EMPORIUM MILLING PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Feb. 5, 19& I. NEMOPHI LA , per sick $1 15 Graham, 44 M Rye M 50 Buckwheat 4 ' 70 Patent Meal 44 SO Coarse Meal, per iOO, 1 f>o Chop Peed, 44 1 50 Middlings. Fancy 44 1 Bran, 1 40 Corn, per bushel, 84 White Oats,per bushel, Choice Clover Heed, 1 Choice Timothy Heed, ! u Marke( ~r ices. Choice Millet Heed, Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, J R.C. DODSON, THE Qrdcjgist, R.upouivn, **A. IS LOCATED IN THE CONNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. ¥ J lij ! , & „•&. jr.-- i, k pjH | rljj/feg •.7 /i \ irip vD uST7 ; ~ vq/ r. c. nonsoN. Telephone, 19-2. i ojbhmiiwi V.lMWijhiwimi—awo— LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL (jOSSIP. Coutributfan* invited. Thai which you icon Id [ like to nee in this departmental us know by poa• j tal card or fetter, personally. .Miss Maud Steck spent Sunday at Portland Mills. C. \V. Shaffer paid Coudersport a professional visit on Tuesday. Miss Lillian Heilman returned on Tuesday from visiting several days at Pittsburg. Mrs. Quimby, ol Keating Summit, is guest of her brother, Fred Crosby and ( wife, at this place. Mercantile Appraiser I. K. Hockley visited First Fork and the lower end of county Tuesday and Wednesday. W. M. Carter was in town on Mon day, not forgetting the printer. Wil liam believes if a man takes a paper he should pay for it. John Heilman, who has been been in the employ of the New York Creamery Co., at Newark, N. J., lias been pro moted and stationed at Owego, N. Y. Claud K. Lyons, of Shippen, one of our moat energetic and reliable young men, was a PRESS visitor on Tuesday. He will read the PRESS for another year. D. S. Logue, of Huntley, was in Em porium on Tuesday and made the PRESS his usual visit about this time of the year and carried away a receipt for another year's subscription. Miss Gertrude Hill, of Huntley, Pa., and Mrs. John Othmer, of this place, were PRESS callers on Tuesday. Miss Hill will remain in Emporium this summer to attend summer school. County Treasurer Walter Yothers, who grows in popularity with our peo ple, was a PRESS visitor on Tuesday. He has a little continued story in this issue of the PRESS, the Treasurer's Land Sales. F. B. Brady, of Lebanon, Pa., has been guest of his brother, Andrew Brady,manager of Emporium Furnace, during the past week. He returned to his home to-day, after enjoying several days along the trout streams. Miss Mabel M. Wylie, formerly one of Johnsonburg borough's popular school teachers, but who has been teaching at Sterling Run the past winter, is the guest of her many friends in town this week.—Johnson burg Press. — 0 : ~ —■i; —lln!' i[^ r —»ii' —' —■ ir— t^mr—l. 1 Lr^TT^ l ' 1 .l^TT^i[^Tjf^JL^tt—^■ 13 (bW EASTMAN'S KODAK Jjjjg | " A Dollar saved » is a Dollar Earned." j| I \ We can save you lots of dollars by buying your § 5 WallPaper, Curtains and Paints of us Hi t i ffl | | L«i li| i] Youjansarryitinyourhands,onyourahoßl- 5 LJ T T \ I A li li der, in your pocketor on yourbicycle. < | I . 1 I I fP - J Y \'l ll:1 I, |: Yo'i press the button and the Kodak will 3 I 1* V«/» I 4 ' 1 ■ I I ' 1 the rest. 112 SIJ jgfj Miss Miller, of Pittsburg, is a new clerk in Climax Office. W. S. Walker and C. Jay Goodnough visited Austin yesterday. Frank Beers and family now occupy their West Allegany residence. Mrs. E. M. Newton was suddenly called to Hew York city, last Sunday. John E. Smith and son Grover, of Sterling Run, visited the PRESS yester day. Miss Sadie Chapman has resigned her position as cashier at Leet & Co.'s store. J. M. Davison is now employed in C. B. Howard & Company's store as ship ping clerk. A. M. Hamilton, formerly Sheriff of this county, has been in town for several days. N. J. Schoutou has moved to Olean. He failed to call 011 the PRESS before leaving town. Miss Berkle, chief clerk in Climax ofllce, returned on Tuesday from visit ing at Pittsburg. Tax Collector Jessop is out again, after a few weeks' sickness, looking as fresh as a peach. Wm. Lawler left 011 Tuesday for West Virginia to see how the new tan nery is progressing. Attorney S. W. Smith, of Port Alle ghany, was in town on Monday on professional business. Judge Warner who has been quite ill for several days with a severe cold, is able to be out again. Jas. Mclnnis has returned from Vir ginia and will remain with the lumber men of Cameron county. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Norris passed Sunday with the former's mother and sisters, at Kane, last Sunday. Mrs. W. D. Johnson and daughter of Grantonia, visited in Emporium yes terday, guest of Mrs. H. H. Cloyes. Mrs. Florence Mason came home from Buffalo an Monday to attend the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. Ilell yer. Gordon Baker's little daughter has been very ill for several days with i pneumonia. Dr. Bardwell reports the 1 child much better. W. H. Roach, of Driftwood, was transacting business in Emporium yes terday. Will is now employed 011 A. ' V. R. R., as fireman. A. Q. Krebbs, who has been danger ously jll with typhoid fever fur several days, at his home on Four Mile, is re ported slightly improved by Dr. Smith. John D. Bell has gone to Virginia and all sorts of rumers are afloat as to the cause of his visit, but "Jack" shook his head, saying, "don't you believe Palmer." L. E. Specht, who recently complet ed a handsome residence on West Fourth street, is turning his attention tu his lawn and is doing some good work. H. B. Muttersbaugb, of Driftwood, visited in Emporium last Thursday. Mr. M. is constable as well as night agent at Driftwood. A tine young man, one of the best. E. M. Parrott, President ofSinna mahoning Iron Company, accompan ied by his attorney, Mr. Webb, of Rochester, visited in Emporium sev eral days during the past week. We notice Miss McCorinick, who has made her home in Port Aligany for some time, is in town this week, to re main permanently, we learn, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan'l MeCor mick. Edward Hout, accompanied by sev eral men, left on Monday for Wesboro, Wis., to enter the employ of C. B. Howard Co. Ed. will tako charge of the log train, a position he is fully competent to fill Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burrows and daughter Gladys,have returned to Em porium. The scarcity of houses has compelled them to board at the War ner House and rooming with Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Hockley. Ex-County Treasurer Franklin Hous ler, after being confined to his resi dence for several days, was able to come down town on Tuesday for the first and crack a few jokes with Frank Balcom and Henry Edgcomb. Mine host William McDonald, ac companied by his friend, engineer Welsh, returned from Hix Run on Monday, with a big catch of "speckled beauties." Of course their friends en joyed eating them. F. D. McClure (mail agent) and wife are entertaining Mrs. McClure's broth er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vosburg, of Bradford. F. D. took his brother up Parker Run after trout, giving him a good sunburning and worked up a good appetite. It was fun for McClure, who is used to rugged western life. S. S Miller of Diftwood, informs the PRESS he has purchased the timber on 1100 acres of land, located near his Castle Garden mill. The bark goes to Gleason's Driftwood tannery. This, in addition to his recent purchase from T. R. Clark, gives him plenty of timber. This Sam says will allow him to spare the walnuts for a rainy day. Rambos are not in it any more. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1902. Mrs. J. I. Murry and daughter of I Buffalo, are guests of Miss Yates. John W. Trotter and wife have lo cated in Emporium, at present Mr. T. being employed at furniture factory. Walter Sloeum and family have moved to Franklinville, N. Y., where Mr. Slocum has l purchased a meat market. Mrs. R. W. Robinson went to Wil liamsport 011 Mond.ty to be present at the marriage of her brother Frank Murry to Miss Walker, the ceremony taking place on Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock. After spending a few days at Baltimore and Washington Mr. and Mrs. Murry will make their home at St. Marys. New Clergyman. Rev. Jno. A. Miller, the newly ap pointed M. E. minister for Cameron circuit, has arrived and preached last Sunday at Moore Hill, Beechwood and Howard Siding. Next Sabbath morn ing he occupies the pulpit at West Creek and in the evening at Cameron. House Burned. The A. O. Swartwood homestead, in Rich Valley, now owned by Mr. Josiah Howard, was totally destroyed by Are yesterday morning, caused by a spark from the chimney lighting upon the roof. The house was occupied by a Mr. Johnson, whose loss on furniture is S2OO, with $l5O insurance. Mr. How ard's loss on house is S9OO, insurance SSOO Baptist Church Notes. Preaching morning and evening by the pastor. Morning subject, "How to be useful or the secret of soul-saving." Evening topic "Playing to the Gods." Baptism at the close of the evening sermon. Bible school at the close of morning worship, C. E. Crandell, superintendent: Y. P. S. C. E. 6:30, B. Olmsted, president. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, 7:45. All wel come. 30th Benedictory song service in the lecture room at the close of tho evening service. Fire at St. Marys. St. Marys was visited by a $:!5,000 lire last Friday morning, the fire originat ing in H. M. Sillman's big store. Well insured. First Pork. Editor l*rcss I'nclc Jimiuy O'Brien is stepping hi»h on account of a new boy which arrived at his house a few days ago. D. D. Colcord returned on Friday from a week's visit with relatives and friends in Ooudersport and vicinity. Robt Krebs was summoned by tele gram on Friday to Sizerville on account of the serious illness of his brother Al. Currier's mill at this place was burned on Friday evening just after She men bad quit work and was a total loss. Not uiucb lumber was burned but a large pile of four foot slab-wood was burned. The mill had only been running a short time, and had sawed only a small portion of their stock. Shipping of lumber bad just commenced. No insurance on miil and stock. It is reported the mill will be rebuilt. John Caldwell bought a house at Blowvillc, and has removed it to his place and is putting it up, and will soon have a home in place of the one burned a short time ago. *,(.* April 21, I'JO2. If troubled by a weak digestion, lots of appetite, or constipation, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Every box warranted. For sale by L. Taggart. A man may be judged by his judg ments of others. Wields A Sharp Ax. Millions marvel at the multitude of maladies cut off by Dr. King's New Life Pills—the most distressing too. Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles—Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever, Malaria, all fall before these wonder workers. 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. God wants flowers on hearts more than on altar-cloths. Jangling Nerves. Are you irritable ? Do you sleep badly? Is it hard to concentrate your thoughts ? Is your appetite poor? Do you feel tired, restless and despondent ? Try Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound. It will do you more good than any thing you have ever tried. Sold by L. Taggart. The pearls of truth lie deep in the sea of patience. "A neighbor ran in with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy when my son was suffering with severe cramps and was given up as beyond hope by my regular physician, who stands high in bis profession. After administering three doses of it, my son regained consciousness and recovered entirely within twenty-four hours," says Mrs. .Marry Ilaller,of Mt. Crawford, Va. This Remedy is'for sale by L. Taggart. L2OCAL NOTICES. PASTtrßE.—Those desiring pasture for the coming season may obtain the same by inquiring of me. Btf Ciias. C. Wiley. Zinc and Grinding Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. Murry & Coppersmith sell our paint. tf SHAW'S PURE MALT- Is free from adulteration, drugs, crude spirits and other harmful ingredients. Absolutely pure. Sold By 36-47-ly F. X. BLUMLE. Tapestry curtains and lace curtains. A fine new line Just received. Can't be beat for quality and prices. Call and have a look. GEO. J. LABAR. Carpets! Carpets! Carpels! A finer line of carpet than ever, now on tap at Laßar's. Will meet all competion and go one better. Costs you nothing to call and see them. Come one come all. GEO. J. LABAIS. A fine selection of ladies trimmed hats just received from New York city. Children's hats at 15c and up wards. Children's summer under wear, regular price 15c and 20c, reduced to 5c and 10c. MRS. E. O. BARDWELI., Having decided to continue the busi ness of the late D. E. Olmsted, I hope by strict, careful and courteous atten tion to all to merit a share of the patrouage we have had since our resi dence in Emporium. THOMAS TROTTER. Next door to the Emporium Furni ure Company. Paint Your Buggy lor 75c. To SI.OO with Devoe's Gloss Carriage Paint It weighs 3to 8 ozs. more to the pint than others, wears longer, and gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold by Murry & Coppersmith. A That Beautiful Gloss Comes from the varnish in Devoe's Varnish Floor Paint; costs 5 cents more a quart though. Sold by Murry & Coppersmith. A A Spring Tonic. Everybody needs a tonic in the spring, at this time the system craves a tonic. It is housecleaning time for your body. Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound will tone up your nerves, blood, kidneys and liver and fill you with health and energy. Sold by L. Taggart. A Doctor's Bad Plight. "Two years ago, as a result of a se vere cold, I lost my voice," writes Dr. M. L. Scarbrough, of Hebron, Ohio, "then began an obstinate cough. Every remedy known to me as a practicing physician for 35 years, failed, and 1 daily grew worse. Being urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, I found quick relief, and for the last ten days have felt better than for two years." Positively guar anteed for Throat and Lum: troubles by L. Taggart. It is hard to be healed when we hide our wounds. The Great Dismal Swamp Of Yirginta is a breeding ground of Malaria germs. So is low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These germs cause weakness, chills and fever, aches in the bones and muscles, and may inJuce dan gerous maladies. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malarial troubles. They will suiely pre vent typhoid. "Wetried many remedies for Malaria and Stomach aud Liver troubles," writes John Charleston, ol Byesville, 0., but "but never found any thing as good as Electric Bitters." Try theni. Only 50c. L. Taggart guarantees satisfaction. A state religion docs not make a re ligious state. A Nearly Fatal Runaway. Started a horrible ulcer on the leg of •T. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111., which defied doctors and all remedies tor four years. Then Buck leu's Arnica Salve cured him. Just as good for Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Scalds, Skin Erup tions and Piles. 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. The truth of martyr does not hire out to a museum. Good for Rheumatism. Last fall I was taken with a severe attack of muscular rheumatism which caused me great pain and annoyance. After trying several prescriptions and rheumatic cures, I decided to use Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which [ had seen advertised in the South Jerseyman. After two applications of this remedy I was much better, and after using ona bottle, was completely cured.—Sallie Harris, Salem, N. J. For sale by L. Taggart. ! ICE CREAM !We I at wholesale. tt •*- j Bonini Bros., e Manufacturers of H "TI T"1 J PURE ICE CREAM, W RIDOWAY, Pa., Have greatly enlarged V /"M 1 |\T r\An I and improved their faeili- I I Jll I f-Jf—Jl I ties for making icecream • I and are better than ever H prepared to supply the trade with all kinds of £ ice eream on short notice and at reasonable prices. ■ i i , , They have prepared to I * ° brush up and make beautl make a specialty of this | r ( ,I T*l r line of business and in- I ful > om home * The season of the tend to do a larger busi- I year for such work has arrived | ness than ever before. ■l"' v They will make better m j and we would call the attention g cream than ever. They ■ j " want your orders and Hof the public to our very large propose to please their I , . . patrons so as to get the I aud reliable line of Paints, Oils, trade. Give them a trial. Birr • i 4 i • , ■ i V arnislies, the best in the world. iln addition to the best paints, - Voe & Co.'s Brushes. Get a move on and be prepared to paint iA/qll 4 'DdTIAY) before the workmen are all en -11 0,11 • I a|JCI . I S a & ed - We can save you money. While you are painting your , , _ , home or business place let us At laggart's Drugstore , ~ , .i r ,i- i . talk a little with you 011 Bath the finest line ever brought to town. Prices lower than Closets, Hot Water, Steam you ever saw them. Don- or anything in that line. Our ble rolls as low as 5c and increased facilities and expert the very best at 35c. Bor- workmen will do you good work, der just a liitle in advance Don , t delay until tOQ ]ate paper. Farmers should bear in mind that we handle Plows, Harrows, Paints, Varnish, Stains, T -, , . Rakes, etc. 111 fact our Hard er, iis„ Stains, ware> Stoye and PlumbingDe _ Knamel, partments are up to the best. ~ , , . . Write or wire us, when a com -111 all shades aud colors. | A better line than ever of- j P etent a S ent will call 011 y°u tered to our people. Don't . . fail to call and examine. wcgsM. THE SATISFACTORY | v \ FRESH GARDEN STORE. JLJx-\l vX SEEDS. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. To give goods and service that are always satisfactory is the aim of this store. Von must deal with us more than once to understand our capa bilities, but once is enough to catch the spirit of the store. This week Friday and Saturday we offer: GRANULATED SUGAR,best ciaulitylb. 6c. 2sib bags $1.40. ioc RICE, lb 7c. ioc PRUNES, lb Bc. 12yjC CLEANED CURRANTS, lb 11c. 15c PARLOR MATCHES, package, 15c. GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER, 20c. 4lbpackage. USE PRATT'S POULTRY FOOD. Feed it to the young chicks; it makes them strong and healthy. Feed it to the the old fowls; it keeps them strong and healthy and increases their procuc tiveness. ioc, 25c, and 60c package. Phone o". H. IDAY. 1 SPRING HAS COME | As spring opens everyone desires to have something fresh from their own garden as early as possible and FRANK SHIVES' is the very place to buy the best seeds of all'kinds, both early and late varieties. A full line of choice Clover, Timothy, Orch ard Grass, Red Top and Lawn Grass in sea son. Also Millet and Hungarian Grass. Then his choice Hams, Bacon, Fresh Meat and Eggs deserve your attention. A few words about our Groceries and staple articles will not be out of place. Our Coffees and Teas can be relied on as always fresh. Sugars and Spices that will always please the thrifty housekeeper, while Canned Goods in every variety are presented for you to choose frorr. The freshest goods always to be found here. Prices reasonable and quality the best. FRANK SHIVES.