Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 13, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Store News.l
We are now exhibiting a liand
™some line of White Goods, La
dies' Furs, Coats, Capes, etc.
The intelligent shoppers when
thev want to purchase, buy from
parties whose standing is a iniar-
antee for quality, and for this ■'
A ..„ CTO reason alone,we are the acknowl-
COMFORTERS, eil K ell leaderS " ,e Dr - V G<KK,S
WHITE GOODS business in this county.
OF ALL KINDS There is nothing in the above
mentioned line that cannot be
found at our store and the prices
are always very reasonable.
M. C. TuUsT" j
if gopdlar p '™ e cU,
Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt anil
skillful attention.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought lias borne the signa
ture of Clias. 11. Fletclier, aiul has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
"Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Don't r«7 two extra profits when you huy m> imuiinini
■ carriages and harness. Deal with tlie factory. (iet our lowest wholesale rates. Oir pvitcm nf tJ
■ selling direct to customers is saving thousands of dollars to carriage buyers In everv< • '■ •112 < h,' I
■ country. Wo quote the same rates to you that we would give the largest i iw<. ft
■ offer you ou assort men t to choose from such us no other dealer can show. With every ■
, to°ua'aud h we wW pay fre^h^charjifl both ways^^e'iSiate? 40 ' U Can ntaru lhe V> "' id() |
Save two Ppofits<s\
describe the buggies, surreys* [ hr'r ni "m" tlmf hnrf .i 1 ifl I
AA made our factory famous for their high grade. Don 1* 1
N0. 5034 Buggy. Prire Columbus, 0., P.O. Box 772. g
with leather uuarti'r top. St. Louis, Mo., P. 0. Box 64. >io. S4l Sinprle f?tru*» I
Shipment from Columbus. Write to nearest office. Huggy UuntuM. rr;ce ■
—Tnr f ——— mnnrr ■ iiimibmuhbi h h iip>r»mrrr?rTiiM^^
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food, ltgivesinstant reliefand never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach, relieving all distress after eating.
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only l>y K. O. DEWITT&CO., Chicago*
Tlio sl. bottle con tains 2% times the 50c. bizo. I
K. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
J. A. Fisher,
f-iorse i
Broad Street, Emporium, Pa. 1
For years this remedy has been the
standard nerve restorative. Thousands
of happy men owe their newly found
strength to its use.
Serine Pills replace weakness and
exhaustion with strength and vigor;
the brain becomes clear; the nerves
steady and calm; gloomy forebodings
are banished and perfect vitality is ful
ly restored.
If you are suffering as above, try a
box; you'll be encouraged by its effect
to take the full course of six boxes
then if you are not entirely cured, we
will refund your money. This satis
factory offer is one of the factors of
our success.
81 00 per box ; G l>oxes (with guaran
tee to cure or money back V $5.00, mailed
in plain packages. HOOK free. PEAL ■
I MEDICINE Co., Cleveland, Ohio. V
For sale by K.C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa 51
|SI z V V'i m A cure fOMMrteed If jron m» SB
! FILES RU "R? u wositonj I
ipi Oitded S hooU, Si* tony I lie, C . write- •• i ot»n sny
| j* * tli.'jv do till K,U n!m for tlirrn. ' l»r. S. M. lJov«.r. ; , l(ij
! V/} i:*\r» Kuek. \V. V«., writ' s • l h-v »!ve univonM HfitU- IJI
,j v fr. ji.M ;, r . H. I> \i. • ilil. ""urL l.urg. l«nn.. writ. . U
It" In !» • ...of as !r. v.- « .Mi.-t i. I. ~ cV•„ JJ
|j. J glial >o»ti. P«ic«, 59 Cum. feupla Fiw.
j '' ' ' M.'.aTiri r.uoy. UNCASTKR, PA.
Sold in Emporium by 1.. Taggart. Call ft*
freo i-am |)!e.
j Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder ri%ht.
Couldn't help getting a cold never
cures it; but carrying home a bottle of
using it a3 directed, will cure the worst
kind of cough or cold, Price, 25 and 50
cents. L. Taggart.
Do not reckon upon chance.
Children often inherit feeble digestive
fiower and colic of a more or less severe
character results, when food is taken
which is at all difficult to digest.
general and permanent tonic. Price, 25
cents. L. Taggart.
Shun liquors.
For all pulmonary troubles BALLARD'S
IIOREHOUND SYRUP, taken in the early
stages, prove a certain and sure specific.
It is equally effective in croup and
whooping cough, and if used in season
prevents the further development of con
sumption. Price 25 and 50 cents. L.
Dare togo forward.
Are you sick? If so, investigate the
merits of IIERKINE. It is a concentrated
medicine, the dose is small, yet it quickly
produces the most gratifying results, di
gestion improves, the lips and cheeks
lose their pallor, the eye becomes bright
and the step elastic. Price, 50 cents. L.
Never be discouraged.
Haw or Inflamed Lungs
Yield rapidly to the wonderful curative
and healing qualities of Foley's Iloney
and Tar. It prevents pneumonia and
consumption from a hard cold settled on
the lungs. L. Taggart.
Never tell business lies.
La grippe coughs yield quickly to the
wonderful curative qualities of Foley's
Honey and Tar. There is nothing eke
'•just as good."
Be polite to everybody.
Surgeon's Knito Not Needed.
Surgery is no longer necessary to cure
piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
cuivs such cases at once, removing the
necessity for dangerous, painful and ex
pensive operations. For scalds, cuts,
burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin
diseases it is unequalled. Beware of
counterfeits. R. C. Dodson.
Employ your time well.
Foley's Honey and Tar
Cures coughs and colds.
Cures bronchitis aud asthma.
Cures croup and whooping cough.
Cures hoarseness and bronchial troubles.
Cures pneumonia and la grippe.
Be prompt in everything.
Cough Settled on Her Lungs.
"My daughter had a terrible cough
which settled on her lungs," says N.
Jackson, of Danville 111. 'We tried a
great many remedies without relief, until
we gave her Foley's Honey and Tar
which cured her." Refuse substitutes.
L. Tasgart.
Pay your debts promptly.
Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kid
neys and bladder right. Contains noth
ing injurious, L. Taggart.
Bear all troubles paticutlv.
A Severe Cold for Three Months.
The following letter from A. J. Nus
baum, of Batesville, Ind., tells its own
story. -'I suffered for three months
with a severe cold. A druggist prepared
me some medicine, and a physician pre
scribed for me, yet I did not improve. I
then tried Foley's Iloney and Tar, and
eight doses cured me." Refuse substi
tutes. —L. Taggart.
Be brave in the struggle of life.
Dangers of Pneumonia.
A cold at this time it neglected is
liable to cause pneumonia, which is so
often fatal, and even when the patient
has recovered the lungs are weakened,
making them peculiarly susceptible to
the development of consumption. Foley's
Iloney and Tar will stop the cough,
heal and strengthen tho lungs and pre
vent pneumonia. L. Taggart.
Make no useless acquaintances.
For the Complexion.
The complcsion always suffers from
biliousness or constipation. Unless the
bewels are kept open the impurities from
tho body appear in the form of unsightly
eruptions. De Witt's Little Early
Risers keep the liver and bowels in
healthy condition and remove the cause
ot such troubles. C. E. Hooper, Albany,
Ga., says: ''l took DeWitt's Little
Early Risers for biliousness. They
were just what I needed. lam feeling
better now than in years." Never gripe
or distress. Safe, thorough and gentle.
The very best pills. 11. C. Dodson.
Don't have too niary irons in the tin.'.
Krause's Cold Curo
For colds in the head, chest, throat or
any portion of the bedy, breaks up a cold
in 2 t hours without interruption to work.
Will prevent colds if taken when first
symptoms appear. Price 25c. Sold by
L. Taggart.
When children have eurachc, saturate
a piece of cotton witli BALLARDS SNOW
LINIMENT, and place it in the car. It
will stop the paiu quickly. Price, 25
and 50 cents. L. Taggart
Some men save up for a rainy day and
then purchase a leaky umbrella.
No one knows the unbearable torture
one undergoes from piles unless tliev are
OINTMENT is a quick, safe and painless
cure. Price, 50 cents in bottles, Tubes,
75 cents. L. Taggart.
The victim of under consumption
never talks about over production.
Pneumonia Follows a Cold
but never follows the use of' Foley's
Honey and Tar. it stops the cough,
heals and strengthens the lungs and af
fords perfect security from an attack of
pneumonia. Refuse substitutes. L.Tag
Practically Starving.
"After using a few bottles of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure my wife received perfect
and permanent relief from a severe and
chronic case of stomach trouble," says J.
R. Holly, real estate, insurance and loan
agent, of Macomb, 111. '• Before using
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat
an ordinary meal without intense suffer
ing. She is now entirely cured. Several
physicians and many remedies had failed
to give relief." You don't have to diet.
Eat any good food you want, but don't
overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure will always digest it tor you. R.
C. Dodson.
Never appear something J more than
you are.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Take time to consider and then decide
Do You Want To Be Strong?
We Have Poof at Hand that Vinol is
all that is Claimed For If.
A good many of us have togo "to the
city" to get certain things.
Wo will savo our friends and custom
ers tho trouble of a trip, at least so far
as buying Vinol is concerned.
It is one of the greatest tonic rebuilders
that has evor been brought to our atten
tion. Largo quantities of it are sold in
all of the large cities of our state and
elsewhere. Now we have been appointed
sole agents for Ihis place.
Vinol is better than cod liver oil for
everything for which this greasy mix
ture was prescribed.
The following from Chillicothe, Ohio,
written by Mr. George Burgoon, who says:
"My wife was very much run down in
flesh and strength. Commenced taking
VINOL and she felt the beneficial re
sults of it before tho first bottle was
gone. She took four bottles in ail and
received wonderful benefit. Her strength
returned and she gained materially in
weight.. lam happy to state that she
is now in perfect health and we give VI
NOL the entire credit for this happy re
Won't you please call on us and let u»
tell you how VINOL does good or let us
send you a book that tells all about it.
Wo sell Vinol under a guaranteo that
if it don't help you we will return your
Old Reliable Drug Store.
II Soft I
J Harness m
You can make your har- ZflßVipJ
Bit nesa as boft as a glovo
HI and as tough us wire by /f®/ ){A * ■
yHI using EUREKA liar* M""'
V|l noHn Oil. You can [MY //■&> •
kVJ ,en Kthen lta lllle—make It pW /fljffif-r
'"'diii w Ll'* ns i° us us KM!)!
I Harness Oil I
B makes a poor looking bar- lug
I ness like new. Made of »
I pure, heavy bodied oil, en- 9n
n/ pecially prepared to with- \ng
II Bold everywhere
I lu cans—all sizes. Vm3*
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
tho disease, without exciting disorder in
any other part of the system.
I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .25
2—Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25
3—Teething. Colic,Crylng.Wakefulness ,25
4L—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25
7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25
H—lVeuralgla, Toothache, Faeeacho .25
9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25
Jo— Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s
1 I— Suppressed or Painful Periods... ,25
12—Whites, Too Profuse Periods ,25
13—C-roup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25
14—Halt llheitm, Erysipelas, Eruptions .25
1 s—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .25
16—.Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25
I !>—Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head .25
20—Whooping-Cotiffh 25
2V—Kidney Discuses 25
28—Xervons Debility ... . 1,00
30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. 25
77—(*rlp. Hay Fever 23
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at vour
Druggist.* or Mailed Free.
Sola by druggists, or sent on receipt of prN <•.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John Sts.
New York.
Republican Gubernatorial Issua
Being Disposed of by Ballot.
His Friends Count Delegates From
Nine Counties Already Elected, ant
Make Confident Claims of a Bi|
Majority In the State Convention.
(Special Correspondence. •
Harrisburg, March 11. —The guberna
torial campaign la getting more Inter
esting every day. Republicans of
Pennsylvania are being treated to the
experience of a candidate for governor
appealing directly to the people befor*
receiving the nomination of his party.
Attorney General Elkin, whose candi
dacy has met with popular favor in a
number of counties, announced last
week that he wished to have the peo
ple of the commonwealth see and hear
him and to pass judgment directly
upon his candidacy. He remarked
that what honors that have conse to
him in his home county of Indiana
have resulted from his getting in
touch with his neighbors and having
them know and believe in him.
When it was found that former Lieu
tenant Governor Watres had registered
us a candidate for governor in Blalt
county too late to allow his name to
goon the ballots Mr. Elkin, who had
been registered for some days, request
ed that the rules be waived and that
Mr. Watres' name be printed on th«
ballot with his, so that the people
might choose between them. Mr. El
kin has since accepted an invitation
from the Republicans of the county to
visit them before the primaries, and h«
will meet the Republicans of Altoona,
Tyrone, Hollidaysburg and other parts
of the county and discuss the Issues
with tlrem.
Mr. Elkin has reason to be pleased
with the result of the voting for dele
gates to the state convention. One of
his admirers today arranged a list of
the counties which have elected dele
gates to the gubernatorial convention
and this is how he tabulated iliem:
Counties for Elkin for governor—
Berks, Bradford, Chester, Carbon, Jef
ferson, Snyder, Susquehanna, Indiana
and Union—Total, NINE.
Counties for all other candidates for
In other words, every county which
has elected delegates up to date has
elected delegates who will vote for El
Widespread interest is taken in the
canvass in Blair county, as this is the
first county in which Mr Watres, who
is the only avowed competitor of Mr.
Elkin, has consented to allow his
name togo before the people.
Direct appeals have been made to the
Republicans of the county in behalf of
©acta of the candidates and keen inter
eat is manifested in the balloting,
which takes place on Saturday next.
On the same day the Republicans of
Lancaster will elect delegates to the
state convention and nominate candi
dates for the legislature. In this
county a complete ticket has been plac
ed in the field against the candidates
of the regular organization leaders,
who are under the marshallship of Sec
retary of the Commonwealth Griest,
and a clean cut contest is under way.
Mr. Watres has had some unexpected
reverses during the last week. Hlf
admirers had hoped to capture the
delegates from Susquehanna and were
counting upon their being ii. iLructed
for hi», but the primaries re uked in
a victory for tho supporters ot Mr. El
kin by a good majority. Mr. Watres
based his claims upon the i'net that
Susquehanna is a neighboring county
to his own. He is also havi::.-, trouble
m the adjacent county of Luzerne,
where Congressman Palmer, e.!;hough
a friend of Watres, desires to have the
delegates to the state convention unin
structed, as many of Palmer's follow
ers want to be with the winner at the
state convention and they do not re
gard Watres as having any chance.
A frank statement from Congress
man Connell, whose friends control
the party organization in Lack.: wanna,
in which Mr. Watres reside:;, was a
disappointment to the Watro.-: men.
Mr. Connell stated that unie?s Mr.
Watres agreed not to attempt
to swing the Lackawanna del
egates to any other candidate, atul also
agreed to support the successful nomi
nee for gsvernor and all the candidates
for county offices, he would have to
fight for the delegates from his home
county. Mr. Elkin will leave Messrs.
Conn<ell and Watres to nght out this
issue. Mr. Connell says he is for Mr.
Elkin for governor, and that he will
be nominated.
The most notable stalwart victory of
the canvass was that won in Bradford
county on Saturday last. This county
has heretofore been an insurgent
stronghold. The insurgents made a
fierce campaign in favor of W. J.
J Young, the insurgent leader for con
! press, with the idea of capturing the
| delegates to the state convention. The
! seculars, under the leadership of Mail
J Lilley, their candidate for congress,
I won by over 1,200 majority. The regu
' lars will elect all the delegates to the
j state convention, and they will be for
John P. Elkin for governor.
The return of Israel W. Durham from
I Florida, and his announcement that
he had no doubt of the nomination
and election of Mr. Elkin for governor,
disposed of the many rumors that
Senator Quay was opposed to the can
dtdacy of Mr. Elkin. Mr. Durham
Senator Quay will adhere to his puf
pose of not interfering in the conte&t
for the governorship, and that this ie
all the friends of Mr. Elkin desire.
They are entirely satisfied of theii
ability to elect a large majority of the
delegates to the convention.
Mr. Elkin on his recent visit to
Pitteburg announced that he would
hare at least 225 delegates to the
•tate convention without counting a
•ingle delegate from Allegheny.
This showed the confidence he haf?
In the canvass being made by hi#
friends throughout the state.
Consult ■<
I Your
I Interests. 5
V *
M $
*-! at p§
>j Si
£ R. SEGER & .
N We shall give all custo- !S
mers extra bargains during E|
ju March and April. Fine Kj
\ line of Imported n Ainer
ican goods.
S Order your Easter suit S
j> now and avoid the rush.
W hi
v Opposite M. E. Church. Q8
\.' 7rs / s z:s ,' 7'A
Meldrum &
Anderson Go.
30(5 to 40S Main St.—American Block,
RUFI'AI.O, !N~. V.
in Buffalo.
The American Block.
,» We promptly obtain U. s. and Foreign
i Send model, sketch or photo of invention for 112
112 freereport on patentability. For free book, r