
I are, always pleased to meet him. He
; favored tliu Pitr.-s oflice with a call.
Dr. V. K. Corbett, of Driftwood, was
: calling on Emporium friends on Mon
• day evening. The genial doctor's
I numerous friends will be pleased to
1 learn that he has commenced to take
|on llesh and I;ope.; to heat Pap Yothers
I in the near future.
Mrs. Nellie (Moore) Bond, of Port
i Deposit, Md., and Mrs. E. F. Cum
| mings, of Pittsburg, visited relatives
i and friends in Emporium last Saturday
i and Sunday. While hero they visited
j the Rich Valley cemetery, where no
! many of their family rest,
i Mrs. Lulu 11. Fulton, formerly a resi
dent of Emporium, sends us a invita
tion to attend the commencement ex
ercises of Chicago College of Medicine
j and Surgery, of which she is a member
of the graduating class. The exercises
took place last Monday afternoon.
Mr. O. R. Racey and Miss Sadie
Smith, of Portville, N. Y., were mar
ried at the home of the bride, last
Wednesday, by Rev. F. P. Clark, pas
tor of the Portville Presbyterian
; church. The bride and groom came
to Emporium on Wednesday evening,
remaining until Sunday, guests of the
, bride's sister, Mrs. S. J. Hackot.
1 Jos. Butler, who has been located at
Raton, New Mexico, for several
months, returned to Emporium last
Thursday. Mr. Butler is greatly pleas-
ed with Raton and expects to return
; next fall. He speaks in glowing terms
of our young friend Harry Fry, who is
| doing a large and prosperous business,
| and prophecies well for Pearson Fry,
| who recently married Miss Flemming,
of this place.
Geo. Towers, ol'Driftwood is visiting
111 town to day.
Squire Blodgett, of Grove, is calling
on friends in town to-day.
Bert Burrows is located in Alex. Mc-
Dougall's store. Mr. B. is a very
faithful clerk.
John Doll called at the PRESS office
last week and ordered his paper sent
to Southerland, Nebraska. He has sold
his Sizer Run farm.
lion William P. Jenks, aged 81 years,
died at Boorkville last week. He was a .
brother of Hon. Geo. A. Jenks, late I
Democratic candidate for Governor.
F. A. Blackwell, of North Bend, and
T. S. Patchell, of Driftwood, move to
Spokane. Wash., this week, where Mr. |
B. has large timber interests.
Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! A finer
line of carpet than ever, now on tap at
Laßar's. Will meet all coinpetion and
go one better. Costs you nothing to
call and see them. Come one come all.
Society Happenings.
Last Thursday was William G. Bair'a
birthday and about twenty-five of his
lady friends called at his residence 011
Sixth street during the evening, prop
erly gowned for a jolly good timo.
A stranger might have taken them for
a new Si Blunkard troupe, but they
were only out for a pleasant time. It
is needless to add they were hospitably
entertained by Mr. Bair and his esti
mable wife. Ot course the event was
a genuine "surprise" to Mr Bair.
One of the most enjoyable hops given
in a long time was that at the opera
house last Tuesday evening, the music
being furnished by the Jamestown
Italian Orchestra. The music was
simply m*and and the lads and lassies
made merry until after mid-night.
Reveals a Great Secret.
It is often asked how such startling
cures, that puzzle the best physicians,
are effected by Dr. Kings New Discovery
for Consumption. Here's the secret, ft
cuts out the phlegm and gerui-iufeeted
mucus, and lets the life-giving oxygen
enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals
the inflamed, cough worn throat and
lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs
soon yield to Dr. King's New Discovery,:
the most infallible remedy for all Throat
and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles
50c and $l.OO. Trial bottles free at L.
All is not gold that shows up in a
glittering mining prospectus.
The May number of the Woman's'
Home Companion opens with an article j
on "Where the Starts From," by !
Eugene Wood. "Behind the Scenes in j
a Department Store" gives shoppers a
glimpse into the workings of these
great enterprises. There is a valuable
article on Ellen M. Stone. "Little
Journeys to the Woods and Fields" [
and "The Month of May-Days" are ap- i
propriate outdoor features. The repro- j
duction of five paintings by Charles j
Schreyvogel, makes a striking double-1
page feature. A new serial story by j
Cyrus Townsend Brady "Woven With !
the Ship," makes the magazine notable !
in fiction. Will N. Harben and Elliot :
Flower contribute short stories. Pub- j
lished by The Crowell Publishing Co., j
Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a year;
ten cents a copy; sample copy free.
Religion is the best armor a man can
have, but it is the worst cloak.
Is What W© Mean ß |
There is no honor or profit In
fooling people—especially the
sick; our Vinol guarantee is
made in good faith. Those who
buy it and get no benefit from
it may have their money back.
Every sick person should be
willing to try it on such terms.
People who are all run down—have no
appetite—pale women and children—
those who want to gain llesh—should
try Vinol on our guaranteo. It is just
the medicine for old people and nursing
mothers and all persons who have a
hanging-on cough or have any throat and
lung disease.
Everything that is In Vinol is plainly
printed on the label of each package. Re
member that we guarantee Vfnol and re
fund the purchase money If you are not
Hi Reliable Drug Store.
RPO contract the pcelint? and stocking of 75 to
1 100 cords of OAK and Hemlock Bark. Also
logs and ties.
Emporium, Pa., Mayl, 1902. 10-3t
Stands Like a Stone Wall.
Between your children and the tor
tures of itching und burning eczema,
scaldhead or other skin diseases.—llow?
why. by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
I earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure
for Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum,
Cuts, Burns or Bruiaes. Infallible for
i Piles. 2fie at L. Taggarts drug store.
The path to greatness with God lies
j open to all.
What Thin Folks Need.
Is a greater power of digestion and
assimilation food. For theui Dr. King's
1 New Life Pills work wonders. They
tone and regulate the digestive organs,
' expel all poisons from the system,
| enrich the blood, improve appetite, make
healthy flesh. Only 25c at L. Taggart's.
Hearts that will not melt in the sun
\ shine of love will melt in the flame of
Biliousness is a condition characterized
by a disturbance of the digestive organs.
The stuuiachis debilitated,the livei torpid,
the bowels constipated. There is a loath
ing of food, pains in the bowels, dizziness,
coated tongue and vomiting, first ot the
undigested or partly digested food and
then of bile. Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets allay the disturbances
of the stomach and create a healthy ap
petite. They also tone up the liver to a
healthy action and regulate the bowels.
Try them and you are certain to be much
pleased with the result. For sale by L.
No one is nearer heaven by belongiug
to the upper class of society.
No Loss of Time.
I have sold Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
years, and would rather be out of coffee
and sugar than it 1 sold five bottles
of it yesterday to threshers that could go
no farther, and they are at work again
this morning—ll. 11. Phelps, Plymouth,
Oklahoma. As will be seen by the above
, the threshers were able to keep on with
their work without losing a single day's
time. You should keep a bottle of this
Remedy in your home. For sale by L.
| Taggart.
It is still worth while to be right no
matter who is wrong.
The Most Common Ailment.
More people suffer from rheumatism
| than from any other ailment. This is
wholly unnecessary too, for a cure may
be effected at a very small cost. G. W.
Wescott, of Meadowdale, N. Y., says:"l
have been efflicted with rheumatism for
i some time and it has caused me much
suffering. I concluded to try Chamber
| lain's Pain Balm and am pleased to say
that it has cured me." For sale by L.
The foolish bark at truth because it is
; a stranger to them.
Try the new remedy for costiveness,
: Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Every box guaranteed. Price, 25 cents,
j For sale by L Taggart.
! One who predicts thunder storms isn't
necessarily a lightning calculator.
Wliooping Uough.
A woman who has had experience
j with this disease, telis how to prevent
I any dangerous consequence from it. She
j says: Our three children took whooping
j Cough last summer, our baby boy being
! only three months old, and owing to our
| giving them Chamberlain's Cough
Ilcmedy, they lost none of their plump
ness and came out iu much better health
then other children whose parents did
uot use this remedy. Our oldest little
girl would call lustily for cough syrup
between whoops.—Jessie Pitikey llall,
Springfield, Ala. This remedy is for sale
by L. Taggart.
Keep your sccrect from your friends
and your enemies will never get next to it.
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After Four
teen Years ot Suffering.
"I have been afflicted with sciatic rheu
matism for fourteen years," says Josh
Edgar, of Germantown, Cal. "I was able
to be around but constantly suffered. I
tried everything I could hear of and at
last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, which I did and was immediately
relieved and in a short time cured, and I
am happy to say it has not since return
ed." Why not use this liniment and get
well ? It is for sale by L. Taggart.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
at wholesale.
Bonini Bros.,
Manufacturers of
Have greatly enlarged
I and improved their facili
ties for making ice cream
and are better than ever H
prepared to supply the
trado with all kinds of 9
ice cream on short notice R
and at reasonable prices.
They have prepared to B
make a specialty of this B
line of business and in- ||
tend to do a larger busi
ness than ever before.
They will make better B
cream than ever. They
want your orders and
propose to please their
patrons no as to get the
trade. Give them a trial.
Wall i Paper.
i i
At Taggart's Drug Store j
the finest line ever brought . i
to town. Prices lower than ;
you ever saw them. Don- !
ble rolls as low as 5c and j
the very best at 35c. Bor
der just a 1 iitie in advance
of paper.
Faints, Varnish, Stains,
Varnish Stains,
in all shades and colors.
1 A better line than ever of
fered to our people. Don't
fail to call and examine.
Are you taking advantage of the low prices for strictly first "class
goo ds, which this store is giving? If not, why not? Look and see if
there is not something listed here that will do you some good.
FANCY CALIFORNIA LEMONS, doz. iße. Bought espe
cially for this sale. Don't miss them you'll not get this chance
ONION SETS, best Erie stock, qt ioc.
PURE MAPLE SYRUP, (new goods) gallon SI.OO.
COTOLENE, 50c pails, 45c. New invoice just arrived.
BUTTER, Elgin Creamery, lb 29c. Excelled by none and
equalled by few.
GRANULATED SUGAR,best quality lb. 6c. 251b bags $1.40.
CORN OLA FLOUR, for Com Pan Cakes, Corn Bread and
Muffins, ioc package. Try it. Ralston-Purvina Cereals.
Remember you can make your poultry and dairy yard more
profitable, by constantly using Pratts Food.
Phone 6. ar. H. DAY.
As spring opens everyone desires to have something fresh from
their own garden as early as possible and
is the vary place to buy the best seeds of all.kinds, both early and
late varieties.
A full lino of choice Clover, Timothy, Orch
ard Grass, Red Top and Lawn Grass in sea
son. Also Millet and Hungarian Grass.
Then his choice Hams, Bacon, Fresh Meat
and Eggs deserve your attention. A few
words about our Groceries and staple
articles will not be out of place. Our Coffees
and Teas can be relied on as always fresh.
Sugars and Spices that will always please
the thrifty housekeeper, while Canned
Goods in bvery variety are presented for you
to choose from. The freshest goods always
to be found here. Pricea reasonable and
quality the best. Sole agent for Pillsbury
flour, which is known the world over as the
| What
You Need!
To brush up and make beanti
| ful your home. The season of the
: year for sucli work has arrived
and we would call the attention
of the public to our very large
and reliable line of Paints, Oils,
j Varnishes, the best in the world,
iln addition to the best paints,
we have a first-class line of De
Voe & Co.'s Brushes. Get a
: move on and be prepared to paint
before the workmen are all en
gaged. We can save you money.
While you are painting your
, home or business place let us
; talk a little with you 011 Bath
S and Closets, Hot Water, Steam
lor anything in that line. Our
i increased facilities and expert
[ workmen will do you good work,
j Don't delay until too late.
Farmers should bear in mind
that we handle Plows, Harrows,
1 Rakes, etc. 111 fact our Hard
ware, Stove and Plumbing De
; partments are up to the best.
Write or wire us, when a com
| petent agent will call on you.