EDITED B\ MAY MANTON The editor will be pleased to answer any questions calculated to help home dress makers in the choice of patterns, materials or garnitures, and give any information on dress and fashion that is within her knowledge. Address MY LADY, 52 East :yth Street, New York City. Charming evening bodice of iight green satin, which is shirred all-around between bands of guipure. The decolletage is trimmed with a full puffing of chiffon caught at spaces with narrow claret color velvet straps drawn through small gold buckles. A how with short ends orna ments left side of bust. The sleeves falling oft from the shoulders are tucked and trimmed with a twist and bow of chiffon above a ruffle of the same, finished with a band of guipure. The bodice closes in back side of centie band. Stylish evening cape of peari gray panne cloth, 22 inches long. The high rolling col lar and revers are inlaid with dark red vel vet and trimmed with white fox, which continues down front and around cape, forming scallops, which are ornamented with a pretty flow er and leaf design in silk embroidery. The double ruftle is of gray mousseline de soie, accordion pleated and finished with pinked self edgings. FASHION DEPARTMENT. To those of our friends and readers who wish ideas and advice as to making up gar ments from old materials, we will be very glad to render all the assistance possible. In writing, describe what you have to make over, and about what you wish to do with' it, and send us a small sample of the old material. Address MY LADY, 52 East iQth Street, New York City. EDITED HY MAY MANTON Chic matinee toilet of car dinal nun's veiling. The double rounded lace yoke is defined with dark red satin straps. The lower part of sleeves and bodice, back and front, are trimmed with two rows of crescent shaped over lapping dark red satin straps, while a single row of same heads each of the three ac cordion-pleated dark red satin graduated flounces, with pinked edging. Small sleeve puffs and blouse efft* t of the same material. Black velvet girdle, tied in bow, with short ends in back. fll v ' 1 - TRAINED NURSE CURED BY SWAMP=ROOT. USED BY HOSPITALS-PRESCRIBED BY DOCTORS. To Prove what Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, will do for YOU, Every Reader of My Lady May Have a Sample Bottle Sent F : ree by Mail. Miss Alice Brown, the well-known trained nurse, is in a position to speak with knowledge. She was formerly with the St.Louis Baptist Hos pital and has had many trying experiences in her arduous vocation. She adds her valuable testimony to the thousands already received by Swamp-Root. She said in a signed interview 1 MISS ALICE*BROWN "Although a woman in my position can re ceive plentv of prescriptions from physicians without cost.it was upon the advice of a well ktiowti West End Doctor that I began to take Swamp-Root. No, I will not tell you his name, EDITORIAL NOTE.—If you have the slightest symptoms ol kidney or bladder trouble, or if there is a trace of it in your family history, send at once to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingharaton, .V Y.. who will gladly send you by mail, immediately, without cost to you. a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and a book telling all about Swamp-Root, and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. In writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Hing hamton, N. Y., be sure to say that you read this generous offer in MY I..ADY. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need you can purchase the regular tifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address. Binghamton. X. Y. for he might not like it But all the same, I took it when 1 was run down from night work in the sick room. I was thin and yellow and tired even when 1 rose 112 rom my sleep. Swamp Root gave me a relish for my food and cleared my blood from its stagnant impurities. Of course I do not praise Swamp-Root as a cure for all troubles, but it is splendid for the kidneys, stomach and bowels and relieves female dis orders when all other remedies have failed to give relief. I know of many cases in the hospi tal cured by this wonderful remedy." iSiqSemple Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible fur more sickness and suffering than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or other causes, kidney trouble is permitted to conti nwe % fatal results arc sure to follow. We often see a relative, a friend, or an ac quaintance apparently well, but in a few days we may be grieved to learn of their severe ill ness, or sudden death, caused by'that fatal type of kidney trouble— Bright's Disease The mild and extraordinary effect of the great kidney and bladder remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing eases. Hospitals use it with wonderful success in both slight and severe cases. Doctors recommend it to their patients and use it in their own families, because they recognize in Swamp- Root the greatest and most successful remedy. A trial will convince any one—and you may I have xi sample bottle free, by mail.