4 Siarrjeror) Gaurjly j^Vess ESTABLISHED BY O. H. GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year f2 00 If paid is advance |l 50 ADVERTISING RATES. Advcrti ement Bare published at the rate of one ddlar per square for one insertion and fitlycents pgr square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for si* or tbree months are ow and uniform,and willbe furnished on appli cation. Letjai and Official Advertising per square,three times or less, (2 00; each subsequent insertionso cents per square. Loca 1 noticesten cents per 1 ine for one insertion, dve cents perlineforeachsubsequentconsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per ine. Himpleannouncements of births, marriages and timc limit, while the rate of concession is likely to be raised to 25 percent. Speaking on this subject yester day, Senator Bard, of California, told me he believed there was no chance for the bill in the .Senate. Senator McMillan told me the same thing a few days before and it seems unlikely that, even if the friends of Cuba, in the Senate, suc ceed in passing the bill, amended as indicated, there will be any hope of its getting through the House. There was no expectation on the part of those Republicans, who voted with the Democrats to so hamper the measure, that the bill would eventually become a law as, were it to do so, it would prove more injurious to the beet sugar interests than would Cuban reci procity. The action of the Demo crats in voting unanimously for an amendment calculated to defeat the 20 per cent concession to Cuba, which they had previously pro nounced a "20 per cent concession to their views" is as inexplicable as are the majority of the Demo cratic inconsistencies. The Senate, last Wednesday, passed the Chinese Exclusion bill but not until it had been so amend ed as to be a virtual re-enactment of the Geary Law. The fear that some of the provisions of the new bill would be found to abrogate our treaty with China and so hamper the possibilities of trade with the Orient, at a time when the remark able success of American manufac turing enterprises makes the acquis ition and cultivation of new and extensive foreign markets impera tive, was responsible for the action of the senators. On Thursday Senator Lodge call ed up the bill providing for the temporary civil government of the Philippines but yielded to Senator Morgan of Alabama who, with characteristic energy, proceeded to deliver a 30,000 word speech on the Nicaragua canal, speaking for live consecutive hours. Whatever may prove to be the effect on Isthmian canal legislation, the effect of the Alabamian's oratory on the Senate was immediately apparent. Within ten minutes the Senate chamber was practically empty and so re mained for the rest of the day. To day consideration of the Philippine bill will begin in earnest. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL, 24, 1902. STATE AND COUNTY POLITICAL NOTES. "You can quote me as saying that Mr. Elkin will not be nominated for Governor," is what Senator Quay is reported to have Baid to the newspaper men in Washington on Monday and all of them have quoted him to that ef fect. The statement was made in answer to an inquir}' as to whether the declaration of certain State officials that they would "sink or swim" with the Atorney General would improve the latter's chances. Senator Quay is also reported to have made the same statement to Congressman Connell on Sunday night, when they had their conference, and when Mr. Connell in formed the Senator that he would be a candidate for United States Senator to succeed Senator Penrose unless opposi tion to Elkin was withdrawn. Mr. Con nell is satisfied that the Senator cannot be moved from his position. Letter to Geo. fletzger, Jr. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: How much gold do you sell in the course of a year, and how much pewter, how many 18 karat watches, how many filled cases ? No matter. A man may wear a gold looking watch, or gold; it's nobody's business. The money he didn't pay you, he may have in"the bank. Some women may wear pewter; and paste may be as good as a diamond. Not so with paint. Poor paint lets property goto waste. Lead and oil is good for three years; but that is the end of its wholeness. Zinc is as good for six years as lead for three. Lead and oil will keep out water three years; Devoe lead and zinc six years—sixteen in favorable conditions. Yours truly, VI F. W. DEVOE & Co. P. S.—Murry & Coppersmith sell our paint. The braggart deceives uo one but him self. The Best Blood^urifler. The blood is constantly being purified by the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep these organs in a healthy condition and the bowels regular and you will have no need of a blood purifier. For this pur pose there is nothing equal to Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, one dose of them will do you more good than a dollar bottle of the best blood purifier. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at. L. Taggart's drug store. It takes a great man to comprehend himself. This paper might b.: filled with items like the following, and every one be the absolute truth.l had rheumatism for years and tried almost everything, but got no permanent relief, until I used Chamberlains Pain Palm, three bottles of which have cured me. It is the best medicine I ever used.—Philip E. Rlioads, Pennville, Mo. Pain Dalm is for sale by L. Taggart. Many a man must lose his all to find himself. Save the Loved Ones! Mrs. Mary A. \"li>_-t. Newcastle, Colo., writes: "I believe Mallard's Horehound Syrup is superior lo any other medicine, and will do all that is claimed for it, and it is so pleasant to take. My little girl wants to take it when she has no need for it. Baiiards's Horehound Svrup is the great cure for aii pulmonary ailments. 2."» c. 50c and SI.OO at L. Taggart's. No man fails of success who conquers himself. Chronic Bronchitis Cared. "For ten years I had chronic bronchitis so bad that at times I could not speak above a whisper," writes Mr. Joseph Coffman, of Montmorenci, Ind. 'I tried all remedies available, but with no suc cess. Fortunately my employer suggest ed that I try Foley's Honey and Tar. Its effect was almost miraculous, and I am now cured of the disease. On my recom mendation many people have used Foley's Honey and Tar, and always with satis factian." L. Taggart. Whan God's showers cease man's sup plies fail. A PROCLAMATION! We proclaim our offer to the people that we sell VINOLon a positive guar antee. if it does not succeed in benefit ing you we will refund the entire amount of purchase money. If you are troubled with any of the following ailments wo know that VINOL will help you. Anyway you should givo yourself the chance to be benefited by it, particularly as you take no risk in losing money if it does not help you. All Run Down, No Appetite, All Tired Out, Debilitated, Gain Flesh, Indigestion, Get Strong, Dyspepsia, Weak People, Old People, Pale Women, Bronchitis, Pale GhSldren, Sore Lungs, Irritability, Nervousness, Ghronio Oolds, Hacking Gough, Nursing Mothers, Weak Mothers. Come in and get a book which tells all about VINOL. Old Reliable Drag Stars. ALL SORTS. Foley's Money and Tar contains no opiates, and will not constipate like nearly all other cough medicines. Refuse sub stitutes. L. Taggart. The things that makes us happy are those to which we have given our hearts. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. Don't delay taking. L. Taggart. Tears pay no taxes. Foley's Kidney Cure il taken in time affords security from all Kidney and bladder diseases. L. Taggart. Stress makes strong. The surest and safest remedy for kid ney and bladder diseases is Foley's Kidney Cure. L. Taggart. A selfish success is a sad failure. A Chattanooga Druggist's Statement. Robt. J. Miller, Proprietor of the Read House DrugStore of Chattanooga, Tenu., writes: "There is more merit in Foley's IToney and Tar than in any other cough sjrup. The calls for it multiply wonderfully and we sell more of it than all other cough syrups combined." L. Taggart. Cowardly fear finds no favor with God. Pneumonia is ftobbed of Its Terrors. Ry Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the lacking coujji and heals and strength ens the lungs. If taken in time it will prevent an attack of pneumonia. Ret use substitutes. L. Taggart. Heaven oft takes in what earth casts out. Drea'llul Attack of WhoopiriK Cough. Mrs. Ellen Ilarlison, of MOO Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo., writes as follows: "Our two children had a severe attack of whooping cough, one of them in the paroxysm of coughing would often faint and bleed at the nose. We tried every thing we heard of without getting relief. We then called in our family doctor who prescribed Foley's Honey and Tar. With the very first dose they began to improve and wo feel that it has saved their lives." Refuse substitutes. L. Taggart. The church is weakened by wicked loyalty. His licfi Leg. For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises, or other wounds DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a sure cure. Skin diseases yield to it at once. Never fails in cases of piles. Cooling and healing. None genuine hut DeWitt's. Reware of counterfeits "1 suf fered for many years from a sore caused by a gun shot wound in my left leg," says A. S. Fuller, English, Ind. "It would not heal and gave me much trouble. T used all kinds of remedies to no purpose until I tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." R. C. Dodson. Liking leads to love and love to like ness. Saved M»ny A Time. Don t uegleet coughs and colds even if it is spring. SiJfeh eases often result seriously at this season just because peo ple are careless. A dose of One Minute Cough ('uie will remove all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles "I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years," says Postmaster C. 0. •Dawson, Rarr, 111. "It is the very best cough medicine on the market. It has saved me many a severe spell of sickness and I warmly reeommond it."The child ren's favorite. R. C. Dodson. Success is not salvation, but salvation is success. Wants To Help Others. "I had stomach trouble all my life," Edw. Mehler, proprietor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie, Pa., "and tried a' 1 kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent considerable money trying to get a moment's peace. Finally I read of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have been taking it to my great satisfaction. I never found its equal for stomach stomach trouble and gladly recommend it in hope that I may help other sufferers." Kodol Dyspepsiu Cure cures all stomach troub les. You dont't have to diet, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. R. C. Dodson. The gieat life is made up of greatness in littles. The Best Cold Cure Is one you can take without interrup tion to business. One that does not af fect the head or hearing like the continu ed use of quinine. One that cures speed ily and leaves you feeling fresh and clear headed. Such a one is Ivrause's Cold Cure. l'i ice 20c. Sold by L. Taggart. n -i- -•» Herbine Cures Fever and Ague. A dose will usually stop a chill, a continuance always cures. Mrs. Wm. M. Strond, Midloian, Texas, May ill, 1899, writes: "We have used Herbine in our family for eight years, and found it the best medicine wo have ever used, for la grippe, billious fever, and malaria." i)oc at L. Taggart's. Actual liberty centers iti essential wealth. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Many words do not make much ■ wisdom. Beauty And Strength Are desirable. You are strong and vigorous, when your blood is pure. Many { —nay most —women, fail to properly ! digest their food, and so become pale, sallow, thin and weak, while the bright ness, freshness and beauty of the skin and complexion, depart. Remedy this unpleasant evil, by eating nourishing food, and taking a small dose of Herbine after each meal, to digest what you have eaten. 50c at L. Taggart's. Sincerity is the best sermon against hypocrisy. Neglect Means Danger. Don't neglect biliousness and constipa tion. Your health will suffer perma nently if you do. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cure such cases. M. B. Smith. Butternut, Mich., says "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause nausea." R. C. Dodson. Magic Color Pictures. A glass of water and - a sponge or brush act like a box of paints on the wonderful "Wafergraphs," which will appear in next Sunday's Philadelphia Press. It's the cleverest novelty of the year. The pictures are printed appar ently in black ink. You touch them with water, and in a second they be come beautiful water color paintings. No skill is needed- Children can do it as well as grown folks. These "Water ! graphs" are in addition to the myster ious magic pictures, which you rub over a blank space with a coin and a picture appears. The great puzzle-man, Sam Loyd, is now on The Sunday Press staff of en ! tertainers. He has a page each Sunday i that will set you thinking and amuse you, too. Order next Sunday's Phila delphia Press of your newsdealer in advance. Then you'll be sure to get it. ' tf EXCURSION NOTICES. LOWER RATE EXCURSION TO CALIFORNIA. During the coming summer frequent opportunities will be offered by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to visit California at the lowest round trip rates ever offered, with choice of routes from Chicago via Kansas City, Omaha or St. Paul, or going and re turning via different routes. Electric lighted trains Route of the Pioneer Limited. Famous Train of the world. Write for full information to F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. 9 3t. REOUCED RATES TO LOS ANGELES. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, on Account of Convention of Federation of Women's Clubs. On account of the Convention of Federation of Women's Clubs, to be held at Los Angeles, Gal., May 1 to 8, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell special excursion tickets from all stations on its line, to Los Angeles and return, at reduced rates. Tickets will be sold trom April 19 to 20, inclusive, and will be good to return until June 25 when properly validated. For specific rates, routes, and condi tions of tickets apply to ticket agents. 22G4-8-2t A NEW DEPARTURE. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway lias recently putin service 011 its Pioneer Limited trains the largest and handsomest dining car ever built. It is 82 feet in length from tip to tip, and its body is 6 inches wider and high er than the usual dining car. It seats 36 people comfortably in movable chairs, and has a kitchen large enough to permit the working of six cooks which with six waiters and a conductor make up the crew. The dining cars heretofore in service did not provide sufficient space to properly care for the large number of patrons of the Pioneer, so that it became necessary to have a larger car. 8 3t A MATTER OF HISTORY. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, popularly known as "The St. Paul Road," began the use of electricity for train lighting in 1888. In thit and many ways it has been a pioneer in the adoption of comforts for the traveler. In building the world famous Pioneer Limited trains a mark was set in luxury and beauty of cars that has never been equalled, and probably never will be. S-3t Reduced Rates to the West. Commencing March Ist and daily thereafter, until April 30th, 1902, the Wisconsin Central Ry. will sell Settlers' tickets from Chicago to points in Mon tana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, at greatly reduced rates. For detailed information inquire of nearest Ticket Airent, or address W. 11. Allen, 021 Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa., or Jas. C. Pond, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Wilwaukee, Wis. 48-14t. J. A. Fisher, PRACTICAL J4orse $ Broad Street, Emporium, Pa. I A safe, certain relief for Suppressed I ■ Menstruation. Never known to full. Safe! ■ j gg Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed I Bor money Refunded. Sent prepaid for ■ ' ■ 81.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to I ■ be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. I j Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart. Tin Plate lo j J. F. PARSONS ? SHSHSHb-ESHSHSHSaSP | groceries. 1 J. A. KINSUSR, S }{] Carries nothing but the best that can be pj obtained id the line of fu S Groceries and jj] Provisions, [n Flour, Salt and Smoked Meats nj Canned Goods, etc. [u n] Teas, Coffees, Fruits, Confectionery, Ln Tobacco and Cigars. "] [n Goods Delivered Free any placein HI nj Town. [U |jj Call and see me anil get prices. J. A. KINSLER, 01 Near P. &E. Depot. [}j H5H5H52555H5 BSESESESctr I STERLING RUN. PA. We have returned from the city, and as usual we bought too many goods. The goods are on our shelves for your inspection and we invite the public to come and inspect them and get prices. We will sell these nice op-to-dategoods forthe next THIRTY DAYS at a very small margin to re duce our stock. NOW IS TIIE TIME FOR GOOD BARGAINS. Wc sell BRUSSELS CARPET from sample, we measure your room, cut carpet to fit and sew it if you wish. We carry INGRAIN carpets and FLOOR MATTING in Stock. Our I prices on matting are 16c, 20c, 25c, 2Sc, and 30 cents per yard. We are agents for DEMOREST SEWING MACHINES. DEERING HARVESTER.COM PANY r AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL FERTILIZER CO. J. E. SMITH, | | Sterling Run, Pa. -r, : ._ ..." g Famorrs at home for g Generations past; B Famous now all over I the World. For sale by AVM. McGEEL £ P. X. BLtiMbE, I i == 2 (• •> g Emporium, Pa. J* (, Bottler and Dealer In •) •) •) % J | BEER, •» •) I § WINES, % •) :* WHISKIES '•> (• •) ( * And Liquors of all Kinds. 5> (• | •) « (• P •) The best of goods always carried in stock and everything <• (• warranted as rep- Jj J] resented. |j 1= i % (• Special Attention Paid to $ (• •) •> Mail Orders. % £ <9 *) |= s 5 EMPORIUM, PA. I <• •) Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. SDR. CALDWELL'S Bl YRUP PEIPSiN CURES CONSTIPATION. ■ *1