THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH 1866. VOL. 37. UN OPENJONTEST Interesting Situation in the Can vass for the Governorship. IT IS A FREE-FOR-ALL STRUGGLE Popular Attention Directed to th« Contest For the Election of Dele gates to the Republican State Con vention at Harrisburn On June 11. (Special Correspondence.) Harrisburg, April 22. —The canvass for the Republican nominations for state offices goes merrily on with a frc« for all contest for each of the positions to be filled. The party is confronted with the un usual spectacle of having no slated can didates and with a number of strong men battling for support in the various counties. Senator Quay, as a prospec tive delegate to the state convention from Beaver county, has indicated his purpose to vote against the nomination of Attorney General John P. Elkin for tho governorship, but up to date he has not been found leading any organiza tion against the candidacy of Mr. El kin. Just which candidate Senator Quay will finally vote for is not known. He says himself that he has no prefer ence at present. Meanwhile Mr. Elkin and his ad mirers are going ahead with a deter mined campaign to elect delegates in his behalf and Mr. Elkin states that he will continue in the fight until tho roll shall be called in tho state conven tion. He certainly takes a hopeful view of the situation and is busy with his canvass, working night and day. ELKIN'S NAME REGISTERED. During the last week Mr. Elkin has had his name registered in two more counties, Huntingdon and Northumber land. and hp states that he is anxious to navo all aspirants for the governor ship meet him in a contest before tho people, so that the voters shall have an opportunity to make their selections. The registration in Northumberland county closed on Saturday last and Mr. Elkin was the only candidate for gov ernor to be registered with the Repub lican county chairman. Mr. Elkin's name, it will be recalled, was submit ted to the people in Blair and Lebanon counties, which both instructed thoir delegates to the state convention to vote for Mr. Elkin. Primaries were held en Saturday last in two districts in Luzerne county, the third and the fourth, and both thes-? districts were carried for Elkin after exciting struggles. His opponent in Luzerne was former Lieutenant Gov ernor Watres, who lives in the adjoin ing county of Lackawanna. Adams, Columbia, Pike and Sullivan counties also held their primaries on Saturday last, but the party organiza tion leaders in these counties conclud ed to send uninstructed delegations to the state convention. No one is in a position to say exactly how these dele gations will vote in the final roundup. There was no contest on the governor ship in any of these counties. MAY MAKE A TOUR. If Mr. Elkin shall carry out his de termination togo before the people of the several counties and appeal for their support he will unquestionably have a great advantage over candidates who will not agree to do this. In every county in which lie has made a con test he has won up to date, and his admirers have been quite agressive 6ince his recent announcement that he will not withdraw from tho contest under any circumstances. Mr. Elkin's backers say that he Is ready to make a tour of the state stumping the various counties in which Republican primary elections have not yet been held and seek the support of the active Republicans of the common wealth. Congressman Connell, of Lack awanna, has become one of Mi - . Elkin's staunchest advocates, and an interest ing situation may arise in Northeast ern Pennsylvania, where Connell is strong, with his opposition to the can didacy of L. A. Watres, an aspirant for the governorship residing in his home county. Messrs. Elkin and Watres continue to be the only avowed candidates for governor. While the names of former Senator Cameron, General Brooke and W. C. Sproul are still frequently heard in connection with the governorship, Senator Sproul is the only one of them who has any delegates committed to his nomination. These are from his home county of Delaware. The campaign being waged in the in terest of Mr. Elkin has stirred up con siderable enthusiasm with the organi zation of Elkin clubs throughout the state, and there is promise of a very large crowd of boomers gathering at the state convention. Meetings have been held in a number of counties for the organization of Elkin clubs, and there will be lively times in the con vention city when the delegates assem ble for the convention, which is to be held on June 11. There was a suggestion a few days ago for the nomination of Senator Sproul for lieutenant governor, but this proposition has been combatted with much spirit by friends of former Senator Brown, of Lawrence. Brown had by many been regarded as the leading aspirant for second place. The recent developments throughout the •tate have complicated matters some what, so that former Senator Brown may have to do some hustling to keep his lead in this contest for lieutenant governor. Dr. Flood, of Crawford, is also in the field for this honor. The movement favorable to the nom ination of General John W. Schall, of Montgomery county, for the office of secretary of internal affairs, has been given additional support in Geneia.l Scliall's home county of Montgomery during the last week. It is predicted that he will be cordially Indorsed for this nomination when the county con vention shall be held. Major Brown, of Erie, continues an energetic canvass for this nomination, and he is assured of a good following in the state con vention. Forest Fires Raging. "This world is full of trouble; noth ing here but woo," as Ed. Cook, night, clerk at Warner House nsed to say. We no sooner get over fighting snow storms, high water, etc, than along comes the forest fires. During the present week fires started all around us, the first commencing east of us, when men were compelled to fight to prevent the destruction of the Climax Powder works. On Tuesday fires broke out in Canoe Run, which continued to rage until yesterday, ~when W. D. Johnson's mill, located at the head of the run, was in danger. The firo was plainly noticeable from this place. All day yesterday tremendous fire was sweeping over upper Jerry Run, des troying large quantities of logs and railroad owned by Barclay Bro's. We have not the full particular.-', but no doubt the loss is heavy. Since writing the above we learn that destructive fires were raging in Jerry Run yesterday. Messrs. Barclays met a heavy loss on logs and to the rail road. Many of their men had narrow escapes and this morning it was report ed that M. J. Wykoffand Mr. Bennett were burned to death, but our informa tion from SinnemahoningatlO o'clock, denies that there were any fatalities. The loss on Canoe Run is quite seri ous. All of W. D. Johnson's manufac tured lumber and most of the logs were burned. No insurance. The logs were mostly of Thos. Ford's stocking. Im possible to estimate the loss at this time. Water at the Cemetery. Now that the dry season of the year will soon be upon us, something should bo done looking towards placing or extending tho city water in Newton Cemetery. The balance in the hands of the Borough should be used for that purpose. Let our Borough Council take up this long delayed matter at once and either make the proper ap propriation, or turn over the property, long since disposed, to the lot owners, who shall incorporate themselves into an organization for the improvement of the "City of the Dead." Double Wedding. Sterling Run is just now enjoying tho novelty of a double wedding. Last week, Tuesday, Misses Ethel and Grace Devling, accompanied by Messrs. E. C. Marshall and C. A. Swartz visited Em porium and armed with the requisite legal documents boarded the Buffalo Flyer for Wiliiamsport, where they wore united in the holy bonds of wed lock. Rev. Dr. Roberts, pastor of Presbyterian church, officiating. The young people are well and favorably known to our citizens, all of whom ex tend their best wishes for a long joyous and prosperous journey through life. Schmidt's Ice Cream. Summer is here in dead earnest at | last and the surest sign is the ice cream I sign. Commencing with next Saturday | evening C. G. Schmidt's popular ice ! cream parlors will be open to the public j where delicious and cooling ice cream j of all flavors, ices, choice cakes and I confectionery may be purchased. The j long reputation of this house neeeds n > flattering mention at our hands— every one knows "Schmidty, the Baker," who is always good natured and pleased to meet his patrons. Bad Side Walk. M. M. Lupole, of Cameron, was a I welcome caller at the PRESS sanctum yestdiday. Mr. Lupole informs us of an accident which happened to his wife who came to Emporium last Sat urday to spend the day with friends. While going up Sprint; street she trip pe l on a loose board on the side walk, and being a heavy lady, she had a bad 1 fall, the result of which she has suffered ! much since. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 24,1902. Statement of Receipts and Expcnditnrex by the Executive Committee for Firemen's Convention, Held Aug. 14-19, 1001. SUBSCRIPTIONS. Alex. McDougal 15 00 West Branch Hose C 0... 125 00 Geo. Metzger, Jr., 15 00 Emerald Hose Co., 225 00 Henry Auchu, $ 20 00 A. W. Mason, 500 Laurel H. and L, Co 125 00 P. X. Blumle 200 00 8. E. Murry 500 Repasz Band, 300 «0 W.Q. Bair 5 00 Thad. Moore, 5 00 Harry Parker, 25 00 Balcom «t Lloyd, 10 00 H.C.Olmsted 15 00 Emporium Ball C1ub,.... 77 52 Dr. A. W.Baker 500 R. M. Overhiser 500 Vollmer & Sims, 90 00 Ed. Blinzler 500JF. M. Overhiser 500 Lawson Sprout, 4 00 Bedard the Tailor, 5 00 j J. P. Parsons, 20 00 Jos. Freindell, 6 00 John Cummings, 50 00 Mrs. M. A. Rockwell 5 00 ! Fred Leutze 4 00 JohnCostello 25 00 Peter Shoup, 50 00 j Episcopal Guild, 175 00 J. P. Creighton 10 00 Frank Hhives 25 00 J. D. Logan 12 89 W.H.Cramer 10 00 | Dr. S. S. Smith,' 20 00 j M. J. Schwartz 6 30 C. O. Catlin, 5 00 | Chas. Seger 5 00 I Van Fleet & Son, 100 02 Climax Powder Co 25 00 P. Sehweikart,. 500 N. Seger 1 40 John Cruice 5 00 R. Seger &Co 10 00 J. P. Crcightou, 10 00 Cameron County Press,.. 10 00 C.O.Schmidt, 500 Haupt AHauber, 18 50 D. W. Donovan, 50 00 C. W. Shaffer, 500 ! ,1. W. Clarke,.... 75 00 R. C. Dodson 5 00 N. Seger 500 j Geo.J. Laßar 123 00 John Edelman, 500 L. Taggart 15 00 : Geo. Metzger, Jr 27 5o B. Egan 5 00 Thos. Trotter, 5 00 C. M. Thomas 353 Emporium Iron Co 25 00 M. o.l'ulis, 500 Walker, Howard & C 0.,. 12 27 Emporium Machine C 0.,. 10 00 W.B.Thompson 500 John Cruise, 14 00 J. A. Fisher 5 00 A. F. Vogt, 500 Don. Douglas, 1 00 J- P. Felt 500 Warner House 187 65 ; W. H. Cramer 4 90 First National Bank 20 00 i Grant S. Wiley 500 Mrs. IT. O. Haupt 1 76 C. J.Goodnough 5 00 I Geo. A Walker 10 00 I. K. Hockley, 1 50 B. W. Green, 20 00 11. A. Zarps 500 C. B. Howard &Co 33 23 E. H. Gregory, 5 1 M. C. Tulis 1 58 Henry Graham 100 Total Subscriptions,^,B99 15 C.T.Logan 180 Josiali Howard 150 00 Recti, from concessions, 330 <5 j Crystal Hose Co., 25 00 C. B. Howard &.C0...... 100 00 Reed, sale oflumber,.... 11 00 1 John Blinzler, 1 00 I.K.Hockley 500 Reed, sale of banners, .• • 20 00 John Wanamaker 20 00 M.T. Ilogan, 500 Reed sale of cots, 66 50 Tos. Kaye, 600 D.C.Hayes 10 00 Rec'd. rent of cots, 23 55 Thos. Gallagher, 12 89 R. H. lljrsch 500 Reed, sale dance tickets, 27 00 1 Addie Garrity,. 200 S. S. Hacket, 500 Reed. Firemen's Assn.,.. 105 00 Thos. Lyons 100 S.J. llaeket, 250 Reed, admission to races, 39 25 Willis Haviland, 200 L.K.Huntington,. 10 00 Rccd. Entertainments,.. 65 55 John Nangle 200 Jasper Harris, 10 00 Reed, from Sundries, ... 16 80 Lloyd Fausey 150 W.H.Howard 10 00 M. T. Hogan 75 Haupt & Hauber 500 Total receipts, $2,604 55 Setli Hacket 50 John L. Johnson, .' 50 00 Sundries 195 F. G. Judd 5 00 EXPENDITURES. H. R. Manctt, 116 25 J.C.Johnson 500 Expenses Com. to Kane. 35 00 W.D.Johnson, 10 Oo James Hamilton, $7 00 J. A. Kinsler, 500 Cameron County Press,.. 93 50 Total Expenditures,s2,lß3 61 Henry Krafc, 30 oo Henty Whcaton, Itravel- Jos. Kaye 20 00 expenses,) 83 00 Total receipts, $2,601 55 Richard Kelly, 25 oo Emporium Independent, 66 50 Total expenditures 2,186 61 T. J. Lysett, 15 00 S. S. Hacket, 104 48 R. J. Loyd 50 00 John Rutz, 23 75 Jll7 91 Geo. J. Latiar 20 00 Chas'. Seger 17 46 H.S.Lloyd 500 H. W. Sweeley 500 Distributed as follows, per res- Leet St Co., 10 o>i Win. Spangler 13 75 olution of Emporium Fire Dc- Jos. Lechner, 500 Hanlon Bros 539 partmeut: M. M. Larrabee, 500 Hubert Brady, 100 J.J. I.ingle, 500 Wm. Zuber,.... 1 oo Mountaineer Hose C 0,.. 420 17 J "• Logan,. 5 0> I). C. Hayes, 17 77 ! Citizen Hose Co 2:) 18 Win. McGee, 93 oo Major Moore 26 <«> Hamilton Hose Co., 29 48 Wm. McDonald, 50 00 Jesse Loucks, 15 25 Rescue H. and L. Co 29 48 M. Murphy 80 00 Frank Wheaton, 1 75 A. A. McDonald, 20 00 A. Chapman, 850 4117 91 S. D. McDonald 50 00 j Economy Sign Works,.. 11 00 All of which is respectfully submitted with the appended resolution of Emporium Fire Department. A. A. McDONALD, S. E. MURRY, HENRY WHEATON, JOSIAH HOWAKD, C. W. SHAFFER, Chairman. Executive Committee. Resolved, That the report of the Executive Committee be accapted, and that the same, with a copy of this resolution be published in the borough papers, and that a vote of thanks be extended to the members of the Executive Committee. A Good Move. County Treasurer Walter Yothers j and Geo. 11. Crawford have purchased j a tract of hemlock timber at Grantonia and will erect a band saw mill at once. They will make a good team and we congratulate Crawford & Yothers. We Only Have One. Josiah Howard has offered to give §2OOO toward the pavement of one street in Emporium, which would bo one-third of the entire cost. If the country had more of such men, public improve ments would come much easier.—Aus tin Autograph. Business Change. Emporium Stock Exchange, operated for seme time by Mr. Geo. H. Crawford has changed hands, Mr. Crawford re tiring and W. E. Tinney, of New York, taking charge for Murphy & Co. Rich ard O'Connor, who has for several months fdled the position of operat r so acceptably to the public, left last Sat urday for Williamsport, where he ac cepts a new place. Mr. O'Connor made a host of friends in Emporium. The Popular House. Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co., of Buffalo, for so many years general favorites with tho public, have a new adv. in this issue of the PRESS. This great dry goods house have taken the lead in Buffalo and it would repay you for the trouble, even if you do not pur chase, to take a walk through their im mense establishment. Their word is always good and goods are just as re presented—the best at the lowest prices obtainable. Death From Inhalation of Gas Fumes. Just as we goto press we learn of the sudden death of Thomas Weaver, aged 32 years, at the residence of Jas. Stone am, on Fourth street, from the effects of inhaling gas fumes. Mi - . Weaver was employed at Keystone Powder recovery works when overcome, about noon yesterday. He started for home i but did not reach Howard & Co's. store until four o'clock, when Messrs. How . ards sent him to town in a rig. He died suddenly this morning about eight o'clock. His wife states tht y came from Adams county. Mr. Weaver has work ed at this place about four years. This is a case that calls for prompt aid from our charitable inclined citizens. Special Term for Primary and Inter mediate Pupils. The undersigned has been granted a room in the East Ward building for the purpose of conducting a special term of school for primary and inter mediate pupils. The term will begin May 19th, and will be four or six weeks in length. Tuition, at rate of $1 50 a month; children attending less than two weeks will bo charged for one-half month's tuition. Those attending more than two weeks and less than four, will be charged for a full month. Parents expecting to send children will pleaso send names as soon as possible. Any children from six years of age to Grammar school pupils will be received. MARY ROB IKEON. — WEBSTER. Praise for an Emporium Boy. \ttorney James M. Walker, who is acting as assistant district attorney during the illness of District Attorney Lewis, is making a record for himself as a prosecuting attorney. The com monwealth's side of a case is one which attorneys do not often have an oppor tunity to practice in, and to a young lawyer, consequently, the work is com paratively new. Mr. Walker, however, attacked his task with the ease and skill of a veteran prosecutor, and it was the concensus of opinion among those who had occasion to watch the pro ceedings in No. 3 court room during the past week, that the commonwealth was being unusually well cared for. In several trials he had pitted against him some of the be3t defendant lawyers at the bar, and as a consequence was giv en opportunity of showing the stuff that was in him. He demonstrated, without question, that he is one of the foremost of the younger practitioners of Lackawanna county. Besides being a brilliant young law yer, Mr. Walker is a very popular man among his .associates. Not a little of this popularity is due to his affability and courtesy while acting as court messenger, in which capacity he has served for a considerable period. Scranton Tribune. McKean Republicans. Our McKean county Republican friends have nominated the following ticket: For Congress, S. R. Dresser, for As | sembly, John W. Campbell, J. M. McEl- I roy; for Sherifl, Charles E. Mays; for Phothonotary, Samuel E. Bell; for Re corder, ll.M.Choate; for Register, John B. Eastman; for Clerk of Courts, W. H. I Morrison; for District Attorney, John i P. Melvin; for County Commissioners, 1 Geo. Griffiths, John A. Peterson. Cameronites in Austin. i D. B. Johnson was up from Arksill j the first of the week Chas. Thomas was over from Emporium Monday. We suppose Charley has another touch of the "bark woods fever." Ira Barclay and Chauncey Logue were circulating a subscription paper here on Tuesday to get funds to assist in replacing the house of John Caldwell, which was destroyed by fire at First Fork a week ago.—Austin Autograph. An Enjoyable Occasion. B. W. Green and wife, who have been spending a few weeks in Florida returned last Friday. They stopped in Charleston for several days, where they joined the Pennsylvania Com mission, consisting of Gov. Stone and other members, and their ladies, of the Commission. They were accorded a great reception by the Carolinians and enjoyed the occasion. The County Superintendents. The triennial election for school superintendent will take place this year in all the counties of the Common wealth, the first Tuesday of May being the time fixed f>y law for the meeting of school directors for that purpose. These elections are a matter of very great importance in the several coun ties, says Philadelphia Press. The usefulness of the school system depends in a considerable degree upon the character and efficiency of the superintendent. This is particularly true in the country districts, where there is usually less knowledge of school requirements and where less direct attention to school work is given by directors than is the case in centers of population. There are exceptions, of course, but there are no conditions anywhere in the State that do not make it desirable that the election of county superintendents should be con sidered as among the most important duties imposed upon the district direc tors. In the discharge of such a duty there should be no other consideration but the interest of the common schools. Pennsylvania boasts of its generosity to the schools, and there is reason, but it is much less a question what we ex pend on the schools than it is whether we are getting a proper return for the money. It is a good thing to look into this matter fully ar, the triennial elec tion of superintendents approaches, and no county ought to try to deceive itself. While most of the counties have been exceedingly fortunate in the past in the character of their superin tendents not all have had that experi ence and the schools have suffered. Directors who have not been careful in making a choice have been equally in different in the discharge of their other duties, and it does not require very much analysis to show what that means. In a majority of cases, however, it would be difficult to make a better selection. It has been the commend able practice to retain competent and experienced superintendents from term to term. Several county superinten dents have been continued in office for more than twenty years, and those who have served ten or twelve years are quite numerous. There is, however, a prejudice in the country districts against long continuance in office, which has resulted in the retirement of more than one superintendent who ought to have been retained. In the cities all this has been different. City superintendents have a record of much longer service, and it has been an advantage to the schools in most in stances. There are many city superin tendents who have been in office con tinuously for more than a quarter of a century. The superintendent, whether in city or county, who has been competent and faithful ought to be continued in office, not on his own account, but for the best interests of the schools. The office was not created merely to provide some one with a salary, or give the politicians additional spoils, and it is a fortunate circumstance that political managers have in but few instances attempted to interfere in school government. The office was created to perfect the organ ization of the school system and to pro mote its efficiency. It cannot be too highly considered, for there is no office in any county which is more impor tant to all the people and the adminis tration of which has a wider effect. If the directors when they come to gether to make their choice will put aside every personal and political con sideratson and give heed only to what is required for the advancement of education they will make no mistake. And more than all, no well tried, com petent and faithful superintendent should be put aside on the frivolous ground that he has had it long enough. That would only bo a means of de moralization. The PRESS is pleased to note, from the best information at hand, there seems to be, practically, a very general disposition among the school diriectors of this county, to continue Miss Mattie M. Collins, who has very acceptably filled the responsible position in this county for two terms, during the com ing term. It is the very general opin ion that the talented young lady will have a unanimous election. Iler faith ful discharge of the duties of the otlice | and eminent fitness for the place meets i with the hearty approbation of our I citizens. Wide-Awaue Advertisers. J. 11. Day continues his usual weekly letter to the PRESS readers. John has for years been the most practical ad vertiser in the county and his large trade is in no small degree owing to his "everlasting keeping at it." His advs. I are original and taking. Frank Shives is now coming along in the same wake. TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE WEATHER REPORT. (Forecast by T.IB. Lloyd.) FRIDAY, Fair. SATURDAY, Fair. SUNDAY, Showers. BRIEF fIENTION. A. W. Mason's log drive "tied up" at Keating. The Pennsylvania railroad will erect a new depot at Dubois this year costing SB,OOO. Our citizens are very generally "fix ing up," improving their lawns, re painting, etc. Collins Buffalo Bread fresh every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at F. M. Overhiser's, John O. Sonborgh, of Bradford, saya there are 1,559 Sweedish-American voters in McKean connty. A request to C. A. Snow & Co., op posite the Patent Office, Washington, D. C., will bring, free of charge, an in teresting booklet telling how to'secure. Patents, Copyrights and Trade-marks. The Ridgway Borough Council has provided the citizens with a public gar bage furnace, where everybody has a right to dump their garbage and have it burned. A good thing for other towns to adopt. Hayes' Livery. 1). C. Hayes has recently reorganized his Livery and Sale Stables and added several new carriages and Bome ex cellent horses. Passengers conveyed to any part of the county. Telephone ca'l 37. All nif'ljt connection with Warner House. Remember Dave when you are in need of a good outfit, with a careful, competent driver Kicked by a Horse. Last Wednesday night, or rather Thursday morning, about two o'clock, M. P. Parrel!, more fami'arly known as "Mike," met with a very painful accident. It seems ho was working around some horses, when one of them kicked him under the chin, severely injuring his face. The kick rendered him unconscious and when he came to which was about two o'clock in the morning he went to Dr. Bai-dwell's of fice,where he was mado a-3 comfortable as possible. His chin is very sore and painful and has confined him to his home. W. D. Jolmson Matters. There are numerous reports in circulation relative to the affairs of \V. 1). .Johnson, who is exten sively engaged in lumber and shin gle manufacture, with mills at sev points in this section of the state. We are unable to get at the facts in the ease, except the following: W. T>. Johnson has sold all his in terests on North Creek and Sinna mahoning Iron and Coal Company lands to the Warren Packard Co., of Warren, Ohio, who have taken possession of the property. Secre tary and Treasurer J.W. Spangen burg has been here for several days looking after their interests. Mr. 11. 11. Cloves, is retained by the new company as manager. W. D. Johnson retains the Lumber town ship purchase recently made from Penn'a Joint Land & Lumber Co. Mr. Johnson lias been absent for several days and until his return no definite information can be given, other than the above. Handsome Souvenir. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Osborne,well and favorably known here, kindly sent ye editor the menu of the Eastman Hotel, Hot Springs. Ar kansas, upon the occasion of the banquet given by the citizens of Ilot Springs to the National Edi torial Association, Friday, April 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, who conduct this popular resort, get up an elaborate menu and one of the handsomest wo have seen in a long time and is worthy of preserving. Over six hundred were seated at the banquet. The first page of the folder contains a very beautiful color view of this famous resort. Sterling Run Alive. John E. Smith, of Sterling Run, has a new announcement to his patrons in this issue of the PRESS. j Mr. Smith conducts one of tho j most reliable stores in the county I and carries a large line of goods, j Any of our readers who may favor him with an order will be sure to • « ( > again. Cemetery Meeting. Lot owners in Newton cemetery I are requested to meet in Council i room, Saturday evening, at N I o'clock, for tin' purpo.ui of forming an organization. R. P. IIKI I.MAN, and others. NO. 9.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers