KMl'OiillFM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Feb. 5, 1901. NEMO *II II. A . pvrsjck 112 1 15 Graham, M 60 Rye .. - 60 Buckwheat 41 70 Patent Meal., . " 50 Coarse "r iOO, 1 50 Chop Fe f l, *' 1 50 Middlings Fancy ' 1 50 Bran, 1 10 Corn, per bushel Hi White OR;*. »• > utiel 60 Choice Clovt- • ♦• | I :kl | "We can save you lots of dollars by buying your 112 [! '' ' I Wall Paper, Curtains and Paints of us- Hi r - \ f\ | } If Ijtjji Youcan :arryi ti nyotuhands.onyourshoul- s I_J I | f*\\ 112 \ A I"; tilli der, in your pocketor on yourbicycle. 112 lr\ I I # \f 'ln 1| j the button and the Kodak will > I 1» \ - * -f ' "v ■/ J I J 111 1 Michael Murphy is able to sit up and is in a fair way to recovery. Miss Florence Yennie, of Wilcox, visited Miss Flossie Taggart last woek. Hon. J. C. Johnson accompanied his son Fred to Swarthmore last Monday. Thoa. J. Cupp, of Kane, transacted business in town yesterday and to-day. T. H. Norris continues to improve and is able to set up each day for a few momenta. Thos. Reese, of Shenandoah, visited in town on Tuesday, guest at the Warner House. Miss Anna Schweikart and brother Henry returned from Williamsport Tuesday afternoon. Thomas Joyce and son were PRESS visitors on Wednesday, Mr. J. renew ing his subscription for another year. M. J. Robinson, Mrs. M. Fulton and Mrs. G. B. Barclay, Sinnamahoning, registered at Warner House on Tues day. Harry McDonald, of Cleveland, re turned to his home on Sunday, alter attending the funeral of Samuel J. Faucett. Thos. W. Welsh has purchased the W. S. Walker property on Fifth street, having sold his present home to H. L. Burns. Mrs. A. W. Baker enjoyed the pleas ure of talking over the long distance 'phone, April Ist, with Williamsport friends. Mrs. R. P. Heilman has returned j from an extended visit to the bedside i of her sick mother, whom she reports I greatly improved. Misses Nelle Kissel, of Sterling Run, and Christina McPhee, of Driftwood, ! spent several days last week with Belle i Reifsnyder at Renovo. County Commissioner E. W. Gaskill, ! and Mr. A. J. Ingersoll, two of Ship- ' pen's most reliable citizens, wers PRESS | visitors on Wednesday. Mrs. W. A. Miller, residing in ] Walker's block, has been very ill for i several days, but is improving now, under Dr. Smith's treatment. Mrs. Goetting, who with her hus- j band and child are boarding with Riley Warner, on Sixth street, we regret to learn this noon, is a very sick woman, i Mr. and Mrs. John Gleason, of Drift wood, have issued cards announcing the hirth of a son, Charles Harvey Gleason. The happy event occurred on Wednesday. Dr. A. W. Baker has been confined to his residence since last Sunday but hopes to be on deck again almost any day. LATER —the doctor is out again and attending to business. E. J. Smith and family have moved into the house recently vacated by Alex. Macdonell and family, on Sixth street, next, door to Councilman Bal coni. Postmaster Seger don't mind being chased by a dog when delivering speci als, but draws the line on Alex. Mc- Dougalls' geese. Chas. says he was not aware they would bite. Mrs. R. W. Barrows, of Lock Haven, who was guest of Mrs. Josiali Howard for several days, returned home on Monday's Flyer. Mr. Barrows came up on Sunday and visited with Messrs. Howard. Joseph Kaye arrived from Wisconsin last Saturday, to remain until Sunday to visit with his family and transact business. He informs the PRESS that the boys in Wisconsin all wished him to remember them to Emporium friends. Allen Baldwin and E. E. Tate of Emporium, were callers at this office Wednesday morning. Mr. Baldwin ia one of this paper's readers in the Cam eron county capital and we are pleased j to meet bim. Both gentlemen are frequent visitors in Austin.—Austin | Republican. Alex. Johns who has been over in ! the Sinnemahoning valley for several months with W. 11. Martindale, was home over Sunday. Ho did not much relish the idea of driving back; but ; as Martindale purchased something this time that could be driven, Alex was obliged to make the start.—Port Allegany Reporter. John W. Grier, postmaster at Jersey Shore, and publisher of the "Vidette," was an Emporium visitor last Satur day, as well as a PRESS caller. Mr. Grier passed several hours with post master Charles Segcr. Jersey Shore is booming and none extol the many ' advantages presented by that staid old town more enthusiastically than Mr. Grier. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY. APRIL 10. 1902. Messrs. Kirk and Villard, largely in terested in Climax Powder Company, at this place, visited here this week. E. J. Jones and wife, of St. Marye, visited in Emporium to-day, having returned from Driftwood, where Mr. Jones delivered the commencement address, last evening, before the graduating class of the High School. Both Mr. Jones and his estimable wife were formerly teachers in Driftwood schools and were accorded a cordial reception. Mr. Jones' address is highly commented upon. First-Class Trimmer. Having secured the services of Miss Erlbeck, of Olean, who is an expert trimmer, we are now prepared to ex ecute orders for all kinds of millinery. MRS. I. V. CAVEY, 4th St., opposite City Hotel. A Doctor's Bad Plight. "Two years ago, as a result of a se vere cold, I lost my voice," writes l>r. M. L. Scarbrough, of Hebron, Ohio, "then began an obstinate cough. Every remedy known to uie as a practicing physician for i>s years, failed, and 1 daily grew worse. Being urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, I found quick relief, and for the last ten days have felt better than for two years.:' Positively guar anteed for Throat and Lung troubles by L. Taggart. Tf a man has the right stuff in him it's bound to come out. That what makes some men's noses so red. The Groat Dismal Swamp Of Virginta is a breeding uround of Malaria germs. So is low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These germs cause weakness, chills and fever, aches in the bones and muscles, and may induce dan gerous maladies. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malarial troubles. They will suiely pre vent typhoid. "We tried many remedies for Malaria and Stomach and Liver troubles," writes John Charleston, of Byesville, 0., but "but never found any thing as good as Electric Bitters." Try them. Only 50c. L. Taggart guarantees satisfaction. Manners are the final and perfect flower of noble character. A Nearly Fatal Runaway. Started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin (irove, 111., which defied doctors and all remedies for four years. Then Back leu's Arnica Salve cured him. Just as good for Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Scalds, Skin Erup tions and Piles. 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. Love labor; for if thou dost not want it for food, thou mayest for physic. Wields A Sharp Ax. Millions marvel at the multitude of maladies cut off by Dr. King's New Life Pills—the most distressing too. Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles—Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever, Malaria, fill full before these wonder workers. 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. I see that time divided is never long, and that regularity abridges all things. Jangling Nerves. Are you irritable ? Do you sleep badly? Is it hard to concentrate your thoughts? Is your appetite poor? Do you feel tired, restless and despondent ? Try Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound. It will do you more good than any thing you have ever triad. Sold by L. Taggart. The Best Cold Cure Is one you can take without interrup tion to business. One that does not af fect the head or hearing like the continu ed use of quinine. One that cures speed ily and leaves you feeling fresh and clear headed. Such a one is Krausc-'s Cold Cure. Price 20c. Sold by L. Taggart. R WUIRR PROCLAMATION.— WHEBKAS:— The KJ Hon. CBAS. A. MAYEB President Judge and the Hons. JOHN MCDONALD and GEO. A.WAI.KEB, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Oeneral Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the 22nd day of Dec. A. D., 1901, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas in the Horough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 28th day of April, 1902, at 10 o'clock, a. m. and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and therein their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are hound by their recognizance to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., April 7tli, 1902, and in the 125 th year of the Independence of the United States of America. J. D. SWOPE, Sheriff. ICodol Dyspepsia Guro Digests what yo»* *;at. TOUR TO THE YELLOWSTONE PARK. Exceptionally Low Rates Offered by the Pennsylvania Railroad on Account of National Educational Association Con vention. The reduced rales authorized by the transcon tinental railroads on account of the Annual Con vention of the National Educational Association, to be held in Minneapolis, July 7 to 11, 1902, have enabled the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to offer to those contemplating attendance at this Convention an opportunity, under the direction of its popular Personally-Conducted Tourist System, uo' only of visiting the beautiful city in which tht Convention is to be held, and participating in th< deliberations of the Convention, but also of vis ting the Yellowstone National Park, at a cost impossible under ordinary conditions of travel. The Yellowstone Park is never more attractive than during the month of July, and the tourists under the care of the Pennsylvania Railroad will be ifforded the fullest opportunity of visit ing all its inique attractions, including the Mammoth Hot Springs, the Geysers, the beautiful Lake, and the Grand Cannon of the Yellowstone. The tour will leave New York and Philadel phia, Saturday, July 5, and return Sunday, July 20. Round-trip tickets, covering all necessary expenses for the entire trip, including one berth in 'ulluian sleeper, will be sold at rate ofslso fro ii all points on the Pennsylvania Railroad eas of Pittsburg. When two persons occupy one her h, the rate will be sll2 for.each person. Rates from Pittsburg will be less than above. Tjurists will use a special train over the entire trij, with the exception of the six days devoted to thetour of the Park, when stages and the fine hotels maintained in the Park will be utilized. Th s special train will consist of a Pullman din ing car, sleeping cars, and an observation car, all of the highest grade, and the passengers will find them fully as comfortable and convenient as the beft hotels. During the three days at the Con vention in Minneapolis, July 7 toil, inclusive, this palatial train will be at the command of the tocrists, obviating the necessity of securing ac commodations at hotels. The beauties of the Yellowstone National l'ark, most aptly termed Nature's Wonderland, must be seen to be appreciated. From the top of the sttges in which the tour of the Park is made, th 're is spread out before the traveler a con stantly-changing panorama of wonders-snow crowned mountains; tumbling and tossing rivers; Ytllowstone Lake, like a great blue sea nestled amongst the beetling crags, at an altitude above thit of the summit of Mt. Washington; the curious natural springs, where chemical deposits glisten in the snn's rays with all the colors of the rainbow; and the Geysers, ever presenting a scene of varied charm and awe-inspiring wonder. The accomodations on this tour will necessarily be iimited, and intending tourists should apply early in order to secure reservations of space. A detiiled itinerary is in course of preparation, and all inquiries regarding accommodations should be addressed to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. 2233-7-lt PENNSYLVANIA DAY AT CHARLESTON EXPOSITION. Reduced Rate 3 via Pennsylvania Railroad. On account of Pennsylvania Day at the South Carolina Institute and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, S. C., April 16, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Charleston and return on April 14 and 15, good to return within eleven days, including date of sale, at the following rates: Philadelphia sll 00 Reading 15 35 Wilkesbarre 17 26 Williamsport 16 54 Sunbury 15 35 Harrisbnrg 13 71 Lancaster 13 75 York 12 01 Lock Haven 17 28 Corry 20 75 Erie 21 00 Oil City 21 25 Altoona... 17 159 Johnstown 17 75 Pittsburg 18 00 Emporium, 19 50 Tickets will also be sold from other statious 011 its lines within the State of Pennsylvania at proportionate rates. For specific information aud conditions of tickets, consult ticket agents. 2-260-7-11 TRAVEL LIKE PRINCES. Those who saw the special train in which 11. li. 11. Prince Henry of Prussia made his tour of the United States are comparing it with other trains in regular service, and it i 3 admitted that none of the cars in the train compare favorably with the buffet, compartment and standard sleeping cars of the Pioneer Limited trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway in daily service between Chicago, St Paul and Minneapolis. The people of this country have the satisfaction of know ing that at any time they cannot only travel like Princes, but can get much better service. 7-3t milions in Gold. Over seven millions came from the Nome district alone. Government officials estimatjg the output from the Nome district will be doubled the coming season. The Bluestone, Kougarok and Pilgrim Rivers have been found very rich. There is hardly a creek from Port Clarence to Norton Sound in which the precious metal is not found, with hundreds of creeks not prospected yet. For information regarding routes, steamships, accommodations and rates to points in Alaska, address C. N. Souther, General Agent Passenger Department, C., M. & St. P. R'y, 95 Adam street, Chicago. 5-3t THE PRESS IS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS IN TIIISSKOTION. LOW PRICES Foley's ilcney and Tu. arcs colds, prevents pneumoni PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Under this li ending, either Wants, Lost, Found, For Sale, To Rent or business announcements will be published at ONE CENT A WORD. WANTED! WANTED— Energetic men and women to represent us in each county. Exclusive territory; good pay; steady employment. Call on or address, E. C. Jones, 65 Main St..Bradford, Pa. FOR SALE" FOII SALE—The N. J. Swarlz property, E. Fifth street, consisting of two houses, water in both; gas in the good cellar, grapary, also ice house filled with ic j . Will sell cheap for cash. MRS. N. J. SWAKTZ. Register's Notice. STATU OP PENNSYLVANIA, I COUNTY OF CAMERON, ( VJ OTICE is hereby given that John li. Wykofl', 1 > Administrator of the estate of Ilainbridge V. Wykofl", late of Gibson Township, deceased, an Blf STARCH, lb (to. Strictly Full 1G oz packages, worth COFFEE. Loose, lb. 11c. Rio SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- Maricabo blend. CUIT, the genuine, package 12c. CANNED APRICOTS. Extra ITALIAN PRUNES. Another can 10c. invoice of those large black, meaty • ,/.j * UD I EA( HES, Galiforn prunes I, ou sole. Lb. do,worth 10 ,1 C !? ST,?"' selected stood -1 ' artls, per can 18c. GARDEN SEEDS. Our new garden seeds are now ready. Peas> Corn and Beans in bulk, as well as the packets. ( Jet your Sweet Pea seed in bulk. You'll be better satisfied. BUTTER, When your "Butter man" fails to leave you enough to run you till he comes again, remember that you can always get the finest made in the United States, here. That's a broad assertion but we beileve it. Phone 6. T. 11. DAY. I Don't be a | I Rip Van Win ke | |H There is no use in fighting a windmill. In 11 other words, it does no good to try to drive the %£ ■H wolf from the door, and continue to pay twice as | jfyi much for yonr groceries as you should pay. Quit hutting your head against a stone wall. Stop pay- US H ing three prollts on everything you cat. We can We do our own slaughtering i I Tea, Coffee and Cereal drinks, of line steer beef, which is fat, 8 j Sugar, Molasses, Maple Syrup, tender and juicy. J Breakfast goods of all kinds. Veal, Lamb, Pork, Sausage I Canned Goods and Vegetables, and Home Corned Beef a spec- I Sole agent for ialty. Poultry in season. I J Pillsbury's ESest Flour. I show you a better way, a more satisfactory way, a ® money-saving way. Buy your groceries "from us. | Buy them as we buy them- for spot cash. Pay I but one profit, and that a small one. Buy staples |§i in large quantities instead of in little dribs. The S|| goods here mentioned you will find to be of a I quality that will please you, and we know our 9 prices are lower than you can get elsewhere. FRANK SHIVKS. Established. 180(1. ICuiporiiim, Pit. I We Have What You Need! To brush up and make beauti ful your home. The season of the year for such work lias arrived and we would call the attention of the public to our very large and reliable line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, the best in the world. In addition to the best paints, we have a first-class line of De Voe & Co.'s Brushes. Get a move 011 and be prepared to paint before the workmen are all en gaged. We can save you money. While you are painting your home or business place let us talk a little with you 011 Bath and Closets, Hot Water, Steam or anything in that line. Our increased facilities and expert workmen will do you good work. Don't delay until too late. Farmers should bear in mind that we handle Plows, Harrows, Rakes, etc. 111 fact our Hard ware, Stove and Plumbing De partments are up to the best. Write or wire us, when a com petent agent will call 011 you. iiWinii.