8 Store News. ________ We are now exhibiting a hand some line of White Goods, La dies' Furs, Coats, Capes, etc. DRESS GOODS, The intelligent shoppers when RAINYDAY they want to purchase, buy from SKIRTS, parties whose standing: is a gttar- TABLE LINEN, 1 6 TOWELING, AILTEC F ° R UALITY ' AILTL FOR THIS AUI/CTC reason alone,we are the acknowl- DL.ANKt.Toj COMFORTERS edged leaders in the Dry Goods WHITE GOODS business in this county. OF ALL KINDS There is nothing in the above mentioned line that cannot be found at our store and the prices are always very reasonable. I M. C. TULIS. J G. SCHMIDT'S,^ HC inn.i»DTEP« FOR p RESH BREAD> > " popular ""v ■};/■■■ P NUTS CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. for infants and Children. Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought lias borno tlio signa ture of dins. I£. Fletcher, and lias been made under his personal supervision for over CJO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and j " Just-as-good" arc but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. j~ McClure's /112 & I'- ? 0! * in teres ted in your fellows ? Are you eon cer tied in the \ I -/a affairs of life? Do you cure anything about the great men who 2 have brought about the conditions in which you lice, and those i who are in power to-day ? Do you enjoy wholesome, animated stories that | are true to life ? Do you care for beauty in any form ? Then there is g no escape for you ; you must join the army who read McClure's regularly. g A FEW FEATURES FOR 1902 New Romantic Love Story by BOOTH TARKINGTON. I author of "'I he Gentleman from Indiana " and "Monsieur Beaucaire,'' a tale of love thwarted but triumphant, of gallant men and beautiful women. It deals with life in Indiana at the time of the Mexican War. | True Story of the Standard Oil. BY IDA M. TAR- j BELL, author of " Life of Napoleon," " Life of Lincoln," etc. A | dramatic, human story of the first and still the greatest of all trusts —not an economic treatise, but an exciting history j. Greatest of the Old Masters. Clara Morris's Stage Recollec- S By JOHN LA EARGE. Interest- tions. St rcs of Salvini, Bern- Ijl ing and helpful papers on Michelan- hardt, Mrs. Siddons and others, gclo, Raphael, Rembrandt,etc.,their A Battle of Millionaires. Bv H finest pictures reproduced in tints. thc author of . «Wall Street Stories." Mr. Dooley on His Travels. His The Forest Runner. Serial Tale j? views upon the typical New Yorker, of thc Michigan Woods. Phiiadelphian, Bostonian, and in- Josephine Dodge Daskam. More >; habitant of Chicago and Washington. Child Stories. William Allen White on Tillman, Emmy Lou Stories by GEORGE p Piatt, Cleveland and others. MADDEN MARTIN. m So prospectus, describing in full many other features, sent free to any addreu P !« s. S. McCLURE CO., 141-155 East 25th Street, New York, N. V. £ \ ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ; £ But at any price 'THE BEST B[ T B SP? 9cy Largest Mail-Order Seed House H J IK * H \ the World. UaV~\n buying UURPEE'S SEEDS direct by mail you get your money's worth in the Best Seeds that Grow—and you have your choice of Hare Novelties for 1902, which cannot be had else where. Write to-day (a postal card will do) for our complete Catalogue— FREE to all who intend to purchase seeds. w. ATLEE BURPEE & CO., Philadelphia? CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1902. ALL SORTS. There is probably no disease or condi tion of tlie human system that causes more suffering and distress than piles. TABLEU'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT cures them quickly, without pain or detention from business. Price, 50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. L. Taggart. The best love, like the best wine, flows without pressing. Foley's Honey and Tar is best for croup and whooping cough, contains no opiates, and cures quickly. Careful mothers keep it in the house. L. Taggart. The fruit that can fall without shaking, Indei d is too mellow for me. Don't let the hand of time paint wrin kles on your face. Keep young, by keeping the blood pure and the digestive organs in a healthful condition. HEKHINE will do this. Health is youth, disease and sickness brings old age. Price 50 cents. L Taggart. A fence between, makes love more keen. The most reliable preparation for kid ney troubles on the market is Foley's Kidney Cure. L. Taggart. Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned. Are you nervous, run down, weak and dispirited? Take a few doses of HKR BINE. It will infuse new energy, new life into the exhausted nerves, the over worked brain or muscular system, and put a new face on life and business. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. Who love too much, hate in like ex treme. Kidney complaint kills more people than any other disease. This is due to the disease being so insidious that it gets a good hold on the saytem before it is recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure will prevent the development of fatal disease if taken in time. L'Taggart. Hot love is soon cold. Nervous children are almost always thin children. The "out-door-boy" is seldom nervous. WHITE'S CIIEAM VER MIFUGE is the best preventive of nervous ness. It strengthens the system and assists to that sort of flesh, which creates strength and power of endurance. Price, 25 cents. L. Taggart. You can help'anyone whom you find suffering from inflamed throat; laryngeal trouble, bronchitis, coughs, colds, etc., by advising the use of BALLARD'S IIORE HOUND SYRUP; the great remedy for coughs and colds. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Tagcart. Green wood makes a hot fire. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the cough caused by attack of la grippe. It heals the lungs. L. Taggart. A boy's love is like water in a sieve. When pain or irritation exists on any part of the body the application of' BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT will give prompt relief. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. The love of lads, like fire ard fads, is soon io and soon out. Winter coughs are apt to result in consumption if neglected. They can be soon broken up by using Foley's Iloncy and Tar. L. Taggart. "Sweetheart" and "honey bird'' kee]s no house. Cold Cure for Busy People. Many people neglect a cold because they say they have no time to attend to it. Krause's Cold Cure is a remedy which can be taken without danger while per forming your daily duties, and will relieve the most aggravated case in 24 hours. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Love without money is like shoes with out soles. Never Had a Cold since T began earaying a package of Krause's Cold Cure Capsules in my vest pocket. I take one whenever I feel a cold coming on. It's easy. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. The rose hath thorns and loves its rival. . Headache Causes. Headache is usually caused bv living in poorly ventilated rooms, overindulgence in food or drink, insufficient exercise, mental strain, excitement or malaria. Krause's Headache Capsules cjuieklv cure the most severe cases aud leaves the head clear and cool. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. The course of true love never did run smooth. Saved Him Prom Torture. There is no more agonizing trouble than piles. The constant itching and burning mak 2 life intolerable. No posi tion is confortable. The torture is un ceasing. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles at once. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds it is unequalled. J. S. Gerall, St. Paul, Ark., says:"From 1805 I suffered with the protruding, bleeding piles and could find nothing to help me until 1 used De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured mo." Beware of' coun terfeits. R. C. Dodson. The only victory over love is flight. Favorite Nearly Everywhere. Constipation means dulncss, depression, headache, generally disordered health. DeWitt's Little Early llisrrs stimulate the liver, open the bowles ami relievo this condition. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. R. C. Dodson. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im mediate—cure certain. It cures Burns and Scalds. The relief instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Zorc and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. - Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and. SI.OO Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., Cor. William di John Bt*.. MEW YORK. )jf Soft ft Harness! ft You can make your har- ItuSßuS) 11 nraa tut soft as a glove /JWwaßfcl |l and as tough as wire by ■ Xfjm/j II using EUIIKKA liar- W ■1 Oil. You can Iwj //ftt&i \ vA lengthen Its life—make It kW yjHraM M lust twice as long as it ■ ordinarily would. MHpJ EUREKAT I Harness Oil I 1 makes a poor looking bar- i H ness like new. Mudu of pure, heavy bodied oil, en- \Wm peeially prepare to with- \QS| eland iho weather. In cans—afl sizes. Made by STANDARD OIL CC. ® F. C. Corsets make AMERICAN BEAUTIES We Have them in all styles and shapes to fit every figure, and every I corset is sold | / I vm '^ er thia I \ I TOOet liberal jj arrant— F funded after * 1 four weeKs* I KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. ■ Sole Mailers FOR SALE BY 39 11. A ZAKPS & CO. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. i This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distrcssafter eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. DEWITT& CO., Chicasa 'lho sl. bottle contains 214 times the 50c. size. R. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa. MOST IN QUANTITY. BEST IN QUALITY. WORMS! I WHITE'S CREAM 6 Z VERMIFUGES FOR 20 YEARS £ X Has led til) WORM Remedies. \ |EVERY DOTTLE GUARANTEED. 9 tfi SOLD BV ALL BBCOGItTH M / Prvparfd by \ \ BICIIAE3HON nubias* CO., HT. LOCIS. / For sale by L. Taggart 2ly. \SK YOUR DRUOO.'ST FOR TJW "ED CROSS VOOKLET. (MAILED FREE.) 10KEY REFUNDED IF BOX AS WE SAY L. Taggart. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. SEETHE ji J flew /Vrrivails > jjjj FOR 1901! I Kj Witliout a doubt the largest, j high-class, popular manufac- Nl turesof Cloths ever brought S linto Cameron county, at $ R. SEQER & 5 COHPANY'S. I |J We have taken especial care |T in the selection of our goods and propose giving our hun dreds of customers. N jj HONEST, WELL-MADE GLOTHING | AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. | IT Every dollar's worth of goods t must give the wearer satfcfac r tion. We desire all who in tend purchasing a suit of € p( clothes this Fall to file their 'C 1 orders early, that care may be LS given to every customer, no Uj matter whether you want a Dj |ls or |4O suit. ra R. SEQER & CO. g (v Opposite M. E. Church. \/ 77 7 7 7 />,/ 7„J /./_ 7 7 Fall and Winter Stock jjjjf j OUR Fall and Winter stock of ew goods has arrived, and our store is full of bargains ... The public is invited to call and examine goods and get prices. ... J. E. SMITH, I Sterling Kuii, l»a. AFTER THE BATTLE Some are lound bleeding and sore, while others have a fit of the blues. Now if there should be any so unfortunate as to suffer from the effects of accidents Ave have the Balm for their pains and aches,let it be either for man or beast. Our liniment and powdersfor horses or cattle are always the best. Our medicines are pure and always get there. The prices I are right too. uur patent medicine depart ed ment is supplied with all the standard remedies and we can supply your on short notice. Our toilet and fancy goods department we keep up to the times. Our Prescription depart ment receives our closest at tention and all calls answered day or night. Just touch the button. In fact we are here to do business and serve the public. M. - A. - ROCKWELL, THE PHARMACIST, *) #" £ • / # N # (•) 1 F. X. BLdMbC, I (• •) • . : (112 .... 2 Emporium, Pa. (• •) •) Bottler and Dealer In « I i 3 *5 | BEER, | % | WINES, % (• m •) •) | WHISKIES g (« And Liquors of all Kinds. £>' •) •) (• (• ®S4®\B-s'B*) • •) ( * The best of goods always carried ( * } (• in stock and everything (• 5 warranted as rep- J] •) resented. i •) •) ; (• (• 1 <• (• (u Special Attention Paid to •) «) % Mail Orders. oi »/ '• i Co •> ! (e ») i 8 EMPORIUM, PA. 5 | (• A A | The Place to V J. F. PARSONS. > ?