Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 27, 1902, Our Magazine., Image 16

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J PIANO rTn 21
■ AND | fe| '4 II
iiitending pun-Manei ran |BfJ|
atiord tor*< without It. (^^^^pwg ;; --rsi«
«romi"ilt. l wfin%l«£ B you l Jnd V KOM 525 00 H
ci A
14U Kinds Flower Seeds only IUC |
Z . Hollyhock, 'J en Weeks X
2 fiMC.'A Stock, Cabnoma. « ore- 2
5r oysia, CHUiitt, AKeratum, X
2 Snapdragon, < hineseJJ
m |'' t ' t '" r yy• U 7 T . g
• v!a, Cosim'h!Phlox, riii- g |
Of p dytuft, Zinnia. Lark-A »
v (I&StSuEzfa spur Nasturtium, Sun- Q) ]
\jt&k£& J ttdwfr, I'oppy, I>i'wn A ■
X Verbena, I'etunia. Helb'troja*, Portulacn. Cy- X <
X presaVine, Sweet Mifcnbnelte. Marigold, Morn- I
Sim* Glory, r«» A e«»mli. Hy Bending us Five 2«. « J
CI utimpaorioc. in silver to i»ay postage, etc.. we A J
0 will «end you the above collection of aee'iKnnd A 1
a premium of choice collection of bulbs Free, a «•
g MVSTIi: VALLKY KFKIMIO. Medford.Mi.H*. 5 %
Morphine - opium
and LAUDANI'M liAHITS cured by a
painless home treatment, endorsed and us»sl by
leading physicians. A TRIAL TREATMENT
nulWcient to convince you. sent FREE, with book of COPtl
rootiia 8 sealed- 'Correspondence < oniidential.
. y®® want a watch that rain and ke*p» gooa
*' nu * fur watch has a 4. old laid i'a»», haudaomo
dial, doot proof, adjuated to position. patent ewaj-*-
> < "MlKftw n»en«. and highly tluUbcd. Till a U a remarkable
LL. \p.y watch. We guarantee it.and with proper care it
CS ehouUl wear and RlveeatUfection for aOjrears.
I: hM °'® t PP evu>N of * fculd one.
Vi *3 wf f&jfth paualon balance, quick traiu, aud you cau r- Sy
WllM handsome watches you will alwaya hat'o
' VM I Iff j£Zfc_\ the ooiTect time In your poawaaion. Juat the
watch for railroad men, or thoae who need a
Ter y eloae timer. Doyoa want a watch of ibis
character? If aa, now is your opportunity to
secure one. Wcflveabeautiful Watoh
*• a premium to anyone for selling 18 piece#
•fourhandeomejewe'ry for 10c. each. Simply
send your nauia and addreaa and we will «»-nd
yon the IS pleoeaofjewrlry p<»ntpaid. When sold, *end us th«- $1.«0,
and we will aend you thw haudtome <iold laid watch. We trutt »ou
aud will take ba»:k ail you c%uuot fell. Wa nro|>oae to (five away
tb»«c watchea aimply to adrvrtiie our huaineaa. No catch-worda in
tbla advertiaement. We moan Juat what we say. Yon require no
eanltai whM* working for ua. Hatiafaetlon Ouaranteed. Adircaa.
and watrbea, alao many tea and
», .™ u.,wKoln K ynti ABSOIUTUY X fRU » QENUINC
■CLD Itnlubwl RINQ Will, a )ar K « ■!» QENUIMC OPAi, »!»'. a
OolJ or Hllver |.lalml BRACELET wl "' l, «' l< k *»". "n' l » K" 1,1
■etlinK otily i plrlunM at lib <'. I|U e«< ii aii.l £ |>.rfnme« at 10
c«utH «arb to and nflirblMirn. Mud only uaino and M'bln*aa
ami wi- aend you tn«s »c»k..lh |K«lpatd; when aoid afiid cm the
and will aend you all. the fnoufno Opal Klnic aI no Wat h
Chain and (Uiann aa 1 BrareleU Opala arw now m<*t faehlonablt*.
1 jmrr to do pie»*»wi rk at their home*. We fumtxh all
LAUICO material un<l pay from f7 to 312 weekly K*|»eri-
DHVII Pfil enceunneei'MHary. fk'iul Mtamped enveloiieto
"«iPI. Ull.|i)i>Hk T.. 'M Monroe St.. C7hlo«fri> 111
MllillLK A<JKI» oa KLIIKKLt MAS W AM Nl> in every locality.
ral.l. . g|.,.!' I- ■JTmHmTTTMhIrn'iHH. Proflta 100 to
•!T*/ |..■» cent. Heaeh * Klnicslfj, KiHthamtAN, R. V
MATRIMONIAL REGISTER papei and communiMte
with hundreds of deHtruMc c«>rres|x*nd*'idh ; copieK, lOcenta,
eealw! Addn-sn, Dept.* ('.»* I*.<). tiox 412.1'ldladel»hl«. I'a.
OSend one Dime and we will send you 6 4x4 and 1 «xB
ni; FREE
Alten Novelty Co., turpi. 63 Blotbsmlou, N.V
® •A-
(Continued from January Number.)
" You are so full of life and spirits." the
missionary said to her one day. "Why do
you come away from all the amusements on
deck to weary yourself with me?"
" I don't know," Miss Bucknam replied.
" 1 think it's because you need some one—
no, I won't deceive you. I do it for my own
selfish reasons. I may be sick myself some
day, and, maybe, what I do for you will
come back to me when I need it."
"You're like an angel to me," the sick
woman murmured.
The compliment fell like a blow. Miss
Bucknam slirank back as if to ward it off.
" Don't talk crazy," she said.
In this sick-chamber the beautiful girl
grew to be confidential, to breathe out net
heart, to regard the patient as a confessor,
as one so much closer to death than to life
that confidences were not stayed by caution,
as they would have been with another to
hear them.
"You are being blessed," said the mis
sionary, in her feeble, yet infinitely tender
voice. " Think of your good fortune 1 You
have been taken in as a friend by the nicest
people. You have gained that which would
nave seemed impossible a month ago. You
have got the one thing needed; for the lack
of suci) a standing—and the hopelessness of
ever gaining it—keeps too many others as
they are." Here a wasted hand crept out
from under the bed-clothing and felt its way
to Miss Bucknam's, grasping it, smoothing
it, and fondling it. " Promise me, dear,
you'll do as I say; won't you ?"
Miss Bucknam dropped on her knees by
the side of the bunk so that she could lean
over the kindly missionary and assure her
of her gratitude by further whispered con
And now the picturesque routine of life
aboard a P. & O. steamer was in full swing.
The constant succession of sports and pas
times, the pleasant footing of the passengers
in their near approach to democracy, the
made-to-order weather, the oil-smooth seas
—all that renders the trip to or from India
during more than half the year the pleasant
est known to those who travel was being
enjoyed on this ship. Miss Bucknam was
greatly enjoying it.
Little Doo-00, an infant passenger, was
destined to affect her life more than she or
any one else would have believed possible.
Littie Doo-oo was not mereiy a baby. He
was a paragon. He was one of the few
babies in the whole world who was as good
as his mother thought him. He was a big,
chubby lump of infant manhood, with flaxen
hair and sky-blue eyes, a sensitive, humor
ous mouth that worked a dimple in and out
of each of his pudgy cheeks.
During the greater part of each day he
inhabited the arms of a strapping black
nurse. She possessed the strength of any
two, perhaps of any three, of the grimy
Lascars in the crew; and this strength was
needed, for little Doo-oo wriggled, leaped,
squirmed and flung himself about in her
arms as long as he was awake. He knew
nearly everybody on board, liked everyone
and everything immensely, and called every
person and object by the same name—
' Doo-oo " —which name, in turn, everyone
called him.
He dubbed the stern and grizzled Captain
"Doo-oo," and stopped him to receive a
salaam and to make himself amusing but,
just as the great man would be about to
exhibit his glorious gold watch, the baby
would catch sight of the chit-fest and nastiest
of the Lascars and show his preference for
him by crying out "Doo-oo" and straining
away from the Captain to be carried to this
greater favorite. The Captain had little else
worthy of Doo-oo's regard but the gold lace
in his cap and sleeves, but the mate of the
Lascars was a very wonderful personage
indeed, who carried a silver whistle which
he was in the habit of blowing very shrilly
to make the other disreputable black bundles
in dirty cotton run about the deck.
Miss Bucknam was the only woman who
walked on the deck before breakfast, and,
as little Doo-oo was one of the many gentle
men who took the air at the same time,
these two soon became known 10 one an-
other. Miss Bucknam was slow in getting
acquainted, because she did not know how
to talk to a baby or what to do with one.
She made a few attempts to interest the
child, but felt so awkward and ignorant that
she would have withdrawn from the ex
perience except for little Doo-00, who took
a prodigious liking to her. He screamed
her name, "Doo-oo," at her from amidships
when he saw her in the stern. He seemed
never to miss seeing her—almost behind
and through the deck-houses when they got
between him and this object of his most
violent and masterful flirtation.
"Salaam to the mem-sahib," said the
kindly and gentie-spoken ayah, as she ran
to Miss Bucknam' with a pit-pat of her bare
feet and a jingle of her ankle-loads of silver
bands and bangles; "salaam to her, sa
laam; so —that very good. Now, Missy,
take him in your arms; he like you very
"I'm afraid I'd spill him," Miss Buck
nam said. " I haven't ever handled a babyj
you might say ; since I was one myself. 1
never had one in my arms."
"Doo-001 Doo-oo!" the little gentle
man chirped, as he strained with both arms
toward her in his impatience to have this
inconsequential dialogue end.
And then a miracle came to pass: foi Miss
Bucknam took him in her arms and, with
the action, found that she knew as well
how to handle a baby as if she had been the
mother of six. After all, it was nothing but
the woman in her—this wonderful miracle.
" You little loafer," she said, as she cud-
Btoirrtntp in ti. s. p«Tt*T ornec, Sicr. 24, IWI.
bmntifnl Imported French Doll ulsou i/oUI finißln><l rim?.
FRENCH NOVELTY CO.,Dept. P 27, Bridgeport, Cor,m
j; I rILL For One Day's Work j
I for m-lliiiK 18 liktw. of Htt'lMK >
' a^'Yi'" 11 " 'j l j' n, ' r j r Wulnnln ® )
jlf till riJi t ii' 1!<1, ySB 11
3 win! you the Watch, Cham and Charm, jfOhtpairi. «'
C BLUIKK "Ml. TO., Boi 'ittfi. ( unrnrd Junction, Sana, '
C Tho old rvlta>'l<« Ofro win ad) twin eat ruli, acd glTe n*'u»Ll« |>rrrulum*. S
We are willing to start a few capable agents
representing our list of publications, novelties,
c-tc., and offer terms unequaled by any concern
in this line of business. We have goods that sell
on sight, and we are backed by a reputation of over
fifty years of fair dealing. Four cents in stamps
will bring our set of samples and full particulars.
& Money refunded on return of samples if you don't
| y.o to work for us.
! 02 E. I9TH STREET.
Beautiful Clothes for Children!
■||/%We arc making a?<ipe«lal Ualtwl Offer ■
H rea(U -rs of MY LA»Y. Send ■
V«. \ Bfc!'r W l > * " 112 ° * rtour I
•"Hants' wardrohetothe I
\J ' age of si* State age. Also H
BB at sets of patterns for Unll CIoIKm, H
■ v ' Xm flr ArtlllH ami Animal*. K
M tesl , "I** 1 " 4«teUeat in I
sery outfits, etc., sent with H
each order or on request. H
II little Folk»' P»lter» Co., Z» W. Z4lb St.. N.Y.CIiy J
JUST MADE A BIG HIT with our new
fIF. f <3 office device for waling and stamping
112 wjmmmk envelopes. Every office, bank and
W» store buys them ou sight. Everyboily
needs it. Immense profits. Write at
once for particulars, or better—serai 50c. stamps or
coin, for sample and cireulurs. Correspondence in
vited. Don't write unless you mean business.
5 and 7 Dey Street, New York, N. V.
§ The Todd Corset j
Made to Order Only
Agents easily clear from $lO up- j
ward per week. We want one j
good agent in each town. Write !
for catalogue.
| HENRY H. TODD, New Haven, Conn. j
If you pos««*n a fair e4uca:ion, why not utilise it at a geutet'l
an<l uucrowiled profeasiou partus sls to S.US w«*ekly? Siiuat ona
always obtainable. Wf are the original Instructor* by mall.
Real Estate Wanted
and for sal©. If you want to sell or buy (no matter
located) send description and cash price and tfet
(FRKE) my successful plan. ' W. M. OSTRAN"
OER, North American Bidg., Philadelphia, I'a.
** IIV I An V " " yoti wish profitable, employment
Ifl ) Lft \J I send for sample Flavoring Powder
and terms. We have other ifoodw ou which you can make
large I'ioflta. s•'> to Sin a day easily inadi-.
REKVES MFG. CO., (Jrand Rapid h. Mich.
fV I 116 |''*itl f.»r -''lltiiKciii !.i;
Good Wages
with fvt'Ty ponml. COIOMIAL SPICI MILLS, K£W YMt.
■ TRUE "W THOUSANDS TESTIFY. Svn.i date of blrU. au.i 1U»
■fw uui readiug. L. THOMSON* ka»n«n City, M»
fS2 ft CVCC MAIH >KW| away with spectacle*.
ULU tV Ca By Ina it, »oc. t)R. FOOTE, Box 78H, N.V.